Magento to Magento order import - magento

I need to migrate orders table from one magento website to another magento website.
I have figured out tables in which table magento stores customer and order data.
But i don't know how I can do this, I have tried used to ignoring table but that's not working either.
Please let me know how should i proceed.

The following extension may help you.

Select these tables and export them; then import in the other DB. If you are not very good in MySql you can use GUI tools like MySQL Workbench.


Which magento table contains product url slug

The problem I'm having is that I import products with Magmi (magento product import open source solution), but I want to change the url slug. I need to know which table in magento database contains slug so that I could maybe feed it somehow directly...
I know this question is old and answer was accepted but for users do not using Magmi is there this answer:
URL Key is stored by EAV model.
You can find value by following query:
SELECT `attribute_id` INTO #urlKeyId
FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `entity_type_id` = 4 AND `attribute_code` LIKE 'url_key';
SELECT * FROM `catalog_product_entity_varchar` WHERE `attribute_id` = #urlKeyId;
(if you are using table prefix add it to table's names)
The most excellent Magmi will do that for you. I suggest you read every single page of the Magmi instructions slowly and carefully to comprehend the enormous capabilities of this software tool. But the one you want to concentrate on is here.
So if you use a CSV like:
Then Magmi will update all the product 'slugs' for you.
To answer your question: The core_url_rewrite is the main table but it is built from, among other things, the product attribute 'url_key' and the product attributes are in the EAV so it isn't a single table update. That is why we bow to the genius of Dweeves and his magical Magmi code.
i think better idea to load product then update product URL otherwise if you try to do in direct database table. some problems can come out like indexing , magento can stop working.
i means how you do load MAGE class then load product then do this manually

Joomla 'sobipro' - extracting data

I have taken over a Joomla project that needs rebuilding.
I need to get out the user data and some other data linked to users, I have found most of it in the jos_user table and also a table named jos_comprofiler.
There is data inside of jos_sobipro_field_data that I also need, but I do not know how this table related to anything else can someone please explain? I am able to write SQL and the JOIN statements to get it out once I understand how it all fits together.
Finally the table jos_comprofiler references an avatar which is an image name like '100_4f97c0b3c2c31.jpg' where can I find these images?
Thanks, Jake
I can tell you where those tables are coming from:
- jos_users is the user table used by Joomla core, together with jos_user_profiles for additional profile information.
- jos_comprofiler is a table created by the Community Builder extension from
- jos_sobipro_field_data is a table created by SobiPro from
Maybe that helps you find the next steps. Maybe someone else knows more details.

Insert categories into Magento Database directly

I have a bidding(phpprobid) site with categories and product. I've extracted the categories from the database table and put it in a csv file. I was wondering if I can insert those values (categories) into Magento's Database so that I don't have to create each categories one by one.
Is it possible to do so? If yes in which table do I have to insert and what other attributes I need to maintain ?
Thank you
chipShot's comment is the right direction. While you can insert them directly at the DB level, that tends to avoid important tables in Magento's EAV layout. You're better off writing an import using the framework or downloading someone else's module to the same effect.
Hope that helps!

Export products from VirtueMart 1.12(Joomla 1.0) to VM 1.17(Joomla 1.5)

I have to export products from Virtue Mart 1.12 wich run an old Joomla 1.0 based site.
The new site has Joomla 1.5 and Virtue Mart 1.17.
My problem is that CSV improved not support Joomla 1.0, so I don't know how can I get the data?
I heard an another solution: replace the sql tables of virtue mart with the old unit.
I have 2 query about this:
it can be problem that there is a big version difference between VMs?
I don't know how can I export just selected tables in PhpMyAdmin?
Big thanks for any help!
I don't have an old copy of VM in J1.0, but you should be able to do this with phpMyAdmin. First thing you will need to do is go in to the old site and find the pertinent VM tables. Most likely jos_vm_category, jos_vm_product, vm_product_category_xref, and jos_vm_product_price at a minimum (these are 1.1.7, J1.5 tables). Then compare the fields in each table. You can export or import entire tables using the export and import tabs in phpMyAdmin. Use CSV files so you can open them in Excel and manipulate them. When you import, you will need to remove any columns you are not going to import from the CSV, then make a list of field names that correspond with the columns you are importing so that the values go in the right place.

Create A Product Review In Magento

I am trying to import product reviews from an older site to our new Magento site.
I am having troubles trying to create the actual product review in a script. Has anyone tried doing this before and know how to accomplish this?
It looks like reviews use the entity models and I can't seem to get the review object to do what I want it to do. Here is what I have tried doing so far and its throwing back some an error about foreign keys not being respected. Not sure how to make this work. Any help would be appreciated.
$review = Mage::getModel('review/review');
$review->setTitle("This is an inserted title");
$review->setDetail("This is an inserted detail");
$review->setNickname("First Last");
My guess would be that it's asking for a product and store to link the review with. Reading the install sql (under app/code/core/Mage/Review/sql/, it looks like there are constraints between review and each of:
Hope this helps,
