Spring Boot + JPA + Lazy bi-directional collection testing - spring

I'm new to JPA and Spring Data and I've faced problem with testing my application. I have two entities in my Spring boot application:
public class User extends SomeBasicEntity {
#Column(unique = true)
private String login;
private String password;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Role> roles;
#Table(name = "ROLE")
public class Role extends SomeBasicEntity {
private String name;
private User user;
I have implemented dedicated JPA repositories for them (as JpaRepository).
I have also implemented transactional facade for the management:
public class Facade {
private UserRepository userRepository;
private RoleRepository roleRepository;
public User addNewUser(User user) {
return userRepository.save(user);
public Role addNewRole(Role role, User user) {
return roleRepository.save(role);
public User findUserByLogin(String login) {
User user = userRepository.findByLogin(login);
if (user != null) {
return user;
} else {
throw new FacadeRuntimeException("User " + login + " does not exists");
Finally, I've created RestController for using the facade (I've hardcoded login name value just for test purposes):
#RequestMapping(value = "/users")
public class UserController {
private Facade facade;
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public User getUserByLogin() {
User user = facade.findUserByLogin("jahu");
return user;
And now when I run the application, use facade methods to create user and role (code is irrelevant so I dont paste it here) and check REST response on localhost/users/login there is properly serialized User object WITH list of roles (with single role I've created actually).
Question 1: Why roles are present in Json object whereas I didn't explictly call getRoles on the user object? With lazy fetch type I believe collection should be retrived only when getter is called (maybe JSON serializer is calling the method?)
Nevertheless, I have second problem as I want to test my facade with jUnit (on h2 db), however in test method the roles on User object are always null (even if I explicltly call getter):
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = FacadeApplication.class)
public class FacadeTest {
private static final String USER_LOGIN = "jahu";
private static final String ROLE_NAME = "role name";
Facade sut;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
User user = new User();
user = sut.addNewUser(user);
Role role = new Role();
sut.addNewRole(role, user);
public void shouldFindUserRoles() {
User user = sut.findUserByLogin(USER_LOGIN);
List<Role> roles = user.getRoles(); // HERE I call the getter
Question 2: Why can I not access roles in test context even though I am using the same method as in RestController (where roles are always obtained)? Without it I am not able to fully test my app and it concerns me very much.
Note: entity names are just for description of the problem, so please don't suggest that I should remodel my entities in order to assign Role to User.


Why does Spring MVC controller method ignore FetchType.LAZY behaviour and act like FetchType.EAGER?

My Film model explicitly states it should fetch its children Actors lazily.
public class Film {
#ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
name = "film_actor",
joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "film_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "actor_id")
private List<Actor> cast = new ArrayList<>();
This actually works perfectly when using the service/repository in any other context:
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
List<Film> films = filmService.getAllFilms();
But then for some mysterious reason, ONLY when used in a Spring MVC controller method (using typical annotations like #Controller and #RequestMapping), it always comes back eagerly loaded...Why and how do I change this? If I have 1000 films I want to display at once, I don't want to load in a million actors!
public String filmsPage(Model model){
List<Film> allMyFilms = filmService.getAllFilms();
model.addAttribute("films", allMyFilms);
return "film/film-list";
Incidentally, for completeness, here are my service/repository layers:
public class FilmServiceImpl implements FilmService {
private final FilmRepository filmRepo;
public List<Film> getAllFilms() {
List<Film> films = filmRepo.findAll();
return films;
Repository layer:
public interface FilmRepository extends JpaRepository<Film, Long> {
List<Film> findAll();
How do you verify that the association is eager? Spring MVC has something enabled by default which is called "open session in view", which allows lazy loading until the request is finished. If you "check" whether data is loaded through your debugger, the debugger will invoke the toString method of PersistentBag which will initialize the lazy collection.

