I am testing the RandomWaypointMobility with a constrained area minX=-3000m, maxX=3000m, minY=-3000m and maxY=3000m. The #displaystrings sets bgp=6000,6000. The result is that nodes in the negative part of the coordinate system are rendered outside the display/canvas area.
Are there some parameters I can use to tell OMNeT++/INET that origo for the coordinate system is at the center of the display/canvas? I have tried
*.visualizer.sceneVisualizer.sceneMaxX = 3000m
*.visualizer.sceneVisualizer.sceneMinX = -3000m
*.visualizer.sceneVisualizer.sceneMaxY = 3000m
*.visualizer.sceneVisualizer.sceneMinY = -3000m
*.visualizer.sceneVisualizer.sceneMaxZ = 3000m
*.visualizer.sceneVisualizer.sceneMinZ = -3000m
but it doesn't work as I hoped for.
I realize that for RandomWaypointMobility I can just use a constrained area with positive coordinates only, which would keep objects within the canvas. However, my next task is to pull in mobility traces that include negative coordinates. Do I need to manually shift all coordinates so they become positive and stay within the canvas/display, or is there a smarter way of doing things?
Any hints appreciated!
What you set is in fact bgb=6000,6000 which sets the size of the module. There were indeed plans to add a tag called bgp directly into OMNeT++ which would introduce an offset, but at the end it was not implemented. The reason is that once you go down into that rabbit hole, you want to implement also scaling and then rotation etc. So the default display string based visualization left as simple as possible and all these transformation stuff was left for the model code.
So indeed, SceneCanvasVisualizer in INET has a viewScale and viewTranslation parameter that can be used for these purposes.
I am trying out AutoLISP for the first time.
In my AutoCAD drawing I have around 300 copies of an object spread at different places.
I want to mirror each object around a fixed axis in middle of the object.
The first roadblock that I am getting is selecting each copy of the object one by one for doing the mirroring operation.
Can anyone help me with that? Is it possible?
You can obtain an selection using the AutoLISP ssget function with an appropriate mode string and filter list argument permitting selection of objects whose properties meet your selection criteria.
If your selection is to be automated with no user input (for example, using the X mode string to query the drawing database), you will need a property by which to distinguish the target objects from other objects in the drawing - this may depend on the type of object that you are looking to select.
For example, you can filter for all objects of the same type using DXF group 0; within the same layout using DXF group 410; residing on the same layer using DXF group 8; or by other properties, such as colour, linetype, or lineweight.
Filters based on the object geometry will be dependent on the type of object that you are looking to target, for example, a selection of circles of the same radius could be acquired by filtering on DXF group 40; or standard (non-dynamic) blocks of the same name using DXF group 2.
Upon obtaining your selection, you'll then need to iterate over the selection such that the mirror operation can be performed on each object individually (since the mirror axis will be different for every object in the selection). To accomplish this, you can choose one of the methods that I describe in my tutorial on Selection Set Processing.
The apple documentation states when the CIImageAccumulater can be used, but unfortunately it does not say what it actually does.
The CIImageAccumulator class enables feedback-based image processing for such things as iterative painting operations or fluid dynamics simulations. You use CIImageAccumulator objects in conjunction with other Core Image classes, such as CIFilter, CIImage, CIVector, and CIContext, to take advantage of the built-in Core Image filters when processing images.
I have to fix code that used a CIImageAccumulator. It seems to me that all it is meant to do, despite its name, is to return a CIImage with all CIFilters applied to the image. Adding the first image however darkens the output. That is not what I would expect from an accumulator nor from any other Operator that enables feedback based image processing.
Can anyone answer what logic / algorithm is being used when setting and getting images in and out of the CIImageAccumulator
The biggest advantage of the CIImageAccumulater is that stores its contents between different rendering steps (in contrast to CIFilter or CIImage). This allows you to use the state of a previous rendering step, blend it with something new and store that result again in the accumulator.
Apple's main use case is interactive painting: You retrieve the current image from the accumulator, blend a new stroke the user just painted with a gesture on top of it, and store the resulting image back into the accumulator. Then you display the content of the accumulator. You can read about it here.
I have gameObject with animator attached to it, it has animation curves, I need to dynamically change keyframe values from code. How do I access them?
Already asked this in the Live Session. The Answer is you can't since the anim file is the core for running the Animation Controller.
The alternate way that they gave me is to use the legacy SpriteRenderer instead.
Animation Controller doesn't support Dynamic changing of the values. Instead they provided Animator for you to make Dynamic changes of path from anim files, so consider making different anim files and path to your Animator if you don't like to work with SpriteRenderer.
If "dynamically" still means editor-time, then you could use UnityEditor.AnimationUtility, which provides methods to get and set curves and key frames and more.
One can retrieve the bindings with AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings() or AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(). And with AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve() one can get the key frames, make modifications and apply it with AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve()
At runtime - probably only with workarounds.
