Magento Translation via Ajax - ajax

I have a little problem with translation mechanism in Magento.
If I call translate mechanism from phtml template like this
<li class="landline"><span class="value"><?php echo Mage::helper('ssg_rates')->__("Landline") ?></span></li>
I get translated value from csv file for example "Vaste Lijn" and this is expected output, however when I do the same in block and get data back via AJAX, like this:
in controller I create block and call method to output html
the method outputs something like this:
echo '<li class="landline"><span class="value">'.Mage::helper("ssg_rates")->__("Landline").'</span></li>';
data returned to phtml via Ajax:
{{{Vaste lijn}}{{Vaste lijn}}{{Landline}}{{Ssg_Rates}}}
Why is that? Why it isn't only translated value like in the phtml template?

Problem was caused by translation inline for frontend turned on in admin. Disabling it solved the problem.


Ajax call and then include a blade section

I have a {{!! Form::model!!}} where I am passing a variable $values from the Controller and displaying it inside of the Form select those values. In mine main blade i have 3 additional blades I am including through
I am trying to load the data $jobs from controller only when someone clicks , I figured to do some by create an ajax call with onclick event, so i have the data $jobs back. An only now trying to include blade.
Any help will be appreciated
One common strategy is to put the rendering in the AJAX call. The server returns a ready-to-go chunk of HTML in its reply, and the JavaScript code simply inserts it into the DOM at the appropriate place with innerHTML. The server uses a blade to prepare the HTML that it then returns.
The initial page HTML that is displayed doesn't include the content, but does include dummy placeholder <div>s which mark the places where the HTML will be inserted.

Load Magento module template

For a Magento module I need to load template file and let it replace the complete page. It is a XML file (but could also be any content whatsoever).
Generally speaking when
MYNS_MYMODULE_controllernameController is triggered and calls fooAction() I need to be able to display a clean site with the content from my template file.
Please let me know where to place the template file and how to tell Magento to load this file as a root template without anything else around.
Edit, to clarify it more:
For http://domain.tld/modulename/controller/action/
Where do I have to place template files and how should I reference them?
You could do it like this
or to set a custom response
//$file = myfile or html
Ideally your template should sit in /app/design/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/template/mytemplate.phtml
You should read Magento doc and Alan Storm Blog. Alan also wrote a book about Magento Layout: No Frills Magento Layout.
Your url: http://domain.tld/modulename/controller/action/
The modulename_controller_action Handle is created by combining the route name (modulename), Action Controller name (controller), and Action Controller Action Method (action) into a single string. This means each possible method on an Action Controller has a Handle associated with it.
In your layout xml handles this request:
Hope my suggestion is useful for you.

Sending a complete lang file to a view [CodeIgniter]

Is there any way to send a complete lang file to a view, so that I can access the $lang-variable inside the view.
At the moment the only thing I can find is sending seperate lines to the view (using $this->lang->line('lang_key')) which sounds very antagonizing if I have a few dozen lines I want to print in the view.
My question is if there's a way to select a specific language file and make the whole $lang array in that language file accessible from a view.
Try this in you view in order to see all your lang array.
You should put :
$this->load->lang('your lang file name');
in the constructor of the controller from which you load your view.
and use it in the view as :
<?php lang->line('key');?>
Load the translation file in the constructor:
$this->lang->load('trans_file', 'spanish');
An then on the view, you can echo each line by:
<?php echo $this->lang->line('prod_not_found'); ?>

Laravel usage "#layout" in Ajax Requests

Hi there stackoverflow!
In my laravel views I am using a default layout by calling
to the same controller I am sending Ajax Requests yet I can't put 'if' to #layout if its a ajax call. Because if ajax request has made to controller it also produce header, footer and content(header and footer are in default layout). So to avoid this I made one copy without #layout of my view.
However its so boring to edit two files for making changes. Can't I add a code to my view something like that?:
I want this because my codes in controllers are too messy
A slight variation is to put the logic for the layouts in your main layout template. e.g.
#if (Request::ajax())
Your views just extend the main layout as usual e.g.
Content goes here...
And then create a default layout file (default-app.blade.php) and an ajax layout file (ajax-app.blade.php). The advantage of doing it this way is that any of your blade templates can be loaded via Ajax, without having to clutter up controller methods with lots of duplicated logic.
You can't have the #layout call after the if statement like that (see the notice in red under "Blade Templating" in the docs. You'll have to set the public $layout and call $this->layout->nest instead of View::make (see "The Basics" on the page linked to above).
You can use something like this in your view template:
#extends( 'layouts.' . (isset($layout) ? $layout : 'default'))
Also apply check in your controller(or Supercontroller) for AJAX request, if it is set $layout variable to needed layout. Otherwise "default" layout will be taken.

Displaying a static block as a popup window in Magento

I'm trying to display a static block in Magento as a popup window, but can't seem to get the code to work.
I've found code in various places on the internet that seems to be fairly close to what I want but I can't get any results. I've used the basic code to return the "top links" to my site so I know that the basics work.
I've created a delpopup.php script in my Magento root folder and put in this code:
$layout = Mage::app()
echo '<p>before</p>';
echo $layout
echo '<p>after</p>';
Unfortunately the code doesn't display the static block. That part of the output is blank.
The idea is that I can place a link in a regular page in Magento and have my delivery into pop up. Like this:
<a title="" onclick="popWin('', 'deliveryinfo', 'width=300,height=300,left=0,top=0,location=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;" href="#">Delivery Info</a>
Basically I want to be able to display a static block in a popup window that uses my Magento site's theme. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
As I thought, the problems lies on incorrect Block Id.
Now that the cms is able to be shown.
So now the question is: how to get the theme work?
Not really sure what do you mean by theme, if what you mean is css that was included in <default> tag, you can use:
Mage::getDesign()->setTheme('your theme');
echo $layout->getBlock('head')->toHtml();
After the xml has been finished generated, it means put that code after:
I'd first setup a controller and block(s) to render the type of layout that you want to throw within the popup. So, instead of doing this within a standalone php file, do it within the regular mage framework within a specific controller action.
Then, once you have that working - the question is how to pull it into a popup. I'd go with maybe a nice jquery popup widget that allows you to specify a URL to hit - and then just pass in the one that you prepped for step 1 above.
You may want to look at adminhtml/default/default/template/popup.phtml for inspiration. That's actually a popup template for the admin, not the frontend, but you can see what they've done.
They're pulling in some standard magento blocks including the head block, which should pull in all your CSS and JS, in order to give you the general color scheme / look&feel of your frontend, but without all of the navigation, etc.
