Is there a way to access the GeoServer admin page remotely? - geoserver

I am running an instance of GeoServer on a linux server and I am trying to access the admin page on a separate machine. Is there a way for me to change the address so that I can access it through a browser?

Just figured it out, find the jetty.xml and search for localhost. Change localhost to your IP address of the server. Then change the firewall settings to allow port 8080, I followed these instructions


IIS: unable to browse server using host IP address plus Port number different from 80

I have an app running in IIS on port 7000. I am able to browse localhost and localhost:7000 but when i change local host to the ip of the computer, I am only able to browse and not :7000 why is this the case?
I think the solution is here but i cannot figure out how to get to local policies on windows 7 and change the required settings. Below is what i get when i browse with the port.
When i Added my new application using the IIS Manager, I specified the hostname as localhost. All i had to do was to leave it blank. This setting is similar to the default app in IIS running on port 80

How can I access a webpage located inside a VM from the host machine's browser?

I am able to access the link http://localhost/men/tops-men/jackets-men.html successfully from my VM (configured using X2Go client).
IP Address of the VM:
I am also able to ping the VM successfully from my host machine (Windows).
The page that I am trying to access is a php page deployed on Apache Web Server.
However I am not able to do so from my Windows host machine.
I tried from my Windows machine but it did not work.
Do I have to configure something on my host machine or on my VM ?
Not sure what I am missing.
On VM check you can view
If not you need to configure the web server to listen on that IP (if you're running IIS this is under "bindings" in the right-hand side panel of IIS Manager).
On Host open a cmd window and check you can ping
If not check your firewall settings on the VM.
If neither of these 2 things help then you need to add more information about your setup to the question. Those are 2 very simple things you can do to diagnose 2 basic problems you might be having.
I was finally able to solve the problem based on this SO link: Unable to access magento site from anywhere but localhost
Updated the DB table core_config_data and updated the data by replacing http://localhost with http://ip-of-vm and then restarted the apache web server.

how to access xampp server from internet using dynamic ip address

I have installed xampp server on my windows 7.
I am connecting internet using HUAWEI Dongle.
I don't have any static IP address.i Want to access my php file from internet example I have connected to internet now I have dynamic IP address like if some one enter in his browser address bar then my home.php page should open in his browser.
What should I do for this give me step by step guide.
Local Ip can't work over the internet. It's your intranet network. If you have dynamic internet IP, then you simply configure the Dynamic DNS service. Which you can configure your Internet Router with the following settings (provided by the Dynamic DNS service providers).
many more.
If you want to share IP with someone from your local area network:
Go to cmd, run ipconfig command, and find your local IP, which should be like You can easily share it with no worries it will change each time you reset your network.
If it's someone from external network:
You have no power to share your external IP if you have dynamic one, it will change too often, but still it should work for a short connection sessions. To obtain a stable address you would have to register a domain

Configuring Amazon EC2 for a dynamic website

I am curious about Amazon webservices and so I thought of creating a dynamic webpage with Amazon EC2. I created an instance, installed apache and php and made sure it is working in EC2(using remote access). I have assigned a elastic IP to the instance. My question is how to access the webpage that I created in the instance. I am not sure what to give the servername in httpd.conf. My goal is access the page like http://amazonaddress/test.php
I am using windows server, but I think it is basically the same. My documents are in the same folder as mentioned in conf file. But when I use my elastic IP, it isn't working . Not even the basic index page in the apache htdocs(that's the home folder according to conf). To throw more light I will explain what I have done till now.
I have created a micro instance(EC2) and logged into it using remote desktop. I have installed apache msi file and php after that. I have created a elasticIP and attached the instance and to my security group I have added http service to port 80. I have tested if localhost is working in my remote machine(points to index.html). After that I have tried accessing it using elastic IP and it just times out. Is there any step I have missed?
You can access it via where you replace the with your elastic IP address.
Then you want to setup DNS for your domain name. So you'll need to create an A Record mapping to whatever your elastic IP address is. You can usually do this via your domain name registrar as most of them also run basic DNS services for free.
You can access an ec2 instance using it's public DNS name (or elastic IP since you already have one of those), which can be seen in the instances description tab. Configuring your personal domain name to point to that server will involve creating an A Record mapping to that public IP.
Assuming apache has been setup correctly, that's all you should need to do to get started (and your test.php page is in /var/www/). For your purposes, you probably shouldn't even need to modify the httpd.conf file at all.
Also, be sure to remember to open a port on the security group (under Network & Security from the EC2 Console) that the instance belongs to. In your example, you will want to open port 80 inbound with source (unless you want to limit access to a specific IP range).
Hope this helps.

setting up home ftp server using filezilla

I googled, followed all the instructions but still stuck, and unable to create a home ftp server.
My internet is from dsl modem -> vonage router -> wifi router
FileZilla server ip is and it works fine when tried from command prompt. But I need it to be accessible from outside.
I enabled ftp on wifi router's web settings page using virtual server setting.
I am stuck at this point, I don't know what else to do further. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also, if you are planning on accessing your server remotely, (not in your network) you will have to enable port forwarding on your router. (Use the ip address of the machine running the server and use port 21) Otherwise, you only be able to connect while in your LAN.
This pretty much summarizes your needs(via
If you're FTP'ing across your home
network (like from your upstairs PC to
your bedroom PC), you can reach the
server by using its internal network
address (most likely something like
192.168.xx.xx.) From the command line, type ipconfig to see what that address
is. If you want to log into your FTP
server over the internet, set up a
memorable URL for it and allow
connections from outside your network.
To do so, check out how to assign a
domain name to your home server and
how to access your home server behind
a router and firewall.
Original Article
How to assign a domain name to your home server
How to access a server behind a router and firewall
You need to be able to access your internal network from the internet. Consider using a service like dynDNS if your router supports it.
