Print all paths in a tree (Not just root to nodes) - data-structures

So how would you print all paths in a tree. Here the condition is that we don't only want paths starting from the root or paths in the sub-tree.
For example:
/ \
8 10
/\ /
5 6 11
So the program should return:
and so on...
One approach is to find the LCA between every distinct pair of nodes and then print the path from the LCA to both nodes (reverse in the left subtree and in order in the right subtree). But the complexity here would be O(n^3). Is there a more efficient solution ?

If you are only interested in the result, not in the algoritm, create the nodes and relations in neo4j with
merge (n2:node{n:2})-[:down]->(n8:node{n:8})-[:down]->(:node{n:5})
merge (n2)-[:down]->(:node{n:10})-[:down]->(:node{n:11})
merge (n8)-[:down]->(:node{n:6})
then query
match p=(a)-[r:down *]-(b) return nodes(p)

Assuming you tree has distinct nodes, you can:
Create a map having key as int and value as vector. The key stands for each node you encounter and vector is for storing all the nodes that you will traverse under the node.
Pass this map by value to each node. You can have a function like:
void printAllPaths(node *proot, map<int, vector<int> > m)
Whenever you encounter a new node n, do the following
a) For each k from set of keys
b) Add n to the value vector of k.
c) Print all keys followed by their value vectors.
d) Also insert new key as n into the map with empty vector as value.
Note: If your tree has duplicate nodes you a multimap will help you keep track. c++ STL will serve you well in this case.