Child table is not mapping in OneToMany relationship in JPA

I am trying to establish One to many relationship between User and Role.
One user can have many role.
Here is the code for User class
public class User {
private int id;
private String name;
private String password;
private String email;
private String phoneNo;
targetEntity = Role.class,
mappedBy = "user",
cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
fetch = FetchType.LAZY
private Set<Role> roles;
// Getters, setters and Constructor
Code for the Role class
public class Role {
private int roleId;
private String role;
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
private User user;
// Getters, setters and Constructor
POST request on Postman is
"name": "rahul",
"password": "456",
"email": "rahul#gmail.com",
"phoneNo": "1234561234",
"role": [{
Code on Configuration part
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http)throws Exception
public BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder()
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
Code On Controller part
public class AdminController {
UserRepository userRepo;
BCryptPasswordEncoder encryptPassword;
public String addUserByAdmin(#RequestBody User user)
String pass = user.getPassword();
String encrypt = encryptPassword.encode(pass);
return "User added Successfully";
Role table connection to database through Jpa
public interface RoleRepository extends JpaRepository<Role, Integer> {
User table connection to database through Jpa
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User,Integer>{
Here problem is User table is mapped properly but Role table is not getting mapped.
roleId role user_id
Where I am wrong ? Could anyone help me ?
On your controller method below, have you tried debugging the incoming request User object?
Anyways, I have below points here:
First, looking into your request body, the field for your roles is named role while your User object has a field roles thus, I'm pretty sure it is null during your processing since it will not be deserialized there due to mismatch field names. Try changing your request body to something like this:
"name": "rahul",
"password": "456",
"email": "rahul#gmail.com",
"phoneNo": "1234561234",
"roles": [{
Second, if you check your database, the roles will be persisted however your foreign key user_id is null. This is expected. The cascade you did on the User object will only means that (since you use CascadeType.ALL) once you save the User object the save operation will also be cascaded to the Role object however, JPA still needs to know the relationship thus you have to set the user for each role object. Hence, you can update your controller method to something below:
public String addUserByAdmin(#RequestBody User user)
String pass = user.getPassword();
String encrypt = encryptPassword.encode(pass);
// JPA needs to know this relationship...
user.getRoles().forEach(role -> role.setUser(user));
return "User added Successfully";
Now you can try and see that your expected behavior should now be happening.
Additional recommendations:
Why are we passing ID field on the user request? You can just remove that from your request body and use below to auto-generate your IDs to avoid Unique index or primary key violation exceptions on all of your entities:
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
You can also remove the targetEntity = Role.class on the mapping as it is only used for generics and for your case clearly you are not using generics for Set. Update your User object for roles mapping:
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Role> roles;
Lastly, it is better if you can wrap your incoming payload to a DTO since you would not want to expose your entity/model to your API but I am thinking this is just for your test environment.
You need to flush the changes to the database when using save(), try this instead:

Select one column using Spring Data JPA

Does anyone have any idea how to get a single column using Spring Data JPA? I created a repository like below in my Spring Boot project, but always get the {"cause":null,"message":"PersistentEntity must not be null!"} error when accessing the Restful URL.
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "users", path = "users")
public interface UsersRepository extends CrudRepository<Users, Integer> {
#Query("SELECT u.userName FROM Users u")
public List<String> getUserName();
Then if I access the Restful URL like ../users/search/getUserName, I get the error:
{"cause":null,"message":"PersistentEntity must not be null!"}
Create a Projection interface
public interface UserNameOnly {
String getUserName();
Then in your repository interface return that type instead of the user type
public interface UserRepository<User> extends JpaRepository<User,String> {
List<UsernameOnly> findNamesByUserNameNotNull();
The get method in the projection interface must match a get method of the defined type on the JPA repository, in this case User.
The "findBySomePropertyOnTheObjectThatIsNotNull" allows you to get a List of the entities (as opposed to an Iterable) based on some criteria, which for a findAll can simply be if the unique identifier (or any other NonNull field) is not null.
Concept is : In your entity class create a constructor with only required instant variables. And use that constructor in the repository method shown below.
Lets say you have a interface Repository like below
Repository implementation:
public interface UserRepository<User> extends JpaRepository<User,String>
#Query(value = "select new com.org.User(usr.userId) from User usr where usr.name(:name)")
List<User> findUserIdAlone(#Param("name") String user);
In Controller
public class UserController
private UserRepository<User> userRepository;
public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable("usrname") String userName)
User resultUser = usrRepository.findUserIdAlone(userName);
return ResponseEntity.ok(resultUser);
public class User
private String userId,userName;
public User(String userId)
// setter and getters goes here
This Works for me.
public interface UserDataRepository extends JpaRepository<UserData, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT emp_name FROM user_data", nativeQuery = true)
public List<Object[]> findEmp_name();
System.out.println("data"+ userDataRepository.findEmp_name());
The above line gave me this result :
data[abhijeet, abhijeet1, abhijeet2, abhijeet3, abhijeet4, abhijeet5]
If you want to only return a single column you should look at Projections and Excerpts which will allow you to filter specific columns and other things that are usefule.
If you need list all of the users, try select userName from Users, if you need one user use "where" look at spring data JPA http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/ , try change CrudRepository to JpaRepository
It is possible to provide custom implementations of methods in a Spring Data JPA repository, which enables complete control on queries and return types. The approach is as follows:
Define an interface with the desired method signatures.
Implement the interface to achieve the desired behavior.
Have the Repository extend both JpaRepository and the custom interface.
Here is a working example that uses JpaRepository, assuming a user_table with two columns, user_id and user_name.
UserEntity class in model package:
#Table(name = "user_table")
public class UserEntity {
#Column(name = "user_id")
private Long userId;
#Column(name = "user_name")
private String userName;
protected UserEntity() {}
public UserEntity(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
// standard getters and setters
Define interface for the custom repository in the repository package:
public interface UserCustomRepository {
List<String> findUserNames();
Provide implementation class for the custom interface in the repository package:
public class UserCustomRepositoryImpl implements UserCustomRepository {
// Spring auto configures a DataSource and JdbcTemplate
// based on the application.properties file. We can use
// autowiring to get a reference to it.
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
// Now our custom implementation can use the JdbcTemplate
// to perform JPQL queries and return basic datatypes.
public List<String> findUserNames() throws DataAccessException {
String sql = "SELECT user_name FROM user_table";
return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, String.class);
Finally, we just need to have the UserRepository extend both JpaRepository and the custom interface we just implemented.
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<UserEntity, Long>, UserCustomRepository {}
Simple test class with junit 5 (assuming the database is initially empty):
class UserRepositoryTest {
private static final String JANE = "Jane";
private static final String JOE = "Joe";
UserRepository repo;
void shouldFindUserNames() {
UserEntity jane = new UserEntity(JANE);
UserEntity joe = new UserEntity(JOE);
List<UserEntity> users = repo.findAll();
assertEquals(2, users.size());
List<String> names = repo.findUserNames();
assertEquals(2, names.size());

What is the correct way to save relationships in Spring Data Neo4J?

