adding scroll in properties Qlikview - scroll

So, has any one had a problem with the scroll properties.
I in the qvpp file i set overflow:scroll but the scroll bar does not appear.
Here is the picture that shows how it is but not how it should be:


How can I stop the outline bar in storyboard interface builder from automatically scrolling to top?

After selecting a view as in the first screenshot below, either collapse a view or clicking somewhere else to lose its focus will make the bar automatically scroll to the top as in the second screenshot. Is this a bug of Xcode? If not, how can I get rid of this bad behaviour?
Thank you

embedded views lotus notes horizontal scroll bar

I have an interesting embedded view issue in lotus notes. I have the view embedded into a table cell and have turned off scrolling and extend last column options and the scroll bars don't display, everything looks good.
But as soon as I check the display actions option the horizontal scroll bar scows. I only have one button. Is there anything I can do to hide the scroll bar?
You can show or hide only both the scrollbars at once. Impossible to set a property for only one scrollbar.

Some column headers disappear from JQGrid in IE10 while using Horizontal and Vertical scroll bar

I see some strange behaviour in jqGrid in IE10 Standard mode, specially when grid size is bigger.
When I scroll using horizontal scroll bar to the right of the grid and then scroll up to see the column headers, they are not visible (blank).
Attaching screenshots. It happens with the jqgrid demo as well
Steps to reproduce :
1. Open the jqgrid in IE10 . -> Frozen Cols Group Header (New) -> Frozen Column
2. Drag some of the columns to the right (increase the width of the columns using mouse).
Resize the window so that all column headers are not visible in the screen.
Use horizontal scroll bar to scroll to the right of the grid.
Use vertical scroll bar to move up to see the column headers.
You will see that some column headers are not visible.
Screenshot can be found #
Please let me know if anyone has come across this problem and have any suggestions ?

Auto Layout Contraints Differ With Hide Tab In viewDidLoad

I built my project as a Tab Bar Application that utilizes the UITabBarController.
I've set all the auto layout constraints for all my subviews and it looks right in the preview. When my application first starts, I hide the tab bar in viewDidLoad. Once a button is clicked, I hide the view and show the tab bar.
My problem is that the constraints adjusted themselves to the hidden tool bar and everything shifts down the length of the height of the tab bar. If I go to the second tab and back to the first, the constraints are back to normal. Is there an easy way to deal with this? I need to find out how to either hide the tab bar in other way that doesn't compromise my constraints, or how to allow the first view to extend down over the tab bar. Please help.
Hiding tab bar liks so.
[self.tabBarController.tabBar setHidden:YES];
Oddly enough. When I go to set the vertical constraint to the bottom of the view, the distance to the bottom of the view is equal to the top of the tab bar even though the height of the tab bar is 50 px.

Adding a scroll bar for oversized picture to powerpoint

I have an oversized picture that I want to add to a powerpoint slide. I want the picture to fit within a box and have a vertical scroll bar.
This is probably not the answer you are looking for but you can make a faux scrolling bar with shapes and action buttons. The explanation for this is described in the Office page:
This will allow you to get the feeling of a scrollbar. You can also add separate sections of the picture which becomes visible/invisible when you click the action button instead of showing the next page. You can alter the action by right-clicking the action button and changing the action or you could use a regular button with the shape of an action button with an added hyperlink.
