vb6 button click event strange behaviour - vb6

I have a very large accounting system. In a user preferences section, the program has begun to act abnormally on my development machine only. No customers are reporting this, nor can I duplicate it on any of my other computers. Running Windows 8.1, others are on 7.0. Not exactly sure when this started happening because it's not the kind of thing one goes into on a regular basis. The preferences screen consists of a tab control and various standard controls. At the bottom is Okay, Cancel, and Apply buttons. All three buttons seem to be acting with the same strange behaviour. Clicking with a mouse does not generate a click event yet does not hang the system - mouseup follows and you can click it again and see the mousedown and mouseup but no click. However, since the Okay is defined as Default, pressing enter DOES create the desired click event, and all the code inside that even runs fine. Cancel and Okay also unload the form, but when clicked, that doesn't happen because none of the code gets executed, yet you can still navigate the screen (move between tabs and controls) but you can't even click the "X" button to close the form at that point.
Also, if you go straight in, and press enter, everything works and the form unloads, but if you do anything before pressing enter (or escape to cancel), like change a tab and/or edit a value, then press enter, the click event again does not run and the system semi-hangs.
I tried turning-off my anti-virus thinking that might have something to do with it, but no-go. Debugging is frustrating because while I finally got it execute the click event, the stop command inside that event (after debug.print "click") would allow stepping and success if just straight in and enter, but if anything else done as before described would stop at the stop statement (keyboard enter only still no mouse clicks under any scenario) and would do a total lock-out. In other lockouts where it would let me navigate, almost always selecting a new tab would cause a fatal error and it would force-unload VB for me, otherwise I had to use the task manager.
This is driving me nuts, but I don't know how else to debug it.

The culprit was tv_w32.dll which is Team Viewer. Turning-off Team Viewer allows my program to run normally.


Log Event Details Window is Not Showing Up in Data Stage Designer (IBM)

I can't see the detailed job log message from IBM Data Stage Designer (client) from a few days ago. I had worked well by double-clicking the log message on the job log panel, but suddenly it has been stopped to show up in the popup windows.
I tried to push the key combination: Shift + Window + Left/Right arrows, but it still does not provide the job log window. Could anyone has an idea how to make it visible again? I would appreciate it.
If you're working with multiple monitors, maybe on a laptop, changing the connected monitors, then maybe the popup window is showing "outside the box". You already tried to fix it with Shift+Win+←→, but this type of modal window will not stick to that.
Instead, try the following procedure:
Press Alt+SPACE while the window has focus. This will bring up the context menu of the window.
Use the arrow keys ↑,↓ to select Move and press ↵Enter. Do not click on it using the mouse.
The window is now in moving state. Press any arrow key ←↑↓→, just one keystroke.
Now, the window will be stuck to the mouse. Move the mouse around (without clicking) to retrieve the window.
Click once to release the window from the mouse.

After FlashWindow, click the window and the taskbar remains highlight (orange)

When I click the application shortcut, if the program is already open, I will show the program and enable FlashWindow. (FlashWindow(true);)
After blinking once, the taskbar is highlighted.
Theoretically, clicking on the application window would unhighlight the taskbar.
But it doesn't.
There is no problem when the window is minimized.
But it doesn't work when the window is already displayed.
I tried to get all the window handles of the application based on the process id and activated them one by one, but that didn't work either.
For this step I printed the log and used GetForegroundWindow to confirm that the change did happen.
How to solve this problem?
Is there any other way to make the taskbar blink only once without keeping it highlighted?

Menu becomes non-responsive in VB6 code on Windows 10

I have some old VB 6.0 code that I need to get running on Windows 10. We are not allowed to use Compatibility mode due to security and client refusal issues.
The only problem I am having is that whenever a button is clicked on the interface the menu items (across the top) become unresponsive. If you mouse over them the shading changes but clicking does not drop down the menu. Additionally, if I generate a message box pop up and click OK the menus come back to life.
I've tried setting focus to the main form in different situations, tried refreshing the parent and child forms. Also added a brand new button with no code behind it - not even an empty click event handler - and that button when clicked causes the same issue.
I should also add that the main form is an MDI form with three child forms. The buttons of course reside on the child forms.
I'm not sure how to proceed with this at this point. I certainly can't have a message box pop up after every button is clicked. Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas as to what causes it?

Status Item blocking the main thread (NSMenu blocking NSSpeechRecognizer from detecting sound)

I have a NSMenu coming down under a NSStatusItem. I also have a NSSpeechRecognizer. When the NSMenu is open, the speech recognizer does not function properly. It will constantly show that it's receiving sound, until I close the menu. I need it to detect sound properly even while the menu is open.
How can I make the speech recognizer detect sound even while the menu is open? Does it need to become a "first responder" and take precedence over the menu?
I tried setting [speechRecognizer setListensInForegroundOnly: NO] and it still won't work.
If you don't understand, I am more than happy to provide clarification.
Here are some similar situations, but I don't yet fully understand.
The problem is most likely that the menu is running a modal run loop as long as it is open (for the purposes of tracking the mouse, etc...) and this is blocking the NSSpeechRecognizer's ability to function normally.
You can confirm this by bringing up the menu and then pausing into the debugger. You'll likely see two run loops; the outer, normal, one and one deeper down the stack that is running the modal loop.
In general, this is kind of an odd thing to do from a user interaction perspective. The whole point of a pop-up menu is to offer the user some commands that will be done after the corresponding menu item is selected.
If you really need "click this thing and recognize voice", I'd recommend a button that, maybe, pops up a bit of UI and then interacts with the speech recognizer without using a menu?

Why does my Windows app get focus when by rules it should not?

By now everyone writing for Windows probably knows that applications cannot (officially) steal focus from foreground processes, and why. But I have just managed to steal focus, inadvertently, and don't understand how this is even possible.
I have a Delphi app that user brings up with a hotkey (or by a mouse click, or by Alt+Tab), selects a piece of text and hits Enter. My app then minimizes (hides to the tray, even), and pastes the text user just selected into the active window. Nothing new here, plenty of similar projects out there - clipboard extenders, glossaries, macro programs, etc.
What is puzzling to me is that after doing all the above and then sleeping for 1500 ms, I restore my main form and it gets the focus back! It becomes the foreground window, even though it wasn't 1500 ms ago (tested; Windows 7 32-bit.).
In fact, I don't want this at all, so before restoring my main form I record which window has foreground and I give it back to that window after it's been given to me. I'm just curious why my app gets to be in the foreground when by rules it should not. Maybe I don't understand the rules as fully as I thought I did?
If you look at the documentation for SetForegroundWindow you see a list of conditions for the call to succeed, one of them is "The process received the last input event." So if the user does not do anything after pressing enter in your app you still have the right to steal focus. I don't know if Delphi calls SetForegroundWindow for you when the window is restored but it might be something to look into.
I don't know how you restore your window but using SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE with ShowWindow might help...
