spring cloud FeignRibbonClient retryhandler retry configuration - spring

I use spring cloud and the FeignRibbonClient to access remote services. The problem is, that this client ignores the retry configuration given by the properties:
The retryHandlers are created without any configuration. What I want to get is to retry the next server after ConnectException. What I get is a RetryableException caused by a ConnectException.
Does anybody knows how to get the client call to the next server in case of a ConnectException?


How To setup multiple mail server with failover in Spring Boot?

Sending emails from Spring Boot is as easy as possible.
host: <servername>
Plus some additional configuration and off you go.
We rely on an internal email provider that offers two mail servers. Instead of setting these up behind a load balancer, the consumer has to manage the failover itself.
So far, we have therefore only used one of the two servers via the Spring configuration mentioned above.
If this server has a problem, such as the current one where the TLS certificate has expired 🤦‍♂️, the Rediness Check in Spring Actuator floods the log file with error messages.
Does anyone have a solution for using multiple mail servers to provide a fallback scenario?

Spring Cloud Kubernetes Service registry - Feign client - java.net.NoRouteToHostException

There are two microservices (microservice-A & microservice-B), written in Spring boot, are talking to each other through the Feign Client and the services are registered in K8S Native service registry
Whenever a fresh deployment of a microservice-A is happening, the microservice-B that is already running in kubertnetes fails to make HTTP call to the freshly deployed service-A and below is the exception
feign.RetryableException: No route to host (Host unreachable) executing GET http://microserice-a/api/v1/myresources
This issue is getting resolved immediately after restarting the microservice-B.
When we googled for solutions, we got to see this link https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/769 and an user had given the below comment there
I suspect the root cause is that FeignClient keeps an old list of service providers and the Ribbon cannot move correctly to the next node if one node has been destroyed
Not sure if that is correct root cause. Please comment If anyone has faced similar issue and solved it?

Always start Spring Boot Server

If an error occurs during startup, e.g. wrong database password, the server will not start. But if you use spring actuator, the server could return DOWN on the health interface, instead of not starting the server.
Is it possible to start the server despite errors and then display the error via /health?

How to refresh config clients automatically?

I am new to Spring Config Server/Client technologies.
I am using a spring config server to hold some config values.
Config clients will connect to the server and get the values.
If i change some of the config values at the config server, then currently I have to refresh the clients to load the config details from config server again by invoking "/refresh" on each client.
Is there anyway the clients will be notified by the config server and they will then reload the configuration again ?
Yes there is a way.
The solution is to use the Spring Cloud Bus. Using this module, you would link multiple clients to the server using a message broker. The only message broker implementation currently supported by this module is AMQP. Once the clients are connected to the server, invoking the endpoint on the server /bus/refresh will automatically broadcast the configuration changes to all the subscribed clients. This therefore means it is possible to reload configuration changes for any number of clients with one single refresh request which originates at the server.

feign.RetryableException: Read timed out executing GET

I have below architecture in my project
My UI Service(Port 8080) making Feign call to Gateway Service(Port 8085).
My Get call from UI service is " http://localhost:8080/invoice-list?startDate=2018-08-05&endDate=2018-10-05 "
Similar call from Gateway Service "http://localhost:8085/invoice-download-service/invoice-list?startDate=2018-08-05&endDate=2018-10-05"
When i make this GET call from UI service i get below error within minute
is feign.RetryableException: Read timed out executing GET http://localhost:8085/invoice-download-service/invoice-list?startDate=2018-08-05&endDate=2018-10-05] with root cause
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
But when i make direct call from Gateway Server to microservice, i dont get error.
Application.properties file of Gateway service
zuul.host.socket-timeout-millis= 5000000
zuul.host.connect-timeout-millis= 5000000
Here i have set readtimeout and connecttimeout property around 8 to 10 min, hence i am not getting error.
Application.properties file of UI service
Here in UI service i dont have timeout property. I tried above properties here but not working.
Obviously this UI service is not using ribbon,zuul etc. This is just an making Feign call to gateway.
So what should i do to increase timeout in UI service?
Added below properties in UI Service's application.propeties file.
feign.client.config.default.connectTimeout: 160000000
feign.client.config.default.readTimeout: 160000000
This issue might also be caused by default laodbalancer implementation of Spring Cloud Gateway in case you make use of Eureka Server and run your microservices undockerized on windows. Services are running on localhost, but Eureka says to the loadbalancer of the gateway to route the request to host.docker.internal.
The links down below give a couple of solutions:
