sprite-factory script not working in hook - codekit

I want to use sprite-factory to create sprites when saving .sass files in Codekit. I've added the following script as a Hook:
sf [full-path-to-WP-files]/wp-content/themes/[theme-name]/images/icons
But it's not running.
What I know so far:
It works fine when run from terminal.
The hook is activated correctly (I put a touch filename.txt afterwards to test)
Changing the path to be relative to the Codekit config file didn't help.
Does anyone know why it's not working, and what I need to do to fix it?
sf is working fine when run from the dir containing config.codekit in terminal

where is the sf utility installed? Dump the PATH environment variable at the start of your Hook and make sure that it contains the folder where sf is installed:
echo $PATH | logger
Then use Console.app to inspect the output.


Cd command is not working in shell script

I am trying to do cd command and i can see there is not change in path after that,not knowing what is the reason
I checked workarounds available in internet telling to give whole path,use alias etc but nothing worked out ,when i try manually doing cd its working and i tried giving this command in other dummy script there its working
But in my shell script even if i create one director and try to change also its not happening,code is actually getting stuck there and not going to other lines
Please suggest me what else i can so with this

Git Pre-Commit Hook: Unable to Run `dartfmt` (command not found) (Windows)

Ideally, I would like to have dartfmt to format my code on every commit, and I think that git hooks are ideal for this. So far, I've tried the code found in this link, but with no success, despite it appearing on multiple other websites — maybe it's outdated.
In the end, I think nothing much more complicated than this should work in most cases (inside the .git/hooks/pre-commit file):
dartfmt -w . # or maybe `flutter format .` for Flutter
The errors I get are:
For dartfmt -w .: dartfmt: command not found
For flutter format .: find: ‘> bin [’: No such file or directory
Both of those commands do work if placed directly in the terminal.
to make dartfmt work, try running which dartfmt manually to get the path to the executable, and then use the absolute path when calling it in the script.
If which isn't able to find it, and assuming you know the complete path to the directory where dartfmt is located, try adding that directory to PATH in the script:
export PATH
Also, I'd suggest taking a moment double check what git will use for the working directory when it calls those hook scripts. There might be some undesired behavior by using . if the CWD isn't what is expected. See this post.
To format your dart code regularly, you can follow one of the two ways mentioned below:
Preferred way:
In IntelliJ Idea go to Settings -> Language & Frameworks -> Flutter -> Select Format Code on save option.
This will format your code every few seconds. This is preferred because you can customize your personal formatting settings such as max words in a line etc.
From Official website run dartfmt -w bin lib to format your code from the command line.
Add dartfmt reference in PATH, like this:
export PATH="/xxx/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin:$PATH"

bash: ngc: command not found

I'm using #angular/compiler-cli to build my ng2 app in aot mode. When I input 'ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json' in my bash window, I get 'bash: ngc: command not found'. However, when I use 'node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json' instead, it works. I googled for serval times but didn't get any usfull information. Can any give me a hand? Thx!
Seems like you need to put ngc in your path:
echo $PATH
Do you see ngc in binary in your path?
If not:
To make it permanent add to .bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ngc
I've tried to change the slash to 'backslash' on windows and it worked for me:
If you don't want to set it globally, you can specify an absolut path in your angular-project, just make sure that you delete this part of the path when you don't use it anymore.
ngc is in node_modules/.bin, so depending on where you want to use ngc you can export the path like this:
To run commands located into the node_modules folder of your project, without installing them globally (operation that will make the ngc command work in any system folder), you can use this command:
ngx ncc <options>
Basically ngx is a shortcut that executes any command located in node_modules bin folder.

Cant access my bash files

So I wanted to install MySQL on my MBP and I edited my bash_profile, added a path variable, however when I run echo $PATH from iTerm2 I get my path as:
Robs-MBP:~ Rob$ echo $PATH
Ive tried a lot of commands and even used sudo and it just says command not found. My fear is that I have completely messed up, and now nothing works. Please help.
You've made a simple mistake: all you've done is reset the PATH env variable. To correctly do this, you should always add the existing PATH to the end of whatever you're adding. In you case:
To fix your problem from the terminal, you'll need to reset your PATH to somewhere with a text editor. I don't know where this is located on OSX, so you'll have to find it. After you know where your path should point, run:
Then edit your bashrc to include the original path as described above, and restart the terminal.
Alternatively, open .bashrc with a GUI text editor and make the change from there. Your PATH decleration should always end in :$PATH to include the PATH created by your system.

How do you get your path in Octave (on Windows)?

I used addpath(pwd) to get my .m files working in my projects directory. When I close the window and start a new window, the path I just added is gone. But the files still run.
Is it in my path or not? How do I see the directories I have added to my path?
Also, . is the first entry I see from path. Does that mean I don't need to add any directories because it will always search the current directory first?
Basically, yes.
You can add a directory to the search path using addpath(), but as you know, it only exists for the current session and is reset when you restart Octave. If you want a path to survive between sessions, add it to your octaverc, a script file that gets run whenever a new session gets started. Example path to octaverc file is:
Since . is in your path by default, Octave will search your current directory for any function files that it needs. Using addpath(pwd) is somewhat useless if you're just going to stay in the same directory. However, there are some cases where it'd be useful, if for example you have a directory that contains your functions, and another one that has the data that you're working on: you could start in the functions directory, do addpath(pwd), and then cd to the data directory while still being able to use your functions.
You can create batch file, which will start Octave with your directory path. Please see example below:
octave-3.6.4.exe -p "C:\MyOctaveDiretory"
-p means addpath()
addpath(pwd); savepath();
I think there is a bug in Octave (I use version 4.0.3 on Windows). When I create a new file in current path, this can't be called by Octave ("error: 'foo' undefined near line 1 column 1"). If I restart Octave, it works. This addpath(pwd) trick helps me a lot (before I unsuccessfully tried rehash() and cd elsewhere and back again).
If you had the same problem, the reason for the symptom might be:
Start Octave.
Create newfile.m.
Call newfile - fails since Octave did not register its existence.
addpath(pwd) - causes Octave to register it.
Close Octave
Start Octave - now pwd is gone from path, but newfile.m is registered at startup.
call newfile - works
I faced a similar problem in adding path where the path was added by using addpath command directly in Octave GUI (Command Window). The path added was being shown in console window but none of the functions worked.
The problem was solved by changing the path directory from Windows directory to some other direction where OS is not installed.
