Bash Shell Scripting - Select Case Menu Not Working - bash

i'm quite new to shell programming.. and working on project
am doing Select Menu using the Select Case
below is the scripting
#! /usr/bin/bash
echo "1) Add new book"
echo "2) Remove existing book info"
echo "3) Update book info and quantity"
echo "4) Search for book by title/author"
echo "5) Process a book sold"
echo "6) Inventory summary report"
echo "7) Quit"
PS3="Please enter your option: "
select book in Add Remove update search process inventory quit
#read book
case $book in
1) echo "Add new book"
echo "Title: "
read title
echo $title > BookDB.txt
echo "Author: "
read name
echo $name > BookDB.txt
echo "$title successfully added!"
2) echo "Remove existing book info"
sed '$NAME' BookDB.txt
3) echo "Update book info and quantity"
echo "Title: "
read title
echo $title < BookDB.txt
echo "Author: "
read name
echo $name < BookDB.txt
4) echo "Search for book by title/author"
5) echo "Process a book sold"
6) echo "Inventory summary report"
7) echo "Quit"
and below is the shell commands in the Ubuntu terminal
1) Add new book
2) Remove existing book info
3) Update book info and quantity
4) Search for book by title/author
5) Process a book sold
6) Inventory summary report
7) Quit
1) Add 3) update 5) process 7) quit
2) Remove 4) search 6) inventory
Please enter your option: 1
Please enter your option:
the words in the echo do not appear after i entered 1.and even if i I choose Quit, it doesn't go back to the menu. how do i get it to work? :(
Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks! :)

From the bash manpage (my italics and bold):
select name [ in word ] ; do list ; done
The list of words following in is expanded, generating a list of items. The set of expanded words is printed on the standard error, each preceded by a number. If the in word is omitted, the positional parameters are printed (see PARAMETERS below).
The PS3 prompt is then displayed and a line read from the standard input.
If the line consists of a number corresponding to one of the displayed words, then the value of name is set to that word.
If the line is empty, the words and prompt are displayed again. If EOF is read, the command completes.
Any other value read causes name to be set to null. The line read is saved in the variable REPLY. The list is executed after each selection until a break command is executed.
The exit status of select is the exit status of the last command executed in list, or zero if no commands were executed.
Hence, in your case statement, you need "Add" rather than 1, ditto for the others.
You should also look into what you're actually doing in each case. Obviously the latter ones are empty because you haven't yet gotten around to them, but your use of sed in the second case will not remove anything from the file as it stands. And, for the third case:
echo $title < BookDB.txt
in ... interesting. If it were output redirection, I could understand the beginnings of a plan but the line as you have it will simply output $title and totally ignore the content of your input redirection.
No doubt you'll fix them in time, I just thought I'd bring them to your attention as something that needs looking at.

Try this:
PS3="Please enter your option: "
select book in Add Remove Update Search Process Inventory Quit
case $book in

Under select statement, in case you should use the string stated in select. Here you should do it like this:
select book in Add Remove update search process inventory quit
case $book in
Add) echo "Add new book"
echo "Title: "
read title
echo $title > BookDB.txt
echo "Author: "
read name
echo $name > BookDB.txt
echo "$title successfully added!"
Remove) echo "Remove existing book info"
sed '$NAME' BookDB.txt
update) echo "Update book info and quantity"
echo "Title: "
read title
echo $title < BookDB.txt
echo "Author: "
read name
echo $name < BookDB.txt
search) echo "Search for book by title/author"
process) echo "Process a book sold"
inventory) echo "Inventory summary report"
quit) echo "Quit"
You can understand the code as below:
select prepare many values for book, and which value assigned is due to what we input. The input should be integer indexed begin from 1.
For further understanding, you should learn much about bash and select system call.

select book in Add Remove update search process inventory quit
select book in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Getting a menu to loop when invalid choice is made BASH

