Why arent my sales emails sending? - magento

All I have a fully working magento store but i'm having issues, when a customer purchases something they're not getting an email confirmation and I dont know why, everything is set up correctly, we receive emails when a customer submits items they want samples of they come through fine, even when you goto the backend and view the invoice and select send email invoice they don't get an email, I have no idea why this isn't working, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using paypal payments pro as a payment method.

First of all, Magento 1.9+ send transactional emails as "background process" using the Magento crontab system. If you haven't already setup cron for your Magento store then you need to setup now for sending emails.
You can checkout this guide on how to setup the Magento cronjob -
Follow the steps below to setup cron job -
First of all make sure you have set up cron tasks in the `
Magento admin under System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Cron
The default settings are:
Generate Schedules Every 15
Schedule Ahead for 20
Missed if Not Run Within 15
History Cleanup Every 10
Success History Lifetime 60
Failure History Lifetime 600
You then need to go into your hosting control panel and set up cron jobs. In cPanel it’s under Advanced > Cron Jobs. Set them up to run every five minutes and use this command:
php -f /home/username/public_html/cron.php
Check that the above path is correct and that the file cron.php is actually there in the root of your Magento installation.
If this is not the case, you can check the database table: core_email_queue
The emails that should have been send should be in this queue, if not you should check your system configuration again, and maybe check on the store view your orders are from, to make sure the setting is not different under specific store view.
If the emails are there and have a date in the column processed at. You should check your Servers email log, since the receiver might be rejecting your emails, If its on a linux machine, its usually found in /var/log/mail.log
We have written a blog post here explaining how to setup CRON in Magento, i think this might explain in great detail.

There are various things this could be, but if the other emails are working it sounds like a config issue, so check this.
In admin, take a look in
System > Configuration (TOP MENU)
Sales Emails (LEFT MENU),
Check which contact is sending the email - eg Sales Rep. While you're here, add your personal email to the 'Send Order Copy To' field for testing - make sure it's not the same domain as the website, so like a gmail.com address or similar. Also check what email template is set and make sure it exists. If 'default from locale', check;
app/locale/[DEFAULT COUNTRY CODE]/template/email/sales/order_new_guest.html
app/locale/[DEFAULT COUNTRY CODE]/template/email/sales/order_new.html
Now go and check the email address set for the sender (New Order Confirmation Email Sender) - eg Sales Rep, these are in;
Store Email Address (LEFT MENU)
Ensure there is a value for email address and name, and it is correct. If it is, go and place an order using another personal email address at a different domain like gmail etc (not the same email address you set for the copy).
Hopefully the emails you do or dont recieve now will help you corectly trace the issue.
If you still receive no emails, couple of things to look at;
Check System > Config > Advanced and make sure smtp isnt disabled (seems unlikely as your other emails are sending)
Make sure paypal pro is setting the status to processed
Try changing the email address being used to send them, eg Sales
rep. Try changing this to an email address with a different domain,
such as gmail.com etc. If this works, then you need to look at how
your domain and email has been setup on the server.
Check your error logs /var/logs/


Magento 2 Order Confirmation Emails Not Sending

Currently having an issue with order confirmation emails not sending.
I have looked at various forums / solutions and these haven't worked.
My existing setup is using the MagePlaza SMTP to send email using Mandrill, this is working through their test function and also the Forgotten Password and Create account emails are being sent but not the Order Confirmation emails.
I am using IWD One Step checkout but have also disabled this to try with Magento default checkout and it doesn't work using either.
Asyncronous sending is set to disabled but I have also tried with it enabled. Both times no order emails are sent.
As I'm using Mandrill I have checked their API logs and the API request isn't being sent.
Any help/suggestions appreciated.
It's possible that the "From" address is wrong.
Goto Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Store Email Addresses and check if "Sales Representative" Email address is correct.
There is known bug in Magento 2.2.4/2.2.5/2.2.6 and you might be afected by it:
TLDR: There is no from data set on email transaction and messeges aren't sending at all.
Try thisfix:

