Authentication and authorization in REST Services with Liferay - spring

We are building some services that will be exposed through a RESTful API. Primary customers of this API are Liferay portlets using Angular JS, meaning there are direct calls from client-side (Angular) to our services.
So far we have designed an authentication and authorization mechanism to assure that we can identify which logged user (Liferay) is requesting our API.
PS.: note that although we are using Liferay, it could be any other Java based application instead.
What we have designed is:
When the user logs in in our portal, Liferay creates an authentication token with userLogin (or ID) + client IP + timestamp. This token is saved in a cookie;
Before every REST call, Angular reads this cookie and sends its contents via a HTTP header;
Our service "decrypts" the cookie content sent and verifies if the timestamp is valid, the IP is the same and, according to our business rules, if the user has access to do or read whatever he wants to.
This design looks consistent to us right now and, depending on the algorithm we choose to create this token, we believe it is a secure approach.
Our doubts are:
Are we, somehow, reinventing the wheel not using HTTP authentication with some kind of custom provider? How to?
Could Spring Security help us with that? We have read some articles about it but it's not clear if it makes sense to use it with a non-Spring application;
Are there any security flaws we have not considered with this approach?
Thank you in advance. Any help is appreciated.

Spring security solves the problem description, and as a bonus you will get all the spring security features for free.
The Token approach is great and here is how you can secure your APIs with spring-security
Implements AuthenticationEntryPoint and have the commence method set 401 instead of re-direction 3XX as follows
httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED,"Access Denied");
Have a TokenProcessingFilter extend and leverage what UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter has to offer, override the doFilter() method, extract the the token from the request headers, validate and Authenticate the token as follows
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = this.getAsHttpRequest(request);
String authToken = this.extractAuthTokenFromRequest(httpRequest);
String userName = TokenUtils.getUserNameFromToken(authToken);
if (userName != null) {
UserDetails userDetails = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(userName);
if (TokenUtils.validateToken(authToken, userDetails)) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication =new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDetails, null, userDetails.getAuthorities());
authentication.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource().buildDetails(httpRequest));
chain.doFilter(request, response);
Your Spring-security configuration will look like
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private AuthFailure authFailure;
private AuthSuccess authSuccess;
private EntryPointUnauthorizedHandler unauthorizedHandler;
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
private AuthenticationTokenProcessingFilter authTokenProcessingFilter;
public void configureAuthBuilder(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
#Bean public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder(){
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS) // Restful hence stateless
.authenticationEntryPoint(unauthorizedHandler) // Notice the entry point
.addFilter(authTokenProcessingFilter) // Notice the filter
.antMatchers("/resources/**", "/api/authenticate").permitAll()
-- Last you will need another end point for Authentication and token-generation
Here is a spring MVC example
public class TokenGenerator{
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private UtilityBean utilityBean;
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
#RequestMapping(value="/authenticate", method=RequestMethod.POST, consumes=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
ResponseEntity<?> generateToken(#RequestBody EmefanaUser user){
ResponseEntity<?> response = null;
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user.getUserId(),user.getCredential());
try {
Authentication authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate(authenticationToken);
* Reload user as password of authentication principal will be null
* after authorization and password is needed for token generation
UserDetails userDetails = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(user.getUserId());
String token = TokenUtils.createToken(userDetails);
response = ResponseEntity.ok(new TokenResource(utilityBean.encodePropertyValue(token)));
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
response = ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
return response;
1 Generate token, 2. subsequent API-calls should have the token
Yes spring-security can do this and you don`t have to break new grounds in Authentication, Authorization.
Hope this helps

