How to download video via viddl-rb? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to download video files from, according links from my database.
I found gem viddl-rb, but I see only console way to download in documentation - viddl-rb
How to download video, using require viddl-rb in console?

Please be warned that it may be against Youtube's ToS to download videos from Youtube; but anyways, following code might help you do it:
require 'open-uri'
require 'viddl-rb'
YouTubeLinks = %w[
youtube_hashes = do |link|
youtube_hashes.each do |yt|
puts "Downloading: #{yt[:name]}"[:name], 'wb') do |video_file|
open(yt[:url]) { |video| video_file.write }


Plis I wish indications a site to train automated software testing [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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describe 'Visit script' do
it 'visitar a pagina' do
puts "visitando a pagina"
visit ""
expect(page.title).to eql "Google"
Don't use the standard RSpec matchers with Capybara objects - the standard matchers don't have waiting/retrying behavior. Instead use the Capybara provided matchers
it 'visitar a pagina' do
puts "visitando a pagina"
visit ""
expect(page).to have_title("Google")

how to expand system path using ruby? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to require modules in my app without using require ./module or require_relative.
I know that in python you can do:
import sys
Then, you can import every module in the "whatever" path.
I guess it is possible to do it in ruby as well, but couldn't figure out a better way than:
ENV["PATH"] += ':whatever'
What about

how to capture text from a web page with ruby [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am running an automated test script written in Ruby in which I get a result page, I would like to capture some of the text on the page and print them in a file. Can anyone assist with this effort?
Like the comments say, use Nokogiri.
Install it with gem install nokogiri.
To print the first top-level heading from
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
puts doc.css("h1").first
For more information on finding the text you want, try this guide

Time difference compare to presence like Twitter in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a gem or another easy way to get time difference compare to present time like Twitter?
Of course I can write it myself, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
If you are using rails, you could do
distance_of_time_in_words_to_now #user.created_at
#=> "15 days"
time_ago_in_words #post.created_at
#=> "about 13 hours"

Should I use File.write? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently run into problems converting a ruby script to .EXE because I had a File.write statement in it. The documentation doesn't mention the write method but when I do a
pp File.methods
it is there. So should I use File.write? In a normal Ruby script the following works
File.write("test.txt", "test")
But is it good practice and why doesn't the documentation mention it?
File.write is in fact IO.write (File is a child of IO) which can be verified by monkey-patching:
class IO
def IO.write
puts "IO's class method write was called."
File.write # outputs "IO's class method write was called."
It is very well in the documentation.
Thus, I see no reason not to use it.
