Set Bootstrap 3 unresponsive for IE 8 - internet-explorer-8

it's possible to set the layout of bootstrap 3 in IE8 not responsive as in version 2 using respond.min.js without writing a special css for IE ?
<!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Using respond.js is not making responsive bootsrap layout in IE8.
You can check it on
You can read about respond.js on github:
The goal of this script is to provide a fast and lightweight (3kb minified / 1kb gzipped) script to enable responsive web designs in browsers that don't support CSS3 Media Queries - in particular, Internet Explorer 8 and under. It's written in such a way that it will probably patch support for other non-supporting browsers as well (more information on that soon).


How to hide a 'div" in jquery for ie8?
the above website displays hidden layouts in ie8.
Which are meant to display only in low screen resolution.
i used "display:none" using css media query.
It works fine in other browsers.
But in IE8, it does not work.
may be you can use $("#idofdiv").hide() in jquery in document.ready()
Css media queries are not supported by IE8 but there are ways to get around IE7, IE8 support for css3 media query
Try something like
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.yourclass { display: none; }

Why won't IE8 render?

I'm helping build a site for a client in Adobe CQ5. Due to the preferences of the client I cannot post the source, but we are having trouble with IE8.
When we try to view the site in IE8 the page will not render. When using the dev tools we can browse the HTML and the select tool does successfully highlight elements with the blue outline, but none of them render. The page is simply white. Things render properly in IE7 browser mode but not in IE8 or IE8 Compatibility Mode.
I've run the html through the W3 validator and nothing egregious jumped out. Anyone have any leads?
there must be some javascript error which causing this. otherwise CQ5 render well in ie8
If it works in IE7 but not IE8 you can try adding this to the <head> section
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
This forces IE7 emulation. You can also try playing with the doctype to see if this makes any difference.

IE Mobile conditional comment is read by ie8 and lower

I am developing a responsive site and do use media queries, which are not read by IE8 as well as the internet explorer on windows phone. Therefore I am using conditional comments for these. For IE8 and lower I use the following snippet to include the screen css:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
...some stylesheets...
For windows phone I have to include the css for the mobile resolution and I am using the following snippet:
<!--[if IEMobile]>
...some stylesheets...
My problem is that the IE 8 seems to use the stylesheets inside the conditional comment for IE mobile as well, because as soon as I am including the styles inside the conditional comment for IE Mobile, the whole site in IE8 and below crashes.
I also tried this combination:
<!--[if (IEMobile)&!(lt IE 9)]>
But without success. Maybe the idea of the combination is right and I am just making a mistake with the syntax or there is some problem with the IE8 and the rather new conditional comment regarding IE Mobile?
According to this:
You should be able to use this syntax for combining conditions:
<!--[if IEMobile]><![if gt IE 8]> Yo IE 9+ on mobiles <![endif]><![endif]-->

Force Standards/Quirks Mode in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari?

Is there a way to force Standards/Quirks mode from the browser (similar to what IE does) in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari?
Use the quirksmode stylesheets of Webkit or Gecko and toggle it on or off in one of several ways:
User Stylesheet
Style Switcher
DOM Level 2 Style API
I found that not including a DOCTYPE like <!DOCTYPE html> leads to quirks mode, where for example width: 100% suffices instead of width: -moz-available; width: -webkit-fill-available; width: available;

Displaying a message to Internet explorer 8 and Below Users

So I have been working on a site (, recently, It works fine in Chrome (So webkit) and Firefox (So Gecko) but I just tried it out in Internet explorer 8 and Since it doesn't seem to follow CSS3 standards, It is incapable of rendering it properly.
I just want to display a message to users of internet explorer 8 and below (ie9 works) to say that the site will display incorrectly in their browser, and that if they wish to see it properly they should Use a Modern browser.
Really hoping for a hand here, thanks to anyone who can help
It's really simple actually. You can paste this anywhere in your page and everything inside it will only be rendered by IE8 and below
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
//Whatever you want here
//For example, specific css only for IE
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cssIE.css" />
Similarily you can use "gt" (greater than) instead of "lt" or any number version you want.