For example via some animated relay value within a certain custom script that then applies the wanted value to the actual property on Update() - a kind of custom constraint if you will. And within that you could apply then again custom modifications via code on runtime. But on editor time and when animating, the preview would be broken because you would not directly animate the property, but only that relay value. Maybe one could use [ExecuteInEditMode] in that custom constraint behaviour and AnimationMode.InAnimationMode() to simulate a preview. But all of this would be experimental.
This is entirely a best practices type question, so the language is irrelevant. I understand the basic principles of MVC, and that there are different, subtle flavors of it (i.e. views having a direct reference to models vs. a data delegate off the controller).
My question is around cross MVC communication, when those MVCs are nested. An example of this would be a drawing program (like Paint or something). The Canvas itself could be an MVC, but so could each drawn entity (e.g. Shapes, Text). From a model perspective, it makes sense for the CanvasModel to have a collection of entities, but should the CanvasView and CanvasController have corresponding collections of entity views and controllers respectively?
Also, what's the best/cleanest way to add a new drawn entity? Say the user has the CircleTool active, they click in the Canvas view and start drawing the shape. The CanvasView could fire relevant mouse down/move/up events that the CanvasController could listen to. The controller could then basically proxy those events to the CircleTool (state pattern). On mouse down, the CircleTool would want to create a new Circle. Should the Tool create a new CircleEntityController outright and call something like canvasController.addEntity(circleController)? Where should the responsibility of creating the Circle's model and view then lie?
Sorry if these questions are somewhat nebulous :)
Here's a pseudo-codish example of what I'm talking about:
CircleTool {
onCanvasMouseDown: function(x, y) {
// should this tool/service create the new entity's model, view, and controller?
var model = new CircleModel(x, y);
var view = new CircleView(model);
var controller = new CircleController(model, view);
// should the canvasController's add method take in all 3 components
// and then add them to their respective endpoints?
this.canvasController.addEntity(model, view, controller);
CanvasController {
addEntity: function(model, view, controller) {
// this doesn't really feel right...
Wow, well I have perhaps a surprising answer to this question: I have a long-standing rant about how MVC is considered this beatific symbol of perfection in programming that no one sees any issues with. A favorite interview question is 'what are some problems, or challenges that you might encounter in MVC?' It's amazing how often the question is greeted with a puzzled, queasy look.
The answer is really quite simple: MVC relies on the notion of multiple consumers having their needs met from a single shared model object. Things really start to go to hell when the various views make different demands. There was an article a few years ago where the authors advanced the notion of Hierarchical MVC. Someone else came on in the comments and told them that what they thought they were inventing already existed: a pattern called Presentation-Abstraction-Controller (PAC). Probably the only place you see this in the pattern literature is in the Buschmann book, sometimes referred to as the Gang of Five, or POSA (Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture). Interestingly, whenever I explain PAC, I use a paint program as the perfect example.
The main difference is that in PAC, the presentation elements tend to have their own models, that's the A of the PAC: for each component, you don't have to, but can have an abstraction. Per some of the other responses here, then what happens is you have a coordinating controller, in this case, that would rule over the canvas. Let's say we want to add a small view to the side of the canvas that shows the count of various shapes (e.g. Squares 3, Circles 5, etc.). That controller would register with the coordinating controller to listen on a two events: elementAdded and elementRemoved. As it received each notification, it would simply update a map it had in its own Abstraction. Imagine how absurd it would be to alter a shared model that a bunch of components are using to add support for such a thing. Furthermore, the person who did the ShapesSummary component didn't have to learn about anything, but the event protocols, and of course all its interactions with collaborators are immutable.
The hierarchical part is that there can be layers of controllers in PAC: for instance, the coordinating one at the Canvas level would not know about any of the various components with specialized behaviors. We might make a shape that can contain other things, which would need logic for accepting drags, etc. That component would have its own Abstraction and Controller, and that Controller would coordinate its activities with the CanvasController, etc. It might even become necessary at some point for it to communicate with its contained components.
Here's the POSA Book.
There are many different ways to attack this. I don't disagree with the other answers posted here.
However, one way that I've done this is by using the observer pattern. And let me explain why.
The observer pattern is necessary here because these drawing tools are nothing without the canvas. So, if you have no canvas, you can't (or shouldn't) invoke the circle tool. So instead, my canvas has a host of observers on it.
Each tool that can be used on the canvas is added as an observable event. Then, when an event is fired - like "begin draw" - the tool is sent as the context (in this case 'circle'). From there, the actions of the circle tool execute.
Another way to imagine this is that each layer has its own service, model, and view. The controller really is at the exterior level and associated with the canvas. So, services are only called by other services or by a controller. There are no circle tool controllers - so only another service (in our case the observed event) can call it. That service is responsible for aggregating the data, building the model, and supplying a view.
The RenderingService (for lack of better name - the thing that manages the interaction of shapes) would instantiate new Circle domain object and informs about it (either directly or when view is requesting new data) the view.
It seems that you are still in a habit of dumping all your application logic (interaction between storage abstractions and domain objects) in the presentation layer (in your case - the controllers).
P.S. I am assuming that you are not talking about HMVC.
