Set FILEVERSION/PRODUCTVERSION in configuration - visual-studio-2010

Is it possible to map the FILEVERSION/PRODUCTVERSION to the selected configuration (e.g. "Release_CW32")?
I have to build against different versions of a DLL and that version should be reflected in the version of my own DLL, and I don't want to adapt the rc file each time I switch the configuration.


Keeping up to date

So historically, we launch our Spring application using the maven command and explicitly specifying the active profile of the application. At the root of the project, we have two .properties files:, in which the settings for the local
environment are located and which are not monitored by git;, which stores settings for the
dev environment.
When adding a new functionality, you may need new properties that the developer may forget to add to, which is why the dev environment will not start, because the person responsible for this will not know anything about these new properties.
In this regard, the question is:
Is it possible to use maven to automate a reminder to the developer to
add the necessary properties or their values ​​to the file,
if such changes take place?
It may be possible to break all property values ​​across new *.options files and then, when performing any of the maven phases (for example, verify), generate this .template file.
Or maybe there is some kind of plugin that does similar things.

Determine Websphere version dynamically during build time

I am working on a product which needs to be supported by different version of web-sphere(7.X,8.X and 9.X). I have to perform different build tasks(like copying different properties) based on WebSphere version. How can I determine the WebSphere version dynamically while running any build script.
Assuming you have the ability to run a script from your build environment, you can run the|bat file in the WAS_HOME/bin directory. That'll provide way more information than you need, but you should be able to parse the output for the build level (in the output, it's labeled as "Version").

TeamCity Using OctoPack - Isn't Excluding Superfluous Files

I'm just looking at streamlining the nuget packages that are coming out of my build system and I'm stuck on how to only package the files that are required.
I have several configurations sharing a Root VCS checkout. I have a configuration that runs a debug build with unit tests. I also have a release configuration that does a release build, this configuration then also uses the TeamCity OctoPack plugin to create the nuget packages.
What I want to achieve is the building of nuget packages that don't contain the *.pdb and *.xml documentation files as these aren't required for the release deployment.
I've looked through this page on the OD site:
And according to this page OctoPack should only package up the required files by default. I'm not entirely clear on how or what needs to be done to get around this problem as it doesn't appear to be working as described.
It seems that one solution would be to provide a nuspec file for the projects I'm looking to deply but I'm also wondering if there is something I'm missing before I head off down that route.
I also have some MEF plugins that are copied in post build events and these aren't included in the nuget packages when in fact they are needed for the application to run. I think I need to get explicit with a nuspec file but would like to confirm this.
What is the simplest way of achieving what I need?
Assuming you're running the later versions of OctoPack, in your release build you can set a system parameter system.DebugType = None which will get passed to the OctoPack build scripts and prevent the PDB's being created.
This simply overrides the setting defined in your csproj msbuild file (assuming C#), so you can use it wherever you want to prevent PDB's being created at the build configuration level (not just OctoPack). I generally prefer this approach as it prevents side-effects in your build from changes by developers in the project file.
As for the xml files, I haven't actually tried this, but you can try a similar approach and create a system parameter system.DocumentationFile = "" to blank out the output.
If you really want to make sure that the files have been removed there are a couple of ways you can do this. Modify your deployment process to:
Execute your own custom PowerShell script in that removes the files
Include a script module from the Octopus Library to the same. Check out the File System - Clean Directory from the Octopus Library

How to add some specific file into the build process?

We are using TFS 2010. In our projects we have multiple configuration files. Each configuration file is needed for a specific build.
Example: Project XYZ includes three configuration files, lets say DEV-CONFING, QA-CONFIG and PROD-CONFIG files.
Now we want to find a way that during the build process, the build process includes the right configuration file and excludes the rest.
Build for Dev should pickup and copy only the DEV-CONFIG file (and excludes all other configuration files)
Build for QA should pickup and copy only the QA-CONFIG file (and excludes all other configuration files)
Build for production should pickup and copy only the PROD-CONFIG file (and excludes all other configuration files)
Is it possible to change the setting of individual build definition and address this issue?
What is best possible solution for this problem in VS 2010 and TFS 2010?
Please list all required steps and be precise as much as possible because I'm a newbie in TFS 2010 and have not much experience with the whole process.
The "Web Config Transformations in VS2010" addresses the problem of modifying the web.config during compile time. Some people might want the web.config to be modified at deployment time instead of compile time (like me) so that we dont have to recompile the code while moving from one environment to another, in that case you can make use of "Web Deployment Parameters"
You can read more about it at:
web config transformation syntax:
#user2585405 to your comment above "But all the configurations in my case are for the same mode "Release Mode". The decision should relay on the build definition. So when I use a build definition for DEV, the configuration for DEV should be automatically chosen or for QA build definition, the corresponding QA configuration should be automatically chosen."
Doesnt matter whether currently you have only one configuration. You can add how much ever configurations you want, right click the solution and select the configuration manager. Now add a new configuration say "Dev" (it can be in "Release/Debug" and also select the platform "x86, any cpu etc"). Now add another configuration for QA and PROD. Then come back to your web.config and right click and select "Add web config transformation".
Now you should be able to see the web.Dev.Config, web.QA.config etc. The root web.config will have all the common properties and the DEV/QA/Prod specific config will have only the delta changes (you have to define these entries) which are specific to that configuration (lets say connectionstring). When you compile, within the build definition you can select which configuration you want to compile (Dev, QA, prod) you dont have to keep multiple build defintion. Just one is enough! After the compilation is done, the root web.config will be replaced with the values specific to the configuration for the connectionstring part alone.
Hope this helps!
Yes this possible. You can keep configuration files in different mode for eg:
You can have configuration files in Release mode debug mode, release mode and the common configuration file used by all.
So when you build your solution in Debug mode then the debug mode configuration file will be used and when in release mode then release mode configuration file will be used.
For further clarity take example of web config when you will expand the web config tab you will see the two configuration file in different modes.

