QTP: How to copy file from onle location and paste it into another and verify file count at the end - vbscript

I need to write a vbscript for Copying files from local directory(Windows) to another(shared drive) and verify the counts at the end to make sure everything copied successfully. Any ideas on what the script will look like?
Here is what I recorded using GUI UFT:
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Users\Downloads"
Window("Documents").WinObject("Items View").WinList("Items View").Activate "Unified Functional Testing"
Window("Documents").WinObject("Items View").WinList("Items View").Select "APITest1"
Window("Documents").WinObject("ShellView").WinMenu("ContextMenu").Select "Copy"
Window("Documents").Restore Window("Documents").WinTreeView("WinTreeView").Select "Desktop;This PC;Downloads"
Window("Documents").WinObject("ShellView").WinMenu("ContextMenu").Select "Paste"

To copy files from one foler to another, Why do you record using QTP/UFT? The script recorded by QTP will not be reliable. (might not work everytime.) QTP supports VBScript. It is easy to copy files from one folder to another folder using VBScript.
To copy all files from temp1 to temp2 folder - just these 2 lines will do
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
oFSO.CopyFile "C:\vIns\temp1\*.*" , "C:\vIns\temp2\" , TRUE
Once files are moved, You want to compare the files count. (I assume temp2 folder was empty before copying the files)
iTemp1Count = oFSO.getFolder("C:\vIns\temp1\").Files.Count
iTemp2Count = oFSO.getFolder("C:\vIns\temp2\").Files.Count
If iTemp1Count = iTemp2Count Then
Msgbox "all files are copied"
Msgbox "Something is wrong!!!"
End If


Delete all files except those with a specific extension in VBS [duplicate]

I'm making a project out of creating a script to use at work to automate one of our processes.
I'd like the script to check an input for username to search the specified user profile path for any files of .doc,.docx,.pdf,.pst ect. and copy them as is to a created folder on a network drive location.
My main question is what is the command or chain of commands to check folders and sub folders starting at the specified userpath, for JUST files with those extensions and I guess copy them but without getting to a situation where it just copies the same file over and over and over again. Sorry if that's confusing.
This answer provides sample code for recursively traversing a folder tree. A list of extensions could be handled by creating a dictionary:
Set extensions = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
extensions.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 'case-insensitive
extensions.Add "doc", True
extensions.Add "docx", True
extensions.Add "pdf", True
extensions.Add "pst", True
and then checking the extension of the processed files like this:
For Each f In fldr.Files
If extensions.Exists(objFso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) Then
f.Copy targetFolder & "\"
End If
The trailing backslash is required when the destination is a folder, otherwise you'd have to specify the full target path including the target filename.
I think I have understood most of the requirements, and this can be more easily achieved by using a .BAT file approach within windows. This batch (.Bat) file can run commands such as copy / delete etc.
So create a file called test.bat, and inside the file add the below script:
::XCOPY source [destination]
XCOPY "C:\Temp\*.doc" "C:\Temp\another"
What does this do? Well it uses an XCOPY Command to copy any files within the C:\Temp direcory which have a .doc extension. The files will be copied over to a folder called C:\Temp\another.
The XCOPY takes two primary arguments: source and destination. Source is where the file currently lives, and destination is where you want to copy the files to. More info of all of the options available can be found on:
In order to run the file, just double click it, or schedule it to run whenever required.
Let me know if this meets your requirement, I didn't fully understand the bit about an input for a username?

UFT File system test

Im a rookie on HP UFT testing and work on a data migration project I would like to automate.
Every day, we get a set of folder and files syncronize from a vendor with a following syncronization report(.csv file).
I would really like to test if the actual .csv file containing a list of files updated in the filesystem exists.
I get the .csv file on a network share, I open it and see a list of files with
data paths, which should be used to (loop)search though the filesystem and check if the files is actually on the location. How do I do that with UFT??
sample script to get all csv content and looping through content and verifying whether files exists or not.
filename = "C:\path\list.csv"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
filepath=f.ReadLine 'assuming every line as file full path
if FSO.fileexists(filepath) then
print filepath & " file is avaialble"
' do your checks here
print filepath & " file is not avaialble"
End if

VBS Script to locate all files of certain extensions and copy them to a specific destination

