Web API Help is not generated as expected - asp.net-web-api

public class OfficeController : ApiController
public string GetAdminById(int adid)
return string.Format("Enter value is {0}", adid);
public string GetUserByName(int uid)
return string.Format("Enter value is {0}", uid);
but help is generated below
GET api/Office?adminid={adid}
GET api/Office?userid={uid}
but I am excepting
GET Office/Admin/adid
GET Office/User/uid
For this I added one more route, for admin at webapi.config
name: "OfficeadminApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/Admin/{adid}",
defaults: new { **adid** = RouteParameter.Optional }
then 2 signatures are generated by web api help are
GET api/Office?adid={adid}
GET api/Office/Admin/{adid} // I expected is generated but
what is the use of Attribute routing, if added no'f Routes at webapi.config?
as per Attribute routing it should generates, routes specified at attribute level.
Please clarify on this any one please ?


MVC Web API Routing to Wrong Action

I have a web API controller, when I call the default Get action this works, when I call another specific action (GetReservationsForCustomer) this also works, but one action gives an error (GetReservationsByDate), it seems to route to the default Get action. Here is the code:
// GET: api/Reservations
public IQueryable<Reservation> GetReservations()
return db.Reservations;
public IHttpActionResult GetReservationsForCustomer(int CustomerId)
IEnumerable<Reservation> reservations = db.Reservations.Where(r => r.CustomerId == CustomerId).ToList();
List<ReservationDTO> reservationList = new List<ReservationDTO>();
foreach(Reservation reservation in reservations)
reservationList.Add(new ReservationDTO
id = reservation.id,
ReservationStart = reservation.ReservationStart,
Covers = reservation.Covers
return Ok(reservationList);
public IHttpActionResult GetReservationsByDate(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
IEnumerable<Reservation> reservations = new List<Reservation>();
if (EndDate != null)
reservations = db.Reservations.Where(r => r.ReservationStart.Date >= StartDate.Date && r.ReservationStart.Date >= EndDate.Date).ToList();
reservations = db.Reservations.Where(r => r.ReservationStart.Date == StartDate.Date).ToList();
List<ReservationDTO> reservationList = new List<ReservationDTO>();
foreach (Reservation res in reservations)
reservationList.Add(new ReservationDTO
id = res.id,
ReservationStart = res.ReservationStart,
Covers = res.Covers,
CustomerEmail = res.Customer.EmailAddress,
CustomerName = res.Customer.Name,
CustomerPhone = res.Customer.PhoneNumber
return Ok(reservationList);
Here is my API call:
And here is the response:
"Message": "The request is invalid.",
"MessageDetail": "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Http.IHttpActionResult GetReservation(Int32)' in 'GreenLionBookings.API.ReservationsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter."
Please note the specifics of the action are not relevant at this stage, I've butchered it a fair bit trying to get this to work! I've tried specifying a start date and end date and neither seems to work. It always seems to get routed to the default Get action.
Here is my RouteConfig:
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
And here is my WebApiConfig:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API configuration and services
// Configure Web API to use only bearer token authentication.
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));
// Web API routes
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
So both basically just default.
Why is this not routing to the correct action, just for this one and not the others? I have another controller (Customers) which seems to work correctly for all actions too. I've read this and this, and also this and this which I actually thought was pretty relevant and quite helpful, but didn't solve my problem.
What am I doing wrong here?
First of all, you have a typeo in the date.
This 2018-03-04:T12:30:00 should be 2018-03-04T12:30:00.
Then, to solve the routing problem, you could leave out the action name of the url and let the framework match the request against the parameters name.
Try it like this
Then, if you want to be able to send nullable values to EndDate which is a value type of DateTime; make the DateTime nullable
public IHttpActionResult GetReservationsByDate(DateTime StartDate, DateTime? EndDate)
Notice the DateTime? which is a shorthand for Nullable<DateTime>

Web Api route configNot Working

I have these 2 configs:
name: "CustomRate1",
routeTemplate: "api/CustomRate/{action}/{idCustomRate}",
defaults: new { controller = "CustomRate" }
name: "CustomRate",
routeTemplate: "api/CustomRate/{action}/{idCountry}",
defaults: new { controller = "CustomRate" }
However, only one of them works at a time. If I put CustomRate before the route works, but CustomRate1 does not, the reverse also happens, if I put CustomRate1 on top CustomRate does not work. Any suggestions
Currently in my controller I have
public CustomRateListReturnType GetCustomRateListByCountry(long idCountry)
public BaseReturnType DesactivateCustomRate(long idCustomRate)
I am currently using these two calls
Ok What I did is as follows:-
My config is now as follows:-
name: "CustomRate1",
routeTemplate: "api/CustomRate/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "CustomRate" }
My controller contains:-
public CustomRateReturnType GetCustomRateListByCountry(long id)
public BaseReturnType DesactivateCustomRate(long id)
Just have one route.
The placeholders {action} and {id} will take the values what you pass in the URL.
If you call
,the route will take action as GetCustomRateListByCountry and id as 5.
Whatever you give the name to the placeholder { } doesnot matter. It is just the placeholder name. The value comes from the URL.
use attribute routing, it gives more clearer picture of the custom routes for any person who is developing the application for rest you can use config routes:
Decorate your controller with
And your action methods as follows
public CustomRateListReturnType GetCustomRateListByCountry(long? idCountry)
public BaseReturnType DesactivateCustomRate(long? idCustomRate)
Add the below code in webapiconfig.cs

Can I have non Rest styled Methods in web api?

