GraphViz: Given a .dot file, how to compute node statistics? - graphviz

Given a .dot representation of a graph, I'd like to be able to compile some statistics about each node. Statistics could be: # of edges, # of levels, # of nodes.
Is there a package available that lets me do this?

Yes, this comes with graphviz out of the box.
General statistics about a graph can be obtained by feeding your graph into gc - count graph components:
gc (...) prints to standard output the number of nodes, edges, connected
com- ponents or clusters contained in the input files.
If you would like to generate more specific stats about your graph, you can use the tool gvpr - graph pattern scanning and processing language.
gvpr allows executing a custom script against your graph. The script may simply gather custom statistics like in your case, or it may even modify the input graph.
The above linked documentation is very complete and explains all the available properties and features better than I can do here. Below just a simple example to get you started.
If we have the following graph graph.gv:
digraph graphinfotest {
a -> {b; c; d} -> e;
b -> c;
The following gvpr script (in file graphinfo.gvpr):
int n = nNodes($G);
int e = nEdges($G);
printf("There are %d nodes and %d edges in %s\n", n, e, $;
N {
printf("Node %s - indegree %d, outdegree %d\n", $.name, $.indegree, $.outdegree);
Called with
gvpr -f graphinfo.gvpr graph.gv
Will produce the following output:
There are 5 nodes and 7 edges in graphinfotest
Node a - indegree 0, outdegree 3
Node b - indegree 1, outdegree 2
Node c - indegree 2, outdegree 1
Node d - indegree 1, outdegree 1
Node e - indegree 3, outdegree 0


Longest common path between k graphs

I was looking at interview problems and come across this one, failed to find a liable solution.
Actual question was asked on Leetcode discussion.
Given multiple school children and the paths they took from their school to their homes, find the longest most common path (paths are given in order of steps a child takes).
child1 : a -> g -> c -> b -> e
child2 : f -> g -> c -> b -> u
child3 : h -> g -> c -> b -> x
result = g -> c -> b
Note: There could be multiple children.The input was in the form of steps and childID. For example input looked like this:
(child1, a)
(child2, f)
(child1, g)
(child3, h)
(child1, c)
Some suggested longest common substring can work but it will not example -
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g
1 and 2 will give abc, 3 and 4 give pfg
now ans will be none but ans is fg
it's like graph problem, how can we find longest common path between k graphs ?
You can construct a directed graph g with an edge a->b present if and only if it is present in all individual paths, then drop all nodes with degree zero.
The graph g will have have no cycles. If it did, the same cycle would be present in all individual paths, and a path has no cycles by definition.
In addition, all in-degrees and out-degrees will be zero or one. For example, if a node a had in-degree greater than one, there would be two edges representing two students arriving at a from two different nodes. Such edges cannot appear in g by construction.
The graph will look like a disconnected collection of paths. There may be multiple paths with maximum length, or there may be none (an empty path if you like).
In the Python code below, I find all common paths and return one with maximum length. I believe the whole procedure is linear in the number of input edges.
import networkx as nx
path_data = """1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g"""
paths = [line.split(" ")[1].split("-") for line in path_data.split("\n")]
num_paths = len(paths)
# graph h will include all input edges
# edge weight corresponds to the number of students
# traversing that edge
h = nx.DiGraph()
for path in paths:
for (i, j) in zip(path, path[1:]):
if h.has_edge(i, j):
h[i][j]["weight"] += 1
h.add_edge(i, j, weight=1)
# graph g will only contain edges traversed by all students
g = nx.DiGraph()
g.add_edges_from((i, j) for i, j in h.edges if h[i][j]["weight"] == num_paths)
def longest_path(g):
# assumes g is a disjoint collection of paths
all_paths = list()
for node in g.nodes:
path = list()
if g.in_degree[node] == 0:
while True:
node = next(iter(g[node]))
if not all_paths:
# handle the "empty path" case
return []
return max(all_paths, key=len)
# ['f', 'g']
Approach 1: With Graph construction
Consider this example:
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g
Draw a directed weighted graph.
I am a lazy person. So, I have not drawn the direction arrows but believe they are invisibly there. Edge weight is 1 if not marked on the arrow.
Give the length of longest chain with each edge in the chain having Maximum Edge Weight MEW.
MEW is 4, our answer is FG.
Say AB & BC had edge weight 4, then ABC should be the answer.
The below example, which is the case of MEW < #children, should output ABC.
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-h
4 m-x-o-p-f-i
If some kid is like me, the kid will keep roaming multiple places before reaching home. In such cases, you might see MEW > #children and the solution would become complicated. I hope all the children in our input are obedient and they go straight from school to home.
Approach 2: Without Graph construction
If luckily the problem mentions that the longest common piece of path should be present in the paths of all the children i.e. strictly MEW == #children then you can solve by easier way. Below picture should give you clue on what to do.
Take the below example
1 a-b-c-d-e-f-g
2 a-b-c-x-y-f-g
3 m-n-o-p-f-g
4 m-x-o-p-f-g
Method 1:
Get longest common graph for first two: a-b-c, f-g (Result 1)
Get longest common graph for last two: p-f-g (Result 2)
Using Result 1 & 2 we get: f-g (Final Result)
Method 2:
Get longest common graph for first two: a-b-c, f-g (Result 1)
Take Result 1 and next graph i.e. m-n-o-p-f-g: f-g (Result 2)
Take Result 2 and next graph i.e. m-x-o-p-f-g: f-g (Final Result)
The beauty of the approach without graph construction is that even if kids roam same pieces of paths multiple times, we get the right solution.
If you go a step ahead, you could combine the approaches and use approach 1 as a sub-routine in approach 2.

