SonarQUBE filter projects per language and bulk delete - filter

We need to uninstall a language plugin from SonarQUBE, and as a first step, we want to purge all project analysis configured with this language (not multi-language ones).
We have seen in project description, the language selected for this project, but is it possible to configure a filter per language and do a bulk deletion somehow?
Many thanks.

It was possible before SonarQube 4.2, but since the multi-language support has been added in 4.2, this is unfortunately no more possible.


Run analysis for a project only with a set of specified languages

Sonar scanner runs analysis for all the available plugins installed in SonarQube. But for some of the projects analysis should be run only for some languages(For example Java and Javascript).
sonar.language parameter allows me to set only one language.
Is there any way to set multiple languages for analysis.
Stop thinking in term of language, since this is a blur concept in SonarQube. Just exclude the files you don't want to analyze, using for example the property sonar.exclusions.
For example, when considering a pom.xml file, the "language" was historically XML (and rules provided by SonarXML). But we now also have rules provided by SonarJava.
The property sonar.language was deprecated in SonarQube 4.4 and might be removed in SonarQube 6.7 or later, because SonarQube can now use several languages (which seems to be exactly the issue that you face currently).
If you only want Java and Javascript issues to be reported, I suggest to create custom quality profiles for all other languages, containing 0 rules. You can then, for your project, explicitly assign those "void" quality profiles.

Is interaction between a widget plugin and SonarQube server to do analysis possible?

Specifically, I want to run some analysis on the issues generated and rules violated. So I want to design the system to have a few click actions in the web interface of sonar and initiate the analysis in the back-end. The reason for this is that the analyses are run only during some cases and I don't want the instance with my plugin to have additional load during each run.
Also if possible could you point me in the right direction?
I couldn't find anything on here.
Please note I have been searching this very recently and am also new to SonarQube.
SonarQube server is for performing analysis only. What I was looking was for the server to give the user access to control the analysis. But using independent plugins to do static analysis could work.
I solved this issue by splitting the plugin into
A plugin for doing inline analysis work (if a need for doing our own static analysis arises)
A WebApp to classify issues, listing them by projects, etc.
This approach seemed more attractive when after discussion, we decided that all functions we wanted out widget to do, our WebApp itself could do. From SonarQube version 6.2, the ruby APIs are going to be deprecated and so moving to a REST-based approach would give an enduring solution.

Why the dashboard of the SonarQube 4.3 does not display the languages?

My company uses SonarQube to analyze code, and the new version 4.3 of the sonar does not show the languages ​​of each project in the dashboard. Could someone tell me the way to fix this problem?
I would greatly appreciate it!
Since SonarQube 4.2, projects are analyzed using a multi-language strategy, so it does not really make sense anymore to display a project's (single) language, since one project can contain several analyzed file types (think e.g Java, XML, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a Web application with a Java backend).
Note that in the upcoming SonarQube 4.4, the Project Size widget has been revamped to display distribution of lines of code by language.

it is possible to merge two profiles in quality sonarqube

I would like to know if you have a junction between the two profiles of quality, creating a single.
I have a project that uses the JEE technology, and it uses javascript, java and JSF.
Wanted to make a junction of quality profiles (Web + Javascript + Sonar way with Findbugs)
Is there any way to do this?
I'm using sonarqube 4.3 and sonar runner 2.4.
According for your reply
I have to call the sonar runner several times
first for Sonar way in Web perfil
second for Sonar way in JavaScript perfis
third for Sonar way with Findbugs in Java perfis
would give me an example?
You actually don't have to do this and this is not the correct way to solve your problem anyway.
As of SonarQube 4.2 you can use the multilanguage feature and your files will be automatically analyzed by the correct language plugin (detection is based on file extension).
If you are using a version prior to 4.2 you will have to run multiple analysis with the correct language set each time.

how to disable some issue in sonar metrics?

It is possible turn off some issue checking in sonar projects and how to do it? I want to for example disable "Tabulation characters should not be used" or "Modifier Order".
Thank for help.
If you would like keep the rule active while excluding certain parts of your source-code, you can use features of the the switch-off violations-plugin.
The plugin was deprecated with sonarqube 4.0, as it is now possible to use integrated features described in this part of the sonarqube-documentation:
If you are using an older version of sonarqube you find the plugin here:
