Why is -L needed when -rpath is used? - gcc

I find that the -L flag must be given when using -rpath. For instance:
gcc -o test test.o -L. -lmylib -Wl,-rpath=.
Why is the -L flag needed? What information more than the information from the h-files are needed at compile time?
If I remove -L. I get the following message:
gcc -o test test.o -lmylib -Wl,-rpath=.
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmyLib
It's perfectly ok to remove both flags, though. Like this:
gcc -o test test.o -lmylib
Provided that libmyLib can be found in /usr/lib, that is. Why isn't -L needed now?
This is a follow-up question to https://stackoverflow.com/a/8482308/1091780.

Even dynamic libraries required a degree of static linkage; the linker needs to know what symbols should be supplied by the dynamic library. The key difference is that the dynamic library provides the definition at runtime, whilst with fully static library provides the definition at link time.
For this reason, -L is needed to specify where the file to link against is, just as -l specifies the specific library. The . indicates the current directory.
-rpath comes into play at runtime, when the application tries to load the dynamic library. It informs the program of an additional location to search in when trying to load a dynamic library.
The reason -L/usr/lib doesn't need to be specified is because the linker is looking there by default (as this is a very common place to put libraries).

A clarification of OMGtechy's answer.
If the linker does not check which symbols are provided by a library, it can never tell you if any symbols are missing at compile time. They might be in one of the libraries loaded at run-time. You could never know. There is no connection at compile time between the header files of a library and the .so file.


undefined reference to `cudaFree' and many other errors when compileing program [duplicate]

I'm attempting to do a release of some software and am currently working through a script for the build process. I'm stuck on something I never thought I would be, statically linking LAPACK on x86_64 linux. During configuration AC_SEARCH_LIB([main],[lapack]) works, but compilation of the lapack units do not work, for example undefiend reference to 'dsyev_' --no lapack/blas routine goes unnoticed.
I've confirmed I have the libraries installed and even compiled them myself with the appropriate options to make them static with the same results.
Here is an example I had used in my first experience with LAPACK a few years ago that works dynamically, but not statically: http://pastebin.com/cMm3wcwF
The two methods I'm using to compile are the following,
gcc -llapack -o eigen eigen.c
gcc -static -llapack -o eigen eigen.c
Your linking order is wrong. Link libraries after the code that requires them, not before. Like this:
gcc -o eigen eigen.c -llapack
gcc -static -o eigen eigen.c -llapack
That should resolve the linkage problems.
To answer the subsequent question why this works, the GNU ld documentation say this:
It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the
linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order
they are specified. Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o' searches libraryz' after
file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in `z',
those functions may not be loaded.
Normally the files found this way are library files—archive files
whose members are object files. The linker handles an archive file by
scanning through it for members which define symbols that have so far
been referenced but not defined. But if the file that is found is an
ordinary object file, it is linked in the usual fashion.
ie. the linker is going to make one pass through a file looking for unresolved symbols, and it follows files in the order you provide them (ie. "left to right"). If you have not yet specified a dependency when a file is read, the linker will not be able to satisfy the dependency. Every object in the link list is parsed only once.
Note also that GNU ld can do reordering in cases where circular dependencies are detected when linking shared libraries or object files. But static libraries are only parsed for unknown symbols once.

