Webgrid not displaying data MVC - model-view-controller

I am trying to display model data in webgrid. I see that #grid has two rows in it, but nothing is displayed. Unable to figure out what is causing this to happen even though there is data in #grid.
I am trying to display one column just to test, but I also tried displaying all columns using #grid.GetHtml(), still nothing is shown in the UI. Any pointers is appreciated!
#model IEnumerable<MyProject.Domain.Entities.Tests>
WebGrid grid = new WebGrid(Model);
#if (Model.Count() > 0)
<div>Please select slots and right click on context menu to view attributes.</div>

I resolved this issue. I was putting the ajax datatype as json and I was returning partialview result. I changed the datatype in ajax post request to html. I also added a new function setData(data) and loaded the div with the html returned by ajax request. Hope this helps someone who might be doing the same mistake as me.
type: "POST",
url: "/Home/ViewAttributes1",
data: postData,
success: function (data) {
**dataType: "html",** (changed from json to html)
traditional: true
**added this function in which I am loading the div with the data returned by ajax**
function SetData(data)
$("#viewAttribs").html(data); // HTML DOM replace


ASP.NET Core MVC - VIew is not updated correctly - Ajax?

I have an ASP.NET Core 6 MVC application.
On one page I have a table; I want to support drag'n'drop for its rows. Afterwards the User is able to click on "Submit" and make the changes permanent.
The changes are sent to the controller and persisted to the database, however when I redirect to the GET to show the page again, a part of it is wrong!
#model MyViewModel
<table id="orderTable" class="table">
#foreach (var data in Model.Data)
<tr id='#data.Id'>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Save" id="SaveOrderButton" />
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#orderTable tbody').sortable();
$("#SaveOrderButton").click(function(e) {
var newOrder = $('#orderTable tbody').sortable('toArray');
url: '/Controller/Update',
type: 'POST',
data: { rowOrder: newOrder, id: #Html.Raw(Model.Id) },
success: function(response) {
error: function(xhr,status, error){
console.log("An error occurred: " + xhr.responseText);
public async Task<IActionResult> Order(int id)
var data= await context.Data
.Where(x => x.Id== id)
data = data.OrderByDescending(y => y.Order.HasValue)
.ThenBy(y => y.Order)
var viewModel = new MyViewModel()
Data = data,
Id = id,
ModelState.Clear(); // found on SO, but does not change anything
return View(viewModel);
public async Task<IActionResult> Update(int[] rowOrder, int id)
var data= await context.Data
.Where(y => rowOrder.Contains(y.Id))
for (int i = 0; i < rowOrder.Count(); i++)
data.First(y => y.Id == rowOrder[i]).Order = i;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
return Json(500, "Could not update new order.");
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Controller.Order), new { id= id});
Okay, so I go the the view with GET and everything is shown correctly, then I change something and click on "Save". Everything in the POST will be correctly done. The database is updated.
I then redirect to the GET method again, there everything is loaded correctly from the database and in the correct order.
Then I set a breakpoint in the View and there the stuff in the for is correct too.
However, when I look in the browser, the "Order" column is wrong. The table still shows the data how it looked like after I reordered it and before I clicked on "Save".
What is happening here? Is the sortable lib using a cache in the background that I have to invalidate?
I don't use a cache anywhere in my project, btw.
Also, when I go to the console after a POST, the whole website's HTML is in there.
When I now reload the page with the GET, everything is shown how it is supposed to be.
Has it something to do with Ajax? I have already removed the success and error events, which doesn't change anything.
Has it something to do with Ajax? I have already removed the success
and error events, which doesn't change anything.
Yes, the issue relates the Ajax method.
As we all known, when we use Ajax to update the part of view page, after calling the action method, it will return the response result to the success function, then in the success function, we get the updated data from the response, and then dynamic populate the table to update the page and achieve the part of page refresh behaviors.
So, in your scenario, you can try to use the following methods to display the updated data.
Method 1:
In the Update Action method, return the updated data as result, instead of redirect to another action result. Then, in the Ajax success function, get the data from response, then clear the table content first and re-populate it using the response data.
Method 2:
In the Ajax success function, use location.reload(); method to reload current page, or use window.location.href to refresh the current page.

ASP.NET MVC partial view refresh on button click

I'm using VS 2013, MVC 5.
Here is the content of my partial view (_Sales.cshtml):
#model IEnumerable<SomeModel>
<div id="outer">
<div id="inner1">
<div id="inner2">
<td>Total Sales </td>
<td>Total Discount </td>
Below is an action method used while loading first time:
public ActionResult _Sales()
IEnumerable<SomeModel> salesList = null;
SearchCriteriaObject criteria = null;
salesList = getting data as list;
return PartialView(salesList);
So far, all work fine as expected. That's my partial view is rendering fine with initial data.
Now my requirement is I need to refresh my partial view as user specify search criteria and hit search button.
Here is the search button specific action method:
public ActionResult Get_BulletChartData_Updated(SearchViewModel criteriaModel)
IEnumerable<SomeModel> salesList = null;
SearchObject criteria = new SearchObject();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (criteriaModel != null)
//populating criteria here
salesList = //Getting data in list format
return PartialView(salesList);
On search button click event handler in javascript, I do this:
$("#btnSearch").click(function () {
var Url = $('#Url').val(); //Getting action method url from hidden field
type: "POST",
dataType: 'HTML',
data: JSON.stringify(SearchViewModel),
url: Url, //#Url.Action("Get_SalesDataFiltered", "Sales")
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (result)
error: function ()
On search button click, I always get error alert message.
Could you please guide me the correct way to achieve this.
I'm new to MVC. Please feel free to ask for more info.
If you provide me with code, it'd be great.
I think that your problem is that you post a json object, while your post method has as a parameter a SearchViewModel object.
I believe that If you change this
data: JSON.stringify(SearchViewModel)
to this
data: $("#yourFormId").serialize()
you will get the expected result.

Is there a way to use AJAX on a DropDownList changed event to dynamically modify a partial view on a page?

Is there a way to use AJAX on a DropDownList changed event to dynamically modify a partial view on a page?
My main page has a DropDownList (DropDownListFor) and a partial view which ONLY contains a list of "items". The items shown in this partial view are dependent upon the item selected in the DropDownList. There's a 1 to many relationship between the DropDownList item and the items in the partial view. So, when the user changes the value of the DropDownList, the content in the partial view will dynamically change to reflect the item selected in the DropDownList.
Here's my DropDownList:
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
Choose Capsule:<br />
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.CapsuleFK, new SelectList(Model.Capsules, "pk", "name", "pk"), new { id = "ddlCapsules" })
<br />
Here's my Partial View declaration on the same page:
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
#Html.Partial("_FillerPartial", Model.Fillers)
I'm not very familiar with Ajax, but looking at other examples, here's what I have for my Ajax:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#ddlCapsules').change(function () {
// make ajax call to modify the filler list partial view
var selection = $('#ddlCapsules').val();
var dataToSend = { cappk: selection };
url: 'Process/GetFillersByCapsule',
data: { cappk: dataToSend },
success: function (data) {
alert("server returned: " + data);
And finally, here's a screenshot of what's going on. By changing the "Choose Capsule" drop down list, I want the Filler list to update dynamically:
You can load the drop down list as a partial view from the controller using ajax.
The controller code:
public virtual ActionResult GetFillersByCapsule(string cappk)
var model = //Method to get capsules by pk, this returns a ViewModel that is used to render the filtered list.
return PartialView("PartialViewName", model);
The main view html:
<div id="filteredList">
</div >
The partial view
#model IEnumerable<MyCapsuleModel>
foreach (var x in Model)
//Render the appropriate filtered list html.
And you can load the filtered list using ajax:
$('#ddlCapsules').change(function () {
// make ajax call to modify the filler list partial view
var selection = $('#ddlCapsules').val();
var dataToSend = { cappk: selection };
url: 'Process/GetFillersByCapsule',
data: { cappk: dataToSend },
success: function (data) {
Hope this helps.
You can't update the partial, per se, because the partial will never be rendered again without a page reload. Once you receive the HTML, ASP is done, you're on your own at that point.
What you can do, of course, is switch out the content of a particular div or whatever using JavaScript. Your example in particular screams Knockout, so that's what I would recommend using.
Change your HTML to add a data-bind to your containing div:
<div data-role="fieldcontain" data-bind="foreach: filler">
<button data-bind="text: name"></button>
And your DropDownList:
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.CapsuleFK, new SelectList(Model.Capsules, "pk", "name", "pk"), new { id = "ddlCapsules", data_bind = "event: { change: updateFillers }" })
Then, some JavaScript:
var FillersViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.fillers = ko.observableArray([]);
self.updateFillers = function () {
var selection = $('#ddlCapsules').val();
var dataToSend = { cappk: selection };
url: 'Process/GetFillersByCapsule',
data: { cappk: dataToSend },
success: function (data) {
self.fillers(data.fillers) // where `fillers` is an array
var viewModel = new FillersViewModel();
This is a very simplistic example, and you'll need to do some more work to make it do everything you need it to do in your scenario, but the general idea is that every time the dropdown list is changed, Knockout will call your updateFillers method, which will execute the AJAX and put new data into the fillers observable array. Knockout automatically tracks changes to this array (hence the "observable" part), so an update is automatically triggered to any part of your page that relies on it. In this scenario, that's your div containing the buttons. The foreach binding will repeat the HTML inside for each member of the array. I've used a simple button element here just to illustrate, but you would include the full HTML required to create your particular button like interface. The text binding will drop the content of name in between the opening and closing tag. Refer to: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/introduction.html for all the binding options you have.
There's much more you could do with this. You could implement templates instead of hard-coding your HTML to be repeated in the foreach. And, you can use your partial view to control the HTML for this template. The important part is that Knockout takes the pain out of generating all this repeating HTML for you, which is why I recommend using it.
Hope that's enough to get you started.