Xcode: project settings vs. target settings

I'm creating a static lib on Mac OS X for one of our customers, as well as a small cmd line app to test the static lib. The cmd line project has 2 extra library search paths, which meant I was linking to the Debug version in Release mode and just about went crazy, so I tried to get rid of these two paths, but I couldn't find where they were specified. I was looking in the project info, but it turns out they were specified in the target info.
I don't understand the distinction?! Why there are 2 sets of settings, which are essentially the same?! Can someone please enlighten me?
A project can contain multiple targets. For example, an app I write has four - the app itself, a Quick Look plugin, a framework and a bundle that contains Mac OS 10.6-specific functionality that can be dynamically loaded in.
Project settings apply to every single target in the project. Each target can then override individual settings if they need to - for instance, my project's Target SDK is set to 10.5, but the 10.6-specific bundle has it's Target SDK set to 10.6.
In some instances, some settings don't make sense to be in Project Settings - one of these, I guess, is search paths.
You often have multiple targets in a single project - for instance, you might have a framework project with a target for building as a dynamic .framework bundle, and a target for building a static lib. Or your app might have a target for building the app itself, and a target for building some helper command-line tool that it needs to install.
Wherever possible, I'd suggest changing settings at the highest level (in the project settings, and simultaneously changing debug & release configurations), and only customizing the target settings when necessary. Even better, move as many settings as possible into xcconfig files, which seem a much more explicit way of specifying your build setup.
Preface: you ship targets. Your end products are targets. Not projects. Think of a project as the umbrella above multiple targets.
For a more realistic example assume both Uber and Lyft were being developed by the your (umbrella) company.
The company has the following three environments:
The Debug and Release configs come out of the box with every new project you create. You can create as many additional configs as you want
This would require 3 configurations. To add a QA configuration follow the tutorial here
Did I apply this to the target or project?
I applied it to the project.
Ok so configs are only for projects and not for targets. Right?
Incorrect! It's confusing I know. You have to think of the project as a big container where you create your configs in there.
Then for each target (not project), for following tabs:
General, Resource Tags, Build rules, Info:
There is no difference between different configs
Signing and Capabilities tab:
You can switch between teams and sign it with a different team. This is useful if you want to sign your beta builds with your enterprise certificate but sign your Appstore build with app store certificate.
Build Settings tab:
For almost every variable in this section you can give a different value based on the config. Common Build Settings to customize are:
Architectures - 'Build Active Architecture only'
Build Options 'Debug Information Format'
Set the plist you want per configuration.
Change the bundle identifier (Packaging >> Product Bundle Identifier). If you switch values for a field then in the plist you'll see as:
Code Signing identity
Code Signing Style (Manual or Automatic)
Development team
Provisioning Profile
Apple Clang - Optimization Level
If the values are different then the row's value would be
<Multiple values>
and you basically have to expand that value to see what value is given for debug and what value is given for Release or QA config.
If all the values are the same then you'll just see the value that is given to all of them. By default the values are the same.
Build Phases:
There's no out GUI way of switching based on configuration. However you can still do run certain commands based on the configuration. Example:
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Debug" ]; then
"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" autocorrect
Long story short, this allows you to have 2 different apps (targets) with the same code (project), in 3 different environments (dev, QA, release). You create the different environments using configurations.
To learn more on this I highly recommend you to read more about this in depth and understand what configuration files (xcconfig) is. It's much more simpler than you think. It's mainly a key value pair:
AppCoda - Using Xcode Configuration (.xcconfig) to Manage Different Build Settings
NSHipster - Xcode Build Configuration Files
