Mobile automation tool for Windows - windows-phone-7

I am using Appium & Robotium to automate Android & iOS application, but now I want to automate Windows mobile app. I searched a lot, but end up with some web-based tool. Currently, I searching tool like Appium & Robotium (open source).
Are there any open source mobile automation tools for Windows mobile app?

I recommend to take a look at Winium.StoreApps framework. It works very similar to Appium and enables to automate Windows Phone applications.
Test examples & documentation

AFAIK, this is the only reliable way Coded-UI Test Project
But there is a framework called Expensify- but works good only on wp7.


Xamarin iOS GUI

We've been developing a cross-platform app in Xamarin on Windows and now we are moving to make GUI for iOS counterpart.
If I'm understanding correctly we need to switch to Visual Studio for MAC, on a MAC machine, and continue our GUI development there.
Is it possible to develop everything on Windows and just publish an app on the MAC machine?
How do we include the logic and everything from the android app?
You can use Xamarin.Forms to develop UI for both Android and iOS.
But if its already native then you can still continue developing it in Windows.
For the build and testing you definitely need a MAC, if you don't want to use a VM then you can build it on the cloud using a or other party that uses the same service, and use a simulator on windows.
If its cross platform then I assume you're using a .NET Standard for the shared codebase. So there would be no problem using the same logic for both the Android and iOS.
It is up to you. Many apps will work by just publishing on the Mac. Of those many will have some artifacts that shouldn't be in the end version.
To simplify it is like asking whether you should publish the app without testing and fixing. In 99% no, but sometimes it may work.

Testing iOS application using Appium on Windows Machine

Are there any possible solutions available for testing iOS application using Appium on Windows machine? Also I have to reuse already created scripts for testing. As I've developed Ruby test scripts with me, which I should be reusing for iOS testing from my windows machine.
I per my exploration, iOS testing has it's dependency on XCode, so you need Mac machine. Though there are some possible ways which I'm listing below with it's limitations, but they aren't applicable solution for me.
Explored Solutions:
1. Appium Studio:
Appium Studio Community version(Free) or Enterprise version(Paid) allows you to test the iOS as well as android application independent of the hardware or software. ref: Appium Studio Docs
But because of following Limitations I can't use Appium Studio:
You can't import already created scripts in community edition. (I don't know about enterprise edition.)
If you want to use eclipse for the editing the scripts, then you need an eclipse-plugin that bridges Appium Studio and Eclipse. But this plugin is paid one.
2. Remote Server Functionality:
This is a good option, but you need to have at least on Mac machine, which I'm not having. How?
Are there any open source alternatives available of Appium Studio ?
Are there any other work arounds possible? I'm new to appium, any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I found this site and it does appear to be possible to run iOS simulators on a windows machine. As far as I can tell, Appium studio is able to start one of these simulators or it looks like you can use remote access.
If we can install one of the iOS simulators for windows and get that working then we can use Appium's desktop inspector. It's free and open source. It offers the same element detection feature of Appium studio.
If we want to run the tests on a real device then we can use a cloud provider like Appium studio, AWS Device Farm, or Sauce Labs
Hope that helps

Can you publish a Windows 10 (Universal) app from PhoneGap on Mac?

I am looking to develop a Windows 10 Universal app based in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for use on Microsoft Surface tablets primarily. I have found information that says it can be done on this page, but at the very bottom of the page it says it is in beta. However, I can't seem to find anything more than that post. No updates, or documentation or anything. Does anyone know if you can do this from the PhoneGap app on Mac OS?
If not, I guess the next best option it to do it on a Windows machine using Visual Studio 2017 and Cordova?
Any information anyone has on this subject would be helpful.
No, I am pretty sure you can't build UWP apps on macOS. The reason is quite similar as the reason you cannot build iOS apps on Windows - you could build the JS portion of your code, but the problem is the fact that UWP build tools and SDKs are OS specific and unless Microsoft specifically ports them to macOS, they cannot work there.
You could use Parallels and run Windows as second OS, or use a build server to build the app in the cloud. Visual Studio App Center is a very good solution for you purpose as it allows you to configure a full build pipeline including UWP, iOS and Android builds.
You can actually develop a UWP app using phoneGap on Mac if you are building it using web technologies. (HTML, CSS, Javascript) But you can not build/publish the app on Mac, but if you have a Creative Cloud account, you can use Phone Gap Build to upload it to the service and have it built there.

Is it possible to develop a desktop application, which will be supported in both Mac and Windows, using Xamarin in Visual Studio?

Our team would like to develop an application in Visual studio and Xamarin. The app needs to be supported in both Mac and Windows. We prefer Xamarin because the back end code can be shared. If possible, how to build and publish it so that it can be only installed in the machines. We are not planning to submit this app to the corresponding app stores.
You can write and Windows Application with C# using WinForms, WPF, WinRT (Windows Store apps).
Also you can write Mac application with C# using Xamarin.Mac.
To share the code between Windows App and Mac App, you just need to split your code into shareable Business Logic (part) and specific UI part.
To share the code, just use PCL libraries.
The core business logic can be written in shared code usable on both platforms.
You have a couple of choices of how to develop the UI. You can use native or Xamarin Forms.
If you use native then I would suggest using the MVVM pattern with a framework like MvvmCross. You can then write the bulk of your app in shared code and just write the UI in platform-specific code, with the windows UI written as a standard windows WPF or UWP app, and the Mac app written using Xamarin.Mac using the native Mac API.
If you want to use Forms then you may have to compile the binaries yourself to get Mac support as it won't be available till roughly May 2017, but you could get started building a Forms app for UWP/Windows now and add the Mac project once it is available.

Can we develop windows desktop apps using Devextreme

I have developed applications for Android and iOS using DevExtreme framework.
Can we develop windows desktop apps using Devextreme?
If yes please provide guidelines or steps to get started.
Please help on this.
Are you looking for something like this?
Yes, you can do it. I suppose you use Visual Studio to develop windows apps. If so, the DevExtreme Multi-Channel project template supports WinJS app.
Just create a new Multi-Channel app:
Then, you will be able to select WinJS project template:
The DevExtreme documentation contains some information about WinJS development.
Also, I suppose, you can use Electron. Unfortunately, I have no experience with this tool. And there is one restriction here: Electron supports Windows 7 and later.