If I were you I would opt for Composite pattern when working with shapes. Regardless of whether you have circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, letters, etc, I would treat everything as a shape. Some shapes can be simple shapes like lines, other shapes can be more complex composite shapes like graphs, pie charts, etc. A good idea would be to define a base class that has a reference to basic shapes and to advanced (complex) shapes. Both basic shapes and advanced shapes are the same type of object, its just that advanced shapes can have children that help define this complex object.
By following this logic, you can use the logic where each shape draws itself and each shape knows its location, and based on that you would apply certain logic and algorithm to ask which shape was clicked and each shape could respond to your event.
According to the GoF book:
Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.
Graphics applications like drawing editors and schematic capture systems let users build complex diagrams out of simple components. The user can group components to form larger components. [...]
The key to composite pattern is an abstract class that represents both primitives and their containers. For the graphics system, this class is Graphics. Graphic declares operations like Draw that are specific to graphical objects. It also declares operations that all composite objects share, such as operations for accessing and managing its children.
Now, back to your problem. One of the base functions, as previously mentioned, is a Draw method. This method could be implemented as an abstract method in the base class with a following signature:
public virtual void Draw(YourDrawingCanvas canvas);
Each shape would implement it's own version of Draw. The argument that you pass them is a reference to the drawing canvas where each shape will draw itself. Each shape could store a reference of itself in its internal structure and it can be used to compare mouse click location with these coordinates to inform you which shape was clicked.
From my point of view using nested MVC components is kind of an overkill here: At each point in time the model contains multiple elements (different circles, squares etc., which may be nested constructs using the Composite pattern, as mentioned in another answer). However, the canvas that displays the elements is just a single view!
(And corresponding to the single view there would only a single controller be needed.)
One case of having several views could be a list of elements (which is shown, e.g., next to the canvas) - then you could implement the canvas and the element list as two distinct views on one and the same model.
Regarding the question of how to "best" implement adding an element: I would consider the following sequence of events:
The view notifies its listeners that a new circle element has been drawn (with the middle point and an initial radius as parameters, for example).
The controller is registered as listener to the view, so the controller's "draw-circle(point, radius)" listener method is invoked.
The controller creates a new circle instance in the model (either directly, or via a factory class which is part of the model - I think there are lots of different ways of implementing the creation of new elements). The controller is "in control" (literally), so I believe that it's the controllers responsibility to instantiate a new element (or at least trigger the instantiation).
In the model, some kind of "add element" method is invoked by the previous step.
The model raises a "new element created" notification to all of its listeners (probably passing on a reference to the newly created element).
The canvas is registered as listener to the model, so the canvas' "new element created (element)" listener method is invoked.
As response to the latter notification, the canvas draws the circle (on itself).
This is just an idea, but consider if the mediator pattern is applicable.
From the gang of four:
Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to
each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction
Use the Mediator pattern when
a set of objects communicate in well-defined but complex ways. The resulting interdependencies are unstructured and difficult to
reusing an object is difficult because it refers to and communicates with many other objects.
a behavior that's distributed between several classes should be customizable without a lot of subclassing.
The Mediator pattern has the following benefits and drawbacks:
It limits subclassing. A mediator localizes behavior that otherwise would be distributed among several objects. Changing this
behavior requires subclassing Mediator only; Colleague classes can be
reused as is.
It decouples colleagues. A mediator promotes loose coupling between colleagues. You can vary and reuse Colleague and Mediator classes independently.
It simplifies object protocols. A mediator replaces many-to-many interactions with one-to-many interactions between the mediator and
its colleagues. One-to-many relationships are easier to understand,
maintain, and extend.
It abstracts how objects cooperate. Making mediation an independent concept and encapsulating it in an object lets you focus
on how objects interact apart from their individual behavior. That can
help clarify how objects interact in a system.
It centralizes control. The Mediator pattern trades complexity of interaction for complexity in the mediator. Because a mediator
encapsulates protocols, it can become more complex than any individual
colleague. This can make the mediator itself a monolith that's hard to
I am assuming MSPaint-like behavior, where the active tool creates a vector graphic glyph that the user can manipulate until he's satisfied. When the user is satisfied, the glyph gets written to the image, which is a raster of pixels.
When the Circle Tool gets selected, I'd have the CanvasController deselect the previously active tool's MVC trio (if another tool was active) and create a new CircleToolController, CircleModel and CircleView. The previously active glyph becomes final and draws itself to the CanvasModel.
The CanvasView will need to be passed a reference to the CircleView so it can draw the CanvasModel's pixels to the screen before the Circle gets drawn. The actual drawing of the circle to the screen, I'd delegate to the CircleView.
The CircleView will therefore need to know and observe other, more general, model classes besides the CircleModel, I'm thinking of a color selection / palette model, and a model for fill style and line thickness, etc. These other models live as long as the application does and have their own View and Controller. They are quite separate of the rest of the application after all.
As a sidenote: You could actually split off the drawing of the CanvasModel (the raster of pixel colors) by the CanvasView from the coordination of the updating of the entire screen. Have a higher level PaintView which knows the CanvasView and the active GlyphView (for example the CircleView) coordinate the drawing between the CanvasView and the GlyphView.