Using Spring Boot and Neo4J, I've created two #NodeEntity's. They are User and Right. In my model, when you create a relationship between a User and Right, I call it a Privilege
I cannot save the #RelationshipEntity, Privilege (from within either of the #NodeEntity's or the RelationshipEntity).
Example Code
User.java (backed by interface UserRepository extends GraphRepository)
public class User {
#Autowired Neo4jTemplate template;
#GraphId Long id;
String fullName;
#Indexed(unique=true) String email;
#Fetch #RelatedTo(type="HAS_RIGHT")
Set<Right> rights;
public void addRight(Right r) {
Privilege p = new Privilege (this, r)
template.save(p) // This always throws a NullPointerException
/*** Getters and Setters ***/
Right.java (backed by interface RightRepository extends GraphRepository)
public class Right {
#GraphId Long id;
String name;
/*** Getters and Setters ***/
Privilege.java (Not backed by a repository interface) - PROBLEM CLASS
public class Privilege {
Neo4jTemplate template; // This is always null
#GraphId Long id;
#StartNode User user;
#EndNode Right right;
public Privilege() {}
public Privilege(User user, Right right) {
this.user = user;
this.right = right;
public void save() {
template.save(this); // Always throws a NullPointerException
In my test case I can call (this works):
User user = userRepository.findByEmail("admin#noxgroup.co.za");
Right adminRight = rightRepository.findByName("ADMINISTRATOR");
Privilege adminPrivilege = new Privilege(user, adminRight);
But I'd prefer to call (this does not work):
User user = userRepository.findByEmail("admin#noxgroup.co.za");
User.addRight (rightRepository.findByName("ADMINISTRATOR"));
But I also can't access template from within either of the NodeEntities.
You can create relationship by using Neo4jTemplate Or Neo4jOperations.
Change it to constructor injection.
public Constructor(Neo4jOperations operations) {
this.neo4jOperations = operations;
Once you have both the nodes by calling the repository, do something like:
Relation relation = neo4jOperations.createRelationshipBetween(user, right, Relationship.class, "RELATION_NAME", true);
My mistake was that I was instantiating the class manually, therefore it was not spring managed. Adding the #Component annotation to the class and asking Spring to give me the class resolved the problem.
#Component // This is the line that saved the day!
public class Privilege {
Neo4jOperations operations;
#GraphId Long id;
#StartNode User user;
#EndNode Right right;
public Privilege() {
public void createRelationship(User user, Right right) {
this.user = user;
this.right = right;
/*** Getters and Setters ***/
Then to instantiate it:
#Autowired ApplicationContext applicationContext;
Privilege privilege = applicationContext.getBean(Privilege.class);
privilege.createRelationship(user, ADMINISTRATOR);

Spring Data Neo4J #Indexed(unique = true) not working

I'm new to Neo4J and I have, probably an easy question.
There're NodeEntitys in my application, a property (name) is annotated with #Indexed(unique = true) to achieve the uniqueness like I do in JPA with #Column(unique = true).
My problem is, that when I persist an entity with a name that already exists in my graph, it works fine anyway.
But I expected some kind of exception here...?!
Here' s an overview over basic my code:
public abstract class BaseEntity implements Identifiable
private Long entityId;
public class Role extends BaseEntity
#Indexed(unique = true)
private String name;
public interface RoleRepository extends GraphRepository<Role>
Role findByName(String name);
public class RoleServiceImpl extends BaseEntityServiceImpl<Role> implements
private RoleRepository repository;
public T save(final T entity) {
return getRepository().save(entity);
And this is my test:
public void testNameUniqueIndex() {
final List<Role> roles = Lists.newLinkedList(service.findAll());
final String existingName = roles.get(0).getName();
Role newRole = new Role.Builder(existingName).build();
newRole = service.save(newRole);
That's the point where I expect something to go wrong!
How can I ensure the uniqueness of a property, without checking it for myself??
P.S.: I'm using neo4j 1.8.M07, spring-data-neo4j 2.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and Spring 3.1.2.RELEASE.
I walked into the same trap... as long as you create new entities, you will not see the exception - the last save()-action wins the battle.
Unfortunately, the DataIntegrityViolationException will be raised only in case of update an existing entity!
A detailed description of that behaviour can be found here:
If you are using SDN 3.2.0+ use the failOnDuplicate attribute:
public class Role extends BaseEntity
#Indexed(unique = true, failOnDuplicate = true)
private String name;
