Why isn't Chrome only requesting WOFF2 instead of every format it accepts?
Encountered this problem while testing mobile version of the carousel I am working.
On Firefox they don't break.
I converted the images to compressed png, as they were webp.
I generated an Icon webfont using IcoMoon, and then used FontSquirrel to convert the TTF file to WOFF and WOFF2 files.
The WOFF file is to be used by IE users, and WOFF2 in all other browsers.
I used these settings in FontSquirrel:
Truetype Hinting: Keep Existing
Rendering: Fix GASP Table
Vertical Metrics: Auto-Adjust Vertical Metrics
Fix Missing Glyphs: Spaces, Hyphens
X-height Matching: None
Subsetting: No Subsetting
Advanced Options - Em Square Value: 2048; Adjust Glyph Spacing: 0
I tested in every device and browser I have (Windows, Linux, Android, iPhone, all browsers), and the WOFF2 file works perfectly.
Apache responds with Content-Type: font/woff2, and there's no CORS issue.
However, some users reported that all icons on the site are showing as a square with a cross (☒).
The users who reported the problem are using:
Chrome v84 on Android 9 (Huawei Y6 2019)
Chrome v89 on Android 8 (Samsung Galaxy S7)
This was resolved once I changed the #font-face to use the WOFF file instead.
I also have some Google Fonts (self-hosted), served with WOFF2, in a similar way, and those fonts work well on those devices of the users who reported the problem above.
Any ideas why, on some devices, would self-hosted Google Fonts WOFF2 work, but not the Icons/Glyphs WOFF2 file I generated?
This may not the the place to ask this question, but I've done a lot of searching and couldn't find any clear answer.
I have a PDF built with Adobe Acrobat DC with a lot of JavaScript (mostly changing some field value based on other fields, of just simple validation). That PDF is served from a Web Application. In MacOS, the PDF JavaScript does not seem to work when the PDF is opened in Safari or in the default MacOS preview application, but works perfectly fine when opened with Adobe Reader or chrome. However, starting Safari v11, adobe reader safari plugin has been discontinued/not supported, therefore the PDF first opens in the Safari default PDF viewer(with wrong values, because JS is not triggered I think) and only from there it can be opened in Adobe Reader, this is very bad UX.
I just wanted to make sure if PDF JavaScript is indeed not supported in Safari or am I doing something wrong?
This is usually caused by object-src in CSP.
If your pdf is self-hosted, you can set object-src: [ self ].
I noticed that all my browsers:
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer
seem to ignore image EXIF orientation data.
But other programs are orienting the images when they are opened/displayed:
Google Mail
MS Paint
Windows Explorer
We have a webpage on which users can upload images. I am asking, because users are complaining that the uploaded images look diferent/rotated than when opened on their local device using an image viewer. It seems to become an icreasing problem as more and more users are using smartphones and cameras to upload images directly without using any image editing software.
Here you can find some example images that have EXIF data in their header: https://github.com/recurser/exif-orientation-examples
Question: Since the browsers are ignoring the EXIF orienting should one auto-apply them on the uploaded images and then strip them from the header? Why are browsers ignoring EXIF information? What to do?
I load custom fonts from both Google Fonts and my personal website.
The fonts hosted by Google Fonts and by my server are both .woff and are both loaded via " of the HTML.
I've tested Google's Roboto and Ubuntu CSS and my Roboto and Ubuntu CSS, and they work in Chrome, but only the Google Fonts versions work in Internet Explorer. Is this a security thing on IE's end? Seems like something M$ would do...
To be clear, the test computer is not my server, and does not have any custom fonts, including Ubuntu, installed. I am able to load and view the CSS files from my server, and download the fonts themselves.
Sounds like your server don't send the correct font mime type.
Google do send the correct mime, your server maybe not.