Which data structure supports given operations efficiently

I need to think of a data structure, which supports the following operations efficiently:
1) Add an integer x
2) Delete an integer with maximum frequency (if there are more than one element with the same maximum frequency delete all of them).
I am thinking of implementing a segment tree where each node stores the index of its child having largest frequency.
Any ideas or suggestions on how to approach this problem or how should it be implemented would be kindly appreciated.
We can use a combination of data structures. A hash_map to maintain the frequency mappings, where the key is the integer, and value a pointer to a "frequency" node representing the frequency value and the set of integers having the same frequency. The frequency nodes will be maintained in a list ordered by the values of the frequencies.
The Frequency node can be defined as
class Freq {
int frequency;
Set<Integer> values_with_frequency;
Freq prev;
Freq next;
The elements HashMap would then contain entries of the form
Entry<Integer, Freq>
So, for a snapshot of the dataset such as
a,b,c,b,d,d,a,e,a,f,b where the letters denote integers, the following would be how the data structure would look like.
c -----> (1, [c, e, f])
e --
f --
a -----> (3, [a, b])
b --
d --> (2, [d])
The Freq nodes would be maintained in a linked list, say freq_nodes, sorted by the frequency value. Note that, as explained below, there wouldn't be any log(n) operation needed for keeping the list sorted on the add/delete operations.
The way the add(x), and delete_max_freq() operations could be implemented is as follows
add(x) :
If x is not found in the elements map, check if the first element of the freq_nodes contains the Freq object with frequency 1. If so, add x to the values_with_frequency set of the Freq object. Otherwise, create a new Freq object with 1 as the frequency value and x added to the (now only single element) wrapped set values_with_frequency
Otherwise, (i.e. if x is already there in the elements map), follow the pointer in the value of the entry corresponding to x in elements to the Freq object in the freq_nodes, remove x from the values_with_frequency field of the Freq object, noting the current value of x’s frequency which is the value of elements.get(x).frequency(Hold this value in say F). If the set values_with_frequency is rendered empty due to this removal, delete the corresponding node from the freq_nodes linked list. Finally if the next Freq node in the freq_nodes linked list has the frequency F+1, just add x to the values_with_frequency field of the next node. Otherwise just create a Freq node as was done in the case of non-existence of Freq node with frequency 1 above.
Finally, add the entry (x, Freq) to the elements map.
Note that this whole add(x) operation is going to be O(1) in time.
Here's an example of a sequence of add() operations with the subsequent state of the data structure.
a -> N1 : freq_nodes : |N1 (1, {a}) | ( N1 is actually a Freq object)
a -> N1 : freq_nodes : |N1 (1, {a, b}) |
b -> N1
At this point ‘a’ points to N1, however, its current frequency is 2, so we need to insert a node N2 next to N1 in the DLL, after removing it from N1’s values_with_frequency set {a,b}
a -> N2 : freq_nodes : |N1 (1, {b}) | --> |N2 (2, {a}) |
b -> N1
The interesting thing to note here is that any time we increase the frequency of an existing element from F to say F+1, we need to do the following
if (next node has a higher frequency than F+1 or we have reached the end of the list):
create a new Freq node with frequency equal to F+1 (as is done above)
and insert it next to the current node
else :
add ‘a’ (the input to the add() operation) to the ```values_with_frequency``` set of the next node
