Maven Increment property which is number inside the pom.xml - maven

I want to change pom.xml property
So Build Number Maven Plugin not solve my problem because its based on other file (
Given In pom.xml I have property my.number
When I run some maven plugin goal
Than In pom.xml I have incremented my.number property by one:
So what need to be done is to Increment value of property my.value by 1 each time I call maven goal. Is it possible to achieve that by some plugin?

you can use Maven Versions plugin, or maybe in your case the replacer plugin is even better.
You run the replacer-plugin by command such as:
mvn replacer:replace -Dccih.origion="my.number""some new value"
so if you run your maven commands using a tool such as Jenkins or Hadson you can calculate the new value there, based on the existing one.

This will change your pom.xml accordingly:
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=my.number -DnewVersion=126


Build docker image with a custom name using Spring Boot Maven plugin

In my pom.xml file, I configured the imageName to be the project name by default:
When I run mvn spring-boot:build-image, it works fine.
When I try to override the image name using mvn spring-boot:build-image, I was expecting to get a docker image named customname. I'm still getting the project name instead. This means that maven plugin is still using ${}.
Am using the command in a wrong way?
In your case the name of image always comes from plugin configuration <imageName>${}</imageName>. If you want to support both options to specify target image name (i.e. maven base configuration and CLI) you make take advantage of using maven properties, i.e.:
after that both mvn spring-boot:build-image and mvn spring-boot:build-image (note another name of system property) will work as expected

Run Maven goal only in parent POM by activation

I am working on integrating a plugin into a multi-module project.
I am using a 3rd party plugin that essentially needs to only by run from the parent project (based on my understanding and usage of it). I tried to accomplish this by using a profile, like so:
I have several <inherited>false</inherited>, but if I run mvn help:all-profiles I can still see this profile in every single module. If I run my mvn package -P run-my-guy I see this get executed in every single subproject. I want the ability to activate this and I do not want it to be on by default.
If I try to add it the <build> section, like this:
Here, I also have a few <inherited>false</inherited>, just to try and enforce that the plugin and the execution are not inherited. However, whenI run the package phase, or anything that includes that phase, the runThing goal is included.
How do I run a goal only by activation (like profile or some other feature, or just by explicitly running the goal) and only in the parent?
As shown in an answer for "Run a single Maven plugin execution?", it is now possible (since Maven 3.3.1) to specify an execution Id for a direct goal invocation.
<id>myproject-exec-id</id> <!-- note the execution Id -->
And then invoking the goal from the command line uses the optional #executionId parameter:
mvn myproject:runThing#myproject-exec-id

Using bootRepackage=false in Maven

Does anybody know what is the Gradle bootRepackage=false equivalent in Maven? How can you configure spring boot plugin to not generate boot war?
The problem that I face is that I have a multi module project. When I build the project with mvn clean install, the module jar contain the entire libraries defined in its pom.
The solution above applies to older versions. Spring-boot maven plugin 1.2 introduced:
Skip the execution. Default value is: false. User property is: spring-boot.repackage.skip.
You can skip the repackage goal from being executed by setting the skip attribute to true:
Skip the execution. Default: false.
In your plugin configuration, you can then have:
<skip><!-- true or the result of a Maven/system property for example --></skip>
It`s works for me

Hot to disable buildnumber-maven-plugin through cmd

I have question about maven. How can I disable buildnumber-maven-plugin through command line option. I want to run "mvn test" command on our continuous integration server, but this cmd failed because it trying to build a version and haven't access permission to our vcs (which is configured in tag). So it is possible disable it through cmd option or run only the tests without building new release version? Thanks for any help.
Use a profile to control which plug-ins are enabled during the build:
The profile can be enabled by running Maven as follows:
mvn -Pwith-scm package
One approach would be to use a property in your pom to specify the execution phase of the build number plugin, as shown below.
Then provide the property on the command line to disable the plugin, as shown in the following example.
mvn install -Dbuildnumber.plugin.phase=none
mvn clean install deploy -Dbuildnumber.phase=none
You may skip failure without change pom.xml in project. Please look at my answer at Disable maven build number plugin

Disable a Maven plugin defined in a parent POM

I am using a parent POM that defines a plugin that I do not want to be run in a child POM. How can I disable the plugin in the child pom completely?
Constraint: I cannot change the parent POM itself.
The following works for me when disabling Findbugs in a child POM:
<id>ID_AS_IN_PARENT</id> <!-- id is necessary sometimes -->
Note: the full definition of the Findbugs plugin is in our parent/super POM, so it'll inherit the version and so-on.
In Maven 3, you'll need to use:
for the plugin.
See if the plugin has a 'skip' configuration parameter. Nearly all do. if it does, just add it to a declaration in the child:
If not, then use:
The thread is old, but maybe someone is still interested.
The shortest form I found is further improvement on the example from λlex and bmargulies. The execution tag will look like:
2 points I want to highlight:
phase is set to nothing, which looks less hacky than 'none', though still a hack.
id must be the same as execution you want to override. If you don't specify id for execution, Maven will do it implicitly (in a way not expected intuitively by you).
After posting found it is already in stackoverflow:
In a Maven multi-module project, how can I disable a plugin in one child?
I know this thread is really old but the solution from #Ivan Bondarenko helped me in my situation.
I had the following in my pom.xml.
What I wanted, was to disable the execution of generate-citrus-war for a specific profile and this was the solution:
<!-- disable generating the war for this profile -->
<!-- do something else -->
