Base Series scaling for BIRT radar chart - birt

I am trying to set different scales for the base series in a radar(spider) chart using BIRT. Is that possible? If yes, how is it done? Thanks!
Here is my code:
ChartWithoutAxes cwoaSpider = ChartWithoutAxesImpl.create( );
cwoaSpider.setDimension( ChartDimension.TWO_DIMENSIONAL_LITERAL );
cwoaSpider.setSubType( "Spider Radar Chart" );
//Data Set
String[] objAxesArray = objAxesNames.toArray(new String[objAxesNames.size()]);
TextDataSet categoryValues = TextDataSetImpl.create( objAxesArray );
// Base Series
Series seCategory = SeriesImpl.create( );
seCategory.setDataSet( categoryValues ); //!!! Here I want for each category a different scale
SeriesDefinition sd = SeriesDefinitionImpl.create( );
sd.getSeriesPalette( ).shift( 0 );
sd.getSeries( ).add( seCategory );
// Orthogonal Series
for (int index = 0; index < solutionsList.size(); index ++){
NumberDataSet seriesObjValues = NumberDataSetImpl.create(solObjValuesMap.get(solutionsList.get(index).getLabel()));
RadarSeries seRadar = RadarSeriesImpl.create( );
seRadar.setDataSet( seriesObjValues );
seRadar.setSeriesIdentifier( solutionsList.get(index).getLabel() );
seRadar.getLabel( ).setVisible( true );
SeriesDefinition sdObj = SeriesDefinitionImpl.create( );
sd.getSeriesDefinitions( ).add( sdObj);
sdObj.getSeries( ).add( seRadar );
cwoaSpider.getSeriesDefinitions( ).add( sd );


ThreeJS: Is there any possible way to reduce the amount of triangles count

Hi I have some very complex models to display which comes from Revit files that my customer provides.
But sometimes the amount of details in the model is just way too much for the purpose of the website.
I would like to reduce the amount of vertexes/triangles in the model to simplify the display and enhance performance.
I have used simply modifiers where I cant able to view the model itself.
Is this possible from within ThreeJS? Or is there maybe an other solution for this?
const renderMeshFunction = async (material: any, geometry: any, id: any) => {
let count = 0;
const emptyFunction = () => { };
const onBR = () => {
const _count = (count < 3 ? count : Math.floor(Math.random() * count) + 1);
return ((renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene,
camera: Camera, geometry: Geometry | BufferGeometry,
_material: Material, group: Group) => {
_material.clippingPlanes = checkIsClipping();
count = geometry.maxInstancedCount;
const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);
let modifier = new SimplifyModifier();
let simplified = mesh.clone();
simplified.material = simplified.material.clone();
let countSimple = Math.floor((simplified.geometry as any).attributes.position.count * 1); // number of vertices to remove
simplified.geometry = modifier.modify(simplified.geometry, countSimple);
that.scene.add(simplified); = id ||;
mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
mesh.drawMode = 0;
mesh.onBeforeRender = onBR.apply(that);
mesh.onAfterRender = emptyFn;
material = undefined;
return mesh;

Update OBJ file after cut some vertix

I'm working on a project in the medical field using threejs, and OBJ files shin bone, my goal is that I get to cut part of the tibia on the basis of a given position, for now I can do that by replacing the vertix of the object, but my problem is that I can not directly update the object, so every time I delete the old object and I upload it, although i put verticeNeedUpdate …
My question is if it's possible to directly update the object?
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color:0xA0A0A0});
object.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
child.material = material;
geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(child.geometry);
for(var i=0 ; i< geometry.vertices.length ; i++) {
if (geometry.vertices[ i ].x != 0) {
geometry.vertices[ i ].x = z;
if (geometry.vertices[ i ].y != 0) {
geometry.vertices[ i ].y = z;
if (geometry.vertices[ i ].z != 0) {
geometry.vertices[ i ].z = z;
geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
there is my code, i try to update geometry but it's doesnt work, i have to reload everytime the object and delete the old one for display the new on.