The delete_max_freq() operation would just involve removing the last entry of the linked list freq_nodes, and iterating over the keys in the wrapped set values_with_frequency to remove the corresponding keys from the elements map. This operation would take O(k) time where k is the number of elements with maximum frequency.
Assuming "efficient" refers to the way the complexity of those operations scale, big-O style, I'd consider something consisting of:
a hashmap with the integers as keys and their frequencies as values
a tree structure (possibly a binary search tree, e.g.) where its nodes have a number representing a frequency and a hashset of numbers which have that frequency.
When a number is inserted:
1. Look up the number in the hashmap to find its frequency. (O(1))
2. Look up the frequency in the tree (O(log N)). Remove the number from its collection (O(1)). If the collection is empty, remove the frequency from the tree (O(log N)).
3. Increment the number's frequency. Set that value in the hashmap (O(1)).
4. Look up its new frequency in the tree (O(log N)). If it's there, add the number to the collection there (O(1)). If not, add a new node with the number in its collection (O(log N)).
When deleting items with the maximum frequency:
1. Remove the highest-valued node from the tree (O(log N)).
2. For each number in that node's collection, remove that number's entry from the hashmap (O(1) for each number removed).
If you have N numbers to add and remove, your worst-case scenario should be O(N log N) regardless of the actual distribution of frequencies or the order in which numbers are added and removed.
If you know of any assumptions you can make about the numbers being added, it's possible you could make further enhancements like using an indexed array rather than an ordered tree. But if your inputs are fairly unbounded, this seems like a pretty good structure to handle all the operations you want without getting into O(n²) territory.
My thoughts:
You will need 2 maps.
Map 1: Integer as key with frequency as value.
Map 2: Have a map of frequencies as keys and list of integers as values.
Add Integer: Add the integer to map 1. Get the frequency. Add it to the list of frequency key in map 2.
Delete Integer : We can obviously maintain maximum frequency in a variable across these operations. Now, remove the key from map2 which has this max frequency and decrement max frequency.
So, adding and deleting performance should be O(1) on average.
In the above scenario, we will still have integers in map 1 which exist and have the frequency which is unrealistic after the delete from map 2. In this case, when same integer gets added, we do an on demand update in map 1, meaning, if current frequency in map 1 doesn't exist in map 2 for this integer, it means it was deleted and we can reset that to 1 again.
import java.util.*;
class Foo{
Map<Integer,Integer> map1;
Map<Integer,Set<Integer>> map2;
int max_freq;
map1 = new HashMap<>();
map2 = new HashMap<>();
map2.put(0,new HashSet<>());
max_freq = 0;
public void add(int x){
int curr_f = map1.get(x);
map2.putIfAbsent(map1.get(x),new HashSet<>());
map2.get(map1.get(x)-1).remove(x); // remove from previous frequency list
map2.get(map1.get(x)).add(x);// add to current frequency list
max_freq = Math.max(max_freq,map1.get(x));
public List<Integer> delete(){
List<Integer> ls = new ArrayList<>(map2.get(max_freq));
while(max_freq > 0 && map2.get(max_freq).size() == 0) max_freq--;
return ls;
public void printState(){
System.out.println("Maximum frequency: " + max_freq);
for(Map.Entry<Integer,Set<Integer>> m : map2.entrySet()){
System.out.println(m.getKey() + " " + m.getValue().toString());
Note: The call to delete() is amortized.