Hey guys so I am trying to get this menu to loop whenever an invalid choice is made in a case statement but having a hard time figuring out what I should be calling back to in my while loop I tried using * as that is whats referenced in case as the invalid choice but it expects an operand when it sees that so I am not sure how to call it back below is the code any help is greatly appreciated.
#Main menu.
#Displays a greeting and waits 8 seconds before clearing the screen
echo "Hello and welcome to the group 97 project we hope you enjoy using our program!"
sleep 8s
while [[ $option -eq "*" ]]
#Displays a list of options for the user to choose.
echo "Please select one of the folowing options."
echo -e "\t0. Exit program"
echo -e "\t1. Find the even multiples of any number."
echo -e "\t2. Find the terms of any linear sequence given the rule Un=an+b."
echo -e "\t2. Find the numbers that can be expressed as the product of two nonnegative integers in succession and print them in increasing order."
#Reads the option selection from user and checks it against case for what to do.
read -n 1 option
case $option in
exit ;;
echo task1 ;;
echo task2 ;;
echo task3 ;;
echo "Invalid selection, please try again.";;
A select implementation of your menu:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PS3='Please select one of the options: '
select _ in \
'Exit program' \
'Find the even multiples of any number.' \
'Find the terms of any linear sequence given the rule Un=an+b.' \
'Find the numbers that can be expressed as the product of two nonnegative integers in succession and print them in increasing order.'
case $REPLY in
1) exit ;;
2) echo task1 ;;
3) echo task2 ;;
4) echo task3 ;;
*) echo 'Invalid selection, please try again.' ;;
Don't reinvent the builtin select
"Exit program"
"Find the even multiples of any number."
"Find the terms of any linear sequence given the rule Un=an+b."
"Find the numbers that can be expressed as the product of two nonnegative integers in succession and print them in increasing order."
PS3="Please select one of the options: "
select choice in "${choices[#]}"; do
case $choice in
"${choices[0]}") exit ;;
echo task1
break ;;
echo task2
break ;;
echo task3
break ;;
If you want to stay in the menu until "Exit" then remove the breaks.

what code function will help to ask for input when i try to execute a code with no previous value in shell script

When I choose Option 3 after opening the file it just terminates.
I was trying to use if else function inside section 3 where it ask for new values if there is none stored so that instead of terminating it will ask for values but cant seem to work it out.
while : #This program demonstrate 4 option below
echo "Main Menu"
echo "Select any option of your choice"
echo "[1] Show Todays date/time,Files in current directory,home
directory,user id "
echo "[2] Enter a range "
echo "[3] Highest and lowest of the eight random numbers "
echo "[4] Exit/Stop "
echo "==========="
echo -n "Menu choice [1-4]: "
read -r yourch #Choose option out of 4
case $yourch in
1) echo "Today is";date;
echo "Your home directory is:";home;
echo "Your path is :";PWD;
echo "Current Shell";uname;
echo "Your Student ID $USER ID ";
echo "Press a key...";read -r;;
2) echo "Lower value" #Enter the lower value
read -r s1
echo "Higher value" #Enter the higher value
read -r s2
if [ $dif -ne 100 ]
echo "Range should be 100"
else #if the differnce is 100 then programe run otherwise terminates
in=$( ("$s2" - "$s1")) #formula for the range
echo "8 random numbers between $s1 and $s2 are :-"
for i in $(seq 1 8)
t=$( ($RANDOM % "$in"))
n=$( ("$t" + "$s1"))
echo "$n" #Here we get the random numbers
echo "Press a key..."; read -r;;
3) diff=$((s2 - s1)) #Depicts Highest and lowest numbers of the randoms
for i in $(seq 8)
if [[ "$R" -gt "$max" ]]
if [[ "$R" -lt "$min" ]]
echo "Biggest number and smallest numbers are $max and $min" #Prints the highest and lowest numbers
echo "press a key...";read -r;;
4)echo " THANK YOU VERY MUCH $ Good Bye"
exit 0;; #Exit command
*)echo "Opps!!! Please select choice 1,2,3,4";
echo "press a key...";read -r;;
I would like for it to ask for new values if there is no previous data stored.
I checked your script, to see the problem. It terminates with a division by zero, because s1 and s2 initially are not set. To resolve this, you can use code like
if [ -z "${s1}" ] ;then
read -p "s1 is empty, please enter a number " s1
if [ -z "${s2}" ] ;then
read -p "s2 is empty, please enter a number " s2
-z "..." is true, if the string is empty. The shell doesn't distinguish data types and because I use the doublequotes it is safe to check for an empty string because if s1 is not set, "$s1" results in an empty string.
Btw. "$s1" is logically equivalent to "${s1}", but it is safer to use the curly braces, because there are no ambiguities this way where the variable ends. For example consider the lines:
echo "I like the music of the $years"
echo "I like the music of the ${year}s"
The first echo outputs "I like the music of the" unless variable "years" was set before, while the second outputs "I like the music of the 90s". Without curly braces this would be a bit more inconvenient. Without curly braces sometimes you might run in such ambiguities, without recognizing it easily.