Magento - New Order mail not getting triggered to specific domain

Recently i deployed Magento store And made some test order,
where following observation i made on Transactional Emails.
New Order email is triggered to my gmail account, if i use account associated with it.
but when i used another account to make purchase, that order is placed but New order mail is not being triggered to that email.
Based on above observation i am afraid that theirs possibility that emails might not get delivered to some others emails also.
Now, I am looking for some solution that will solve this or possibility is that i might have missed some configuration.
please help
You can use SMTP Pro Email, which is an extension that allows Magento to send all its automatic emails, from any e-mail service you want, even your gmail account for example. With this solution, you can try several e-mail server/services and finally pick the one that is not blocked or flagged as SPAM.

Is there a way to send internal emails in Magento?

I have a requirement to send internal emails in Magento i.e Admin user to Admin user. This is because we are running a small customer service team.
I also need to notify admin of failed orders etc and would like this to go straight to an internal inbox if possible??
I would be grateful for any extensions or Tutorials on how to do this if its possible with Magento.
Thanks is advance.
Yes you can do it within magento read this tutorial http://www.excellencemagentoblog.com/magento-advanced-transactional-email-templates as for failed orders you can use magento cron to check orders that failed and after successful notification add a flag saying that this order was checked and notification was sent so it want be taken for next cron run.

Joomla : Could not instantiate mail function

I have developed a website in joomla, and I have a contact us page, in that the form works fine only when I use to send an email from the same domain
Eg :
From : rimaz#abcd.com
To : john#abcd.com
But when I send to a different domain the form gives an error as "Could not instantiate mail function."
Eg :
From : rimaz#abcd.com
To : john#gmail.com
Can anyone explain me about this problem ??
Instead of debugging your providers SMTP / email setup you can use the new mandrill service from the guys who do mailchimp - Mandrill ( http://blog.mailchimp.com/public-beta-of-mandrill-smtp-email-service/ ) with the plugin :
Mandrill is a plugin that allows your Joomla installation to send transactional emails. The only thing you need to do is to provide your Mandrill API key and enable the plugin. After that all emails (new user registration, password reset etc) will be send through the Mandrill service.
Mandrill Features:
Uses MailChimp's awesome email delivery engine instead of your server
Tracks opens and clicks so you know how effective these emails are to your users . Now you can > see what you need to change to make them
more effective.
Has pretty, visual reports of the email results
Allows you to tag the emails and see your stats filtered by tag
Why would understanding transactional emails be important for you. An example is when a user signs > up on your site an email is sent via Joomla. But, you get no reports to understand how effective that email did. These emails are sent as instructions to your users telling them a message you want them to understand. Where they designed good? Was the content well written? Was it structured properly? This is hard to say when it goes thru Joomla but now you will understand all this when the emails goes thru Mandrill.
This is a setting from your host. YOu can ask them for help in figuring out how to make it work, but they are trying to prevent you from using their hosting to spam people.
Sometimes it is possible to work around it but not always.
This usually happens due to restrictive mail server settings, which you most likely don't have influence on with shared hosting.
If you have more control over the server, you should fix the mail server settings.
If not, the easiest way is to use Joomla's ability to send mails using any SMTP mail account. Create a mail account for Joomla, and enter the credentials in Joomla's configuration. Joomla will then use that account to send mails. So will extensions, if they are properly written.

Photo uploading via email

I'd like to be able to upload photos via email, which I've seen (and used) on eat.ly and meetups.jquery.com but I haven't been able to work out how to do this, does anyone have a solution?
Essentially I believe the process should be something like this:
1) user adds picture to email on mobile device then send to a specific email address, say 'photos#mydomain.com'
2) email server, cron job or something else looks at the senders address and tells it to add the attachement to that account
3) photo shows up on users profile page
I run Apache servers, with MySQL, PHP, and a JQuery framework. I have email servers running Courier, and I missing anything?
The simplest way to do this is to make a cron job that checks the email account using POP, and parses and process any incoming emails.
To read the image attachments, you'll need a MIME parser.
For more specific advice, please tell us what language you're trying to write the script in.
Here is a PHP POP client.
