executing command on vagrant-mounted - vagrant

I'm trying to run a command after a share is mounted with vagrant. bu I've never written an upstart script before. What I have so far is
start on vagrant-mounted
if [ "$MOUNTPOINT" = "/vagrant" ]
env CMD="echo $MOUNTPOINT mounted at $(date)"
elif [ "$MOUNTPOINT" = "/srv/website" ]
env CMD ="echo execute command"
end script
exec "$CMD >> /var/log/vup.log"
of course that's not the actual script I want to run but I haven't gotten that far yet but the structure is what I need. My starting point has been this article. I've had a different version that was simply
echo $MOUNTPOINT mounted at `date`>> /var/log/vup.log
that version did write to the log.
Trying to use init-checkconf faile with failed to ask Upstart to check conf file


Run codeception on Windows system creates an Error when done like shown in the Quickstart

Running this: C:\Projects\HelloWorld>php vendor\bin\codecept generate:cest acceptance createTodo
Results in the Error:
if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ]; then
case $(which php) in
$(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/*)
# We are in Cygwin using Windows php, so the path must be translated
dir=$(cygpath -m "$dir");
"${dir}/codecept" "$#"
I just found the answer at the bottom of some git commentsection and wanted to make it more accessible.
thx test1git1
The fix to run it on windows is to run the .bat file to do all the commands and drop the "php" at the start.
vendor\bin\codecept.bat generate:cest acceptance createTodo

Detect if docker ran successfully within the same script

My script.sh:
docker run --name foo
(Just assume that the docker command works and the container name is foo. Can't make the actual command public.)
I have a script that runs a docker container. I want to check that it ran successfully and echo the successful running status on the terminal.
How can I accomplish this using the container name? I know that I have to use something like docker inspect but when I try to add that command, it only gets executed after I ^C my script probably because docker has the execution.
In this answer, the docker is executed in some other script so it doesn't really work for my use case.
The linked answer from Jules Olléon works on permanently running services like webservers, application servers, database and similar software. In your example, it seems that you want to run a container on-demand, which is designed to do some work and then exit. Here, the status doesn't help.
When running the container in foreground mode as your example shows, it forwards the applications return code to the calling shell. Since you didn't post any code, I give you a simple example: We create a rc.sh script returning 1 as exit-code (which normally indicates some failure):
echo "Testscript failed, returning exitcode 1"
exit 1
It got copied and executed in this Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:3.7
COPY rc.sh .
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "rc.sh" ]
Now we build this image using docker build -t rc-test . and execute a short living container:
$ docker run --rm rc-test
Testscript failed, returning exitcode 1
Bash give us the return code in $?:
$ echo $?
So we see that the container failed and could simply check them e.g. inside some bash script with an if-condition to perform some action when it fails:
if ! docker run --rm rc-test; then
echo "Docker container failed with rc $?"
After running your docker run command you can check this way if your docker container is still up and running:
status=$(docker ps -qf "name=$s" --format='{{.Status}}')
[[ -n $status ]] && echo "Running: $status" || echo "not running"
You just need to execute it with "-d" to execute the container in detached mode. With this, the solutions provided in the other post or the solution provided by #anubhava are both good solutions.
docker run -d -name some_name mycontainer
status=$(docker ps -qf "name=$s" --format='{{.Status}}')
[[ -n $status ]] && echo "Running: $status" || echo "not running"

using environment variables in service script

I am facing an issue using environment variables in my service script.
In my services script, i am using an environmental variable i.e. INSTALL_DIR whose value may vary on different system. I have to get the installation directory from $INSTALL_DIR and then i have to start the service. when i am running the service script the environment variable is not sourced at all.
Is it possible to source the installation directory from INSTALL_DIR environment variable. another option i can think is dynamically creating the service script using INSTALL_DIR environment variable.
name=`basename $0`
get_pid() {
cat "$pid_file"
is_running() {
[ -f "$pid_file" ] && ps `get_pid` > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Starting Application"
if is_running; then
echo "[`get_pid`] Already Started"
if [ -z "$user" ]; then
nohup $INSTALL_DIR/bin/application 2>&1 &
nohup sudo -u "$user" $cmd 1> $INSTALL_DIR/bin/application 2>&1 &
echo $! > "$pid_file"
if ! is_running; then
echo "Unable to start, see logs"
exit 1
echo "[`get_pid`] Started"
I am trying to run the application using following command
service application start
In my services script ... I have to get the installation directory from $INSTALL_DIR and then i have to start the service.
Your question isn't really about shell scripting, but about your system's startup. Unfortunately that process varies by Linux distribution, and tends to be poorly documented.
For example, man service says, service runs a System V init script or upstart job in as predictable an environment as possible, removing most environment variables and with the current working directory set to /., but man upstart says:
$ man -k upstart
upstart: nothing appropriate.
Not only that, but the service manpage specifically lists the environment variables a script will start with. Needless to say, yours isn't among them.
The traditional approach to parameterizing startup scripts is to put the information in a known file, normally in /etc, and reference that file in the script. In your case, you could do something like:
INSTALL_DIR=$(cat /etc/my-install-dir.cfg)
and then proceed accordingly.
There might be ways to coerce your startup to support other environment variables. But, sooner or later, the information you need has to be stored somewhere on the filesystem. It seems to me the simplest approach is to reserve a filename to hold that information, and read that file directly.
Use this below code in your script.
if [[ -z "${INSTALL_DIR}" ]]; then
echo "INSTALL_DIR is undefined"
INSTALL_DIR=<<your installation directory>>