How to adapt Fenwick tree to answer range minimum queries

Fenwick tree is a data-structure that gives an efficient way to answer to main queries:
add an element to a particular index of an array update(index, value)
find sum of elements from 1 to N find(n)
both operations are done in O(log(n)) time and I understand the logic and implementation. It is not hard to implement a bunch of other operations like find a sum from N to M.
I wanted to understand how to adapt Fenwick tree for RMQ. It is obvious to change Fenwick tree for first two operations. But I am failing to figure out how to find minimum on the range from N to M.
After searching for solutions majority of people think that this is not possible and a small minority claims that it actually can be done (approach1, approach2).
The first approach (written in Russian, based on my google translate has 0 explanation and only two functions) relies on three arrays (initial, left and right) upon my testing was not working correctly for all possible test cases.
The second approach requires only one array and based on the claims runs in O(log^2(n)) and also has close to no explanation of why and how should it work. I have not tried to test it.
In light of controversial claims, I wanted to find out whether it is possible to augment Fenwick tree to answer update(index, value) and findMin(from, to).
If it is possible, I would be happy to hear how it works.
Yes, you can adapt Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees) to
Update value at a given index in O(log n)
Query minimum value for a range in O(log n) (amortized)
We need 2 Fenwick trees and an additional array holding the real values for nodes.
Suppose we have the following array:
index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
value 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 4 2 5 2 2 3 1 0
We wave a magic wand and the following trees appear:
Note that in both trees each node represents the minimum value for all nodes within that subtree. For example, in BIT2 node 12 has value 0, which is the minimum value for nodes 12,13,14,15.
We can efficiently query the minimum value for any range by calculating the minimum of several subtree values and one additional real node value. For example, the minimum value for range [2,7] can be determined by taking the minimum value of BIT2_Node2 (representing nodes 2,3) and BIT1_Node7 (representing node 7), BIT1_Node6 (representing nodes 5,6) and REAL_4 - therefore covering all nodes in [2,7]. But how do we know which sub trees we want to look at?
Query(int a, int b) {
int val = infinity // always holds the known min value for our range
// Start traversing the first tree, BIT1, from the beginning of range, a
int i = a
while (parentOf(i, BIT1) <= b) {
val = min(val, BIT2[i]) // Note: traversing BIT1, yet looking up values in BIT2
i = parentOf(i, BIT1)
// Start traversing the second tree, BIT2, from the end of range, b
i = b
while (parentOf(i, BIT2) >= a) {
val = min(val, BIT1[i]) // Note: traversing BIT2, yet looking up values in BIT1
i = parentOf(i, BIT2)
val = min(val, REAL[i]) // Explained below
return val
It can be mathematically proven that both traversals will end in the same node. That node is a part of our range, yet it is not a part of any subtrees we have looked at. Imagine a case where the (unique) smallest value of our range is in that special node. If we didn't look it up our algorithm would give incorrect results. This is why we have to do that one lookup into the real values array.
To help understand the algorithm I suggest you simulate it with pen & paper, looking up data in the example trees above. For example, a query for range [4,14] would return the minimum of values BIT2_4 (rep. 4,5,6,7), BIT1_14 (rep. 13,14), BIT1_12 (rep. 9,10,11,12) and REAL_8, therefore covering all possible values [4,14].
Since a node represents the minimum value of itself and its children, changing a node will affect its parents, but not its children. Therefore, to update a tree we start from the node we are modifying and move up all the way to the fictional root node (0 or N+1 depending on which tree).
Suppose we are updating some node in some tree:
If new value < old value, we will always overwrite the value and move up
If new value == old value, we can stop since there will be no more changes cascading upwards
If new value > old value, things get interesting.
If the old value still exists somewhere within that subtree, we are done
If not, we have to find the new minimum value between real[node] and each tree[child_of_node], change tree[node] and move up
Pseudocode for updating node with value v in a tree:
while (node <= n+1) {
if (v > tree[node]) {
if (oldValue == tree[node]) {
v = min(v, real[node])
for-each child {
v = min(v, tree[child])
} else break
if (v == tree[node]) break
tree[node] = v
node = parentOf(node, tree)
Note that oldValue is the original value we replaced, whereas v may be reassigned multiple times as we move up the tree.
Binary Indexing
In my experiments Range Minimum Queries were about twice as fast as a Segment Tree implementation and updates were marginally faster. The main reason for this is using super efficient bitwise operations for moving between nodes. They are very well explained here. Segment Trees are really simple to code so think about is the performance advantage really worth it? The update method of my Fenwick RMQ is 40 lines and took a while to debug. If anyone wants my code I can put it on github. I also produced a brute and test generators to make sure everything works.
I had help understanding this subject & implementing it from the Finnish algorithm community. Source of the image is, but they credit Fenwick's 1994 paper for it.
The Fenwick tree structure works for addition because addition is invertible. It doesn't work for minimum, because as soon as you have a cell that's supposed to be the minimum of two or more inputs, you've lost information potentially.
If you're willing to double your storage requirements, you can support RMQ with a segment tree that is constructed implicitly, like a binary heap. For an RMQ with n values, store the n values at locations [n, 2n) of an array. Locations [1, n) are aggregates, with the formula A(k) = min(A(2k), A(2k+1)). Location 2n is an infinite sentinel. The update routine should look something like this.
def update(n, a, i, x): # value[i] = x
i += n
a[i] = x
# update the aggregates
while i > 1:
i //= 2
a[i] = min(a[2*i], a[2*i+1])
The multiplies and divides here can be replaced by shifts for efficiency.
The RMQ pseudocode is more delicate. Here's another untested and unoptimized routine.
def rmq(n, a, i, j): # min(value[i:j])
i += n
j += n
x = inf
while i < j:
if i%2 == 0:
i //= 2
x = min(x, a[i])
i = i//2 + 1
if j%2 == 0:
j //= 2
x = min(x, a[j-1])
j //= 2
return x