bash: choose default from case when enter is pressed in a "select" prompt

I'm prompting questions in a bash script like this:
optionsAudits=("Yep" "Nope")
echo "Include audits?"
select opt in "${optionsAudits[#]}"; do
case $REPLY in
1) includeAudits=true; break ;;
2) includeAudits=false; break ;;
"\n") echo "You pressed enter"; break ;; # <--- doesn't work
*) echo "What's that?"; exit;;
How can I select a default option when enter is pressed? The "\n" case does not catch the enter key.
To complement Aserre's helpful answer, which explains the problem with your code and offers an effective workaround, with background information and a generic, reusable custom select implementation that allows empty input:
Background information
To spell it out explicitly: select itself ignores empty input (just pressing Enter) and simply re-prompts - user code doesn't even get to run in response.
In fact, select uses the empty string to signal to user code that an invalid choice was typed.
That is, if the output variable - $opt, int this case - is empty inside the select statement, the implication is that an invalid choice index was typed by the user.
The output variable receives the chosen option's text - either 'Yep' or 'Nope' in this case - not the index typed by the user.
(By contrast, your code examines $REPLY instead of the output variable, which contains exactly what the user typed, which is the index in case of a valid choice, but may contain extra leading and trailing whitespace).
Note that in the event that you didn't want to allow empty input, you could
simply indicate to the user in the prompt text that ^C (Ctrl+C) can be used to abort the prompt.
Generic custom select function that also accepts empty input
The following function closely emulates what select does while also allowing empty input (just pressing Enter). Note that the function intercepts invalid input, prints a warning, and re-prompts:
# Custom `select` implementation that allows *empty* input.
# Pass the choices as individual arguments.
# Output is the chosen item, or "", if the user just pressed ENTER.
# Example:
# choice=$(selectWithDefault 'one' 'two' 'three')
selectWithDefault() {
local item i=0 numItems=$#
# Print numbered menu items, based on the arguments passed.
for item; do # Short for: for item in "$#"; do
printf '%s\n' "$((++i))) $item"
done >&2 # Print to stderr, as `select` does.
# Prompt the user for the index of the desired item.
while :; do
printf %s "${PS3-#? }" >&2 # Print the prompt string to stderr, as `select` does.
read -r index
# Make sure that the input is either empty or that a valid index was entered.
[[ -z $index ]] && break # empty input
(( index >= 1 && index <= numItems )) 2>/dev/null || { echo "Invalid selection. Please try again." >&2; continue; }
# Output the selected item, if any.
[[ -n $index ]] && printf %s "${#: index:1}"
You could call it as follows:
# Print the prompt message and call the custom select function.
echo "Include audits (default is 'Nope')?"
optionsAudits=('Yep' 'Nope')
opt=$(selectWithDefault "${optionsAudits[#]}")
# Process the selected item.
case $opt in
'Yep') includeAudits=true; ;;
''|'Nope') includeAudits=false; ;; # $opt is '' if the user just pressed ENTER
Alternative implementation that lets the function itself handle the default logic:Thanks, RL-S
This implementation differs from the above in two respects:
It allows you to designate a default among the choices, by prefixing it with !, with the first choice becoming the default otherwise. The default choice is printed with a trailing [default] (and without the leading !). The function then translates empty input into the default choice.
The selected choice is returned as a 1-based index rather than the text. In other words: you can assume that a valid choice was made when the function returns, and that choice is indicated by its position among the choices given.
# Custom `select` implementation with support for a default choice
# that the user can make by pressing just ENTER.
# Pass the choices as individual arguments; e.g. `selectWithDefault Yes No``
# The first choice is the default choice, unless you designate
# one of the choices as the default with a leading '!', e.g.
# `selectWithDefault Yes !No`
# The default choice is printed with a trailing ' [default]'
# Output is the 1-based *index* of the selected choice, as shown
# in the UI.
# Example:
# choice=$(selectWithDefault 'Yes|No|!Abort' )
selectWithDefault() {
local item i=0 numItems=$# defaultIndex=0
# Print numbered menu items, based on the arguments passed.
for item; do # Short for: for item in "$#"; do
[[ "$item" == !* ]] && defaultIndex=$(( $i + 1)) && item="${item:1} [default]"
printf '%s\n' "$((++i))) $item"
done >&2 # Print to stderr, as `select` does.
# Prompt the user for the index of the desired item.
while :; do
printf %s "${PS3-#? }" >&2 # Print the prompt string to stderr, as `select` does.
read -r index
# Make sure that the input is either empty or that a valid index was entered.
[[ -z $index ]] && index=$defaultIndex && break # empty input == default choice
(( index >= 1 && index <= numItems )) 2>/dev/null || { echo "Invalid selection. Please try again." >&2; continue; }
# Output the selected *index* (1-based).
printf $index
Sample call:
# Print the prompt message and call the custom select function,
# designating 'Abort' as the default choice.
echo "Include audits?"
ndx=$(selectWithDefault 'Yes' 'No', '!Abort')
case $ndx in
1) echo "include";;
2) echo "don't include";;
3) echo "abort";;
Optional reading: A more idiomatic version of your original code
Note: This code doesn't solve the problem, but shows more idiomatic use of the select statement; unlike the original code, this code re-displays the prompt if an invalid choice was made:
optionsAudits=("Yep" "Nope")
echo "Include audits (^C to abort)?"
select opt in "${optionsAudits[#]}"; do
# $opt being empty signals invalid input.
[[ -n $opt ]] || { echo "What's that? Please try again." >&2; continue; }
break # a valid choice was made, exit the prompt.
case $opt in # $opt now contains the *text* of the chosen option
'Nope') # could be just `*` in this case.
The case statement was moved out of the select statement, because the latter now guarantees that only valid inputs can be made.
The case statement tests the output variable ($opt) rather than the raw user input ($REPLY), and that variable contains the choice text, not its index.
Your problem is due to the fact that select will ignore empty input. For your case, read will be more suitable, but you will lose the utility select provides for automated menu creation.
To emulate the behaviour of select, you could do something like that :
optionsAudits=("Yep" "Nope")
while : #infinite loop. be sure to break out of it when a valid choice is made
echo "Include Audits?"
#we recreate manually the menu here
for o in "${optionsAudits[#]}"; do
echo "$i) $o"
let i++
read reply
#the user can either type the option number or copy the option text
case $reply in
"1"|"${optionsAudits[0]}") includeAudits=true; break;;
"2"|"${optionsAudits[1]}") includeAudits=false; break;;
"") echo "empty"; break;;
*) echo "Invalid choice. Please choose an existing option number.";;
echo "choice : \"$reply\""
Updated answer:
echo "Include audits? 1) Yep, 2) Nope"
read ans
case $ans in
Yep|1 ) echo "yes"; includeAudits=true; v=1 ;;
Nope|2 ) echo "no"; includeAudits=false; v=2 ;;
"" ) echo "default - yes"; includeAudits=true; v=1 ;;
* ) echo "Whats that?"; exit ;;
This accepts either "Yep" or "1" or "enter" to select yes, and accepts "Nope" or "2" for no, and throws away anything else. It also sets v to 1 or 2 depending on whether the user wanted yes or no.
This will do what you are asking for.
options=("option 1" "option 2");
while :
echo "Select your option:"
for opt in "${options[#]}"; do
echo "$i) $opt";
let i++;
read reply
case $reply in
echo "Invalid choice. Please choose 1 or 2";;
Assuming that your default option is Yep:
optionsAudits=("Yep" "Nope")
while : #infinite loop. be sure to break out of it when a valid choice is made
echo "Include Audits?: "
#we recreate manually the menu here
for o in "${optionsAudits[#]}"; do
echo " $i) $o"
let i++
read -rp "Audit option: " -iYep
#the user can either type the option number or copy the option text
case $REPLY in
"1"|"${optionsAudits[0]}") includeAudits=true; break;;
"2"|"${optionsAudits[1]}") includeAudits=false; break;;
"") includeAudits=true; break;;
*) echo "Invalid choice. Please choose an existing option number.";;
echo "choice : \"$REPLY\""
echo "includeAudits : \"$includeAudits\""
Noticed the line:
read -rp "Audit option: " -eiYep
Also I pulled up $reply to $REPLY so that the case decision works better.
The output would now look like this upon hitting ENTER:
Include Audits?:
1) Yep
2) Nope
Audit option: Yep
choice : ""
includeAudits : "true"
As an enhancement over select, read -eiYep will supply Yep default value into the input buffer up front.
Only downside of fronting the default value is that one would have to press backspace a few times to enter in their own answer.

