Lucene select all query - syntax

Im using 3.6.2 lucene and I try to write query which will select all docs.
Here's some of my code:
searchString = "content:*";
query = parser.parse(QueryParser.escape(searchString));, null, collector);
But this request returns only about 25% of docs, I cant get why and how to make such query.
*:* also didn't select all docs, but replacing query with new MatchAllDocsQuery() helped, thanks.

Use MatchAllDocsQuery. It's string representation is *:*.


Delete ElasticSearch by Query with JEST

I have some custom data(let's call Camera) in my ElasticSearch, the data showed in Kibana is like
And I tried to delete data by Query according to the accepted answer in this article ElasticSearch Delete by Query, my code is like
String query = "{\"Name\":\"test Added into Es\"}";
DeleteByQuery delete = new DeleteByQuery.Builder(query).addIndex(this._IndexName).addType(this._TypeName).build();
JestResult deleteResult = this._JestClient.execute(delete);
And the result is 404 Not Found.
Its obvious that there exist one Camera data in ElasticSearch which Name match the query, so I believe the 404 is caused by other reason.
Did I do anything wrong? Should I change the query string?
The query needs to be a real query, not a partial document
Try with this instead
String query = "{\"query\": { \"match\": {\"Name\":\"test Added into Es\"}}}";

Sortorder in Elasticsearch

I have written elasticsearch query using java api in which status count is fetched per day.
SearchResponse responseOutput = client.prepareSearch(ConstantsValue.indexName)
.setFetchSource(new String[]{"STATUS", "DTCREATED"}, null)
.addSort("DTCREATED", SortOrder.ASC)
I am trying to sort data by DTCREATED field which contains both date and time but query does not provide sorted result. I can't find what I am missing in query. Any help ?
What if you have your .addSort as below:
Few samples here might help you.

Fantastic elastic search plugin, no search results

The query generated by the Fantastic ES plugin always returns no results for a search. The SQL statement generated by the query:
FROM wp_posts
AND wp_posts.ID IN (0)
AND wp_posts.post_type IN (\'post\', \'page\',\'attachment\', \'events\', \'testimonies\', \'leadership\')
AND (wp_posts.post_status = \'publish\' OR wp_posts.post_author = 1 AND wp_posts.post_status = \'private\')
ORDER BY wp_posts.post_type ASC
LIMIT 0, 500'
It always has wp_posts.ID IN (0) which would seem to always be false? All the posts are in elasticsearch and I am able to run queries on the data from the command line. I am new to Elasticsearch and this plugin, maybe I am missing something simple?

How can we fetch column values which are between two limits in MongoTemplate?

for example i want to find age between 16 and 25 from a collection in mongoDB.
my query is..
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("visibility").is(1)
but it is giving exception. reason is mongo template do not support lte() and gte() with same column. so how can i handle it ? is their any solution ?
Try not to include an extra and("age") part in your criteria. What you need is this:
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("visibility").is(1)

Spring data elastic search - Query - Full text search

I am trying to use elastic search for full text search and Spring data for integrating elastic search with my application.
For example,
There are 6 fields to be indexed.
I can see these fields in the mapping.
Now, I would like to make a search against these fields with a search input.
For example, When I search "mike 123", it has to search against all these 6 fields.
In Spring data repository,
The below method works to search only in firstName.
Collection<Object> findByFirstNameLike(String searchInput)
But, I would like to search against all the fields.
I tried,
Collection<Object> findByFirstNameLikeOrLastNameLikeOrTitleLikeOrLocationLikeOrIndustryLikeOrEmailLike(String searchInput,String searchInput1,String searchInput2,String searchInput3,)
Here, even the input string is same, i need to pass the same input as 6 params. Also the method name looks bigger with multiple fields.
Is there anyway to make it simple with #Query or ....
Collection<Object> findByInput(String inputString)
Also, boosting should be given for one of the field.
For example,
When i search for "mike mat", if there is any match in the firstName, that should be the first one in the result even there are exact match in the other fields.
Lets suppose your search term is in the variable query, you can use the method search in ElasticsearchRepository.
to use queryStringQuery use the following import
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery;
I found the way to achieve this and posting here. Hope, this would help.
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = boolQuery().should(
queryString("Mike Mat").analyzeWildcard(true)
.field("firstName", 2.0f).field("lastName").field("title")
Not a spring-data elasticsearch expert. But I see two directions you can go. The first would be to use the #Query option. That way you can create your own query. The second would be to use the example in the Filter builder section:
Within elasticearch you would want to use the multi_match query:
In java such a query would look like this:
QueryBuilder qb = multiMatchQuery(
"kimchy elasticsearch",
"user", "message"
Example coming from:
We can write our own custom query as below.
we can specific index, routing value (this is used if alias is used)
SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withIndices(INDEX)
FacetedPage<Ticket> searchResults = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForPage(searchQuery, YourDocumentEntity.class);
Its good to use your own queryBuilder helper which can seperate your elasticSearchService from queryBuilder responsibility.
Hope this helps
QueryBuilder class is helpful to query from spring Dao to elastic search:
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("state", "KA"));
.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("content", "test4"))
.mustNot(QueryBuilders.termQuery("content", "test2"))
.should(termQuery("content", "test3"));
.should(termQuery("content", "test3"));
Try like this, you can even set importance of the field
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery(query)
.field("name", 2.0f)
.field("jobDescription", 3.0f)
Another way is using Query String query
Query searchQuery = new StringQuery(
"{\"query\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\""+ your-query-here + "\"}}}\"");
SearchHits<Product> products =
This will search all the field from your document of specified index
