Add additional behavior to all portlets in Websphere Portal - ajax

I need to add some behavior to all my portlets.
It must be some ajax query that check some condition and if it is true - show message.
At the first I decided to add some html to my portal skin for my applications. In this html I add js-script to make ajax query. But I don't know the context, to send query, because we use WSRP to access our portlets. Thats why I cannot get WSRP context and make query.
Second thought was to add common jsp in all portlets, and in this jsp make logic (from jsp I can get context). But it is not good if I will change all portlets jsp (using tag "include").
So my questions next:
How to add behavior to all portlets?
How to get WSRP context in JS?
How to add jsp to all portlets, without changing portlets jsp?
P.S. And I cannot touch portal's theme, anyway.

You should be able to use a global portlet filter for this in WebSphere Portal. You create a WAR module with the filter class in it, and deploy it to the application server on which WPS is running. It must have a file called plugin.xml in WEB-INF which describes your global filter(s) via eclipse plug point mechanisms within Portal. Your class must implement any of the sub-types of javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter standard interfaces, meaning the code you write is standards based.
If you implement a global portlet filter, you must understand that it will be invoked for every portlet invoked on the portal - including administrative ones. To avoid running your intended logic where you do not wish to do so, check the context path of each request.
From the WPS Knowledge Center article:
Because global portlet filters affect all portlets running in the
given portlet container, the console modules that are contained in the
Integrated Solutions Console are also filtered. It is important to
test your filter implementation for undesired side effects on console
modules or portlets. One approach is to test by checking the context
path of the request in your filter logic.
I don't know the context path of the WSRP portlet off top of my head, but some SystemOut logging should help you identify what this value is and point you in the right direction.
Lastly, there is an article with sample code describing the technique on the portal wiki.


spring boot admin UI customization

I would like to customize the spring boot admin ui to put some custom urls for healthcheck.I didn't find any examples on altering the UI like adding some tabs or putting some urls etx.
I found some documentation under but it wasn't helpfull.
Any help on this would be really appreciated
Spring boot admin uses vue.js for frontend.
It is possible to add custom views to the ui. The views must be implemented as Vue.js components.
The JavaScript-Bundle and CSS-Stylesheet must be placed on the classpath at /META-INF/spring-boot-admin-server-ui/extensions/{name}/ so the server can pick them up. The spring-boot-admin-sample-custom-ui module contains a sample which has the necessary maven setup to build such a module.
The custom extension registers itself by calling SBA.use() and need to expose a install() function, which is called by the ui when setting up the routes. The install() function receives the following parameters in order to register views and/or callbacks:

Vaadin using SpringSecurity authentication

Currently learning Vaadin8+SpringBoot for Vaadin made me wanna forget about HTML for a while. Anyways, all is good for some CRUD operations until I mixed in SpringSecurity in the project. Well, I've been searching for days now and no solution could fit in well with the expected requirements.
Expected output:
All in one project/module/artifact
2 #SpringUI (MainUI = "", LoginUI = "/login")
Multiple #SpringViews contained by MainUI's ViewDisplay
No login.html (from the Vaadin's demo backery app)
No SpringMVC for login page
No vaadin4Spring dependency
Configurations done through annotations and not through XMLs
I know there's a way, I'm blocked how to progress on this. And if it's really not possible, need to understand as to why it isn't.
When you configure Spring Security, you need to allow anonymous access to the /login URL (either login.html if it is a non-vaadin form, or the login UI path if you want a separate UI for login). You also need to restrict access to the actual application UI. You also need to allow anonymous access to the static resources (i.e. /VAADIN/**).
The SecurityConfig in Bakery may give you a starting point. (Note: the starter or its parts cannot be redistributed as a code example or template)
There is a more detailed explanation here, though it only covers Vaadin and Spring Security integration (i.e. no spring-boot).

How to update Spring Security Management Console?

