Add Context Menu to a dialogue in e4 rcp - rcp

I want to add a context menu to a dialogue. I want it in such a way that when clicked anywhere where it is empty a deafaul context menu appears. I have seen example of context menu added to table and tree but not a dialogue as a whole any snippets or examples will be greatly appreciated.
This is what I have tried.
import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager;
protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
Composite container = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
layout.marginRight = 5;
layout.marginLeft = 10;
MenuManager menuMgr = new MenuManager();
menuMgr.add(new Action("New Thing") {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.eclipse.jface.action.Action#run()
public void run() {
System.out.println("came in options");
return super.createDialogArea(parent);

Try creating the menu in a similar way to the table/tree menu, but using to top level Composite for the dialog. Using a menu manager that might be something like:
Control topLevelComposite = ... get top level composite
MenuManager menuMgr = new MenuManager();
menuMgr.addMenuListener(... you menu listener....);
final Menu menu = menuMgr.createContextMenu(topLevelComposite);
You will then have to call setMenu on every Composite and control in the dialog which you want to use this menu. You can just use:
for this (as long as you do it on everything starting from the children of topLevelComposite).


Exchange part of view using TornadoFX

I'm working on a Fitness App and try to create something like a menubar which exchanges the container to the right depending on the currently selected menu item. The solution I've come up with until now is that I derive every view that is bound to a menu item from the main view and exchange the container using the replaceWith<ExcerciseEditor>() function. It works but I figure there must be a better solution to this.
// MainView.kt
open class MainView : View("Fit App"){
protected val container: StackPane by fxid()
override val root: AnchorPane by fxml("/view/MainView.fxml")
fun createExercise(){
// [...]
// ExerciseEditor.kt
class ExerciseEditor : MainView(){
init {
container.children += loadFXML<AnchorPane>("/view/ExerciseEditor.fxml")
// [...]
The app looks like this. The root of this view is a HBox containing two panes: to the left the menu bar and to the right a stack pane containing the other views.

How to suspend UI / App Shell updates when manually removing and adding element to App Shell in Xamarin.Forms?

My Question:
In Xamarin.Forms 4.2+, can I suspend the App Shell in any way while I am manipulating it? Or can I suspend the whole UI layouting and rending for an instance?
My Situation:
I am creating an App with Xamarin.Forms where I use the new Shell Navigation. Cause I change the Flyout Menu during app runtime, I want to add and remove some of the FlyoutItem by code.
As an example, I have a LoginPage which I want to replace by a UserProfilePage in the App Menu (Flyout Menu). I always have an AppInfoPage in the menu.
Whenever I remove a FlyoutItem, Shell wants to display the next item. So when I remove the LoginPage, Shell displays AppInfoPage or at least calls the constructor and executes the overload of OnAppearing on the AppInfoPage. OnAppearing then does a lot of things to prepare the App info, which is not needed now cause the page will be OnDisappearing just a few ticks later.
Most UI frameworks have some function like this to avoid unneeded UI layouting and rendering. I tried setting IsVisible = false, IsBusy = true and calling BatchBegin(), but none of them helped me.
Code Example:
Check this simplified example, see the TODOs.
private static void SyncAppShell()
try {
// TODO Here I want to disable the automatic "navigation on menu modification"
new LoginPage()));
new AppInfo()));
// TODO Here I want to enable the automatic "navigation on menu modification"
private static FlyoutItem CreateFlyoutItem(string id, string title, string route, ContentPage page, bool isEnabled = true)
var flyoutItem = new FlyoutItem { Title = title, StyleId = id, IsEnabled = isEnabled };
flyoutItem.Items.Add(new ShellContent { Route = route, Content = page });
return flyoutItem;

Custom tab item

I need to add a custom tab item into my TabbedPage. That shouldn't be a page but an overlay view. It is "More" item for the bottom menu opening a more items menu over the currently shown page.
So far I found the following solution:
protected override void OnCurrentPageChanged()
if (this.isInitialized)
if (CurrentPage.Title == "More")
CurrentPage = this.lastSelectedPage;
this.lastSelectedPage = CurrentPage;
It's enough to prevent opening the corresponding fake page. After this I need to show an overlay view and have no item how to do it from the tabbed page.
Another solution I'm working out now is to write a custom renderer for my tabbed page and manage all the custom work there. The question in this case is how to show my custom view over the existing content. I tried AddView (iOS) in the renderer but getting runtime exception.
public override void ItemSelected(UITabBar tabbar, UITabBarItem item)
base.ItemSelected(tabbar, item);
var view = new UILabel()
Text = "Test"

Javafx ComboBox disappearing items after select

I have created a (JavaFX) combobox, which I am populating with an observable list made from HBoxes, so that I can display an image with some text in each list cell.
This displays well, other than the fact that whenever you select one of the items in the list, it will disappear. Once you have selected every item, it will not render any items at all. (You can still select them by clicking in the space where they previously were.
Do you know how I might correct this, please?
Part of my code is displayed below:
public class IconListComboBox {
Group listRoot = new Group();
VBox mainVBox = new VBox();
ComboBox selectionBox = new ComboBox();
List<HBox> list = new ArrayList<HBox>();
ListView<HBox> listView = new ListView<HBox>();
ObservableList<HBox> observableList;
public IconListComboBox(int dimensionX, int dimensionY, ArrayList<String> names, ArrayList<ImageView> icons)
//VBox.setVgrow(list, Priority.ALWAYS);
for(int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
HBox cell = new HBox();
Label name = new Label(names.get(i));
Label icon = new Label();
HBox.setHgrow(icon, Priority.ALWAYS);
observableList = FXCollections.observableList(list);
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Ok, so I've managed to work this out, thanks to #James_D 's very kind help!
This is for anyone who, like me, was slightly daunted by the example that was given in the Java documentation. (Although, my description below is probably worse!!)
So, I started by adding an HBox which was in the layout I wanted straight into the ComboBox... which is a bad idea!
So, before you go deleting everything you've done, save the HBox somewhere, and do the following:
1. Create a new class to hold your date (Image, and String) which will go into each cell. Make getters/setters to do this. I called mine IconTextCell.
2. Add the following code to the class where your ComboBox is located:
yourComboBox.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<T>, ListCell<T>>() {
#Override public ListCell<T> call(ListView<T> p) {
return new ListCell<T>() {
Label name = new Label();
Label icon = new Label();
private final HBox cell;
cell = new HBox();
HBox.setHgrow(icon, Priority.ALWAYS);
#Override protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
You'll see that the main content is very similar to what I had already produced, so no code is lost.
Just replace "T" with your own class for representing a cell.
3. This will display your icon and string in the list, but you need to to also be displayed in the button (the grey top selector part of the combobox, aka the button). Do do this, we need to add the following code:
class IconTextCellClass extends ListCell<T> {
protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null) {
selectionBox.setButtonCell(new IconTextCellClass());
...and that's how I did it. I hope this helps - please compare this to my original post. The actual content (where I create the HBox etc) is obviously not generalised. You can make this as simple or as complex as you want.
Once again, thanks for your help! I hope this post helps others!
This is exactly the example cited in the documentation under "A warning about inserting Nodes into the ComboBox items list".
The list of items in the combo box should represent data - not the UI component used to display the data. The issue is that the HBox cannot appear twice in the scene graph: so it cannot appear both in the "selected cell" and as a cell in the drop-down list.
Instead, create a class that represents the data you are displaying in the ComboBox, and use a cell factory to instruct the ComboBox as to how to display those data. Be sure to set a button cell as well (the cell used for the selected item).

how to get parent name of a context menu item?

I'm trying to get the parent name of a context menu item.
So I tried something like this on menuItem_click :
Button clikance = (Button)sender;
string ladyGaga = Convert.ToString(clikance.Content);
But it didn't work (invalid cast exception). thx for any help
i have use a different approach for getting the sender button of my context menu. i have made an event on the "hold_click"
where i have get back the content of the button in a public string
private void GestureListener_DoubleTap(object sender, GestureEventArgs e)
Button clikance = (Button)sender;
ButtonEnvoyeur = Convert.ToString(clikance.Content);
If you look in the debugger at the point where the exception is raised, you'll see that sender isn't a Button, so trying to do an explicit cast to Button will obviously throw an InvalidCastException.
You can use the VisualTreeHelper to walk up the tree from your actual sender to the Button element:
VisualTreeHelper.GetParent((sender as DependencyObject));
UPDATE: In your instance sender is the MenuItem in the ContextMenu. You can get to the parent ContextMenu from the MenuItem by using the VisualTreeHelper, but unfortunately, ContextMenu does not expose any public members that enable you to access the owner; the Owner property is internal. You could get the source code for the Toolkit and expose the Owner property as publi instead, or use a completely different approach.
Have you thought of using an MVVM framework (such as MVVM Light) to wire up commands to these context menu items? Your current approach is very fragile and will break as soon as you change the visual tree. If you used commands, you could pass any additional information that you need for processing via the command parameter.
Use the Tag property of the MenuItem to retrieve your Button :
// Object creation
Button myButtonWithContextMenu = new Button();
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem aMenuItem = new MenuItem
Header = "some action",
Tag = myButtonWithContextMenu, // tag contains the button
// Events handler
aMenuItem.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(itemClick);
private void itemClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Sender is the MenuItem
MenuItem menuItem = sender as MenuItem;
// Retrieve button from tag
Button myButtonWithContextMenu = menuItem.Tag as Button;