How to use goto statement in shell script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a "goto" statement in bash?
(14 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am beginner in shell script. I don't have any idea about how to use goto statement. I am using the following code.
echo "Main Menu"
echo "1 for Copy"
echo "2 for exit"
read NUM
case $NUM in
echo "CopyNUM"
goto start:;
echo "Haiiii";
goto start:
echo "ssss";
As others have noted, there's no goto in bash (or other POSIX-like shells) - other, more flexible flow-control constructs take its place.
Look for heading Compound Commands in man bash.
In your case, the select command is the right choice.
Since how to use it may not be obvious, here's something to get you started:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Main Menu"
# Define the choices to present to the user, which will be
# presented line by line, prefixed by a sequential number
# (E.g., '1) copy', ...)
choices=( 'copy' 'exit' )
# Present the choices.
# The user chooses by entering the *number* before the desired choice.
select choice in "${choices[#]}"; do
# If an invalid number was chosen, $choice will be empty.
# Report an error and prompt again.
[[ -n $choice ]] || { echo "Invalid choice." >&2; continue; }
# Examine the choice.
# Note that it is the choice string itself, not its number
# that is reported in $choice.
case $choice in
echo "Copying..."
# Set flag here, or call function, ...
echo "Exiting. "
exit 0
# Getting here means that a valid choice was made,
# so break out of the select statement and continue below,
# if desired.
# Note that without an explicit break (or exit) statement,
# bash will continue to prompt.
Here is a short example using a select loop to accomplish your goal. You can use a while loop with a custom menu if you want custom formatting, but the basic menu is what select was designed to do:
## array of menu entries
entries=( "for Copy"
"for exit" )
## set prompt for select menu
PS3='Selection: '
while [ "$menu" != 1 ]; do ## outer loop redraws menu each time
printf "\nMain Menu:\n\n" ## heading for menu
select choice in "${entries[#]}"; do ## select displays choices in array
case "$choice" in ## case responds to choice
"for Copy" )
echo "CopyNUM"
break ## break returns control to outer loop
"for exit" )
echo "Haiiii, exiting"
menu=1 ## variable setting exit condition
* )
echo "ssss"
exit 0
$ bash
Main Menu:
1) for Copy
2) for exit
Selection: 1
Main Menu:
1) for Copy
2) for exit
Selection: 3
Main Menu:
1) for Copy
2) for exit
Selection: 2
Haiiii, exiting

