How does one display a new view controller in the same Mac window? - macos

I'm fairly new to Mac development and am slightly confused by the new "storyboard" feature in Xcode 6. What I'm trying to do is segue from one view controller to another in the same window. As of right now, all the different NSViewControllerSegues present the view controller in a new window, be it a modal or just another window. What I'd like to do is just segue within the same window, much in the same way one would on iOS (though an animated transition is not crucial). How would this be achieved?

If you provide a custom segue (subclass of NSStoryboardSegue) you can get the result you are after. There are a few gotchas with this approach though:
the custom segue will use presentViewController:animator so you will need to provide an animator object
because the presented view is not backed by a separate Window object, you may need to provide it with a custom NSView just to catch out mouse events that you don't want to propagate to the underlying NSViewController's view
there's also a Swift-only glitch regarding the custom segue's identifier property you need to watch out for.
As there doesn't seem to be much documentation about this I have made a small demo project with custom segue examples in Swift and Objective-C.
I also have provided some more detail in answer to this question.

(Reviving this as it comes up as first relevant result on Google and I had the same problem but decided against a custom segue)
While custom segues work (at least, the code given in foundry's answer worked under Swift 3; it needs updating for Swift 4), the sheer amount of work involved in writing a custom animator suggests to me that their main use case is custom animations.
The simple solution to changing the content of a window is to create an NSWindowController for your window, and to set its contentViewController to the desired viewController. This is particularly useful if you are following the typical pattern of storyboards and instantiate a new ViewController instance every time you switch.
The NSStoryboard documentation says, quite clearly in macOS, containment (rather than transition) is the more common notion for storyboards which led me to look again at the available tools.
You could use a container view for this task, which adds a NWViewController layer instead of the NSWindowController outlined above. The solution I've gone with is to use an NSTabViewController. In the attributes inspector, set the style to 'unspecified', then select the TabView and set its style to 'tabless'.
To change tabs programatically, you set the selectedTabViewItemIndexof your TabViewController.
This solution reuses the same instance of the ViewControllers for the tab content, so that any data entered in text fields is preserved when the user switches to the other 'tab'.

Simple way with no segues involved to replace the current view controller in the same window:
if let myViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "MyViewController") as? MyViewController {
self.view.window?.contentViewController = myViewController


macOS Printing in Swift

Please note this is not an iOS question.
I have an NSView-based app (i.e. not document-based), and I’d like to bolt on a printing subsystem. I can get NSViews in my main controller to print ok. However, I want to have a special view constructed just for printing. The view should not show in the app’s window. The view contains two NSTextFields, two NSTextViews, and 5 labels.
I cannot seem to figure out a way to do this. I have tried various forms of these examples:
Add an NSView to my main view window? Seems logical, but it’s awkward in a storyboard, (I can’t position the view in the storyboard).
Programmatically create a custom NSView with a xib?
For this, I’ve tried:
#IBOutlet weak var printView: NSView!
let printOperation = NSPrintOperation(view: printView!)
This results in the comprehensive "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value” message.
The outlets are configured correctly (I think)
A seperate ViewController? If so, how can I avoid having two print buttons — one to call the print controller, and the second, to print the PrintController’s view.
I’ve tried reading the Apple docs, but they are not the way I learn best. There are also no Print documents in Swift that I've found. I’ve waded through many SE questions, but have come up blank. Could you point me towards a solution please.
I think the specific problem here is that you're never causing the view to be loaded.
You can double check whether this is the case by overriding the viewDidLoad method on the controller. If it's never called, your view is never loaded from the nib.
Normally the UI machinery takes care of all that when you display a view controller, which is why it can be so confusing when it doesn't happen.
You should be able to trigger the view load by accessing the view property on the controller. e.g.
_ = self.view // Touch the view to force it to load has some additional information.
You can also call loadView() directly although that's usually frowned upon.

How can I hook up NSWindow's initialFirstResponder when using Storyboards in InterfaceBuilder?

I'm frustrated with the wall that using storyboards seems to put between NSWindows/NSWindowControllers and NSViews/NSViewControllers. A specific example: What good is the initialFirstResponder outlet on NSWindow if the whole view hierarchy is in a separate scene and can't be referenced?
I'd like to make the window called "progred"'s initialFirstResponder the "Content View" view from the View Controller Scene, but you can't make IBOutlet references across scenes. I'd be perfectly happy to put the ViewController and the Window in the same scene, but I can't seem to get that to work with all of the dragging/dropping I've tried to do from one scene to another, or even trying to add a new one from the toolbox. It seems that you're required to use a segue relationship to assign a NSViewController to a NSWindow.
I've googled but I'm not finding anything on this problem which might just mean I'm missing something obvious as I'm pretty new to Storyboards as I can't imagine I'm the first to notice this :).
I've been going through just this in swift (Xcode 6.3.1). IB appears to be unable to do what we want despite all the doco and advice saying "control drag....". My (eventual) solution/workaround was to set it in code, in viewWillAppear, of the view controller. I'd tried a variety of approaches until I encounter some apple doco that declared that the initialFirstResponder must be set BEFORE the window displayed. Hope this helps.
By the way, watch out for the default Window behaviour being "restorable" which seems to restart the (rebuilt) app with the focus in the last field the app was killed in....sigh

Leaving inputAccessoryView visible after keyboard is dismissed iOS8?

