Windows Registry Run Key - windows

According to
"Run and RunOnce registry keys cause programs to run each time that a user logs on. The data value for a key is a command line."
Should I then be able to add a key with:
Name: MyName
Data: START /MIN "Title" "cmd.exe" /c "#echo off && "C:\TestApplication.exe" -Arg1 "Arg2"
with the goal being to start my console application "C:\TestApplication.exe" minimized with arguments "-Arg1 "Arg2"" when Windows starts?
I ask because I cannot seem to get it working.

The documentation is misleading, though not strictly incorrect. The command line is passed directly to CreateProcess() rather than being passed to cmd.exe so commands internal to cmd.exe, such as start, are not valid. This means you need to add cmd /c at the start of the command line.
You're also missing a quote mark at the end, and you don't need to put quotes around cmd.exe. This works:
cmd /c START /MIN "Title" cmd /c "#echo off && "C:\TestApp.exe" -Arg1 "Arg2""
However, since the target application is an executable, not a batch file, you don't need the #echo command either:
cmd /c START /MIN "Title" cmd /c ""C:\TestApp.exe" -Arg1 "Arg2""
(Note that the command line passed to /c is never echoed.)


Strange behavior when running start.bat file in Windows 2019 Core

I have a start.bat which does nothing but
#echo off
Echo "Hello World"
Then I open a cmd window and type in
start "" /D D:\Test start.bat
it opens a new cmd window with "Hello World", but does not close the window automatically.
Now I created another bat file named start2.bat which has the same content as the start.bat above. Then I type in
start "" /D D:\Test start2.bat
it opens a new cmd window with "Hello World", and does close the window automatically.
Why is it happening ???
I try to use some trace tool to analyse, from the tool, it seems like my system turn start "" /D D:\Test start.bat to cmd.exe /K start.bat
Tried in another computer, now, no matter which file name I used, it turns into cmd/exe /K start.bat
Turns out adding /C does not work for me, attach process tree below, the system still changes /C to /K
Process tree view with /C
Provide full process view. My start.bat is exactly the same as above
And now I open a cmd.exe window, and typed in
"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start.bat or just cmd /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start.bat
"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start2.bat or just cmd /C START "test" /D "C:\test" start2.bat
From the process tree view, it can be seen that the first command turns into
C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /K start.bat
While the second command turns into
C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "c:\test\start2.bat" "
Full Process Tree View
From the usage information of the start command (excerpt from the description of the command/program argument):
If it is an internal cmd command or a batch file then
the command processor is run with the /K switch to cmd.exe.
This means that the window will remain after the command
has been run.
If it is not an internal cmd command or batch file then
it is a program and will run as either a windowed application
or a console application.
Hence when starting an internal command or a batch file, cmd.exe together with its /K option is used, so start "" "script.bat" is equivalent to:
start "" cmd.exe /K "script.bat"
If you want the new console window to become closed, use this instead:
start "" cmd.exe /C "script.bat"

batch windows command written in prompt but no execution

To avoid to repeat a task too often, I am setting up a batch file (in WINDOWS 10). It opens several CMD PROMPT to a specific Directory and launch a command.
For one case, I want the CMD PROMPT to open, to go to the specific directory and to set the COMMAND in the PROMPT without launching it. Then I'd just have to click on ENTER to launch that command whenever I want later on.
Here is my code:
set CordovaProjPath="C:\MyPath\"
start cmd /k "cd /d %CordovaProjPath% && cordova build android"
With this code it launches the command "cordova build android".
If I go with start cmd /k "cd /d %JCACordovaProjPath% instead of start cmd /k "cd /d %JCACordovaProjPath% && cordova build android" it gives me the PROMPT with: "C:\MyPath>", I'd like to write: "cordova build android" behind it without launching the command.
Any idea?
To provide repeatable execution (as mentioned in comments) you can put the relevant commands in a loop with a "quit" option:
#Echo Off
Set "CordovaProjPath=C:\MyPath"
Set "CommandToRun=cordova build android"
Cd /D %CordovaProjPath%
Echo %CommandToRun%
set QUIT=
set /p QUIT=Press ENTER to run command or 'Q' to quit:
if /i "%QUIT%" == "Q" goto :eof
goto :loop
Unlike the original, this runs the target command in the same command-window as the repeating loop. Depending on what the command in question does, this may be more attractive (less windows popping-up). However, some commands may cause the main window to close; if this is the case, you can revert to running the command in its own window in one of two different ways. In each case, replace the line:
Run in own window and remain open
start "%CommandToRun%" /wait cmd /k %CommandToRun%
Using /k will leave the command-prompt window open after the target command has run -- this may be appropriate if you need to see the output of the command and it does not have its own pause.
Run in own window then close
start "%CommandToRun%" /wait cmd /c %CommandToRun%
Using /c will mean the command-prompt will close after the target command has run. This may be appropriate if you do not need to see the output of the command, or if it has its own pause.
Would something like this do you:
#Echo Off
Set "CordovaProjPath=C:\MyPath"
Set "CommandToRun=cordova build android"
Start "%CommandToRun%" Cmd /K "Cd /D %CordovaProjPath%&Echo %CommandToRun%&Pause>Nul&%CommandToRun%"
Below is an alternative which may allow for your alternative double-quoting method:
#Echo Off
Set CordovaProjPath="C:\MyPath"
Set CommandToRun="cordova build android"
Start %CommandToRun% Cmd /K "(Cd /D %CordovaProjPath%)&(Echo %CommandToRun%)&(Pause>Nul)&(%CommandToRun%)"

Windows start command not able to execute batch file

I am executing start command from command prompt.
Command calls batch file named D:\My script.cmd and passes argument "Argument one". Here is command that I am tring to execute.
C:\Users\ABCUser>start "D:\My script.cmd" "Argument one"
but getting error mesasge as The system cannot find the file Argument one.
I don't understand why command is searching for file. Contents of file My script.cmd.
#echo off
echo "Hello"
echo %1
Am I missing something or command syntax is wrong ? This command is not even working for file name without spaces.
It's the well known bug of start/cmd.exe handling a cmd and also an argument with quotes.
The cause is, that start uses cmd.exe /k to start the new task.
The help of cmd /k and cmd /c explains, that in this case the first and last quote are removed.
And additionally you used the start command wrong.
This should work, as the call works like a dummy to supress the quoting problem
start "Title" call "D:\My script.cmd" "Argument one"
You can use cmd.exe /c "D:\My script.cmd" arg1 arg2
If there is a problem you can switch the /c with /k which will leave the cmd open for you to examin the errors..

How to start a batch file minimized with task scheduler in Windows 8? - %comspec% method not working anymore after Windows 7