Bash Menu: Return to menu after selection made and executed?

I've got a bash script that writes to a file. at the end of the script I want to display a menu, with line numbers - and have the user be able to select 1 or 2, (etc. up to the number of lines in the file) then have it execute that line.
Up to here is perfect.
However, after the line is executed (say for example it displays another file.) I'd like to return to the menu and let the user select another number. Including zero for exiting the menu.
Once the menu is displayed I have the following. (dumpline being the line of the file read)
dresult=`sed -n "$dumpline"p "$PWD"/"$myday1"_"$myjob".txt`
But right now - after running the variable $dresult - it exits the shell (where instead I'd like the menu displayed.
Any thoughts?
thank you in advance.
Here's another way to do a menu which relies on cat having the ability to number the lines of a file (some versions of cat may not have that - see the second example if this is the case). Both examples are for a simple four-item menu:
while [[ 1 ]]
cat -n menufile
read -p "Make a selection " choice
case $choice in
echo "A or B"
echo "C"
echo "Invalid choice"
This doesn't require cat -n:
read -d '' -a menuarray < menufile
for (( i=0; i<${#menuarray[#]}; i++ ))
menu=$menu"$(($i+1))) ${menuarray[i]}"$'\n'
while [[ 1 ]]
echo "$menu"
read -p "Make a selection " choice
case $choice in
echo "A or B"
echo "C"
echo "Invalid choice"
My comments on dz's answer are too long for a comment, so I'm posting them here:
Using seq with select would make a redundant-looking menu, with no correlation between it and the display of the lines in $dumpfile:
echo 'hello'
1) 1
2) 2
You could do something like this instead:
menu=$(< $dumpfile)
PS3="Make a selection: "
select ACTION in $menu QUIT
case ...
I think, you need something like a loop. Here is a small skelleton for executing a selected line from file:
echo "ls
echo 'hello'" > ${dumpfile}
function do_action {
line="$( sed -n "${1},1p" "$dumpfile" )"
eval "${line}"
cat -n $dumpfile
nr=$( cat "${dumpfile}" | wc -l )
PS3="select line nr or nr for QUIT: "
select ACTION in $( seq "$nr" ) QUIT
case $ACTION in
QUIT) echo "exit" ; break ;; #EXIT
*) do_action "$ACTION" ;;
But be aware of the following:
Using eval might be not allways be a good idea (escaping is hard). Sometimes $line should be sufficient.
Using a subshell prevents changing variables by executing a line of the file. It also does prevent exiting the script from lines that do normally exits a shell.