Statically linking any library causes libc to fail to be linked against

My system is an older NAS running 2.6.32. I have found that when using -static for any subsequent library, it will also try to statically link any other library that I might need.
When I add the -Wl,-Bdynamic flag first and then explicitly name those libraries using -lc, such as "-Wl,-Bdynamic -lc -lstdc++" then it works. So what happens is that libc and others fail to be statically linked.
The static libc on the system is called /opt/lib/libc_nonshared.a.
The contents of /opt/lib/libc.so is this:
GROUP ( /lib/libc.so.6 /opt/lib/libc_nonshared.a )
The gcc version is 4.2.3. The current build command I am facing adds -dynamic at the end but this doesn't help much. When I add some static library directly using its .a name, and not using a -l flag, then there is no issue.
The problem seems to be that the dynamic library of libc came with the NAS, but the static version sits in /opt/lib.
I run:
gcc hamming.c -static -L. -L/opt/lib -l:matrix.a -o hamming
I get:
/opt/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/4.2.3/../../../../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [hamming] Error 1
when I try to use static libc as is. Were I to perform a 'hack' to link libc_nonshared.a to libc.a, it suddenly does find it. But complains:
hamming.c:54: undefined reference to `malloc'
hamming.c:54: undefined reference to `memset'
And a zillion other errors of course. As mentioned above, /opt/libc.so contains the reference to both files (dynamic and static).
For libstdc++ only a .la file exists.
The -static linker flag does not take any argument. It is a boolean
flag that simply directs the linker to link no shared libraries, as
Do not link against shared libraries...
There is no need to explicitly direct the linker to link shared (dynamic)
libraries when it has a choice because that is the default bevaiour. If
you simply link, e.g.
gcc -o prog ... -lfoo ...
then the linker will link the first of libfoo.so (shared) or libfoo.a
(static) that it finds in any of the specified (-Ldir) or default
search directories, searched in commandline sequence. If it finds both
libfoo.so and libfoo.a in the same directory then it will choose
libfoo.so. Thus shared and static libraries may be freely intermixed
without any special options.
Specify -static only if you wish to link only static libraries.
If you wish to insist on linking a particular libfoo.a even when
libfoo.so is in the same directory and would be chosen by default,
use the explicit form of the -l option: -l:libfoo.a
gcc hamming.c -static -L. -L/opt/lib -l:matrix.a -o hamming
This command is failing with:
ld: cannot find -lc
because the linker (ld) cannot find a static library libc.a in
any of the specified linker search directories (-L. -L/opt/lib) or
the default linker search directories. If you wish instead to link
/opt/lib/libc_nonshared.a then your command should be:
>gcc hamming.c -static -L. -L/opt/lib -l:matrix.a -lc_nonshared -o hamming
However, you have not explained why you want to link this program statically
(-static) in the first place, which is not the usual way and will require you to have installed
static versions of all libraries required for the linkage - both those
you explicitly link and the default libraries that gcc will add for C language
linkage (Standard C library, GCC runtime library).
Supposing you have a static library called (oddly) matrix.a (rather
than normally, libmatrix.a) that is located in /some/dir/, then the
normal way to compile and link your program would be:
gcc hamming.c -L/some/dir -l:matrix.a -o hamming
I suggest you start with that and deviate only as problems compel
you to.
The discovery of an /opt/lib/libc.so containing:
GROUP ( /lib/libc.so.6 /opt/lib/libc_nonshared.a )
is misleading you. This is not your shared libc. A shared library
is a binary. This is a linker script, and it says that your shared libc
is in fact /lib/libc.so.6. The linker will almost certainly find and use it by default.

OSX: How do I convert a static library to a dynamic one?