After Windows XP, I always use the trick below to start batch files minimized with Windows Task Manager.
"prequisite: all your batch files have an exit-command to finish the actions off. If you do not exit, you will end with a command prompt blinking.
This is what I keep using:
%comspec% /c start /min "C:\Scripts\Destination_inbound_ftp5.bat"
When you save this in the properties, you will get a follow-up dialogue asking you if you meant all this to be parameters or not. Answer NO and the task will be saved as you would expect.
I also read the Stack Overflow question “start %comspec% /c script.cmd” vs “start cmd /C second.cmd script.cmd”, which made me replace the "%comspec%" statement with "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe", but that did not change anything either.
The problem is that now, instead of a minimized running bat file, I end up with just a command prompt, minimized but without any of the batch commands executed. The task scheduler status remains "running" :(
How do I get this done on Windows 8 (64-bit)? Preferrable with old-school batch commands instead of PowerShell (or worse ;p)
The start command needs the leading "" quotes to disable the title feature. Try scheduling this:
%comspec% /c start "" /min "C:\Scripts\Destination_inbound_ftp5.bat" ^& exit
Assuming Windows 8 is the same as Windows 7, an "exit" is only going to exit the batch file (which it is going to do anyway).
You need to add the exit code like this:
Under "Program/Script":
CMD (or command.exe, or %comspec%)
Under "Arguments:
/c start "Title" /min "C:\Scripts\Destination_inbound_ftp5.bat" ^& exit
I didn't like seeing the command window pop up and then disappear so here is another solution from ...
First create invisible.vbs with this single line of text:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False
Next and finally, launch your cmd or batch file via:
%SystemRoot%\system32\wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "myscript.cmd" //nologo
Ta da! Scripting of this sort has been built into Windows for a long time. If you're curious, do a web search for "WSH" (windows scripting host). You can even write such scripts in dialect of JavaScript called JScript.
Another possibility: a small freeware program named CMDH, that simply runs the requested orders in background.
For example:
cmdh MyScript.cmd
No need to add "exit" to the script.
Tested working in Windows XP SP3, and there is no reason it should fail on Windows 8.
Here's a solution from that will run a batch file in a minimized window. Unlike the other solutions that use the start command with /min, this one will not flash a new window onto your screen or interrupt full-screen activities. It does, however, steal focus. I don't know how to avoid that.
First create a file named run_minimized.vbs with this single line of text:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 2, False
Next, create your Task Scheduler task with an action to start the program wscript.exe with these arguments:
"c:\path\run_minimized.vbs" "c:\path\my script.bat"
Change the paths as necessary to specify the locations of the two files.
There is no simple way to pass arguments from Task Scheduler to the batch file while also preserving spaces and quotation marks, because wscript strips quotation marks from its arguments. The simplest way to handle arguments with spaces would be to put the entire batch file command into the vbs:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """c:\path\my script.bat"" ""arg 1"" arg2", 2, False
Note the use of quotation marks. There's one pair of quotation marks " enclosing the entire command string, and a pair of adjacent quote characters "" every place you'd use a normal quotation mark in a command line.
Maybe it's not the same as you mean but if I simply run a .bat file with the scheduler and tick this "Hidden" box on the General tab of the task properties it starts minified.
As already mentioned in foxidrive's answer, the issue is caused by the missing title parameter, which is taken from the first quoted argument string on the command line of the start command, which is the quoted batch file path in your command line. Since there is nothing left to be taken as the command/program to be started, the default cmd.exe is started.
Providing a dummy title (which may even be empty) solves that issue:
%ComSpec% /C start "" /MIN "C:\Scripts\Destination_inbound_ftp5.bat"
However, as mentioned in the help message of start (type start /? into a command prompt window), when the provided command/program is a batch file, the command processor cmd.exe is run with the /K switch, which keeps the command prompt window open:
If it is an internal cmd command or a batch file then
the command processor is run with the /K switch to cmd.exe.
This means that the window will remain after the command
has been run.
If it is not an internal cmd command or batch file then
it is a program and will run as either a windowed application
or a console application.
To prevent that, let us explicitly specify the command processor with the /C switch:
%ComSpec% /C start "" /MIN %ComSpec% /C "C:\Scripts\Destination_inbound_ftp5.bat"
So there is no additional exit command necessary.

"start %comspec% /c script.cmd" vs "start cmd /C script.cmd"

What is the difference between following commands:
start %comspec% /c script.cmd
start cmd /C script.cmd
I need that cmd window for script.cmd should close automatically when script.cmd is finished.
%comspec% just points to cmd.exe, so both commands will do the same thing. Other than that /C is correct, this will close the command prompt after execution
The difference is that "%comspec%" should expand to the default command interpreter, whereas "cmd" searches for a cmd executable and invokes it. Most of the time they are the same.
But in case there is a cmd executable (cmd.exe, cmd.bat, etc) in the current directory, than that cmd executable will be invoked.
I would go with using %comspec%
For a not admin user on WindowsXP-SP2.
%comspec% starts in %WINDIR%\System32.
'cmd' starts in user's home e.g. C:\Document And Settings\USER1.