I want to make behavior like messaging app. I have been browsing Stack Overflow for solutions for this, and indeed there are plenty:
Leaving inputAccessoryView visible after keyboard is dismissed
This was the one that I found. But it seems things are a little different in iOS8. If I do the same thing in new iOS8 sdk, i get error:
'UIViewControllerHierarchyInconsistency', reason: 'child view controller:<UICompatibilityInputViewController: 0x7fdcb3441b10> should have parent view controller:<ViewController: 0x7fdcb3b1e9f0> but requested parent is:<UIInputWindowController: 0x7fdcb684c000>'
In order to test this more I made a sample project, just one controller with view on the bottom:
Outlet is connected to bottom view, that only has UITextField on it. Am I missing something and how do i get the desired behvior?
iOS8 has a retain cycle with the inputAccessoryView. Here's a good post that seems to have a good workaround:
You are adding the someView to multiple superViews, which leads to inconsistent hierarchies (which it is telling you).
When the keyboard gets activated, it calls the inputAccessoryView() method to see if it needs to stick anything on top of the keyboard, and adds that to its own superView. But you already added it to the view through your storyboard.
Now there are 2 ways you can solve this:
Make a .xib with your view and return that one in your inputAccessoryView(), not adding it to any superview yourself (the keyboard will.
Or make it completely in code using NSLayoutConstraint.
You can add the following code to your ViewController which will persist the view even when the keyboard is hidden.
override func canBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return true
Look at this GitHub repo for an example.

Switch XIB Views - Cocoa Mac

I am pretty new to coding and would like to know how to switch XIB views on a button click. IS there also anyway to add animation when switching?
this is totally possible, but there are a few things you'll need to do. I imagine you are already familiar with connecting outlets to objects in your XIB, so the first thing you need to do is create the custom views in your XIB and connect them to outlets in your appDelegate. I suggest that one of the views be dragged into the window and one one be outside the window. That way, when the window loads, it already has one of your custom views as a subview. This just makes it easier to get started.
Then you're going to write an IBAction in the appDelegate and connect it to your button. Assuming that one of the custom views is already being hosted by the window, the IBAction should send a replaceSubviewWith message to the window's contentView animator like this [[window.contentView animator] replaceSubview:firstView with:secondView]; where firstView and secondView are the pointer/outlets that you declared and connected to the views in your XIB.
This is sending the animator proxy of the window's content view a message which tells it to replace the old subview with the new one. The reason for sending the message to the view's animator proxy (and not the view itself) is that the transition will be carried out with the deafult CATransitionAnimation. Because you want it to be animated, right?
The reason why you shouldn't remove one subview and then add another is because animating the removal of a subview is actually quite tricky and requires the implementation of the delegate method animationDidEnd. This is because executing an animation on a view that has been removed from the view heirarchy does not make sense. I don't know why Apple hasn't changed this, but for now it will be one of the enduring quirks of CoreAnimation.
Let me know if that helps. I am happy to clarify! And welcome to Cocoa!
An easy way to do this is to use a tabless NSTabView- you can lay everything out in IB so the pain is minimal.

Why do UIViewControllers have xib files and UIViews do not?

When I create a new UIViewController in xcode, it offers to make me an associated nib for the interface. However, when I create a UIView, it does not. If my understanding of MVC is correct, views should really be the parts that contain the interface elements (i.e. the nib) while view controllers are the parts that hook the functionality to the views they control.
I'm sure I'll be able to get it working together either way, so this is more of an exploratory question.
This seems like a case where I'm missing some fundamental understanding of how these two parts should be used. What am I missing?
Because UIView is usually not used in such way.
However How do I associate a nib (.xib) file with a UIView?
The answer I eventually got that satisfied my interest was roughly this:
The job of a view controller is to manage a view hierarchy. Interface Builder is an excellent tool for creating view hierarchies. Xcode offers to create a .xib when you create a new view controller because chances are high that you'll want to load the controllers' views from a .xib.
.xib files aren't necessarily meant to hold every UIView (or subclass) that goes into the view, just a general outline of views that don't change during the life of the view. The other UIViews are much easier to create programmatically since they change often.
I had a similar confusion. Basically (according to the MVC) the View is contained inside the Controller. In the iPhone this means that UIViewController has a property called 'view' which is a UIView instance.
A XIB file (and this is not mentioned often) is a serialised UIView instance. It is roughly an XML sub format which represents a UIView with all its subsequent views. So when you create a UIViewController, a UIView is created in the form of a XIB and bounded to that controller.
A new UIView therefore does not have a XIB because they are essentially the same thing...
