Get c++ commands in cmd - cmd

I am a Windows 8 user.
How would I get command such as make and g++ in my cmd window? I got javac stuff from downloading jdk. How to do for c++? Tanks

To achieve similar results, you would need to compile code into an executable of some sort (ie, C:\Dev\myfile.exe) and add the directory of where the file resides into your system PATH environment variable (ie, C:\Dev) or change the directory of your command prompt to that directory via cd C:\Dev.
Then you can invoke your executable directly in the command prompt,
C:\>myfile # assuming the directory is setup in PATH environment variable
C:\Dev\> myfile # navigate to folder and invoke executable directly
How to Run a Program


Running shell script on Windows via Cygwin mintty.exe doesn't execute runcoms

Problem summary
I'm trying to launch a .sh script via Windows 10 Cygwin (i.e. mintty.exe > bash.exe) but neither .profile, .bash_profile, or .bashrc are loading, which I need to update PATH env variable with Cygwin's bin directory.
I'm trying to launch a script
find .
from C:\Users\Bo\Temp\. It has unix line endings and executable bit set.
I have Cygwin installed at C:\Users\Bo\AppData\Local\Programs\cygwin64\. I do not have this path in either System or User Windows' Environment Variables (and I don't want to!). My runcoms all live in this directory under /home/Bo. My .bash_profile (and ATM .bashrc) have an export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Users/Bo/AppData/Local/Programs/cygwin64/bin":${PATH} in them.
I want to launch the script from Windows Explorer. I tried using the bash.exe and mintty.exe in the cygwin64\bin\ folder via Open > Choose another app > More apps > Look for another app on this PC. In either case the mintty window displays:
FIND: Parameter format not correct
meaning the Windows' find command was used not Cygwin's. So I have my script echo $PATH and the Cygwin/bin directory is not in PATH. If I add the proper export PATH statement from above to my own script it works fine. So, now to debug the launcher and runcoms...
I've put echo ${0} statements in .profile, .bash_profile, and .bashrc, none of which trigger which I run the .sh script, they are never run. I've read SO and the mans. I've tried creating a Shortcut to both mintty.exe and bash.exe passing a variety of -l -i -e - commands to each using Properties > Shortcut > Target and they are never run. E.g. running simply [..]\mintty.exe -h always doesn't even leave the window open.
How do I get my script to run in Windows Explorer via Cygwin's mintty.exe/bash.exe, and to read from a runcom to update PATH (to find Cygwin Linux commands, vs. updating Windows Environment Variable)?
Two part fix:
A) set a Windows Environment Variable for BASH_ENV to a .bash_env under your Cygwin HOME, and export the PATH variable to include the Cygwin/bin directory from that file. I cannot find a decent reference for this in Cygwin documentation because it seems to be simply a bash thing, but this variable is what bash looks for when running non login/interactively. Best reference: Cygwin shell doesn't execute .bashrc.
And B) run the .sh with bash.exe from Cygwin/bin using Open With....
ALSO, annoying Windows bug: when you select a program to Open With... your .sh script, it will always run 1x with a CWD from your C:\Windows\System32 directory(?!) and all other times will run fine with the CWD as the directory from your .sh script.

How to create a .bat file which execute python file

I'm new to bat file and started to implementing it. I have a list of linux application commands which starts my application. I have a windows system to deploy, used to git bash to execute those commands, but in every system restart have to start the application manually so I started implementing bat file which mapped in system start up
#echo off
title ML_autostart_API
start "" "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe"
using the above script I've opened the git bash. In further need to perform below commands
# To activate python Environment
source E:/ML_APIs/Python_Environment/python3.8.10/Scripts/activate
# To navigate the project dir
cd E:/ML_APIs/API/Call_SessionV1
# To set the environment variables
source config/
# To run python application
have to execute the above using git bash since it is open source commands and doesn't execute in windows. git bash is opening and further commands is not working.
You will need to make 2 files, one for the windows command line (.bat) another for the bash script (.sh). The reason being, after you start the bash console, it will work on different window and it has no idea what your .bat contains. We shall call our scripts as boot.bat and respectively.
#echo off
title ML_autostart_API
start "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe"
Notice the is added at the end of the start command as parameter.
# To activate python Environment
source E:/ML_APIs/Python_Environment/python3.8.10/Scripts/activate
# To navigate the project dir
cd E:/ML_APIs/API/Call_SessionV1
# To set the environment variables
source config/
# To run python application
Both scripts are in the same directory.
This answer assumes python is actually recognized in git-bash paths.
Should this is not the case, you can just use the full path to the executable to call it.
A better alternative would be to just execute the bash script directly on start up (using that start "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe", no mixing stuff.

ipython in cmd erro

I installed ipython in cmd with pip, but when I type ipython in cmd and run it
this error comes:
'ipython' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
As #2e0byo stated in the comment, it's a windows problem, not python and you have two options to solve it:
Executing it by using the path you saved it in.
Adding it to the PATH variable so you can easily execute it from the command line.
First solution:
Go to your path using the command line. For example, my Python is saved in C:\Users\serig\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39. I used cd to go to the directory I wanted and tried to run python which was successful.
Second solution:
Search for environment variables:
Click Environment Variables:
Then you have to add your python directory to the PATH variable (remember to add it to system variables - when I added it to user variables it didn't work). Click edit, then New and add your python directory:
After saving everything you should be able to run python easily without going to the directory it's saved in.
Adding to the path - source

Starting embedded MSYS bash in the project directory in clion

How can I start the embedded terminal in Clion in the project directory if I am using a custom terminal (like MSYS or Cygwin bash.exe)?
Bash always seems to start in the home directory no matter what the startup directory is set to. Is there a way to force bash to start up in the directory that it is ran in? I tried adding
cd "`pwd`"
to the .bashrc, but that didn't work.
Here's a screenshot of the terminal settings page in Clion:
I solved that by using a windows batch file with the content
#echo off
set CHERE_INVOKING=1 && C:\dev\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe --login
Then I put the batch file in CLion.
I derived that from the msys2 start script msys2_shell.cmd where the environment variable CHERE_INVOKING is used to specify that the calling directory is kept.

Commands Visibility at Command Prompty Not Using System32

Let's say I have a foo.exe file that I want to use it from windows command prompt. I will go to the folder which contains foo.exe and run it. Now, if I want global access for foo.exe from anywhere in the command prompt I will put foo.exe in System32 folder.
This process makes System32 a dump ground. I was wondering if there are any other ways of globally accessing the .exe or bat files without having to dump all of them in System32 folder.
Change your PATH environment variable. i.e. "set path=%path%;[newdir]"
where [newdir] is the new directory you want searched when you run commands.
The PATH Environment Variable
You can either do this programatically (StackOverFlow) or follow these instructions
How to set the path in Windows 2000 / Windows XP, another one.