I'm late to the party but here are my two cents.
Disclaimer: The previous answers are a possible way to tackle this.
The next insight is what I've learned while implementing RESTful APIs
in Liferay.
If I understand correctly the question then you have two scenarios here. The first one is you need to create a RESTful api that will be called by already Logged in users. This means that the AJAX calls will, probably, get execute within the client's renderization of the portal. The main issue here is the security, how to secure yous REST calls.
First of all I think one should try to leverage on whatever framework one is using before implementing something else. Liferay DOES uses Spring in the backend but they've already implemented security. I would recommend to use the Delegate Servlet.
This servlet will execute any custom class and put it inside Liferay's Authentication path, meaning that you could just use PortalUtil.getUser(request) and if it's 0 or null then the user is not authenticated.
In order to use the delegate servlet you just need to configure it in your web.xml file
<servlet-name>My Servlet</servlet-name>
As you can see we are instantiating another servlet. This servlet is going to be defined by the PortalDelegateServlet. The Delegate Servlet will use whatever class is on the value of the sevlet-class param. Within that class you can just check if there's a valid username in the HttpServletRequest object with Liferay's Utils and if there is then the user is OK to go.
Now, the way you access this is that the Delegate Servlet uses the value of the sub-context to know which class are you refering to from the URL. So, in this example you'll be access com.samples.MyClass by going to https://my.portal/delegate/api The 'delegate' part will always be there, the second part of the URL is what we define in the init-param. Notice that you can only define one level of the URI for sub-context, i.e. you can't set /api/v2.0/ as sub-context.
From then on you can do whatever you want on your servlet class and handle the parsing of the REST URI as you want.
You can also use spring's Dispatcher class as the class that the Delegate Servlet will call and just setup a spring servlet, hence having url annotation mappins.
It is important to know that this is only good for RESTful or Resource
serving, since the Delegate Servlet will not know how to handle
renderization of views.
The second scenario you have is to be able to call this RESTful API from any external application (doesn't matter what implementation they have). This is an entire different beast and I would have to reference the answer by iamiddy and using Spring's Authentication Token could be a nice way to do this.
Another way to do this, would be to handle unauthorized users in your servlet class by sending them to the login page or something of the sort. Once they succesfully login Liferay's Utils should recognize the authenticated user with the request. If you want to do this within an external application then you would need to mock a form-based login and just use the same cookie jar for the entire time. Although I haven't tried this, in theory it should work. Then again, in theory, communism works.
Hope this help some other poor soul out there.

Take a look at Single Sign On and Spring Security OAuth2 token authentication.
Here is example: sso-with-oauth2-angular-js-and-spring-security.
Note that Spring 4.2 might have some handy CORS support.

I can't uprate someone's answer with my current rating but The answer above is probably the right direction.
It sounds like what you need to investigate is something named CORS which provides security with cross site scripting. I'm sorry I don't quite know how it works yet (I'm in the same situation) but this is the main topic of this NSA document on REST
For Spring, try here to start maybe?


How can I implement access tokens for a public Spring Boot API?

I have a public facing API created with Spring Boot. I want users of the API to include a token with requests so that I can ensure they are allowed to access it and also track how many requests are made within a certain period of time.
I'm a little confused on how to approach this because everything I am reading online is where a user sends their user/password and the application returns a token. This is not what I'm looking for.
I want something similar to when you use Google APIs or similar APIs where your token never changes unless you want it to change and you do not send Google API your user/pass on the first request.
Maybe I'm not using the correct terminology. Can someone point me in the right direction?
If you want to authenticate using a static token for each user you will have to create a custom AuthenticationManager that gets your request header and tries to match it aginst known keys.
Example using single key, you'd have to add a lookup to user table if needed
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
http.authorizeRequests(auth -> auth
public Filter tokenFilter()
AuthenticationTokenFilter filter = new AuthenticationTokenFilter(authenticationTokenHeader);
return filter;
protected AuthenticationManager authenticationManager()
final AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = new AuthenticationManager()
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException
String principal = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
if (!authenticationTokenValue.equals(principal))
throw new BadCredentialsException("The API key was not found or not the expected value.");
return authentication;
return authenticationManager;
Do keep in mind that this approach is not the most secure, and if you'r application is public facing I would not recommend using this. And would recommend either using Authorization header with username/password or JWT
As a side note, I think you'r mistaken on how the google API authenticates. To the best of my knowledge all google APIs use Oauth2 for authentication, the static key/file you have does not provide access to the API it is only good for retrieving a short lived access token, in essence this would be not much different from standard JWT where you use some form of credentials to get a token with which you access the API.
for more info on JWT authentication:

Can I use both introspection server and local check for authorize token? Spring Boot - Security