sort graph by distance to end nodes

I have a list of nodes which belong in a graph. The graph is directed and does not contain cycles. Also, some of the nodes are marked as "end" nodes. Every node has a set of input nodes I can use.
The question is the following: How can I sort (ascending) the nodes in the list by the biggest distance to any reachable end node? Here is an example off how the graph could look like.
I have already added the calculated distance after which I can sort the nodes (grey). The end nodes have the distance 0 while C, D and G have the distance 1. However, F has the distance of 3 because the approach over D would be shorter (2).
I have made a concept of which I think, the problem would be solved. Here is some pseudo-code:
sortedTable<Node, depth> // used to store nodes and their currently calculated distance
tempTable<Node>// used to store nodes
currentDepth = 0;
- fill tempTable with end nodes
while( tempTable is not empty)
- create empty newTempTable<Node node>
// add tempTable to sortedTable
for (every "node" in tempTable)
if("node" is in sortedTable)
- overwrite depth in sortedTable with currentDepth
- add (node, currentDepth) to sortedTable
// get the node in the next layer
for ( every "newNode" connected to node)
- add newNode to newTempTable
- tempTable = newTempTable
This approach should work. However, the problem with this algorithm is that it basicly creates a tree from the graph based from every end node and then corrects old distance-calculations for every depth. For example: G would have the depth 1 (calculatet directly over B), then the depth 3 (calculated over A, D and F) and then depth 4 (calculated over A, C, E and F).
Do you have a better solution to this problem?
It can be done with dynamic programming.
The graph is a DAG, so first do a topological sort on the graph, let the sorted order be v1,v2,v3,...,vn.
Now, set D(v)=0 for all "end node", and from last to first (according to topological order) do:
D(v) = max { D(u) + 1, for each edge (v,u) }
It works because the graph is a DAG, and when done in reversed to the topological order, the values of all D(u) for all outgoing edges (v,u) is already known.
Example on your graph:
Topological sort (one possible):
Then, the algorithm:
Go back from last to first:
D(A) - no out edges, done
D(C) = max{D(A) + 1} = max{0+1}=1
D(E) = max{D(C) + 1} = 2
D(D) = max{D(A) + 1} = 1
D(F) = max{D(E)+1, D(D)+1} = max{2+1,1+1} = 3
D(B) = 0
D(G) = max{D(B)+1,D(F)+1} = max{1,4}=4
D(H) = max{D(G) + 1} = 5
As a side note, if the graph is not a DAG, but a general graph, this is a variant of the Longest Path Problem, which is NP-Complete.
Luckily, it does have an efficient solution when our graph is a DAG.