How can I have Vagrant's provision fail if a subcommand fails?

If one of the lines in config.vm.provision "shell" fails, Vagrant keeps going forward with the rest of the script. How can I make any error cause the provision process to fail?
I dont think vagrant provides for an option on the shell provisioning but it can be managed within your script itself by using The Set Builtin
set -e
.... rest of your commands - first command which fails will break the script and exits ...
I want exactly this. Looks like it's not possible so I've settled for a panicky banner instead. The child scripts contain set -e to exit if anything fails.
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "setup-files/parent.sh"`
/home/vagrant/setup-files/child1.sh &&
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # If: last exit code is non-zero
echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echo An error occurred running build scripts
echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bash script exiting prematurely when calling another script inside it

I have a bash script which calls another bash script, like so:
echo "Hi"
echo "Hello!"
The problem that I have is that it never makes it to printing "Hello!"
I think this is because ./script-two.sh (Which I did not write) is somehow exiting or changing the shell. I have included this script at the end of this post.
Is there a way I can gurentee that my execution will continue after script-two.sh executes?
I have looked into using the trap command, but I don't fully understand its use properly.
Here is the contents of what would be script-two.sh
# This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
# Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
# applicable licenses.
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006 All Rights Reserved.
export DITA_HOME=cwd
if [ "${DITA_HOME:+1}" != "1" ]; then
echo "DITA_HOME environment variable is empty or not set";
exit 127;
# Get the absolute path of DITAOT's home directory
echo $DITA_DIR
if [ -f "$DITA_DIR"/tools/ant/bin/ant ] && [ ! -x "$DITA_DIR"/tools/ant/bin/ant ]; then
chmod +x "$DITA_DIR"/tools/ant/bin/ant
export ANT_OPTS="-Xmx512m $ANT_OPTS"
export ANT_OPTS="$ANT_OPTS -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl"
export ANT_HOME="$DITA_DIR"/tools/ant
export PATH="$DITA_DIR"/tools/ant/bin:"$PATH"
if test -n "$CLASSPATH"
It looks like script-two.sh is setting up an ant build environment.
I think the author intended that it sets up the build environment, then you type your build commands in manually, then type exit to leave the build environment.
I say this because the bottom line of script-two.sh is:
which starts a new shell.
Try running your script, then type exit. I think you will see it print Hello! after you type exit.
I'm guessing you're trying to do something like:
echo "Hi"
ant <some args>
To do that, what you really want to do is source it, by changing:
. script-two.sh
echo "Hi"
. script-two.sh
ant <some args>
But, you will need to edit script-two.sh and change:
case $0 in *script-two.sh)
# executed, start a new shell with the new environment
# sourced, don't start a new shell
so that it only starts a shell if the script is being run like ./script-two.sh, but not if it is being sourced like . script-two.sh.
Or if you absolutely can't change script-two.sh, then you could do:
echo "Hi"
. script-two.sh </dev/null
ant <some args>
which will trick "$SHELL" into exiting because it has no input.
export DITA_HOME=cwd
doesn't seem right to me.
It should probably be
export DITA_HOME=$(pwd)
export DITA_HOME=`pwd`
(both are equivalent)
I had a similar problem today, up on digging I finally found the answer.
The script I was calling (from within my script) actually had an exit 0 in the end. Removing that fixed my issues.
Just leaving this here as someone may find it useful.
Well for starters, you can execute your bash script with the -x switch to see where it is failing:
bash -x script-one.sh
Secondly, if you call the second script like this:
echo "Hi"
var=$(bash script-two.sh)
echo "Hello!"
It will continue, as long as script-two.sh exits cleanly. Again, you can run the -x script against that script find any problems.
And as Mikel mentioned, always make sure to have exit at the bottom of your scripts.