I want to
introspect JWT token on remote server
and then check locally if scope/aud/iss/exp are correct
How can this be done most easily in Spring Boot?
As I understand first case is something similar to opauqeToken functionality (but I have normal JWT) and second case is more like using jwt
Spring Security only supports JWTs or Opaque Tokens, not both at the same time.
If I use opaqueToken, then validation on remote server is done without any effort (even if that's JWT)
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeHttpRequests(authorize -> authorize
.mvcMatchers("/api/**").hasAuthority("SCOPE_" + scope)
.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 -> oauth2
.opaqueToken(opaque -> opaque
.introspectionClientCredentials(this.clientId, this.clientSecret)
I have scope verified. Now I want to check iss, aud, exp. Is that doable with opaqueToken?
Or should I use jwt auth instead?
IMHO opaqueToken can be JWT, so now the question is how to verify and inspect it locally after remote introspection?
It's kind of hybrid of two different approaches, but hopefully you know the simple way how to do it.
Ok, I think I have my answer. I created my own introspector which is implementing OpaqueTokenIntrospector
public class JwtOpaqueTokenIntrospector implements OpaqueTokenIntrospector {
private OpaqueTokenIntrospector delegate =
new NimbusOpaqueTokenIntrospector(
public OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal introspect(String token) {
OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal introspected = this.delegate.introspect(token);
and I added it as a #Bean
public OpaqueTokenIntrospector tokenIntrospector() {
return new JwtOpaqueTokenIntrospector();

Integrate Spring Boot Security SAML with Azure AD Gallery app as multi tenant

I am Developing Java Spring Boot System and trying to Integrate with Azure non-gallery app using SAML Single Sign-On.
I found how to create Non-gallery applications, how to apply non-gallery app to Azure Gallery list etc. For example this link is about configuring SAML SSO:
Configure SAML-based single sign-on
So I understood Azure side configurations and procedures.
I am using Spring Security SAML Extensions. But I can't find the Spring Boot side configuration even I made a lot of research except official SAML Extension documentation which is XML based.
By the way, my main goal is adding our organization app to Azure gallery app list. Our app used by a multiple companies so if we add our organization app to Azure Gallery App list our customers can configure their Azure AD account as SSO integration.
My question is below:
How to integrate Azure Non-Gallery App to Spring Boot app?
How to handle multiple Azure AD tenants?
Is anybody help me with this?
Currently I made a single tenant SSO login with Spring Boot and Azure AD non-gallery app. I configured IdP metadata using Azure AD Federation XML Metadata URL. You can see source code below:
public static class ApiWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private String IdPMetadataURL;
private String keyStoreAlias;
private String keyStorePassword;
String port;
private String keyStoreFile;
private SAMLUserService samlUserService;
protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/saml/**", "/", "/login", "/home", "/about").permitAll()
.hostname(String.format("%s:%s", "localhost", this.port))
public WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl getWebSSOProfileConsumerImpl(){
WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl consumer = new WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl();
consumer.setMaxAuthenticationAge(26000000); //300 days
return consumer;
From now I need to generate IdP Metadata XML instead of using IdP metadata URL. Using fields such as:
IdP Entity ID
IdP Public certificate
The process is I am thinking about is:
Our customers register their Azure AD IdP fields above
My Spring Boot system automatically generate IdP Metadata XML
Then customer's Azure AD SSO can integrated to our system
If is there anything wrong please teach me out.
I'm using Spring Security SAML extension with Spring Boot. It's irrelevant which SAML IdP you are using as you only need the IdP meta data. You generate your SP meta data and use it as mentioned in the MS docs. You may check Spring Security SAML docs.
In order to list your application to Azure Gallery application list kindly go through the document. Kindly go through the entire procedure as mentioned in the document in order to list your application in azure Gallery.
Only for application which is already exists in the gallery the configuration side for the application is mentioned. For non-gallery application you need to configure the azure AD metadata value in the application end.
finally I did my solution for dynamic IDP. I used spring-boot-security-saml this simplified project.Thank you for ulisesbocchio this guy who implemented it.
Also big thanks to ledjon who shared me with his experience.
Here is how I'm configuring the saml part of the http security
.successHandler(new SendToSuccessUrlPostAuthSuccessHandler(canvasAuthService))
.metadataManager(new LocalMetadataManagerAdapter(samlAuthProviderService))
The important part here is the
.metadataManager(new LocalMetadataManagerAdapter(samlAuthProviderService)) which is what we're trying to solve for here. The object samlAuthProviderService is a Bean-managed object and it contains the logic to actually retrieve the metadata from the database, so there's not a lot that is specially about it. But here is what my LocalMetadataManagerAdapter roughly looks like:
public class LocalMetadataManagerAdapter extends CachingMetadataManager {
private final SamlAuthProviderService samlAuthProviderService;
public LocalMetadataManagerAdapter(SamlAuthProviderService samlAuthProviderService) throws MetadataProviderException {
this.samlAuthProviderService = samlAuthProviderService;
public boolean isRefreshRequired() {
return false;
public EntityDescriptor getEntityDescriptor(String entityID) throws MetadataProviderException {
// we don't really want to use our default at all, so we're going to throw an error
// this string value is defined in the "classpath:/saml/idp-metadata.xml" file:
// which is then referenced in as saml.sso.idp.metadata-location=classpath:/saml/idp-metadata.xml
if("defaultidpmetadata".equals(entityID)) {
throw exNotFound("Unable to process requests for default idp. Please select idp with ?idp=x parameter.");
EntityDescriptor staticEntity = super.getEntityDescriptor(entityID);
if(staticEntity != null)
return staticEntity;
// we need to inject one, and try again:
return super.getEntityDescriptor(entityID);
private void injectProviderMetadata(String entityID) {
String xml =
.orElseThrow(() -> exRuntime("Unable to find metadata for entity: " + entityID));
addMetadataProvider(new LocalMetadataProvider(entityID, xml));
// this will force a refresh/re-wrap of the new entity
The important part here is the override of getEntityDescriptor() which will get called to get the metadata object at runtime. I'm also disabling refreshes by overriding isRefreshRequired() to return false. You can determine if this makes sense for your use case or not.
The referenced LocalMetadataProvider is just a wrapper class to store/return the xml string when required:
public class LocalMetadataProvider extends AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider {
private final String Id;
private final String xmlData;
public LocalMetadataProvider(String id, String xmlData) {
this.Id = id;
this.xmlData = xmlData;
protected String getMetadataIdentifier() {
return this.Id;
protected byte[] fetchMetadata() throws MetadataProviderException {
return xmlData.getBytes();
Finally we can pass idp metadata entityID as a parameter. And retrieve entityID metadata from DB etc:
/saml/login?idp=X where X is the entityID value we want to get passed to getEntityDescriptor().