Suppose I have a third party library called somelib.a on a Mac running Mountain Lion with Xcode 4.4 installed. I want to get a dynamic library out of it called somelib.dylib. An appropriate Linux command would be:
g++ -fpic -shared -Wl,-whole-archive somelib.a -Wl,-no-whole-archive -o somelib.so
where -whole-archive and -no-whole-archive are passed to the linker.
When I do the equivalent for Mac:
g++ -fpic -shared -Wl,-whole-archive somelib.a -Wl,-no-whole-archive -o somelib.dylib
ld fails with an error:
ld: unknown option: -whole-archive
It seems that the ld on OSX is different from GNU ld. How do I have to modify above command so I will get the desired result?
Thank you in advance!
I found out the solution to my problem:
g++ -fpic -shared -Wl,-force_load somelib.a -o somelib.dylib
The required argument is -force_load:
Which needs to be followed by a single library you wanna ensure gets loaded.
I mean, it needs to be repeated for each library (unlike -noall_load approach, which wrapped them).
For example, -Wl,-force_load libYetAnotherFile.a (where -Wl, part is only required because we don't pass parameter directly to linker).
Note that Old answer (before edit) was using -noall_load instead, but nowadays that causes a linker error (as -noall_load has been removed, was obsolete previously).
Note: A link for the documentation of the OSX ld linker.
I know it is late to give an answer for this, but I do not have enough reputation to make a comment on #hanslovsky answer.
However, it helps me a lot to have the docs of the options too.
It helps what the options do exactly, and that other options the ld linker also has.
So I just wanted to share with others who finds linking an issue.
After the comment from #GhostCat I have decided to expand my answer.
The docs for -all_load is:
Loads all members of static archive libraries.
So it loads for all static libraries that you note.
If you want something similar to --whole-archive and --no-whole-archive, then you need to use -force_load and -noall_load.
-force_load "path_to_archive"
Loads all members of the specified static archive library. Note: -
all_load forces all members of all archives to be loaded.
This option allows you to target a specific archive.
This is the default. This option is obsolete.
Then you can define which libraries to fully load with -force_load and then later turn it off again with -noall_load.
According to the ld manual, -noall_load is the default and is ignored. (If you use it, you get an error message: ld: warning: option -noall_load is obsolete and being ignored)
Apparently the way to get -all_load to apply to only one library is as follows:

Order of objects in a static library

I have a C project using several object files that needs to be linked in a specific order to find all needed symbols.
For example this command works fine (lib2.o depends on lib1.o etc.)
gcc -o my_app main.o lib1.o lib2.o lib3.o -lm
gcc -o my_app main.o lib3.o lib2.o lib1.o -lm
ends with undefined reference to `my_variable' errors.
This is a known behavior and can be solved for example by adding these objects to GROUP section in a linker script.
Now I'd like to share these object as a static library with my colleagues. So...
ar -rcs mylib.a lib1.o lib2.o lib3.o
gcc -o my_app main.o mylib.a -lm
Unfortunately this gives the same undefined reference errors like the specifying the objects in incorrect order.
I have not found any linker or archiver options to make it working and also no solution by googling even if I think that this problem should be relatively common.
Do please anybody know a solution?
This might be a link order problem. When the GNU linker sees a library, it discards all symbols that it doesn't need. It also does that in the sequential order form left to right.
Recent versions of gcc/ld default to linking with --as-needed flag.
This means if you write -lmylib.a before the C file the library will automatically get excluded (the order matters when testing if things are "needed" like this)
You can fix this with either:
gcc -L. -o example example.c -lmylib.a
gcc -L. -Wl,--no-as-needed -o example example.c -lmylib.a
The latter of which passes --no-as-needed to the linker, which would cause the library to still be linked, even if you didn't call any function external from it.
Your error implies that the problem is in one of your lib?.o files [lib{later}.o depends on lib{earlier}.o]
How did you manage to compile them?
Were there any compilation warnings?
It has been a while since I used C, but I think that you will need to include dependent libraries within the library that has the dependency - this may be the reason why you can't find too many references to the problem, because it does not really exist.