How to find the set of trees every one of which spans over another given tree?

Imagine it's given a set of trees ST and each vertex of every tree is labeled. Also another tree T is given (also with labels vertices). The question is how can I find which trees of the ST can span over the tree T starting from the root of T in such a way that the labels of the vertices of the spanning tree T' coincide with those labels of T 's vertices. Note that the children of every vertex of T should be either completely covered or not covered at all - partial covering of children is not allowed. Stated in other words: Given a tree and the following procedure: pick a vertex and remove all vertices and edges below this vertex (except the vertex itself). Find those trees of ST such that each tree is generated with a series of procedures applied to T.
For example given the tree T
the trees
cover T and the tree
does not because this tree has children 3, 5 unlike T which has 2, 3 as children. The best thing I was able to think of was either to brute force it or to find the set of tree every one of which has the same root label as T and then to search for the answer among those trees but I guess neither of those two approaches is the optimal one. I was thinking of somehow hashing the trees but nothing came out. Any thoughts?
The trees are not necessarily binary
A tree T can cover another tree T' if they share a root
The tree is ordered meaning that you cannot swap the position of any two children.
TL; DR Find a efficient algorithm which on query with given tree T the algorithm finds all trees from a given(fixed/static) set ST which are able to cover T.
I'll sketch an answer and then provide some working source code.
First off, you need an algorithm to hash a tree. We can assume, without loss of generality, that the children of each of your tree's nodes are ordered from least to greatest (or vice versa).
Run this algorithm on every member of ST and save the hashes.
Now, take your test tree T and generate all of its subtrees TP that retain the original root. You can do this (perhaps inefficiently) by:
Making a set S of its nodes
Generating the power set P of S
Generating the subtrees by removing the nodes present in each member of P from copies of T
Adding those subtrees which retain the original root to TP.
Now generate a set of all of the hashes of TP.
Now check each of your ST hashes for membership in TP.
ST hash storage requires O(n) space in ST, and possibly the space to hold the trees.
You can optimize the membership code so that it requires no storage space (I have not done this in my test code). The code will require approximately 2N checks, where N is the number of nodes in **T.
So the algorithm runs in O(H 2**N), where H is the size of ST and N is the number of nodes in T. The best way of speeding this up is to find an improved algorithm for generating the subtrees of T.
The following Python code accomplishes this:
import itertools
import treelib
import Crypto.Hash.SHA
import copy
#Generate a hash of a tree by recursively hashing children
def HashTree(tree):
children.sort(key=lambda x: tree.get_node(x).tag, cmp=lambda x,y:x-y)
if children:
for child in children:
hash = "1"+digester.hexdigest()
hash = "0"+digester.hexdigest()
return hash
#Generate a power set of a set
def powerset(iterable):
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
#Generate all the subsets of a tree which still share the original root
#by using a power set of all the tree's nodes to remove nodes from the tree
def TreePowerSet(tree):
nodes=[x.identifier for x in tree.nodes.values()]
for s in powerset(nodes):
for n in s:
if len([x.identifier for x in culled_tree.nodes.values()])>0:
return ret
def main():
#Generate a member of ST
treeA = treelib.Tree()
#Generate a member of ST
treeB = treelib.Tree()
#Generate hashes for members of ST
hashes=[(HashTree(tree), tree) for tree in ST]
print hashes
#Generate a test tree
#Generate all the subtrees of this tree which still retain the original root
#Hash all of the subtrees
Thashes=set([HashTree(x) for x in Tsets])
#For each member of ST, check to see if that member is present in the test
for hash in hashes:
if hash[0] in Thashes:
print [x for x in hash[1].expand_tree()]
To verify that one tree covers another, one must look at all vertices of the first tree at least once. It is trivial to verify that a tree covers another by looking at all vertices of the first tree exactly once. Thus the simplest possible algorithm is already optimal, if it's only needed to check one tree.
Everything below are untested fruits of my sick imagination.
If there are many possible T that must be checked against the same ST, then it's possible to store trees of ST as sets of facts like these
root = 1
children of node 1 = (2, 3)
children of node 2 = ()
children of node 3 = ()
These facts can be stored in a standard relational DB in two tables, "roots" (fields "tree" and rootnode") and "branches" (fields "tree", "node" and "children"). then an SQL query or a series of queries can be built to find matching trees quickly. My SQL-fu is rudimentary so I could not manage it in a single query, but I'm believe it should be possible.

A fast way to find connected component in a 1-NN graph?