My question specifically is if i can support something like this
public class SomeTestController : ApiController
public SomeInfo GetSomeBlah(int a, int b)
return new SomeInfo
Name = string.Format("GetSomeBlah - {0}", a),
CompanyID = b.ToString()
public SomeInfo GetSomeBlah1(int a, int b)
return new SomeInfo
Name = string.Format("GetSomeBlah1 - {0}", a),
CompanyID = b.ToString()
I tried to add the following route
name: "DefaultApi4",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}",
defaults: new {action = RouteParameter.Optional}
Edit: 4/7/15
I forgot to mention it should also work with rest styled methods.
Not sure why you are trying to do this, it sounds like you have misunderstood how routing works - Have you seen these tutorials on Routing and how ASP.net maps routes?
From point 3b below this means that if you name your input varibles more meaningfully, the framework will be able to map on the name and type coming in from the route as to which method to pick i.e. getSomeBlah or GetSomeBlack1
Summary for others,
1). Create a list of all actions on the controller that match the HTTP request method.
2). If the route dictionary has an "action" entry, remove actions whose name does not match this value.
3). Try to match action parameters to the URI, as follows:
a). For each action, get a list of the parameters that are a simple type, where the binding gets the parameter from the URI. Exclude optional parameters.
b). From this list, try to find a match for each parameter name, either in the route dictionary or in the URI query string. Matches are case insensitive and do not depend on the parameter order.
c). Select an action where every parameter in the list has a match in the URI.
d). If more that one action meets these criteria, pick the one with the most parameter matches.
4). Ignore actions with the [NonAction] attribute.
That will work if you remove the default route. I also indicated where the parameters are from.
Specify the input is from the URL:
public SomeInfo GetSomeBlah([FromUri] int a, [FromUri] int b)
Comment or remove this:
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Test URL:
<ValuesController.SomeInfo xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/SampleMVC.Controllers"> <CompanyID>2</CompanyID><Name>GetSomeBlah - 1</Name> </ValuesController.SomeInfo>
configure it like this:
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
this works for both rest style and non-rest styles apis.
Note that the sequence of the two statements matters.
I managed to get it to work with the following code
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
and Attribute routing.
public class SomeOtherController : ApiController
// GET: api/SomeOther
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET: api/SomeOther/5
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
// POST: api/SomeOther
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
// PUT: api/SomeOther/5
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
public CompanyInfo Findsomething2(int id, int b)
return new CompanyInfo
CompanyID = b.ToString(),
Name = id.ToString() + " 2"
// DELETE: api/SomeOther/5
public void Delete(int id)

Cannot implement multiple GET methods in WebApi OData

I'm using OData V3 with MVC4 Web API project .NET4.
The WebAPI register method is:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling =
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var edmmodel = builder.GetEdmModel();
routeName: "odata",
routePrefix: "odata",
model: edmmodel
The OData controller is:
[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All, PageSize = 25)]
public IQueryable<ClientModel> Get()
var model = ...
return model;
public ClientModel Get([FromODataUri] int id)
return new ClientModel();
public void Delete([FromODataUri] int id)
This query runs well:
http://localhost:59661/odata/ODClient?$filter=id eq 3
But this query doesn't work:
It executes first GET query with all items.
The Delete doesn't work either (the request type is DELETE):
The error received is:
"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:59661/odata/ODClient(12)'."
As per question comments, the issue was the way that the default routing conventions assigns a name to parameters. Keys are actually given the default name of "key" and so switching to that worked.
The name can be customized by either creating a custom routing convention that populates the route data table with a "id" value, or by using attribute based routing in which case the parameter name can match the name specified in the path template.

Multiple actions matching the request

I have the following 2 routes defined in WebApiConfig.cs:
name: "DefaultApiWithAction",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}"
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
And on the server these two methods:
public IEnumerable<SampleForm> Get()
// do stuff
public IEnumerable<SampleForm> GetSampleFormsByState([FromUri]string[] state)
// do stuff
I am getting the error 'Multiple actions were found that match the request' and pointing out these two methods. The request is like this:
So here's the interesting thing... if I change the second method to this:
public IEnumerable<SampleForm> GetSampleFormsByState(string state)
// do stuff
and make a request like:
There is no problem.
What is going on? What is it about the array that causes my routing to fail? What do I need to do?
string[] is a complex type. That is the very reason you had to use [FromUri] to get the binding to work. So, both the following methods can be selected by Web API to handle HTTP GET with complex type parameter binding.
public IEnumerable<SampleForm> Get() { }
public IEnumerable<SampleForm> GetSampleFormsByState([FromUri]string[] state) { }
Once you change one of the signatures to string, which is a simple type, you no longer have two GET methods for complex types and web API is able to select the action method without any confusion.
To get around this problem, you can define just one action method to handle GET like this.
public IEnumerable<SampleForm> Get([FromUri]string[] state) { }
In the action method, just check for state != null && state.Length > 0 to use the state data from the request in the filter.