linker woes - undefined reference

I'm having a problem with my compiler telling me there is an 'undefined reference to' a function I want to use in a library. Let me share some info on the problem:
I'm cross compiling with gcc for C.
I am calling a library function which is accessed through an included header which includes another header, which contains the prototype.
I have included the headers directory using -I and i'm sure it's being found.
I'm first creating the .o files then linking them in a separate command.
So my thought is it might be the order in which I include the library files, but i'm not sure what is the correct way to order them. I tried with including the headers folder both before and after the .o file.
Some suggests would be great, and maybe and explanation of how the linker does its thing.
Response to answers
there is no .a library file, just .h and .c in the library, so -l isn't appropriate
my understanding of a library file is that it is just a collection of header and source files, but maybe it's a collection of .o files created from the source?!
there is no library object file being created, maybe there should be?? Yes seems I don't understand the difference between includes and libraries...i'll work on that :-)
Thanks for all the responses! I learned a lot about libraries. I'd like to put all the responses as the accepted answer :-)
Headers provide function declarations and function definitions. To allow the linker find the function's implementation (and get rid of the undefined reference) you need to ask the compiler driver (gcc) to link the specific library where the function resides using the -l flag. For instance, -lm will link the math library. A function's manual page typically specifies what library, if any, must be specified to find the function.
If the linker can't find a specified library you can add a library search path using the -L switch (for example, -L/usr/local/lib). You can also permanently affect the library path through the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Here are some additional details to help you debug your problem. By convention the names of library files are prefixed with lib and (in their static form) have a .a extension. Thus, the statically linked version of the system's default math library (the one you link with -lm) typically resides in /usr/lib/libm.a. To see what symbols a given library defines you can run nm --defined-only on the library file. On my system, running the command on libm.a gives me output like the following.
00000000 T atan2
00000000 T asinf
00000000 T asin
To see the library path that your compiler uses and which libraries it loads by default you can invoke gcc with the -v option. Again on my system this gives the following output.
GNU assembler version 2.15 [FreeBSD] 2004-05-23 (i386-obrien-freebsd)
using BFD version 2.15 [FreeBSD] 2004-05-23
/usr/bin/ld -V -dynamic-linker /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 /usr/lib/crt1.o
/usr/lib/crti.o /usr/lib/crtbegin.o -L/usr/lib /var/tmp//ccIxJczl.o -lgcc -lc
-lgcc /usr/lib/crtend.o /usr/lib/crtn.o
It sounds like you are not compiling the .c file in the library to produce a .o file. The linker would look for the prototype's implementation in the .o file produced by compiling the library
Does your build process compile the library .c file?
Why do you call it a "library" if it's actually just source code?
I fear you mixed the library and header concepts.
Let's say you have a library libmylib.a that contains the function myfunc() and a corresponding header mylib.h that defines its prototype. In your source file myapp.c you include the header, either directly or including another header that includes it. For example:
/* myapp.h
** Here I will include and define my stuff
#include "mylib.h"
your source file looks like:
/* myapp.c
** Here is my real code
#include "myapp.h"
/* Here I can use the function */
Now you can compile it to obtain myapp.o:
gcc -c -I../mylib/includes myapp.c
Note that the -I just tells gcc where the headers files are, they have nothing to do with the library itself!
Now you can link your application with the real library:
gcc -o myapp -L../mylib/libs myapp.o -lmylib
Note that the -L switch tells gcc where the library is, and the -l tells it to link your code to the library.
If you don't do this last step, you may encounter the problem you described.
There might be other more complex cases but from your question, I hope this would be enough to solve your problem.
Post your makefile, and the library function you are trying to call. Even simple gcc makefiles usually have a line like this:
LIBFLAGS =-lc -lpthread -lrt -lstdc++ -lShared -L../shared
In this case, it means link the standard C library, among others
I guess you have to add the path where the linker can find the libraray. In gcc/ld you can do this with -L and libraray with -l.
-Ldir, --library-path=dir
Search directory dir before standard
search directories (this option must
precede the -l option that searches
that directory).
-larch, --library=archive
Include the archive file arch in the
list of files to link.
Response to answers - there is no .a library file, just .h and .c in the library, so -l isn't approriate
Then you may have to create the libraray first?
gcc -c mylib.c -o mylib.o
ar rcs libmylib.a mylib.o
I have encountered this problem when building a program with a new version of gcc. The problem was fixed by calling gcc with the -std=gnu89 option. Apparently this was due to inline function declarations. I have found this solution at https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-5/porting_to.html