First of all, I got a N*N distance matrix, for each point, I calculated its nearest neighbor, so we had a N*2 matrix, It seems like this:
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
2 -> 3
3 -> 2
4 -> 2
5 -> 6
6 -> 7
7 -> 6
8 -> 6
9 -> 8
the second column was the nearest neighbor's index. So this was a special kind of directed
graph, with each vertex had and only had one out-degree.
Of course, we could first transform the N*2 matrix to a standard graph representation, and perform BFS/DFS to get the connected components.
But, given the characteristic of this special graph, is there any other fast way to do the job ?
I will be really appreciated.
I've implemented a simple algorithm for this case here.
Look, I did not use a union-find algorithm, because the data structure may make things not that easy, and I doubt whether It's the fastest way in my case(I meant practically).
You could argue that the _merge process could be time consuming, but if we swap the edges into the continuous place while assigning new label, the merging may cost little, but it need another N spaces to trace the original indices.
The fastest algorithm for finding connected components given an edge list is the union-find algorithm: for each node, hold the pointer to a node in the same set, with all edges converging to the same node, if you find a path of length at least 2, reconnect the bottom node upwards.
This will definitely run in linear time:
- push all edges into a union-find structure: O(n)
- store each node in its set (the union-find root)
and update the set of non-empty sets: O(n)
- return the set of non-empty sets (graph components).
Since the list of edges already almost forms a union-find tree, it is possible to skip the first step:
for each node
- if the node is not marked as collected
-- walk along the edges until you find an order-1 or order-2 loop,
collecting nodes en-route
-- reconnect all nodes to the end of the path and consider it a root for the set.
-- store all nodes in the set for the root.
-- update the set of non-empty sets.
-- mark all nodes as collected.
return the set of non-empty sets
The second algorithm is linear as well, but only a benchmark will tell if it's actually faster. The strength of the union-find algorithm is its optimization. This delays the optimization to the second step but removes the first step completely.
You can probably squeeze out a little more performance if you join the union step with the nearest neighbor calculation, then collect the sets in the second pass.
If you want to do it sequencially you can do it using weighted quick union and path compression .Complexity O(N+Mlog(log(N))).check this link .
Here is the pseudocode .honoring #pycho 's words
public class QuickUnion
private int[] id;
public QuickUnion(int N)
id = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) id[i] = i;
public int root(int i)
while (i != id[i])
id[i] = id[id[i]];
i = id[i];
return i;
public boolean find(int p, int q)
return root(p) == root(q);
public void unite(int p, int q)
int i = root(p);
int j = root(q);
id[i] = j;
If you want to find connected components parallely, the asymptotic complexity can be reduced to O(log(log(N)) time using pointer jumping and weighted quick union with path compression. Check this link
Since each node has only one outgoing edge, you can just traverse the graph one edge at a time until you get to a vertex you've already visited. An out-degree of 1 means any further traversal at this point will only take you where you've already been. The traversed vertices in that path are all in the same component.
In your example:
0->1->2->3->2, so [0,1,2,3] is a component
4->2, so update the component to [0,1,2,3,4]
5->6->7->6, so [5,6,7] is a component
8->6, so update the compoent to [5,6,7,8]
9->8, so update the compoent to [5,6,7,8,9]
You can visit each node exactly once, so time is O(n). Space is O(n) since all you need is a component id for each node, and a list of component ids.

More localized, efficient Lowest Common Ancestor algorithm given multiple binary trees?