Edge classification during Breadth-first search on a directed graph

I am having difficulties finding a way to properly classify the edges while a breadth-first search on a directed graph.
During a breadth-first or depth-first search, you can classify the edges met with 4 classes:
Skiena [1] gives an implementation. If you move along an edge from v1 to v2, here is a way to return the class during a DFS in java, for reference. The parents map returns the parent vertex for the current search, and the timeOf() method, the time at which the vertex has been discovered.
if ( v1.equals( parents.get( v2 ) ) ) { return EdgeClass.TREE; }
if ( discovered.contains( v2 ) && !processed.contains( v2 ) ) { return EdgeClass.BACK; }
if ( processed.contains( v2 ) )
if ( timeOf( v1 ) < timeOf( v2 ) )
return EdgeClass.FORWARD;
return EdgeClass.CROSS;
return EdgeClass.UNCLASSIFIED;
My problem is that I cannot get it right for a Breadth first search on a directed graph. For instance:
The following graph - that is a loop - is ok:
A -> B
A -> C
B -> C
BFSing from A, B will be discovered, then C. The edges eAB and eAC are TREE edges, and when eBC is crossed last, B and C are processed and discovered, and this edge is properly classified as CROSS.
But a plain loop does not work:
A -> B
B -> C
C -> A
When the edge eCA is crossed last, A is processed and discovered. So this edge is incorrectly labeled as CROSS, whether it should be a BACK edge.
There is indeed no difference in the way the two cases are treated, even if the two edges have different classes.
How do you implement a proper edge classification for a BFS on a directed graph?
Here an implementation derived from #redtuna answer.
I just added a check not to fetch the parent of the root.
I have JUnits tests that show it works for directed and undirected graphs, in the case of a loop, a straight line, a fork, a standard example, a single edge, etc....
public EdgeClass edgeClass( final V from, final V to )
if ( !discovered.contains( to ) ) { return EdgeClass.TREE; }
int toDepth = depths.get( to );
int fromDepth = depths.get( from );
V b = to;
while ( toDepth > 0 && fromDepth < toDepth )
b = parents.get( b );
toDepth = depths.get( b );
V a = from;
while ( fromDepth > 0 && toDepth < fromDepth )
a = parents.get( a );
fromDepth = depths.get( a );
if ( a.equals( b ) )
return EdgeClass.BACK;
return EdgeClass.CROSS;
How do you implement a proper edge classification for a BFS on a
directed graph?
As you already established, seeing a node for the first time creates a tree edge. The problem with BFS instead of DFS, as David Eisenstat said before me, is that back edges cannot be distinguished from cross ones just based on traversal order.
Instead, you need to do a bit of extra work to distinguish them. The key, as you'll see, is to use the definition of a cross edge.
The simplest (but memory-intensive) way is to associate every node with the set of its predecessors. This can be done trivially when you visit nodes. When finding a non-tree edge between nodes a and b, consider their predecessor sets. If one is a proper subset of the other, then you have a back edge. Otherwise, it's a cross edge. This comes directly from the definition of a cross edge: it's an edge between nodes where neither is the ancestor nor the descendant of the other on the tree.
A better way is to associate only a "depth" number with each node instead of a set. Again, this is readily done as you visit nodes. Now when you find a non-tree edge between a and b, start from the deeper of the two nodes and follow the tree edges backwards until you go back to the same depth as the other. So for example suppose a was deeper. Then you repeatedly compute a=parent(a) until depth(a)=depth(b).
If at this point a=b then you can classify the edge as a back edge because, as per the definition, one of the nodes is an ancestor of the other on the tree. Otherwise you can classify it as a cross edge because we know that neither node is an ancestor or descendant of the other.
foreach edge(a,b) in BFS order:
if !b.known then:
b.known = true
b.depth = a.depth+1
edge type is TREE
continue to next edge
while (b.depth > a.depth): b=parent(b)
while (a.depth > b.depth): a=parent(a)
if a==b then:
edge type is BACK
edge type is CROSS
The key property of DFS here is that, given two nodes u and v, the interval [u.discovered, u.processed] is a subinterval of [v.discovered, v.processed] if and only if u is a descendant of v. The times in BFS do not have this property; you have to do something else, e.g., compute the intervals via DFS on the tree that BFS produced. Then the classification pseudocode is 1. check for membership in the tree (tree edge) 2. check for head's interval contains tail's (back edge) 3. check for tail's interval contains head's (forward edge) 4. otherwise, declare a cross edge.
Instead of timeof(), you need an other vertex property, which contains the distance from the root. Let name that distance.
You have to processing a v vertex in the following way:
for (v0 in v.neighbours) {
if (!v0.discovered) {
v0.discovered = true;
v0.parent = v;
v0.distance = v.distance + 1;
v.processed = true;
After you processed a vertex a v vertex, you can run the following algorithm for every edge (from v1 to v2) of the v:
if (!v1.discovered) return EdgeClass.BACK;
else if (!v2.discovered) return EdgeClass.FORWARD;
else if (v1.distance == v2.distance) return EdgeClass.CROSS;
else if (v1.distance > v2.distance) return EdgeClass.BACK;
else {
if (v2.parent == v1) return EdgeClass.TREE;
else return EdgeClass.FORWARD;

