cp and rsync cannot find system directory - osx-mavericks

I am working on a script to copy a custom user profile over to the default. Part of the script uses rsync to copy the contents of the customized profile, named "profile" to the default profile located in: /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj. Each time I run the command interactively, it fails indicating "No such file or directory." I can browse to the directory in the Finder. I can navigate to the directory via the terminal. Why can't rsync find it? Here is the command:
rsync -av /Users/profile/* /System/Library/User\ Template/English.lproj
I tried a similar approach using cp -R instead of rsync and got a whole bunch of file not found error messages. Using the cd command to that same path also fails. I can step through each individual directory and arrive at English.lproj but I can't do it in one command. Any ideas where I am going wrong with my command?


Rsync including all files

After some reading and trying rsync copy over only certain types of files using include option I can't get seem to get it to work.
I run the following command:
rsync -zarv -vvv -e ssh --prune-empty-dirs --delete --include="*/" --include="*.csv"
--include="*.hdf5" --include="*.pickle" --include="*.tar.gz" --include="*.bin"
--include="*.zip" --include="*.npz" --exclude="*" . user#host.com:/rsync
But at the target it backups any file I have in the directory and subdirectories. delete-before and delete-after does not delete files like .txt or .py. I have also tried the --exclude="*" before the extension includes but I am running 2.6.9 so it should be after as far as I have understood it.
Deleting files on the host machine will just sync them again for whatever reason I don't know.
Your command looks fine, although try using --delete-excluded instead of --delete.
--delete-excluded - also delete excluded files from destination dirs
It should eliminate any files that are --excluded and not --included on the destination.
Sorry to have bothered. This was a bash issue and not a command issue.
As I was using the command:
instead of
This made god knows what for error but executing it manually (after print) and correctly in bash made it work. Deleting items still seems flaky but that I can try some.

SCP says file has downloaded, but the file does not appear

I am using ssh to work on a remote server, however when I try to download a file using scp in this format:
scp name#website.com:somefile.zip ~/Desktop
It asks me for my password, and shows this:
somefile.zip 100% 6491 6.3KB/s 00:00
however, this file never appears on my desktop. Any help
I think that you are logging into the remote machine using ssh and then running the command on the remote machine. You should actually be running the command without logging into your remote server first.
You need to specify the file path
scp name#website.com:/path/to/somefile.zip ~/Desktop
~/Desktop should actually be a directory, not a file. I suggest that you do the following:
Remove the ~/Desktop file with rm ~/Desktop (or move it with mv if you want to keep its contents).
Create the directory with mkdir ~/Desktop.
Try again to scp the zip file.
BTW, when I need to copy files into directories, I usually put a slash after the directory to avoid such problems (in case I make a mistake), e.g. scp server:file ~/Desktop/; if the directory doesn't exist, I get an error instead of unwanted file creation.
You are doing this from a command line, and you have a working directory for that command line (on your local machine), this is the directory that your file will be downloaded to. The final argument in your command is only what you want the name of the file to be. So, first, change directory to where you want the file to land. I'm doing this from git bash on a Windows machine, so it looks like this:
cd C:\Users\myUserName\Downloads
Now that I have my working directory where I want the file to go:
scp -i 'c:\Users\myUserName\.ssh\AWSkeyfile.pem' ec2-user#xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/home/ec2-user/IwantThisFile.tar IgotThisFile.tar
Or, in your case, (that is with the VERY strong password you must be using):
cd ~/Desktop
scp name#website.com:/path/to/somefile.zip somefile.zip

Changing folder permissions from command line (on mac)

I'm trying to write a script that will let me add to an existing directory structure and copy a bunch of files into various places within this. However, using mkdir ... and cp... commands alone wont work since I do not have permission to do so. I understand that this can be changed manually in the 'Get Info' window, but this script will be run by others and its whole point is to save time and hassle.
Is there a way of adding to this script to give me permission to copy files to BASEDIR/SUBDIRS?
A bit more detail on what I'm doing:
I want to add to the directory BASEDIR with a bunch of SUBDIRS then copy files into these subdirectories. The problem is that I am receiving these 'permission denied' errors right after the mkdir BASEDIR/SUBDIR1/SUBDIR2 command.
The command
sudo chmod -R ugo=rwx BASEDIR/
gives all folder permissions to all users to BASEDIR and all its subdirectories

Whats different when you executable a scripts in OSX?

