how to send CTR+I sequence in VT100 / putty - putty

I have access to the remote server via serial console with VT100.
I need to change some settings which are available during boot after pressing CTR+I.
Is there a way I can send this key combination via serial console using putty.

That is control/I (9th letter), which is the same as the tab character, in ASCII (used by VT100).


windows application and RDP access

I discovered that the internal format settings (decimal separator, date format, etc.) I am using within my windows application are changed to the local settings of the machine which connects via RDP to my machine.
What else is being altered? What do I need to consider inside my application, if a client connects via RDP to it?
I didn't find any documenation about this behaviour.

Why is remote SmartCard not found when using RDP

I'm using Windows Server 2008 R2 which runs a VB6.0 application that uses a smartcard locally.
I then connect to this machine remotely using Remote Desktop Connection (6.3). However now the application shows the following error (SmartCard):
0x8010001d The Smart card resource manager is not running.
Research so far:
I don't want to use redirection as the card is on the remote machine already.
Using RDP the way I am trying to use it for is wrong and tightVNC is more appropriate (This does fix the issue)
Unsure - SCardEstablishContext API is returning that error because it gets an Access Denied error when trying to open an event called "Global\Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager Started" with OpenEvent API. The default security for that event on Vista and Windows 7 specifies that only SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE and INTERACTIVE users have access to it. NETWORK SERVICE or non-interactive users won’t be able to access the event.
Why is the SmartCard not being recognised?
Any Information would be appreciated.
NOTE: The smartcard works fine when the application is on Windows Server 2008 R2 - however only fails when connecting remotely.
It is not possible, you can't use the locally plugged smartcard of the server you RDP into, as your session is redirected to the client then only the clients smartcard is accessible in the rdp session.
Microsoft made it like this for security reasons.
But there is a turn around, like sharing the device (smartcard reader, Usb token, Usb devices ) using software or hardware :
softawre examples (i only found paid solutions), see link
or hardware using a Device server but it doesn't work through WAN only LAN.
Use VNC instead of RDP
TLDR: Use VNC as a Windows Service
If you insist on using RPD, then you'll have to patch your RDP DLLs. If you don't want to do this, then instead use ANY OTHER PROTOCOL other than RDP. If it's a vmware VM, then just use the vcenter console. If it's an Azure VM where you don't GET a console, then just install VNC-server-softer on the server that has the Smart Cards and then access from somewhere else via VNC-client. "TightVNC" ( worked nicely for me.
There are two ways to run TightVNC server:
TightVNC Server (Service Mode) -- Connecting with VNC-client will take you to the Windows logon screen.
TightVNC Server (Application Mode)
You will need to run TightVNC as a Windows Service. Then you will start a NEW session. Otherwise you'll just be on top of the existing RDP session and still not see remote Smart Cards.
Long Version
If you RDP into a remote server, then that remote server's Smart Cards will be hidden. That behavior is baked into RDP and it is BY DESIGN.
You can optionally take your LOCAL Smart Cards along into the RDP session. (Via mstsc.exe's "Local Resources" tab and then checking "Smart cards".) But these are the Smart Cards connected LOCALLY to your laptop. And NOT the Smart Cards connected to the remote server.
So if you use RDP, then you have option to either see no Smart Cards at all (neither local, nor remote) or just see your LOCAL Smart Cards. To see the REMOTE Smart Cards is NOT possible via RDP.
This is by design inside RDP. And if you want to change it, then you have to manually patch some .DLL files. And somebody has actually done this. See this question here:
How to Access Remote USB Smartcard during RDP
Before you create your Remote Desktop session, click on "Show options". Under the "Local Resources" tab there is a "Local devices and resources" panel. Click the "More" button.
Click on "Smart Cards". No complete the remote desktop session.

Does anyone know how to issue a SUBMIT command to OpenVMS over an FTP session?

I am currently using windows telnet to submit files to the OpenVMS queue via a series of sendkeys/application waits through VBA. It works, up until the end-user shifts focus away from the telnet window. I would prefer to issue the SUBMITs using an FTP session, where I can script the commands into a batch file and shoot it across FTP. I was able to do something similar with IBM mainframes - through the quote site FTP command - setting the filetype=jes, followed by a JCL file that would be dropped into the work queue for immediate execution. I can't seem to find anything on the internet related to FTP, openVMS, and submit. I have tried using Quote submit/que=... but it does not recognize the command. (Submit works fine under telnet).
Maybe you can use Remote Shell Protocol (RSH) to execute a command in a remote node
You would need a rsh client on windows:
And also enable RSH service on VMS via TCPIP$CONFIG
(See OpenVMS documentation
This works best with a VMS username dedicated to processing inbound FTP files. If you put in the LOGIN.COM for that username to detect it's a network connection and submit a batch job to look for the expected file, get exclusive access to it with retries (the FTP is done), and then process the file - That has worked for me.
The other option is to put a security ACL on the directory and make an audit listener - it will get file creates via a mailbox message. Then it can do similar: get exclusive access to the file being created and then process it.

How to programmatically setup a dialup connection

I have a question - is there some way to set a login and password for a certain dial up connection?
I am able to create a Dial Up connection, however I'm unable to "save" the password and login into Windows (so it would remember them).
Please note that I want to do it without the Windows GUI, ideally just using regedit/cmd or windows default tools (that can be executed from cmd).
I needed to do this for Windows CE so I used the remote registry editor to compare before and after adding a dial up connection. I found the settings in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\ConnectionAddedByMe], hopefully you can do the same locally.

Determine Remote Desktop Protocol version programmatically?

Remote Desktop Protocol version 6.1 changed the way RDP sessions are handled (making session 0, which previously meant "console session", into a non-interactive session). I need to be able to figure out from within my program how to determine just what version of the RD protocol is being used on the current RDP session. Nothing I can find in the Windows Terminal Services API, however, seems to give me the protocol version.
the WTSClientBuildNumber attribute in the WTS_INFO_CLASS contains the client build number which appears to be the version of the client's RDP.
The WTS_INFO_CLASS enumeration type contains values that indicate the type of session information to retrieve in a call to the WTSQuerySessionInformation function.
here is the msdn terminal services api article.