Partial view in MVC3 Razor view Engine

I have an view in MVC3 Razor view engine like following image. Now i want to Confirm Connection Action Output show under this link text not New page. How can i done this work?
Please explain with example code.
My View Like this :
#model ESimSol.BusinessObjects.COA_ChartsOfAccount
ViewBag.Title = "Dynamic Account Head Configure";
<h2>Dynamic Account Head Configure</h2>
<table border="0">
<td> Select an Server Connection </td>
<td style="width:5px">:</td>
<td>#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.DBConnections, Model.DBConnections.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x.ConnectionName, Value = x.DBConnectionID.ToString()}))</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="width:5px"></td>
<td>#Html.ActionLink("Confirm Connection", "ConformConnection")</td>
AND My Controller action Like following :
public ActionResult ConfirmConnection()
return PartialView();
I'm a big fan of using jquery and ajax for this kind of thing ...
If you are following the typical MVC model then you can add an action link to the page using something like ...
#Html.ActionLink("controller", "action", args);
but I would go for the ajax driven approach ...
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajaxBaseUrl = '#Url.Action("yourController", "ConformConnection", new { args })';
$(link).click(function () {
var currentElement = $(this);
url: ajaxBaseUrl,
data: { any other queryString stuff u want to pass },
type: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
// action to take when the ajax call comes back
First move your markup to a partial view. After that define an action method that renders your partial view.
public ActionResult ConfirmConnection(COA_ChartsOfAccount model)
return PartialView("MyPartialView", model);
ChildActionOnly attribute makes sure this action method cannot be called by a HTTP request.
Then you can display it whenever you want using Html.Action method.
#Html.Action("ConfirmConnection", "MyController", new { model = Model })
Ignore passing the model as a parameter if it doesn't change by the page you display it. You can retrieve it in your action method.

MVC3 strange hidden value missing during PartialView Ajax Call

I'm having a very strange issue when rendering a partial view. My page has a table whose rows are rendered using a partial view. Here's a snippet
<img src="#Url.Content("~/Content/Images/edit_icon.gif")" class="editLine" />
<img src="#Url.Content("~/Content/Images/delete_icon.gif")" class="deleteLine" />
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.LineId)
This renders fine when the page first loads. The input tags have the value set to the id. However, when I do an ajax call and return the PartialView from the controller, this value is always 0.
Controller code:
line.LineId = 12; //whatever the actual value is
return PartialView("Line", line);
And the jquery code is
data: {
Id: id
success: function (data, textStatus) {
When I debug through and look I see data has come back as
<input name="lineId" id="lineId" value="0" />
I debugged through EVERYTHING and the lineId is not 0. I then debugged throuh the view itself and whenever I did Html.Hidden("lineId", anyvalueHere) it rendered as 0. When I changed it to be Html.Hidden("lineId_" + actualId, actualId) it worked.
Is this known/expected behavior? I can imagine it not jiving with duplicate id's. However, it renders just fine on the page load where I use the exact same partial view. Is there magical juju for client side stuff? I would imagine not since it's just a controller action and it doesn't know the difference. Has anyone seen this. Thanks
If you are changing the value when you post, that is the issue. Use:
<input type='hidden' name='LineId' value='<%: Model.LineId %>'/>
instead of the Html.HiddenFor.
