How to Ssh into docker container that is running inside Vagrant? - vagrant

I am running a Vagrant VM under Windows 7 . The Vagrant VM is running a docker container. So the configuration is :
I want to ssh from Windows into the Docker container.
The docker container is running sshd and I can successfully ssh from Vagrant VM to Docker container.
sudo docker ps
64b13daab5f2 ubuntu:12.04 "/bin/bash" 14 minutes ago Up 14 minutes>22/tcp thirsty_morse
From the Vagrant VM:
ssh root#localhost -p 49153
works just fine. So Vagrant VM's port 49153 is forwarded to Docker container's port 22.
I've added "forwarded_port", guest:49153, host:49155
to Vagrantfile so that localhost:49155 on Windows is forwarded to Vagrant VM:49153
This is where things break down. When I try to ssh from Windows to localhost:49155, I get:
ssh: connect to host localhost port 49155: Connection refused
So Windows:49155 -> Vagrant:49153 is not working. I thought that it may be a problem related to listening on a port on Vagrant VM's external ip so I've installed rinetd into Vagrant VM and I've done:
bindadress bindport connectaddress connectport 49153 49153
Still no luck. What am I missing here?

Ok, answering my own question. It works now. I think the most likely reason for the problem was that port 49153/55 and its neighbours is actually used by some windows services by default. I changed to mapping for ports in the Vagrant file to use 9090 for Windows and everything worked. No need to rinetd either. I've also done:
sudo docker run -v /vagrant:/opt/data -p -i -t ubuntu:12.04
Notice the it may or may not be relevant but this configuration is working for me.


Connecting PostgreSQL installed in docker inside Hyper-V Ubuntu from Windows 10 PgAdmin

I need help in connecting PostgreSQL which is installed in Docker inside HyperV ubuntu 18.4 from Windows 10 PgAdmin. So far I tried the following
Step 1: Install Postgres in Docker (Ubuntu running on Hyper-V)
sudo docker run -p 5432:5432 --name pg_test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -d postgres
Step 2: Create a database
docker exec -it pg_test bash
psql -U postgres
create database mytestdb
Step 3: Get the ip address
sudo docker inspect pg_test | grep IPAddress
//returned with
Step 4: pg_hba.conf
host all all md5
Step 5: When I try to connect from Windows PgAdmin 4, I get this below error -
Note: I have also tried using UBUNTU VM IP address, but no luck
Your's is a case where you are trying to connect to postgres from another subnet, i.e windows subnet to hyper visor subnet if you are not using bridged protocol.
So case 1:
If this is on NAT\HOST and not on bridge then you need to make sure you are able to ping the ubuntu server from windows server.
next is make sure that port is open from ubuntu's end. How do you check that, do a telnet on the port number from windows cmd prompt.
telnet 5432
if you are bridged and you can ping ping the server as well, checked that port is opened which is telnet works. You need to make sure that in the postgres.conf file
"listen address" is to "*". which is all.
Again from OS level in ubuntu run the command systemctl stop firewalld to stop firewall and then try to connect. IF this works then you need to open the port in the firewall using this command:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 5432/tcp
I can see from you docker image that 5432 is already opened. This is more of port mapping and firewalld stuff.
You may want to check that pg_hba.conf is not restricted to local. It should not be the case for docker image but you never know.
Also, there is a typo: POSTGRES_PASSWOR=admin is missing D, it should be POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin.
You don't need container IP. Since you have mapped container port to host machine (Ubuntu) anyone outsider just needs the Ubuntu machine IP, and on Ubuntu itself you can use localhost.

Cannot access application running on JBOSS EAP 7 outside vagrant box

I am actually trying to access the application outside the vagrant box which is running on JBOSS EAP 7 server on port 8080. I did add the settings for port forwarding in vagrant file that is :forwarded_port, guest: 3000, host: 8080
Port forwarding does shows in terminal log when i reloaded the vagrant. However when i access the application from browser outside of the vagrant box am getting error as ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on the browser. I also binded the address to by running the below command but still no luck. Any suggestions please what i may be missing? I also did set the proxy settings but still no luck.
sudo ./ -b
Below is the port binded with
Below is the log for my vagrant reload
Below is the port forwarding i set in my ubuntu vagrant box
Below is the error on the browser
I found something that could help.
I'm using a RHEL 7.6 and the firewall was on:
$ sudo firewall-cmd --state
After disabling:
$ systemctl stop firewalld
$ sudo firewall-cmd --state
not running
I successfully access Jboss console from the outside

SSH Setup on Docker Container

I have installed the ssh-server using
sudo apt-get install openssh-server on my ubuntu:latest Docker container running on Mac OSX Yosemite. I got the IP address of the container using boot2docker ip. Using the Network Utility I can verify that port 22 is open on that IP. However, I cannot ssh into that container's filesystem. I did not explicity specify that port 22 should be exported when starting the container with docker start -i CONTAINER_NAME. The command ssh -v localhost succeeds on the terminal of the container but when I try to do it from my Mac's terminal, it says:
Connection closed by x.x.x.x
I am copying the contents of sshd_config here:
With boot2docker ip you get the IP of Boot2Docker VM, not the IP of your ssh container. To connect from your Mac's terminal you should expose the port 22 of your container, and then you can connect using the Boot2Docker VM IP from your Mac session. I.E.:
docker run -d -p 2222:22 CONTAINER_NAME and then connect through ssh using BOOT2DOCKER_IP and 2222 port.

Weblogic + Docker + Vagrant = Connection Issue

first time poster, but have been very impressed with this community. I've spent an embarrassing amount of time this week trying to resolve this issue - there doesn't seem to be much info on the net & I am stuck. Thanks in advance for any insights!
I am moving an existing WLS application into Docker. Goal is to have a repeatable Dev environment with WLS inside container & those containers running inside Vagrant (custom RHEL 6.5 VirtualBox).
I configured & started WLS container. I am also able to access WLS services from the container on VM. However, when I try to access the container from the host, I receive a connection timeout error.
I am running a private network on Vagrant with port forwarding 7771:7001 - if I access that IP:Port (as I normally would when running a service within Vagrant), I get a connection refused.
I am able to run WLS "natively" from the VM and access from the host successfully. I am also able to run Apache conatiners from within the VM and access them from the host successfully. So the issue appears specific to WLS running inside a container in VM.
I turned off the firewall on the VM, which I've read is a common issue with Vagrant + Docker.
I have a whole host of information to share, but rather than drink from the firehose I will start out with a couple pieces. Happy to attach any further info as necessary. Thanks again!
Vagrantfile "private_network", ip: "" :forwarded_port, host: 7771, guest: 7001
docker run -d -p 7001:7001 -v /my/release:/domain/release --name "wladmin" --link wlmanaged:wlmanaged my/wladmin
Container IP
docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' wladmin
nmap VM (localhost)
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000044s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned):
Not shown: 997 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
111/tcp open rpcbind
nmap VM (Vagrant private network IP)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.000053s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
111/tcp open rpcbind
nmap WLS Docker Container
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.000055s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
7001/tcp open afs3-callback
7002/tcp open afs3-prserver
I found the root cause & wanted to share back.
It turns out that because Vagrant has a private network adapter, we have to bind the container to that adapter using.
docker run -d -p -v /my/release:/domain/release --name "wladmin" --link wlmanaged:wlmanaged my/wladmin

Docker container - how to configure so it gets a viable IP address when running in vagrant?

Docker ( looks terrific. However, after installing VirtualBox, Vagrant
... and finally Docker on a Mac, I'm finding it's not possible to access the service running in the Docker container from another computer (or from a terminal session on the Mac). The service I'm trying to access is Redis.
The problem appears to be that there's no route to the IP address assigned to the Docker container. In this case the container's IP is while the Mac's IP is
A couple notes:
It IS possible to access it - but only from within the VirtualBox session. This can be done using redis-cli -h -p 6379.
I have added " :bridged" to the VagrantFile in an attempt to get the, but that didn't solve the problem.
The VM generated by vagrant is indeed isolated, in order to access it from your host, you can allocate a private network to it.
Instead of doing :bridged, try :private_network, ip: "", It should do the trick
However, this will only allow you to access the VM itself, not the containers.
In order to do so, when running the container, you can add the -p option
ex: docker run -d -p 8989 base nc -lkp 8989
This will run a netcat listening on 8989 within a container and expose the port publicly. As it is also run with -d, the container will be in detached mode and the only output will be the container's ID
In order to expose the port, Docker do a simple NAT. In order to know the real port, you can
do docker port <ID of the container> 8989
Netcat will be available from the mac at<result>
I just wrote a tutorial of how to use a host-only network and TCP routing to make this pretty easy. This way you don't have to map every specific port.
Important points ...
1) Add host-only network to Virtual Box
2) Tell the boot2docker VM to have an adapter on the host-only network
3) Add an IP for the new boot2docker VM host-only networking adapter
4) Route all Mac OS X traffic for the docker container subnet to that boot2docker VM host-only networking IP
Actual steps are on the blog with output so you can compare to what you see as you follow them.
I have installed tomcat from my Dockerfile and forwarded that to 6060 using vagrant`s port forwarding. These are the steps worked for me:
vagrant provision
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
box_name$ docker run -i -t -p 8080:8080 bsb_tomcat6 /bin/bash
Able to see tomcat up & running on localhost:6060, as I have done port forwarding to 6060 in my Vagrantfile
you also can define PRIVATE_NETWORK and FORWARD_DOCKER_PORTS environment variables to access your services that are running in docker containers:
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant up
In my case i can access postgres from Mac using
$ telnet 49154
to find out actual application port you can use
$ sudo docker port 1854499c6547 5432