I have multiple binary trees stored as an array. In each slot is either nil (or null; pick your language) or a fixed tuple storing two numbers: the indices of the two "children". No node will have only one child -- it's either none or two.
Think of each slot as a binary node that only stores pointers to its children, and no inherent value.
Take this system of binary trees:
0 1
/ \ / \
2 3 4 5
/ \ / \
6 7 8 9
/ \
10 11
The associated array would be:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[ [2,3] , [4,5] , [6,7] , nil , nil , [8,9] , nil , [10,11] , nil , nil , nil , nil ]
I've already written simple functions to find direct parents of nodes (simply by searching from the front until there is a node that contains the child)
Furthermore, let us say that at relevant times, both all trees are anywhere between a few to a few thousand levels deep.
I'd like to find a function
to find the lowest common ancestor of m and n -- to put more formally, the LCA is defined as the "lowest", or deepest node in which have m and n as descendants (children, or children of children, etc.). If there is none, a nil would be a valid return.
Some examples, given our given tree:
P( 6,11) # => 2
P( 3,10) # => 0
P( 8, 6) # => nil
P( 2,11) # => 2
The main method I've been able to find is one that uses an Euler trace, which turns the given tree (Adding node A as the invisible parent of 0 and 1, with a "value" of -1), into:
And from that, simply find the node between your given m and n that has the lowest number; For example, to find P(6,11), look for a 6 and an 11 on the trace. The number between them that is the lowest is 2, and that's your answer. If A (-1) is in between them, return nil.
-- Calculating P(6,11) --
^ ^ ^
| | |
m lowest n
Unfortunately, I do believe that finding the Euler trace of a tree that can be several thousands of levels deep is a bit machine-taxing...and because my tree is constantly being changed throughout the course of the programming, every time I wanted to find the LCA, I'd have to re-calculate the Euler trace and hold it in memory every time.
Is there a more memory efficient way, given the framework I'm using? One that maybe iterates upwards? One way I could think of would be the "count" the generation/depth of both nodes, and climb the lowest node until it matched the depth of the highest, and increment both until they find someone similar.
But that'd involve climbing up from level, say, 3025, back to 0, twice, to count the generation, and using a terribly inefficient climbing-up algorithm in the first place, and then re-climbing back up.
Are there any other better ways?
In the way this system is built, every child will have a number greater than their parents.
This does not guarantee that if n is in generation X, there are no nodes in generation (X-1) that are greater than n. For example:
/ \
/ \
/ \
1 2 6
/ \ / \ / \
2 3 9 10 7 8
/ \ / \
4 5 11 12
is a valid tree system.
Also, an artifact of the way the trees are built are that the two immediate children of the same parent will always be consecutively numbered.
Are the nodes in order like in your example where the children have a larger id than the parent? If so, you might be able to do something similar to a merge sort to find them.. for your example, the parent tree of 6 and 11 are:
6 -> 2 -> 0
11 -> 7 -> 2 -> 0
So perhaps the algorithm would be:
left = left_start
right = right_start
while left > 0 and right > 0
if left = right
return left
else if left > right
left = parent(left)
right = parent(right)
Which would run as:
left right
---- -----
6 11 (right -> 7)
6 7 (right -> 2)
6 2 (left -> 2)
2 2 (return 2)
Is this correct?
Maybe this will help: Dynamic LCA Queries on Trees.
Richard Cole, Ramesh Hariharan
We show how to maintain a data
structure on trees which allows for
the following operations, all in
worst-case constant time. 1. Insertion
of leaves and internal nodes. 2.
Deletion of leaves. 3. Deletion of
internal nodes with only one child. 4.
Determining the Least Common Ancestor
of any two nodes.
Conference: Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms - SODA 1999
I've solved your problem in Haskell. Assuming you know the roots of the forest, the solution takes time linear in the size of the forest and constant additional memory. You can find the full code at
The solution is recursive, and the main idea is that you can call a function on a subtree which returns one of four results:
The subtree contains neither m nor n.
The subtree contains m but not n.
The subtree contains n but not m.
The subtree contains both m and n, and the index of their least common ancestor is k.
A node without children may contain m, n, or neither, and you simply return the appropriate result.
If a node with index k has two children, you combine the results as follows:
join :: Int -> Result -> Result -> Result
join _ (HasBoth k) _ = HasBoth k
join _ _ (HasBoth k) = HasBoth k
join _ HasNeither r = r
join _ r HasNeither = r
join k HasLeft HasRight = HasBoth k
join k HasRight HasLeft = HasBoth k
After computing this result you have to check the index k of the node itself; if k is equal to m or n, you will "extend" the result of the join operation.
My code uses algebraic data types, but I've been careful to assume you need only the following operations:
Get the index of a node
Find out if a node is empty, and if not, find its two children
Since your question is language-agnostic I hope you'll be able to adapt my solution.
There are various performance tweaks you could put in. For example, if you find a root that has exactly one of the two nodes m and n, you can quit right away, because you know there's no common ancestor. Also, if you look at one subtree and it has the common ancestor, you can ignore the other subtree (that one I get for free using lazy evaluation).
Your question was primarily about how to save memory. If a linear-time solution is too slow, you'll probably need an auxiliary data structure. Space-for-time tradeoffs are the bane of our existence.
I think that you can simply loop backwards through the array, always replacing the higher of the two indices by its parent, until they are either equal or no further parent is found:
(defun lowest-common-ancestor (array node-index-1 node-index-2)
(cond ((or (null node-index-1)
(null node-index-2))
((= node-index-1 node-index-2)
((< node-index-1 node-index-2)
(lowest-common-ancestor array
(find-parent array node-index-2)))
(lowest-common-ancestor array
(find-parent array node-index-1)
