While controller don't stop Jmeter - jmeter

I am encountering a problem with "While Controller":
This is what I do:
Thread Group
-user defined variables (I have assigned 'nikitaShalom' to {})
-while controller (the following condition: ${__javascript(eval("'${nikitaShalom}' != '${str}'")})
-Http request (my request)
- JSON path extractor (to extract the value I will use in my while controller)
I have pre-defined nikitaShalom to be {} as I said after the extraction it should get 'userArrivedNode' then I am comparing it to str variable which predefined to 'userArrivedNode' I can see that the while controller keeps going it does not stop even if I get the condition right. why is this?
Can you give me any reference about it?

OK, I found the answer for this problem, all has to be done is to change javascript to javaScript with captial 'S'.


Jmeter check using if controller, for a variable has a value or not

in one of my steps in the Jmeter script, I'm using json extractor to read a value from a key(address) in the JSON response and store it in a variable called "TypeOfRequest." In the next step, I need to check if the "TypeOfRequest" value is null or not(There can be situations I don't find that key in the JSON response). Then I need to take a different route.
Snippet how I'm getting the TypeOfRequest from Json extractor $.communicationMethods[:1].hTTPS.address
So my question is, how do I check if TypeOfRequest has a value or not in the if controller?
tried using '${__javaScript(vars.get("TypeOfRequest") == null)}(ref https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/jmeter-if-controller and https://sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/32969/how-do-i-check-if-a-variable-is-null-using-a-if-controller) but unable to go through the if condition, can someone help me with this. Thanks in advance
Just use Debug Sampler to see what JMeter Variables are defined and inspect their values, my expectation is that you're "unable to go through the if condition" because your TypeOfRequest variable is not null, i.e. it's present but it's an empty string.
Also the referenced article suggests using __groovy() or __jexl3() function so I believe if you change your condition to something like:
you will be able to "go through the if condition"

How to use response field in a new request in Jmeter

I have this issue that I want to solve.
I want to create a new http request using field from previous response
I send a request
I used Json extractor to move the response string to a variable (let call this string nurl)
I used Regular expression and move the field that I want to "Reference Name"
(meanning from nurl I just want tt_cid)
Now I want to make a new call, and use that field tt_cid in my new call
How I shall call tt_cid? since it is not passed as User Defined Variables,
when I use tt_cid, I do not think J meter know it, since it is not written there, I just pulled it from the response.
Provided a Pic of what I have done
Regards to you all
Short answer call it ${tt_cid}.
since it is not passed as User Defined Variables, when I use tt_cid,
I do not think J meter know it,
For your understanding add Debug Sampler after Regular expression,
You will see all your JMeter variables, including tt_cid, which can be called as other variables ${tt_cid} inside other Samplers.
It's called Reference Name and not Variable Name because it's more complicated, You should read JMeter's Regular Expression to understand how it works internally, But basically it saves more than just 1 Variable.

JMeter - Looping

I have the following script with 1 thread and 2 iterations.
Debug in Switch is not called. The second Google in the first iteration and the second Yahoo in the second iteration are not executed. Why?
Thank you for the help.
I added the image of Switch Controller.
Google and Yahoo are Simple Controllers with one HTTP Request Sampler.
Remove spaces in the Domains.csv file in the second column. As of now action= Google is checked instead of action=Google. so the behaviour.
Note: As you are using Switch Controller, it executes only matching element inside of it.
Debug Sampler in Switch element will never be matched as you are looking for either Google or Yahoo.
As Edi Prayitno mentioned, you can keep it inside the Simple Controller, if you want to execute Debug Sampler in Switch every time.
Based on the help of Switch Controller above, you put the Switch Value = ${action}. It means you filled the Switch Value with the name of the subordinate element. When ${action} name = Google, it will execute subordinate element = Google. When ${action} = Yahoo, it will execute subordinate element name = Yahoo.That means Debug in Switch will be never be called.
If you want to put debug step inside of Switch Controller, you can re-arrange your test as below:
I hope that helps you.

Using Extracted JSON Value in Another JMeter Thread

First, let me preface this question that I've only been using JMeter for 36 hours.
I've been able to successfully create a thread that performs a POST (json body) to generate a new record.
I need to take the new record's ID (1257697771) value returned in order to perform updates, get by ID, delete, etc. on this record in other threads.
After much reading, I've created a Regular Expression Extractor where:
Apply to: Main Sample Only
Field to Check: Body as Document
Reference Name: newRecord
Regular Expression: "id":(.+?)\,"displayName"
Template: $1$
Match No: 1
Default Value: NONE
At this point, I'm not sure if my Regular Expression is formatted correctly where (.+?) is valid.
Also, I'm confused if I can either just specify the new reference (newRecord) in another thread's HTTP request's Parameters or use a BeanShell Post-Processor, or a Response Assertion, etc....
There a lot of answers for the same function of "Passing". Not being a programmer, I've tried to follow the discussion "how to extract json response data in jmeter using regular expression extractor?", but I'm still not clear.
Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.
JMeter Variables are local to Thread Group, you need to convert your variable to JMeter Property.
__setProperty() function in the Thread Group where you define your newRecord variable like:
__P() function to access property value like:
See Knit One Pearl Two: How to Use Variables in Different Thread Groups article for more detailed explanation.
Also be aware of the Function Helper Dialog as it looks like JMeter functions syntax was developed by aliens.
To pass a value between threads you need to use the jmeter property function.
In a jsr223 postprocessor using groovy the code to get the value is as follows:
def userProperty = props.get('propertyToGet')
vars.put('userProperty', String.valueOf(userProperty))
You would then access the variable in your thread using:
Or you can use shorthand directly:
Variables in jmeter are thread specific.
Thanks everyone. I was able to resolve it with your help!
In the first thread:
set the Reg Expression Extractor Regular Expression = "id":(.+?)\,"displayName"
added a Bean Assertion where Parameters = ${__setProperty(newRecord,${newRecord},)}
In the second thread:
appended the Path url with ${__P(newRecord,)}
Executing the first thread (POST) resulted an new record with a unique ID. (1257698108)
Executing the 2nd thread (GET) shows
GET http://server/.../.../.../.../1257698108
And returns the exact data generated in the first thread.
Thanks everyone for your help!

Jmeter - pause when response assertion triggers?

I've got a Jmeter test up and running on an API I'm building.
The API returns this if it gets overloaded:
What I'd like to do is have JMeter also PAUSE if it gets that result.
I already have set up a Response Assertion that captures these errors. It seems like this should be a simple thing to set up, but I'm not seeing it. I see that I can add an If Controller, but that only works with Javascript vars.
Do I need to add a Regular Expression Extractor, grab that 'failure' as 'type' variable, and then add that to the If Controller?
Seems a little over-complicated?
Am I missing something?
Try to use BeanShell Timer to handle this situation.
allows scripting so you can program timer behavior how you need;
has access to jmeter context - via ctx variable - so you can handle ResponseCode condition.
Here you can find good article with example how to use.
And here - how to access beanshell variables and handle response code.
Your condition will be something like this one:
if (prev.getResponseCode().equals("500") == true) {
. . .
PLEASE NOTE: script used in BeanShell Timer should return value is used as the number of milliseconds to wait.
Another question is what the reason to do this.
If you have load/stress-test scenario then these results are something you should get during your tests and analyze then.
If you have kind of "functional" test-scenario so you have to handle this situation in more general way, adding any kind of properly configured timer to each sampler - to avoid overload or simulate "real-life" scenario.
Am I missing something?