I have a question I have been trying to fix for a while. I want to understand what's the difference between starting a script from the command line and making it executable and then running it from the Finder.
Because this is what I am experiencing;
I have a simple script called trash-files which contains this command:
trash ~/Downloads/*
When I run from the terminal it works as expected; however if I doubleclick the shell script in the finder I see this:
/Users/xx/Desktop/trash-files: line 1: trash: command not found
I hope anyone can tell me why this doesn't work as expected
trash is not a standard command in OS X. Is it something defined in your ~/.profile or a similar file? If so, these are not run for non-login shells, such as those created to run a script.
If you're using homebrew, you could run
brew install trash
which would install the necessary scripts to have the trash command work in the way you're expecting.
There is a folder in your home folder location called
The "dot" in front of the folder name makes it hidden while searching for it in finder. You'll have to use Terminal to execute the following command:
cd ~/
ls -la
This will change the directory to the current logged in users home folder, then second command will list files and show hidden files. You can then run:
rm .Trash/*
This will remove everything inside the Trashcan on the dock.
So open TextEdit from the /Applications folder, go to "Format" and make it "Plain Text". Paste in the two lines below.
rm ~/.Trash/*
Save the file as "emptyTrash.sh" (uncheck use txt extension). Save it to your Desktop or wherever you'd like. Then open Terminal, cd (change directory) to where the files is and run this command to make the script executable:
chmod +x emptyTrash.sh
Then you can execute the script by cd (changing directory) to path where the script is, and run:
That's it.

Rsync on Windows: wrong permissions for created directories

I'm trying to push changes to my server through ssh on windows (cygwin) using rsync.
The command I am using is:
rsync -rvz -e ssh /cygdrive/c/myfolder/ rsyncuser#
/srv/www/prj112/myfolder/ is owned by rsyncuser. My problem is that eventhough with rsync the sub directories are create as they publish, each directory is assigned default permission of d--------- so rsync fails to copy any files inside it.
How do I fix this?
The option to ignore NTFS permissions has changed in Cygwin version 1.7. This might be what's causing the problem.
Try adding the 'noacl' flag to your Cygwin mounts in C:\cygwin\etc\fstab, for example:
none /cygdrive cygdrive user,noacl,posix=0 0 0
You can pass custom permissions via rsync using the 'chmod' option:
rsync -rvz --chmod=ugo=rwX -e ssh source destination
Your problem stems from the fact that the Unix permissions on that directory really are 0. All of the access information is stored in separate ACLs, which rsync does not copy. Thus, it sets the permissions on the remote copy to 0, and, obviously, is unable to write to that directory afterwards.
You can run
chmod -R 775
on that directory, which should fix your rsync problem.
After a look at the manpage I can tell that the chmod param is available in rsync since version ~2.6.8. But you have to use --chmod=ugo=rwX in combination with rsync -av
You should also try this command:
rsync -av <SOURCE_DIR> rsyncuser#
It would work on Linux at least. And note that rsync does not need to mention ssh--at least on Linux.
But if all fails and just to give an option you may take a look at this ready packed-up tool cwRsync
if you deploy a site from windows (for ex. octopress use rsync) it's possible set permission to 775 adding multiple chmod command:
rsync -avz --chmod=ug=rwx --chmod=o=rx -e ssh
To rsync from Windows to Unix/Linux you should provide a command like
SET BACKUP_SERVER=my.backup.server
SET SSH_USER=theUnixUserName
SET SSH_ID=/cygdrive/c/Users/theWindowsUserName/Documents/keyfiles/id_dsa
SET EXCLUDEFILE=backup_excludes.txt
SET BACKUPLOGFILE=/cygdrive/c/Users/theWindowsUserName/Backuplogs/backup-%DATE%-%TIME::=-%.log
The ssh command then is
SET BACKUP=rsync -azvu --chmod=Du=rwx,Dgo=rx,Fu=rw,Fgo=r --rsh="ssh -l %SSH_USER% -i '%SSH_ID%'" --exclude-from=%EXCLUDEFILE% --delete --delete-excluded --log-file="%BACKUPLOGFILE%"
with backup_excludes.txt containing lines of ignored elements like
Then you would use this in a script with
%BACKUP% /cygdrive/c/mySensibleData %STORAGEURI%
%BACKUP% /cygdrive/c/myOtherSensibleData %STORAGEURI%
%BACKUP% /cygdrive/c/myOtherSensibleData2 %STORAGEURI%
and so on. This will backup your directories mySensibleData, myOtherSensibleData and myOtherSensibleData2 with the permissions 755 for directories and 644 for files. You also get backup logs in your %BACKUPLOGFILE% for each backup.
Cygwin rsync will report permission denied when some process has the target file open. Download and run Process Explorer and find out if anything else is locking the file or simply try renaming the file and see if you get the Windows error about some other process having the file open.
Also, you can try to create a (global) environment variable CYGWIN and set its value to nontsec