I have a User entity and apart from default fields/methods (I took the whole content from grails docs) I added fields like address, number etc. (Strings).
Now I rebuilded the whole project, deployed and I still don't see those in Spring Security Management Console.
How to force Spring Security Management Console to show my custom User fields?
I'm going to assume a couple of things when authoring this answer:
What you meant by the first part of the question is that you have added fields to the User domain class that was generated by the Spring Security Plugin
You are speaking of the Spring Security UI Plugin when you say "Management Console"
With those two assumptions in mind, you need to take a look at this documentation. Simply adding the fields to the Domain class will not affect the UI plugin, as the plugin has pre-defined views and controllers for dealing with the default fields in the domain object.
You need to "override" these views and controllers to support your new fields. From the sounds of it, running this script should "extract" the views and controller you need:
grails s2ui-override user <controller_package>
Where the controller_package is the package you would like the new UserController class to be a part of.

Spring MVC Identifying the Controller used for a given url/view

I am working on a well undocumented project and I was wondering if is it possible to get the controller used for a certain url or view?
Without knowing more information, one of the easiest ways is to turn on DEBUG logging for the Spring servlet. For example if you are using log4j:
After you turn that on, you'll see log entries anytime a page is hit like this:
Mapping [/some/path] to HandlerExecutionChain with handler [com.myapp.controller.MyController#4cda661a]
Anyway, there are various ways to do this, including scanning the code for the view name or path. Another approach would be to create a interceptor that logs some additional information for every request.
You could try Spring Tool Suite (comes either standalone or as an add-on for Eclipse). It's essentially Eclipse with extra Spring-specific features, one of them is what you're looking for:

OSGi and Component Management

I have a dynamic application that uses OSGi to load modular functionality at runtime. OSGi bundles contain the modular functionality and the application loads the bundles when they are needed. This approach works okay, but I would like a more granular solution. The bundles contain components controlled through Declarative Services. I'd like to be able to load a bundle, and only enable the components that are needed within the bundle. I've done research in this area, but cannot find a solution that I'm satisfied with. One approach was to create a "gatekeeper" component that is always enabled in the bundle and through the ComponentContext let it call enable and disable component. It's a viable solution, but I could not figure out a way for the "gatekeeper" to "know about" the other components in the bundle without hard coding the component names as properties in the "gatekeepers" SCR xml descriptor.
What I prefer is a way to load bundles and "know about" all components within the loaded bundles. Be able to determine what bundle the components are located in and what state they are currently in (similar to the equinox console command 'ls' that lists out all components). I would like to enable and disable the components when needed.
How does the console do this and how could I do this in an application?
#Neil Bartlett: Sorry for the delay. I had to move on to something else. Now I'm back on this issue. Really would appreciate any further assistance. My application is role based. I need to enable components based on the functionality they provide. The goal is for all role based components to initially be disabled. Upon role change, a role manager polls each component for its provided functionality and determines whether to load it. Each component will broadcast what functionality it provides (through a common service interface). ScrService will not allow me to enable an initially disabled service component. Having the components initially enabled and let ScrService disable them as soon as possible during application startup does not fit my needs.
Have a look at ScrService. Bothe equinox and felix has it.
However, components can be made to load lazily, i.e. only when needed by other components/bundles; but that is perhaps not what you want.
In your service description, mark the components as enabled, but requiring configuration information provided by the Configuration Management service. you then can write a CM plugin service (can't remember the exact term) that can publish and modify the configuration of your components. Services by default are identified by their name, which by default is their implementation class name. Configuration data is passed as a map, and it can be empty. DS will make the service available as soon as the CM provides a configuration.
I have a similar issue, but for a different purpose:
- I have apache file install and configuration admin service to configure my components externally with property files.
- I needed to make sure that some components get the config from the outer file and the only way I've found so far is that I mark my components with ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRED.
- But that way my plugin projects doesn't run in eclipse (where there are no config files).
- The component.xml also contains a default development configuration so I'm okay with that, just my component doesn't start until there is a config data avalilable with configadmin. My components ar unsatisfied this way, until someone creates a configadmin entry.
- I figured out that if I create a osgi command line extender that sends empty configurations to service pid's they would start up with default values in component.xml files.
- I just came here to find a way to list all bundles
But I think this solution I use can also work with your setup and that's why I write this.
Just mark all your components with the configurtationpolicy.require and you can selectively start and stop them with adding and removing configurations with configadmin. This could be hard if you already use the configadmin for other purposes too, but it may be managable as a last resort.