Trying to move a dynamic body in box2dweb on keypress

I have created a dynamic_body and I want to move that body using an EventListener.
But, I can't access the body and there is an issue with ApplyImpulse() or the ApplyForce() function in my code. But I can't see it. What am I missing?
function init() {
var b2Vec2 = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2
, b2AABB = Box2D.Collision.b2AABB
, b2BodyDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef
, b2Body = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body
, b2FixtureDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef
, b2Fixture = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Fixture
, b2World = Box2D.Dynamics.b2World
, b2MassData = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2MassData
, b2PolygonShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape
, b2CircleShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape
, b2DebugDraw = Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw
, b2MouseJointDef = Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef
var world = new b2World(
new b2Vec2(0, 0) //gravity
, true //allow sleep
var fixDef = new b2FixtureDef;
fixDef.density = 1.0;
fixDef.friction = 0.5;
fixDef.restitution = 0.2;
var bodyDef = new b2BodyDef;
//creating ground
bodyDef.type = b2Body.b2_staticBody;
fixDef.shape = new b2PolygonShape;
fixDef.shape.SetAsBox(20, 2);
bodyDef.position.Set(10, 500 / 30 + 1.8);
bodyDef.position.Set(10, -1.8);
fixDef.shape.SetAsBox(2, 14);
bodyDef.position.Set(-1.8, 13);
bodyDef.position.Set(25, 13);
// creating body
playerbody = new b2BodyDef;
playerbody.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
bodyfix = new b2FixtureDef;
bodyfix.shape = new b2PolygonShape;
0.4 //half width
, 0.6 //half height
playerbody.position.x = 3.2;
playerbody.position.y = 14;
bodyfix.body = playerbody;
bodyA = world.CreateBody(playerbody).CreateFixture(bodyfix);
function aPressed() {
var direction = new b2Vec2(-5,0);
bodyA.ApplyImpulse( direction , bodyA.GetWorldCenter());
function dPressed() {
var direction = new b2Vec2(5,0);
bodyA.ApplyImpulse( direction , bodyA.GetWorldCenter());
function spacePressed() {
var direction = new b2Vec2(0,5);
bodyA.ApplyImpulse( direction , bodyA.GetWorldCenter());
function ctrlPressed(){
var direction = new b2Vec2(0,-2);
bodyA.ApplyImpulse( direction , bodyA.GetWorldCenter());
// keyboard controls
document.addEventListener('keypress',function(event) {
var keycode = event.keyCode;
switch (keycode){
case 65:
case 68:
case 32:
case 17:

Will three.js Object3D.clone() create a deep copy of the geometry?

I'm loading models using the collada loader. The loader returns an Object3D, "dae", with many child meshes. I'd like to instantiate the parent "dae" object many times without duplicating the meshes. Can I just use dae.clone()?
Put another way: I'd like to make shallow copies that all have their own transformation matrix but share the same geometry. What's the most efficient way to do this?
By default Object3D.clone() does create a deep copy. Let's take a look at the source
clone: function ( object, recursive ) {
if ( object === undefined ) object = new THREE.Object3D();
if ( recursive === undefined ) recursive = true; =;
object.up.copy( this.up );
object.position.copy( this.position );
object.quaternion.copy( this.quaternion );
object.scale.copy( this.scale );
object.renderDepth = this.renderDepth;
object.rotationAutoUpdate = this.rotationAutoUpdate;
object.matrix.copy( this.matrix );
object.matrixWorld.copy( this.matrixWorld );
object.matrixAutoUpdate = this.matrixAutoUpdate;
object.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate;
object.visible = this.visible;
object.castShadow = this.castShadow;
object.receiveShadow = this.receiveShadow;
object.frustumCulled = this.frustumCulled;
object.userData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( this.userData ) );
if ( recursive === true ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i ++ ) {
var child = this.children[ i ];
object.add( child.clone() );
return object;
As we can see the clone function accepts two optional arguments:
the object to clone the Object3D into.
a flag to indicate whether or not to recursively clone the children.
So yes it is possible to make shallow copies with respect to the Object3D.children, but that's not what you want (based on your comment).
I believe you can actually use the default behavior of Object3D.clone() to get what you are after. Mesh.clone() does not clone the Geometry and Material properties.
THREE.Mesh.prototype.clone = function ( object ) {
if ( object === undefined ) object = new THREE.Mesh( this.geometry, this.material ); this, object );
return object;
Here is a couple of function I use to clone object's materials deeply. You could modify this to your needs
Also consider this information :
/** Gives the aptitude for an object3D to clone recursively with its material cloned (normal clone does not clone material)*/
THREE.Object3D.prototype.GdeepCloneMaterials = function() {
var object = this.clone( new THREE.Object3D(), false );
for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
var child = this.children[ i ];
if ( child.GdeepCloneMaterials ) {
object.add( child.GdeepCloneMaterials() );
} else {
object.add( child.clone() );
return object;
THREE.Mesh.prototype.GdeepCloneMaterials = function( object, recursive ) {
if ( object === undefined ) {
object = new THREE.Mesh( this.geometry, this.material.clone() );
} this, object, recursive );
return object;
You can refer to the copyand clone methods in Object3D to deep clone mesh materials.
First,extends two new methods in THREE:
THREE.Object3D.prototype.deepClone = function ( recursive ) {
return new this.constructor().deepCopy( this, recursive );
THREE.Object3D.prototype.deepCopy = function( source, recursive ) {
if ( recursive === undefined ) recursive = true; =;
this.up.copy( source.up );
this.position.copy( source.position );
this.quaternion.copy( source.quaternion );
this.scale.copy( source.scale );
this.matrix.copy( source.matrix );
this.matrixWorld.copy( source.matrixWorld );
this.material = source.material.clone()
this.geometry = source.geometry.clone()
this.matrixAutoUpdate = source.matrixAutoUpdate;
this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = source.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate;
this.layers.mask = source.layers.mask;
this.visible = source.visible;
this.castShadow = source.castShadow;
this.receiveShadow = source.receiveShadow;
this.frustumCulled = source.frustumCulled;
this.renderOrder = source.renderOrder;
this.userData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( source.userData ) );
if ( recursive === true ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < source.children.length; i ++ ) {
var child = source.children[ i ];
this.add( child.deepClone() ); //changed
return this;
Second,when you want to deep clone a Object3D or Scene named originalObj.just do var newObj = originalObj.deepClone()
three.js Object3D.clone() will not create a deep copy of geometry and material. It will reference geometry and material of the cloned object instead.
You can see this in three.module.js:
Mesh.prototype = ... {
copy: function ( source ) { this, source );
>>>>>>> this.material = source.material; <<<<<<<
>>>>>>> this.geometry = source.geometry; <<<<<<<
return this;
So, regarding the OP's question: Yes, you can just use dae.clone().
For a deep clone including geometry and material, just change two lines of the above Mesh.prototype.copy() function:
this.material = source.material.clone();
this.geometry = source.geometry.clone();
Keep in mind this is a performance issue because three.js has to calculate separate geometries for each object3D, including all Meshes.

Three js camera movement

i dont have the code here so i hope you can understand, i'l edit and add the code when i get home.
I have built a class move that once initialized adds a jquery event (keyDown) to the rendered dom element.
the event checks what key is down in a switch case,
if the key is one of the cases the camera will be moved accordingly.
The camera does move, but for some reason it flickers a bit, like little jumps.
the speed for each camera move is 0.05;
when i did this in anouter app but via a javascript keydown event from the main script (no special class) it worked fine..
any idea why would it do this ?
edit: code
main script :
var moveMec = null;
var loopProg = null;
var renderer = null;
var scene = null;
var camera = null;
var mesh = null;
var earth = null;
var sun = null;
function() {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true } );
scene = new THREE.Scene();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45,
container.offsetWidth / container.offsetHeight, 1, 4000 );
earth = new Earth();
sun = new Sun({x:-10,y:0,z:20});
camera.position.set( 0, 0, 3 );
moveMec = new moveMechanics(camera,renderer.domElement)
loopProg = new loopProgram();
//loopProg.add(function(){renderer.render( scene, camera );});
move script :
var moveMechanics = function (camera,domElement,speed)
{ = camera;
moveMechanics.speed = speed != undefined ? speed : 0.01;
moveMechanics.domElement = domElement;
case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_W:
camera.position.z -= moveMechanics.speed;
case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_S:
camera.position.z += moveMechanics.speed;
case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_D:
camera.position.x += moveMechanics.speed;
case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_A:
camera.position.x -= moveMechanics.speed;
loop code :
function loopProgram()
this.functionsToRun = new Array();
this.solarLoop= function()
jQuery.each(loopProg.functionsToRun, function(index,value)
value ? value() : null;
this.add = function(func)
this.functionsToRun[this.functionsToRun.length] = func;
