opendj server status started but displaying open connections 0 - opendj

I am new to opendj, When I try to start opendj server, getting status as server is started but open connections are "0".could any one please help me how to fix this issue
I am using linux ubuntu.

When an OpenDJ is started, it has no opened connection to it, unless there are client applications that are connected to it and sending LDAP operations.
So, you have started the server, and the status command tells you it's started and working... I don't think there's anything to fix.
May be it you start some client application, you will see that there could be some opened connections.


Unable to RDP into windows?

I have a windows 16 machine on AWS. I installed Cygwin on it so that I can connect it as a jenkins slave. But once I connected it as a slave, I am NOT able to MSTSC/RDP into the machine. I can still access the machine via ssh/cygwin.
( I repeated the process several times and ended up losing rdp connectivity everytime )
This is what is actually happening now :
The EventLogs on machine are saying that logoff instructions are being initiated by the RDP client.
RDP client is saying "The disconnection was initiated by the user logging off their session on the server"
Visually, if seems like the remote connection was setup for a split second. Then it vanishes.
So, I believe that somehow my Administrator account is not able to maintain the session. It's getting disconnected as soon as it connects.
Can you suggest me which settings should I debug into ? I am able to extract a few details from my machine using ssh, but I can't explore all the settings.
If you are familiar with this behaviour please suggest me what settings might be reponsible for this.
Addition info:
If I restart my ec2 , it will never come back because a status check starts failing
I am able to telnet to 3389 port. So I guess, firewall rules are not an issue.
I have tried various RDP clients, on MAC as well as on Windows.
I found this in event log (ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS) on my remote windows machine:
5/10/2019 3:13:44 PM 103 Information The disconnect reason is 12
5/10/2019 3:13:43 PM 228 Warning Disconnect trace:CUMRDPConnection Disconnect trace:'calling spGfxPlugin->PreDisconnect()' in CUMRDPConnection::PreDisconnect at 4477 err=[0xc], Error code:0xC
It turns out the my problem was occuring due to some cleanup utility deleting up the system files required for mstsc.
Everything started working fine after I switched off the cleanup utility.
Thanks for the help though.

SQL Server 2016 linked Oracle Server - Suddenly stopped working

After rebooting my Windows Server 2016 Standard (SQL Server 2016) my SSIS process that runs this query:
select * from openquery(HRMPROD, 'SELECT QUERY HERE' )
started failing with this error:
I get the same error if I try to run the query in SSMS. I have the same linked server set up on my test instance and the query is successful when I run it there. I have compared the linked server create script on both instances and it is the same.
Any idea where I should look for what is causing the connection issue on the one server but not the other?
Thank you.
Saying the answer is on the Oracle side is just like pointing fingers across the way. Let's just fix the issue here.
There is a connection string that is used from SSIS, (which you also used in SSMS) The connection string contains three main components to connect and would result in the 12154 error if any of them were incorrect:
Instance name (different than Instance on Sql Server, think database name)
The port most likely hasn't change, neither has the database name, but the host...No, hasn't changed, but the DNS server used to connect most likely has! I would ping the host and see what returns from the SSIS and your SSMS host that you're using. I would expect it to fail. Find out what IP address the host is using and ping that - see if it returns. I'm guessing that's the change that needs to be updated or your Network folks need to fix a DNS configuration/server issue.
Hope this helps!
Since you are getting a response from the TNS Listener, the problem lies on the Oracle side. See Architecture of Oracle Network Services for an overview of how the Oracle networking handles things. Keep in mind that based on the error message you've reached the TNS Listener, so you only need to check things between TNS and the Oracle database... In other words, your networking and SQL Server settings are fine or you wouldn't be able to get this error message.
I would agree with above that the issue might have to do with the network. I have come across that a few times, where we can set everything up, but a firewall is blocking communication between the two servers.
Open up powershell on the new server and run a tracert to the target to see the hops and identify if is connecting across the network.
If it is, then run a test-netconnect on the specific port, to see if the port is open from the firewalls.