I'm making a project out of creating a script to use at work to automate one of our processes.
I'd like the script to check an input for username to search the specified user profile path for any files of .doc,.docx,.pdf,.pst ect. and copy them as is to a created folder on a network drive location.
My main question is what is the command or chain of commands to check folders and sub folders starting at the specified userpath, for JUST files with those extensions and I guess copy them but without getting to a situation where it just copies the same file over and over and over again. Sorry if that's confusing.
This answer provides sample code for recursively traversing a folder tree. A list of extensions could be handled by creating a dictionary:
Set extensions = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
extensions.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 'case-insensitive
extensions.Add "doc", True
extensions.Add "docx", True
extensions.Add "pdf", True
extensions.Add "pst", True
and then checking the extension of the processed files like this:
For Each f In fldr.Files
If extensions.Exists(objFso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) Then
f.Copy targetFolder & "\"
End If
The trailing backslash is required when the destination is a folder, otherwise you'd have to specify the full target path including the target filename.
I think I have understood most of the requirements, and this can be more easily achieved by using a .BAT file approach within windows. This batch (.Bat) file can run commands such as copy / delete etc.
So create a file called test.bat, and inside the file add the below script:
::XCOPY source [destination]
XCOPY "C:\Temp\*.doc" "C:\Temp\another"
What does this do? Well it uses an XCOPY Command to copy any files within the C:\Temp direcory which have a .doc extension. The files will be copied over to a folder called C:\Temp\another.
The XCOPY takes two primary arguments: source and destination. Source is where the file currently lives, and destination is where you want to copy the files to. More info of all of the options available can be found on:
In order to run the file, just double click it, or schedule it to run whenever required.
Let me know if this meets your requirement, I didn't fully understand the bit about an input for a username?

vbscript to copy file from an external disk

A friend and I started building a VBScript that with the goal to copy any opened files/some specific format of docs (like pdf, pptx) when we insert an external hard disk or USB on the computer. We got our script as far as only copying all docs of a specific format from one the external hard disk/USB to my computer, but we must manually execute the script after inserting the external hard disk/USB.
What we would like the script to do:
Start automatically when an external hard disk/USB is inserted
Don't show a pop up after the copy
Possibily only copy the files (pdf,jpeg,pptx) that are opened by the user
Here is what we've done so far:
' foreach.vbs
' Testing the for each function on files
' Create a File System Object to handle files and folders
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Some vars
src = "C:\" ' The source of search, should be changed before use
dest = "c:\temp\1\" ' destination where we will copy files to
' It would be a bright idead to force and/or create dest before
' starting copy
Set ofolder = fso.GetFolder(src) ' set as object
' get all files inside the specified folder
Set allfiles = ofolder.Files
' Enter a For Each Loop that will process each of the files
For Each sfile in allfiles
' Better get all extensions in lower case
If LCASE(fso.GetExtensionName(sfile.Name)) = "bat" then
' Print out what we find
wscript.echo sfile.Name
fso.CopyFile sfile, dest
End If
If I get it right, your actual question is How to detect a USB drive has been plugged in?
You'll need some event driven language to do this, not VBScript unfortunately.
But if you don't want to go with programming, why not using Task Scheduler.
P.S. Actually, this topic (I not like the infinite cycle, but) is a possible answer.

How to read the contents of a .zip file with VBScript without actually extracting the files?

I have a .zip file that starts with a parent directory. I need to read that dir from the file then search my HD to see if that dir name already exists. If it exists, I then delete it and replace it the contents of the .zip file.
All of this I can do, except read the .zip without actually unzipping the file.
The .zip file can be upwards of 2G in size so I want to avoid unzipping, then reading the dir, then copying.
The reason I don't just unzip directly to the location and force an overwrite is that for some reason when using the CopyHere method to unzip, it ignores the switches that would normally force the overwrite and still prompts the user if they want to overwrite.
Code to unzip files:
Set objSA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objSource = objSA.NameSpace(pathToZipFile).Items ()
Set objTarget = objSA.NameSpace(extractTo)
objTarget.CopyHere objSource,4
Here is a similar question on SO.
How to list the contents of a .zip folder in c#?
I've used this library myself. It works well, http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com/, there is even a treeview example that appears to read the zip without extraction.
You will need the DLLs on the server, but I wouldn't say you have to install them. ;)
You can use For Each on your objSource object, for example:
Dim objSA, objSource, item
Set objSA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objSource = objSA.NameSpace(pathToZipFile).Items ()
For Each item in objSource
WScript.Echo item
Assuming that you can use an external application, try downloading 7Zip and then have your script execute it with the -l switch. This should give you some output that you should be able to parse in some way.
Sample from the help file: 7z l archive.zip
I'm not sure if it is possible to read the contents of a zip without extracting it.
If you are just trying to avoid a time consuming copy operation on the data you could try unzipping to a temp directory and then using a "move" function. Move is usually less time consuming than copy as it doesn't actually re-write the data on the disk. It just updates the file system to point at where the data is.