How to store a map and generate a graph with BFS in Ruby

So I guess this is a classical question for somebody with MSC in CS.
I have N element and I have the distances as well. Let's say I have 3 elements with the following distances. It is symmetric, so
A -> B == B -> A
It looks like a matrix:
A, B, C,
A 0, 10, 20
B 10, 0, 30
C 20, 30, 0
My question would be:
how can I store this efficiently(what data structure)
what is the most efficient way to get a linked list where the sum of distance is minimal
In this case the best is
B -> A -> C = 30 which equals to C -> A -> B
other case:
A -> B -> C = 40 which equals to C -> B -> A
I had the impression that BFS might be suitable for this. Link to documentation in English is good, even books on Amazon...
The ideal solution for your data structure is an adjacency list.
An adjacency list is simply a list of objects (representing vertices on your graph). Each object has a list containing all the vertices that it has an adjacent edge to and the corresponding weight.
In ruby, a simple implementation might looking something like:
vertices = {}
a =
b =
a.add(b, 10)
b.add(a, 10)
vertices[a] = a
vertices[b] = b
The algorithm to find the shortest, weighted path is called Dijkstra's.
If you would like to get the shortest path after running the algorithm, you can do a traceback. This is done by storing the (optimal) parent of each node as you reach it. In order to do this, you could have a hash for each visited node which maps to the node which lead to it with the least cost.
Once you have finished the algorithm, your recursive traceback may look something like this:
def traceback(parent, start, node, path)
if(start == node)
(path + start.to_s).reverse
path += node.to_s + " "
traceback(parent, start, parent[node], path)
I hear Dijkstra has an algorithm to navigate a weighted graph.

Graph data structure terms

What is the difference between the terms edge and path in graph data structure?
An edge is something that connects two nodes. A path is a series of edges in sequence that defines a "path" from node A to node B.
Edge: connects node one node to another. So there no nodes present between node A and B.
eg. A<-->B or A-->B or A<---B.
Path: Connects 1 or more nodes to each other. So path contains 1 or more edges.
eg. 1.) A---B---C : here path is ABC
/ \
Here different paths are A-B-C and A-C.
Different edges are: A-B, B-C, A-C.
I hope this clears your doubt
Edge is a connection between two vertices of the graph.
Consider the graph a b
| | \ e
c | d| 1
| | / f
a,b,c,d,e represents the edges of the graphs where as a path can be path from a to g that can be a,b,d,g or a,c,g.
Edge is a point/dot ( maybe starting point, mid point, ending point).
Path is a line( sequence of point/dot makes a line).
A graph is two tuple G = (V, E), where:
V -> set of vertices (points/nodes or whatever you call it)
E -> set of edges (a line which connects any two vertices)
Such that: (v,u) belongs to E (set of edges) => v, u belongs to V (set of vertices).
Now, when we talk about paths: These are series of connected edges, which starts from a vertex and ends in another vertex.
Then you have several types of graphs : i.e. Connected/disconnected directed/undirected weighted/unweighted graphs.
Further reading :
Hope it helps!!
An edge connects two nodes and path is sequence of nodes and edges.