Tableau could not receive data from server: Software caused connection abort

I have a Tableau (reporting) server on Windows 10 that internally uses PostgresDB. Besides I have a PostgresDB, where my data is located, so reports are aggregated using this data.
What should our end-user experience? - He or she opens in a web browser a report by url and see the data.
For some reason from time to time our end-users face with the problem:
could not receive data from server: Software caused connection abort
(0x00002745/10053) Unable to connect to the server "server_name".
Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges
to the requested database.
This problem arises with different reports and in different time. Moreover, when I do not fix it for a long time, this report may start to work again.
There is no firewall or antivirus on Windows where Tableau server is, but there is a VPN.
What has helped?
Pgbouncer has solved it problem partially. By partially I mean that during 2 weeks of exploitation this error has only once occurred instead of 3 times per day by using pure Postgres.
Restart of Tableau server solves this problem as well.
Accidental loose of Internet connection on Tableau server also may help with this problem.
What have I also checked?
1) When everything is fine, in Pgbouncer logs I can see that queries are loading when I interact with a report, otherwise (when there is this error) no logs are recorded. So Tableau Postgres can't connect to Postgres with data for some reasons.
2) When I connect manually to PostgresDB from the Tableau Postgres, then everything is fine and all queries were executed, while end-clients face with the problem interacting via web browser.
3) When I type in CMD in Tableau Server (windows): netstat -nao | find PostgresDB:5432, in normal case I see many TCP connections with different PIDs except one PID which is executed from 2 different ports on Tableau Server, however all of them are tabprotosrv.exe; in case when it fails I see only one PID which is executed from 2 different ports on Tableau Server.
So I have 2 main questions
1. How to solve it normally?
2. Or what should I check else?

Cannot connect to RabbitMq from an Asp.Net application

I have a mvc application that interacts with RabbitMq. Everything works great locally.
However, on our deployment server it cannot connect
DEBUG|MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.Integration.RabbitMqConnectionCache|Connecting: muyuser#localhost:5672/|
ERROR|MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.RabbitMqReceiveTransport|RabbitMQ connection failed: Connect failed: muyuser#localhost:5672/|
What I'm able to gather is this
In order to connect to RabbitMq you need a valid .erlang.cookie in (on windows) your User root
As best I can tell, this cookie is created when you install rabbitmq
In development we're using localdb which runs as the developer's user (which has this cookie)
In production the application runs off of IIS which uses the application pool and the built-in ApplicationPoolIdentity account. Which doesn't have a User folder for the .erlang.cookie file to live in.
So the question becomes...what now? How is this intended to work?
Obviously we could create a dedicated user for the web application but our system administrator is understandably very reluctant to do this.
Another clue, is that when I tried to RDP, log in as myself and connect to rabbit I found that I could not. After troubleshooting I discovered that my cookie didn't match up with that of others who could! I replaced it with the one from c:\windows\.erlang.cookie and could then connect from cli. It seems possible like there is a cookie installed somewhere for the applicationpoolidentity but it is an incorrect cookie. What is the location where it would go?
Erlang cookies are used for internode communication, whether it is for clustering RabbitMQ or for contacting RabbitMQ via the command line using rabbitmqctl.
If you have problems with an AMQP connection, then the erlang cookie has nothing to do here.
Take a look at access control to see if your user is properly configured.
At the same time check the server logs to see why the connection is refused.

SQL Developer error: got minus one from a read call [duplicate]

I connect to a database with read only access using SQL developer. It's a TNS connection. I use a tnsnames.ora, forwarding port script and SQL Developer.
In the past, occasionally, when connecting, I get a error message
Got a minus one from a read call.
Vendor Code 0
If I do a reboot, it goes away. Another friend suggested changed the forwarding port which worked for him.
I recently upgraded to a new computer and now it seems that I am getting the error message consistently. Reboot or changing forwarding port does not help at all.
The port forwarding script contains something like this
putty -L (port):(machine name):1521
Does anybody have any idea? Thanks.
My port forwarding script forwards multiple ports. Somehow separating them into 2 smaller file, this error went away.
Check your sqlnet.ora file and comment if there is any entry like the below.
tcp.validnode_checking = yes
tcp.invited_nodes=(<hostname_1>, <hostname_2>)
Now reload your listener and check the connectivity from SQL Developer.
lsnrctl reload <SID>