Is it good idea to take user id from SecurityContextholder in spring boot RestController..?

I am developing spring boot rest application for an ecommerce app, suppose i have endpoint /shipping-address which will fetch all the saved addresses for the user, is it good idea to take user id from SecurityContextHolder like
Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
Long userId;
if (principal instanceof UserPrincipal) {
userId = ((UserPrincipal) principal).getId();
or should i pass from the client side in the request body..? which is correct..? If i take from SecurityContextHolder is it problem when it comes to Horizontal scaling..??
Please help, i am new to backend development. Thanks.
Taking the userId from the SecurityContext is a good idea because it will prevent from hacking your application.
If you pass the userId from the client somebody could intercept the request and change the userId.
In regards to scaling it depends how you authenticate the user. If it's basic or token based and does not rely on session information. Everything will be fine.
There is no problem in using a SecurityContext with Spring MVC.
You could use something like :
#RequestMapping(path = "/auth")
public class AuthResource {
#GetMapping(path = "whoami", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String> whoami(#AuthenticationPrincipal() UserDetails userDetails) {
String login = userDetails.getUsername();
return ResponseEntity.ok(login);
The annotation #AuthenticationPrincipal from Spring Security will simplify your code.
Session storage
By default, the session will be backed by the HttpSession (cookie JSESSIONID).
So you'll need something like sticky sessions if using a load balancer.
However, sessions can be stored elsewhere, like in relational databases (JDBC) or in Redis : this is what Spring Session can do.
See also Control the Session with Spring Security.
You can also choose to not use sessions with Spring Security :
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Spring #RestController single method for anonymous and authorized users

I have a following Spring RestController:
public class TenantController {
private TenantService tenantService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/{tenantId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public TenantResponse findTenantById(#PathVariable #NotNull #DecimalMin("0") Long tenantId) {
Tenant tenant = tenantService.findTenantById(tenantId);
return new TenantResponse(tenant);
findTenantById method should be accessed by anonymous and authorized users. In case of anonymous user SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() must return NULL or AnonymousAuthenticationToken but in case of authorized - Authentication object.
In my application I have implemented security model with OAuth2 + JWT tokens.
This my config:
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on
Also, for secure endpoints I'm applying #PreAuthorize annotation where needed but not in case of findTenantById because as I said previously, I need to grant access to this endpoint for anonymous and authorized users. Inside of endpoint business logic I'll decide who will be able to proceed based on different conditions.
Right now even I have provided my accessToken for this endpoint I can't get an authenticated User object from SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().
How to configure this endpoint in order to be working in a way described above ?
I think I have found a solution - I have annotated my method with:
#PreAuthorize("isAnonymous() or isFullyAuthenticated()")
Please let me know if there is any better solutions.
