Fineuploader addFiles ie 8/9 - fine-uploader

I have been building an audio recorder which falls back to flash for browsers which do not support the getUserMedia api (which is then passed to the page via an external interface).
I am wondering if it is possible to upload arbitrary Blobs/Files in ie 8/9 while using the iframeSupport config using finuploader.
Currently I am using a polyfill for the Blob api when it is not supported.

No, this is not possible, as the File API is not available in IE9 and older. No polyfill will allow you to turn a file input element into a File or Blob object unless the browser supports the File API.
You can, however, pass <input type="file"> elements into Fine Uploader's addFiles API method.


How do soundcloud keep music playing on when navigating?

I'm wondering how soundcloud can play music seamlessly when navigating between pages. It's possible that they use Ajax cuz the top bar seems not to reload when navigating but i see the URL changes. Is there any way to load content using Ajax and set the URL to another one?
HTML5 has introduced a new API, called HTML5 History API. You can read about using it here –
This API lets you update browser address bar with JavaScript, so you can change the contents of the page according to the URL. The use of AJAX doesn't really have to do with UI changes, you could check the networks tab in Chrome's developer tools to see that requests are issued with XHR.

how to send mulitple image upload form data via ajax to node.js

i want to send form data to server side via jQueryajax . i am uploading multiple images .
when i press submit button, i should send images path via ajax to server(node.js)
but here i am using form so
how to do that ?
i have tried this one.but it is not working for multiple image upload
thing which you need to take care is cross-browser compatibility and unfortunately Formdata in not supported in Internet Explorer.
I would suggest you to use Uploadify JQuery plugin. You can download it from You can use the flash version, I have tested it and it works fine with IE as well.
Best of Luck.

Making content accessible on Addon SDK

I am developing an addon using Firefox's Addon SDK (v. 1.11). My extension dynamically creates an iframe on each website and then loads an html file which includes other resources such as images, font files, etc. from the add on's local directory.
When loading any of such local resources (i.e.: "resource://" schema), the iframe fails to display them and a message is thrown:
Security Error: Content at http: //www.XXX may not load or link to
This is a security measure introduced on Firefox 3. When developing without the Addon SDK, the way around it is declaring a directory with "contentaccessible=yes", making the directory's contents accessible to anyone, including my add on. However, I have not been able to find similar functionality using the Addon SDK. Is there a better way of using local data on an iframe that my addon creates and inserts into a page?
I don't think you can directly load an iFrame that points to a resource inside your URL. The browser complains because it's either breaking same origin policy or cross site scripting one. I can't remember which one right now.
if it is html content you want to load you can always inject it into the DOM and then send a message to the document object using the events API to display your custom html. I've done this in the past and it works.
so from main.js send a message to content script which will then inject your iframe html into the DOM and then you can send the document object a message to display it.
I hope this helps.
Not sure if this was the case when you posted the question, but it appears that "resource://" should no longer be used with the Addon SDK.
If you're using the resource inside of an HTML file in the extension, you can reference it locally, otherwise you should use data.url('whatever.jpg') and pass around that value as needed.
Full info is here:

Launch IE from app passing HTML content

I need to launch IE from my WP7 app and load the HTML to create the page dynamically. The HTML is read from a web service and can change at any time, so I'm not able to just store the HTML in a file. Is there a way to do this -- much like you do with WebBrowser.NavigateToString(strHtml)?
If you are attempting to open your HTML content in an embedded WebBrowser control you can use the "NavigateToString" function and pass it the HTML content you would like to load.
If you are trying to open it in the native IE browser on the device then I would recommend putting state information in the URL and opening the page directly with any parameters required to replicate the view in the browser via the WebBrowserTask. This way you wouldn't technically be opening the HTML code from your app but you would be able to ensure that the HTML content loaded from your service is correct based on your query parameters.
Are you looking for WebBrowserTask?

How to upload an image using jsonp

Jsonp can be used to fetch data from supporting services but can i use it to upload images. As far as i understand javascript cannot access your file system making it impossible to upload an image using pure javascript techniques.However is there a work around. Can an image be uploaded to a server using jsonp?
I don't think you can just using json. The closest you can get is posting to a seperate iframe. Jquery has a feature where you can post a form to a hidden iframe.
If you are using jquery:
