Add existing MailChimp subscriber to segment via email link - mailchimp

I need to add an existing subscriber to a list segment via a link in a campaign email.
Been racking my brains over this for a little while and have a few ideas but was wondering if there is a more simple way.
My main idea at the moment is that they click a link and it takes them to a 'thank you' php page which automatically picks up a pushed email address and then adds that address to a segment.
Is this possible through merge tags or a different method?


Logic apps against EOL Shared MBx

I am VERY new to Azure Logic apps. Please be gentle - but any links to sources of learning will be appreciated as well.
I have a made a simple logic app at the request of the business that answers every e-mail received in a shared mailbox with an autoreply - instead of the standard "one per customer" action of the normal Exchange Online autoresponder.That part works just fine.
We now need to add an action that can delete without replying for specific senders. Why? We "found" another org that must be set up to do the same thing, thus causing a flood of responses between the two org's Autoresponders. Not surprising, but obviously not good.
I'd like to be able to add the relevant address (and be able to add addresses in the future) to a (parallel?) filter, that would prevent this loop from happening. I've tried my best to use the "Delete Email (V2)" built in function for "Office 365 Outlook" but it always ends in a "Resource Not Found (status code: 400)" error and the email isn't deleted/moved to the deleted items folder.
Any ideas how to either get this to work, or a better way to do this job?
I have a made a simple logic app at the request of the business that answers every e-mail received in a shared mailbox with an autoreply - instead of the standard "one per customer" action of the normal Exchange Online autoresponder.That part works just fine.
As mentioned in this statement, we understood that you are using When a new email arrives (V3) trigger to give an auto reply.
I've tried my best to use the "Delete Email (V2)" built in function for "Office 365 Outlook" but it always ends in a "Resource Not Found (status code: 400)" error and the email isn't deleted/moved to the deleted items folder.
To make this work you just need to give the message id from the trigger When a new email arrives (V3) and so it deletes the one that has already arrived. You can make required actions in between before deleting the mail.
Considering this to be my logic app
I could able to get the email content to my logic app from outlook in Get email (V2) step and as soon as it completes this action the Delete email (V2) executes and deletes the one that just arrived.
Here is the email that I'm receiving
and the successful run for my logic app
For more information on logic apps you can refer Introduction to Azure Logic Apps - Learn and Azure Logic Apps documentation
Office 365 Outlook - Connectors
Ultimately a better answer was to use different variable for the conditional. Using an OR conditional with several archetypical subject lines, as well as embedding "invisible text" in the body of the original response email was the solution, as Logic Apps seems incapable of pulling the Message ID through the steps.
Thanks for your help #swerhakandikonda.

How to let new and old subscribers sign up to a Mailchimp segment

I have a landing page with a Mailchimp form. I need visitors, including already signed up users, to be able to sign up to this Mailchimp form linked to the same audience list, but onto a segment. The end goal is to have a segment that also includes emails signed up to the main list, in order to target emails interested only to the product on that landing page.
The issue is that I cannot have a user already signed up to the main list, sign up to the landing page form segment. I cannot find any resource online on how to have a separate form on a landing page that allows any email to be added to the segment. Is the approach incorrect?
If if you have made the "Group" visible, then existing users can "Update their preference" from any of your past emails. This option is usually located in the footer (that is added by MailChimp by default) of the email. Once the user follows the update process, they should be able to subscribe/unsubscribe from the groups as they please.
By the way, this is more of a question for the MailChimp Help Desk not for this forum.

How to create a WorkItem in Azure DevOps based off new email in Shared Inbox, but replies to emails stay within same task

I'm currently trying to set up a workflow within Microsoft Power Automate to do the following:
If an email is sent to a shared email box create a new task in DevOps
If someone replies back to that initial email - any responses to that thread will be tracked in the original task, and no additional tasks will be created from that chain.
Right now I'm leveraging the template that Microsoft provides called "Create a workitem in Azure DevOps when new email arrives in shared mailbox", but it creates additional tasks anytime someone replies back to the thread.
Anyone have suggestions?
You could use a condition that checks the 'Conversation Id' then if it matches an Id from a previously sent email's Conversation Id it does nothing. If it is new, then you'll get a new task.
If you are archiving handled emails, you'll need to filter results from the archival folder.
Here it is mapped out with a SharePoint list mapping the Conversation Id from each email:
Once the details are logged, the Get Items action on the SharePoint list pulls all items. However in that pull it uses an ODATA Filter on:
conversationId eq '<Conversation Id from trigger>'
Then if the number of matches is more than the one that you've just registered in the list, that means it was a response and the flow will follow the "no" branch. However, if it is the only entry, a new work item can be made.
You can make this much more complicated, dependent on requirements, in many areas, as that why you are using Power Automate. For example you could make API (Graph) calls to get Shared Box emails, but this is simpler, and works on a free flow plan until they add a "Get Emails from a Shared Mailbox" connector.
It's not picture perfect, because it doesn't handle a changed subject line, but it does do the job required.

If I am creating an assignment on Google Classroom using a form that has been shared with me, who will see the submissions?

My team and I have divided and conquered with creating assignments on Google Classroom using Forms. If we all share out the same form, will I see just my students or will all students show up?
Who will see the submissions?
When collaborating on a shared form and enabling the option Get email notifications for new responses - the notifications will be received by the editor who enabled with option for the given form - in this case you.
Thereby, you will receive ALL the notifications for form submissions - no matter who created the assignment and posted the form filling URL.
Analogously, all the other collaborators that enable the option "`Get email notifications for new responses" will receive ALL form submissions
In addition, all collaborators will have access to the destination spreadsheet where the responses are stored.
If you want to avoid this:
Rather then using the shared form, make a copy of it
Obtain and use the new response URL belonging to the new copy
Select your own destination spreadsheet that is not shared with anyone
Nobody other than you will have access to the form submissions made to your private copy of the shared form.

Send a 'click' to Google Analytics from ruby

I'm building an app with some 'mail tracking' feature and want to notify google analytics about a click in a link from ruby.
I've already changed all external links from email to go to my server to be redirected, so I know what and when the user clicked.
I want to send this click just knowing the 'UA-XXXXX' and the clicked url.
Is there a way? Or the best solution is to render a html page and with JS send the click event?
UPDATE: Ok, I've found gabba but don't know how to send an 'click' event.
Generally its better to use the JS api, since it has access to all of the other data that analytics tracks, like the visitor browser/os/geoip and can tie all that to a 'visit'.
If you are embedding links in emails, you might consider using the source/medium/campaign flags in the links.
So technically its not tracking the 'clicks' as an event, more like tracking the fact that the user came to your site from that particular email. You could use a separate campaign label if you wanted the individual click granularity. (If, for example you had the same url in the email more than once and you wanted to know whether they clicked the first or second one in the email)
