Spring boot application with apache axis - spring

I am trying to run a spring boot jar which has axis2 dependencies in it. I am using spring boot maven plugin to build the jar (with dependencies). When I try to run my jar, I get the following exception in my console:
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The G:application\myapp\target\myapp.jar!\lib\axis2-1.6.1.jar file cannot be found.
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.DeploymentFileData.setClassLoader(DeploymentFileData.java:111)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.ModuleDeployer.deploy(ModuleDeployer.java:70)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.DeploymentFileData.deploy(DeploymentFileData.java:136)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine.doDeploy(DeploymentEngine.java:813)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.RepositoryListener.loadClassPathModules(RepositoryListener.java:222)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.RepositoryListener.init2(RepositoryListener.java:71)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.RepositoryListener.<init>(RepositoryListener.java:64)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine.loadFromClassPath(DeploymentEngine.java:175)
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.FileSystemConfigurator.getAxisConfiguration(FileSystemConfigurator.java:135)
at ...
I then checked the structure of my jar. It has lib folder inside it, which contained all the jars (including the above mentioned axis jar). Attached is the screen shot of lib folder.
Following are the solutions which I have tried:
Placed axis jar in the same directory as application jar.
Created lib folder in the same directory as application jar and placed axis jar inside it.
Modified manifest file to include Class-Path: /lib/
None of the solutions has worked. However, when I run the application class in eclipse, the app starts and runs perfectly. But, once I create the jar, nothing seems to run.
Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance.

It looks like Axis can't cope with being run from a jar that's nested within another jar. It works fine in Eclipse as the Axis jar is available directly on the filesystem rather than being nested inside your Spring Boot application's jar file.
You can configure your application's fat jar file so that Spring Boot knows to unpack the Axis jar into a temporary location when it's run. If you're using Maven:
And if you're using Gradle:
springBoot {
requiresUnpack = ['org.apache.axis2:axis2']
See the Spring Boot documentation for some further details.


How to run spring batch application without spring boot maven plugin

Is it possible to run a spring batch application without spring boot maven plugin?
I need to run the application on another server and transferring a big jar (with spring dependencies) is time consuming. For this reason I want to compile and create a jar without spring dependencies included inside the jar and run it from command line.
If you want to create a simple JAR without spring boot dependencies, remove spring-boot-plugin from build.
Above snippet should not be present in your pom.xml.
With this, fat/uber jar won't be created.
To run built jar:
java -cp MyJar.jar:lib/* com.somepackage.subpackage.Main
Where your libraries are contained in lib directory relative to current directory and MyJar.jar is the name of the jar built with maven.

Failure: (ID: 838926df) did not find any jar files with a Main-Class manifest entry

when running gcloud app deploy on my spring boot app, this error happens in Cloud Build.
There can be one or many issues because of which you get this error.
For resolution please check below things -
Your app.yaml should have entrypoint and runtime information as below -
runtime: java11
entrypoint: java -Xmx64m -jar blahblah.jar
your pom.xml should have appengine maven plugin dependency
don't modify jar if you want to replace any configs use command -
jar uf blahblah.jar filename.yaml
make sure you have packaging as a jar in pom.xml like this -
I deleted my maven plugin by accident, so don't delete it.
I was able to fix it for my AppEngine + Gradle project by adding
jar {
enabled = false
archiveClassifier = ''
to the build.gradle file.
Try to comment out in pom.xml packaging into war file, example:
<!-- <packaging>war</packaging> -->
It fixed the issue for me. Good minimal+workable example is here: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-app-engine-springboot#0

Utility Jar using Spring Boot

Created a custom jar using spring boot and this is using for CRUD operations on a database table.The purpose is used to make this a utility jar, so that other services or applications can use this jar for any operations on that table. Following are the steps I followed:
1). Added this jar entry in pom.xml of a REST SERVICE and build got successfully.
2). Autowired the service class of Utility jar inside the controller of REST SERVICE.
But when I started the REST SERVICE (service is developed on spring boot), I got the error as 'the ****controller can require a bean of type *****serviceUtility. Consider defining a bean of type in your configuration'. But I am not able to see any configuration class inside the rest service and it is using application.yml for datasource related things. I am new to Spring and Spring Boot. Could any one guide me how to configure the utility jar in external services.
It is hard to tell without source code, but Spring Boot jars do not by default work as utility jars. The packaging is different. To get a Spring Boot jar to work as a utility jar within another project, you'll want to configure the build plugin like this :
Which is described here:
If you are using spring boot , by default , the utility jar will not move all its dependencies .
You can add all the dependencies in the pom.xml for the Rest service .
Else you end up packaging some core modules twice increasing the size of your jar .

How to include external configuration resources to classpath in Spring (Spring Boot)?

I have 3rd party library that is configured by placing properties file on the root of the classpath. That library is using getClass().getResourceAsStream("/file.properties") to load that file. As it is 3rd party, it is unmodifiable. I have placed that configuration file into external resources directory (not to be mistaken with resources from eg. Maven's or Gradle's directory structure.
Directory structure is like this.
How to run/configure Spring boot to include content of resources directory to the classpath so getResourceAsStream wil work?
On SE application I would simply do java -jar myApp.jar with classpath in MANIFEST and that would work.
Just a word of clarification - putting configuration file inside project resources (along sources) is missing the whole point. I want to keep configuration externalized.
Here is how you can do it:
1.- Change your spring-boot-maven-plugin configuration to enable the Spring Boot PropertiesLauncher:
2.- Launch your Spring Boot Application setting the location of the external properties file:
java -jar -Dloader.path=PATH_TO_PROPERTIES_FOLDER spring-ms-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Assuming this folders:
|--- file.properties
|--- spring-mg-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You should launch it like this: java -jar -Dloader.path=/home/user spring-ms-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

One Spring Boot project, deploy to both JAR or WAR

Is there a way to have a single Spring Boot project be packagable into both JAR and WAR without changing the pom.xml or the application source?
I've read Converting a Spring Boot JAR Application to a WAR, but it converts the project to WAR and it loses the ability to be packaged as JAR.
I don't expect mvn package to do both. What I want is something like mvn i-want-a-jar and it would package the project as JAR. Or I could run mvn i-want-a-war and it would package the project as WAR.
Is this possible?
I managed to do it by adding
to the POM file and then setting different profiles for JAR and WAR:
Now mvn package -P war produces a WAR and mvn package -P jar produces a JAR.
Another option is to create separate modules for JAR and WAR, but I didn't go that route.
What's wrong with a WAR file that's executable? Isn't that what you really need?
P.S. like
java -jar name.war
We've recently had a similar requirement, where an existing Spring Boot based project that was originally packaged as an executable Jar needed to support Tomcat and WildFly deployments.
Due to some dependencies used in this project (for example WebJars), a simple switch to WAR package wasn't an option since some of those dependencies were required for WildFly (VFS support) but not for other deployment.
The solution was to restructure the project modules in a way that core module contained the actual project but without having Spring Boot’s plugin applied, while several package modules would depend on core module and configure deployment artifact specifics (Boot and other plugins, deployment specific dependencies etc.).
That way project build was able to generate multiple deployment artifacts (Boot's executable JAR, traditional WAR and WildFly specific WAR) in a single build run.
In case anyone finds this useful, the sample project to demonstrate the approach is available on Github. The project can be built by either Gradle or Maven.
