edit/save a file within shell script - bash

I think this question fall under pipes, am bad at it.
Using one of my shell script, a file is generated with millions of rows.
Before I can use it with another command, I need to edit this file. I need to add a text e.g 'txt' in front of every line.
What i am currently doing now is,
-exit the shell script after file is generated
-open it in vim
-use command :g/^/s//txt/g to add txt at start of each line
-save file
-use it in remaining shell script
I am sure there would be a more efficient way, which i am not aware of. thanks for the help.

As some people said in the comments, you can use GNU sed to do that:
sed -i 's/^/txt/' yourfile.txt
The -i stands for --in-place and edit your file instead of printing to stdout.


Bash script not copying files

I have a bash script which is pretty simple (or so I thought - but I don't write them very often):
cp -f /mnt/storage/vhosts/domain1.COM/private/auditbaseline.php /mnt/storage/vhosts/domain1.COM/httpdocs/modules/mod_monitor/tmpl/audit.php
cp -f /mnt/storage/vhosts/domain1.COM/private/auditbaseline.php /mnt/storage/vhosts/domain2.org/httpdocs/modules/mod_monitor/tmpl/audit.php
The script copies the contents of auditbaseline to both domain 1 and domain 2.
For some reason it won't work. When I have the first line in on its own it's okay but when I add the second line I can't get it to work it locks up the scripts and they can't be accessed.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Did you perhaps create this script on a Windows machine? You should make sure that there are no CRLF line breaks in the file. Try using dos2unix (http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/dos2unix1.html) to convert the file in that case.

How to execute command inside vim?

I want to run shell script inside Vim editor.
I heard it is possible but do not know.
Command:./shell.sh inside vim.
There are multiple ways to do it. A primary question is "Do you want the output from the script in the file?"
If you want the output in the file:
If you don't want the output in the file:
If you have the line ./shell.sh in the file, you can include the output in the file with:
If you've done it before, you have more options.
If you save the command in a named buffer you have still more options.
If you want the script to have a portion of the file (edit buffer) as its standard input, you have an enormous number of options you can use in conjunction with either of these mechanisms.
Prefix the command with a !. For example, open Vim and write:
This will execute the shell ls command.
Note that you'll have to be in the correct directory within Vim for this to work.

Remove whitespaces in shell .SH file

Due to processes out of my control I need run multiple SH files which contains lengthy CURL commands. Problem is that whichever process created these commands seems to have included one line of whitespace at the very end. If I call it as is - it fails. If I physically open the file and hit backspace on the first full empty line and save the file - it works perfectly.
Any way to put some kind of command into the SH file so that it removes any unnecessary stuff?
More info would be helpful, but the following might work:
If you need to put something into each of the files that contain the curl commands as you mention, you could try putting exit as the last line of the curl script (also depends on how you're calling the 'curl files'
If you can run a separate script against the files that have a blank line, perhaps sed the blank lines away?
sed -i s/^\s$// $fileWithLineOfSpaces
Or (after thinking about it), perhaps simply delete the last line of the file....
sed -i '$d' $file

Trim whitespace from Windows shell command result

I'm trying to write a quick batch file. It will take the result of a command, put some extra text and quotes around it, and put that into a new file.The problem is that the result of the command I'm running includes a new line. Here's the command:
p4 changelists -m 1 -t //depot/...> %FILENAME%
The output of that p4 command has a newline at the end of it. The file I'm putting it into needs to have quotes surrounding the output of that command, but the fact that the command contains a newline in it means that the "closing quote" appears on a new line in the file, which doesn't work for what I'm doing.
I've tried writing the output of that command into a file and reading it back in, and also trying to run FINDSTR on a file containing the output, but I always seem to get back the stupid trailing whitespace. I've even tried inserting backspaces into the file, but that just put a backspace character into the file instead of actually executing a backspace...
Is there anything to be done about this?
I'm no perl wizard, but the following seems to work:
p4 changelists -m 1 -t //depot/...| perl -p -e "s/^/\042/;s/$/\042/"
Check out Strawberry Perl, which provides a Windows version of Perl.
I'm always looking at my Unix tools when solving problems like this, even under Windows. sed and gawk will also get you there, check out msysgit for a nice bundle of Unix tools that will run on Windows.

Modify conf file with shell script

I have a default conf file that we use over and over again in our projects. And, for each project, the file has to be modified. On more than one occasion, the person editing the conf file made time consuming mistakes.
So, I wanted to write a shell script that can be called to modify the conf file.
But, being new to shell scripts, I don't know how to do this. What is the appropriate *nix tool to open a text file, find a string, replace it with another and then close the text file.
As noted by other commenters, sed, is the typical tool.
Here's an example of an in-place (the -i option) edit of a file:
sed -i 's/Release Two/Testing Beta/g' /path/to/file.txt
You're replacing instances of the first string, Release Two, with Testing Beta everywhere in the files. The leading s says search/replace and the trailing g says do it as many times as it can be found (the default is to do it just once.) If you want to make a backup you can call
You should have a look at the sed command. It allows to edit a stream (a file for example) so you can substitute, insert, remove text.
