Create an image-overlay mask in javafx - image

I'm trying to do a simple thing. I have a binary image and all I want is to overlay the binary image on a color image, but the white pixels in the binary image should be red, and the black transparent.
I'm quite used to JavaFx but I'm stuck with this one. I know I could achieve it by iterating through all pixels with a PixelReader, but I'm sure there is an easier way. I tried to use some sort of Blend-effect but no luck so far.
I think it should be similar to this:
How to Blend two Image in javaFX
I came up with this:
Image image = new Image("/circle.jpg", false);
ImageView iv = new ImageView(image);
Image mask = new Image("/mask.jpg", false);
ImageView ivMask = new ImageView(mask);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(mask.getWidth(), mask.getHeight());
r.setBlendMode(BlendMode.MULTIPLY); // sets the white area red
Group g = new Group(ivMask, r); // sets the white area red
// this is not working as expected
Group g2 = new Group(iv, g);
Thanks for any suggestions!
If you think, processing pixel-wise is faster than just creating an overlay, please let me know.
Solution by pixel-reader would be:
Pane root = new Pane();
// read the underlaying image
root.getChildren().add(new ImageView(new Image("/src.jpg")));
Image mask = new Image("/mask.jpg");
PixelReader pixelReader = mask.getPixelReader();
Canvas resultCanvas = new Canvas();
GraphicsContext resultLayer = resultCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
for (int y = 0; y < mask.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mask.getWidth(); x++) {
if( pixelReader.getColor(x, y).equals(Color.WHITE) ){
resultLayer.fillRect(x, y, 1.0, 1.0);

What you are Doing Wrong
The difference operator isn't a binary difference based on whether a pixel is set instead it is a difference in the RGB components, so instead of a solid red overlay, you will get a multi-colored overlay because the difference in the RGB components of the blended images differs between pixels.
You are trying to do something similar to a masked bit-blit operation with blend modes (basically, an OR then an AND of pixel data based on a white on black mask). It is possible though a little tricky with the built-in blends in JavaFX 8.
You could create a feature request for additional support in the blend API for bit-blt style basics as well as exposing a full porter duff compositing implementation like Swing has so that the underlying blend engine has a bit more power and is possibly a little easier to use.
The preferred thing to do would be to pre-process your mask in an image editor like photoshop to convert the black part to an alpha channel - then you can just layer your mask on top of your original and the default compositing mode will take of it.
To make your alpha enabled mask red, you could just use mask.setBlendMode(BlendMode.RED) (or you could pre-color the mask in an image editor before using it in your program).
Another alternative is the PixelReader solution you have in your question (which I think is fine if you are unable to pre-convert your mask to use alpha).
The blend operations can be hardware accelerated on appropriate hardware. So potentially using a blend could be faster if you are doing it very often (but you would have to have many blends being run very quickly on large images to really notice any kind of performance difference).
Sample Solution Using Blend Operations
Sample Output
Input Images
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.effect.BlendMode;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Blended extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) {
Image original = new Image(
Image stencil = new Image(
// first invert the stencil so that it is black on white rather than white on black.
Rectangle whiteRect = new Rectangle(stencil.getWidth(), stencil.getHeight());
Group inverted = new Group(
new ImageView(stencil),
// overlay the black portions of the inverted mask onto the image.
Group overlaidBlack = new Group(
new ImageView(original),
// create a new mask with a red tint (red on black).
Rectangle redRect = new Rectangle(stencil.getWidth(), stencil.getHeight());
Group redStencil = new Group(
new ImageView(stencil),
// overlay the red mask on to the image.
Group overlaidRed = new Group(
// display the original, composite image and stencil.
HBox layout = new HBox(10);
new ImageView(original),
new ImageView(stencil)
layout.setPadding(new Insets(10));
stage.setScene(new Scene(layout));;
public static void main(String[] args) {


Solving Overlapping Images when zooming in Codenameone

I have an imageviewer with a couple images, When i zoom in the first image and wanna see the right side of the image. The folowing image is overlapping the inzooming image. This is very annoying. Is there a way how i can set the zoom in image on the front.
How can i set the zoomed image always on front.
See picture
My imageviewer is in a container
Image red ;
red = EncodedImage.create("/HW_Delfzijl_Waddenzee_Oost.jpg");
Image blue = Image.createImage(500, 500, 0xff0000ff);
Image red2 = Image.createImage(500, 500, 0xffff0000);
Image List1[]= new Image [3];
List1[0] = red;
List1[1] = blue;
List1[2] = red2;
iv = new ImageViewer();
iv.setImageList(new DefaultListModel<>(List1));
Container1 = BoxLayout.encloseY( Kaarten.AuvHW, AdvSpr,iv,
I was able to reproduce this with the following code:
Form hi = new Form("ImageViewer", BoxLayout.y());
Image red = Image.createImage(2000, 800, 0xffff0000);
Image blue = Image.createImage(2000, 500, 0xff0000ff);
ImageViewer viewer = new ImageViewer();
viewer.setImageList(new DefaultListModel<>(red, blue));
hi.add(BoxLayout.encloseY(viewer, new Label("Dummy")));;
The problem only happens if I stand on the blue image (the second one) scale it up and then try to move. It doesn't happen when moving from the red image to the blue.
I believe this is due to this method in the ImagaViewer code. Since background isn't painted the old image isn't cleaned up. We need to add a condition that disables that while dragging. I think changing the code in that method to this will fix the problem but it's a bit risky and might trigger flickering:
protected void paintBackground(Graphics g) {
// disable background painting for performance when zooming
if(imageDrawWidth < getWidth() || imageDrawHeight < getHeight() || panPositionX != 0) {
I would suggest filing an issue so we can consider the options here as this isn't trivial. One partial workaround is to use:
Which minimizes the impact of the issue.

Why X/Y coordinators of image in pdf are always ZERO by GetImageCTM?

I am searching for a long time on net. But no use.
Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
Any help will be appreciated.
I get the Matrix by ImageRenderInfo#GetImageCTM(), and get the X/Y coordiantors.
but it is always 0!
I have tried these api, GetStartPoint(), and GetImageCTM.
However, the X/Y coordinator is always 0 :-(
Note: I have some images in pdf in some positons(not the (0,0) coordinator).
void IRenderListener.RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo imgRenderInfo)
Matrix mtx = imgRenderInfo.GetImageCTM();
// x, y
float[] coordinate = new float[] { mtx[Matrix.I31], mtx[Matrix.I32] };
// Why the coordinate[0] and coordinate[1]
// are always be ZERO regardless the positon in Pdf
Answer to the question as is
I parsed the page contents of an arbitrary file I had at hands (the example PDF from this question) using a render listener with your implementation code plus output of the coordinates:
public void ExtractImageCoordinatesFromArchmodels()
using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(#"EVERMOTION ARCHMODELS VOL.78.pdf"))
PdfReaderContentParser parser = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader);
ImageCoordinatesRenderListener listener = new ImageCoordinatesRenderListener();
for (var i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++)
parser.ProcessContent(i, listener);
internal class ImageCoordinatesRenderListener : IRenderListener
public void BeginTextBlock()
{ }
public void EndTextBlock()
{ }
public void RenderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo)
{ }
public void RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo)
Matrix mtx = renderInfo.GetImageCTM();
// x, y
float[] coordinate = new float[] { mtx[Matrix.I31], mtx[Matrix.I32] };
Console.WriteLine("Image at {0}, {1}.", coordinate[0], coordinate[1]);
and the output was
Image at 6,00029, 52,15466.
Image at 19,84251, 363,4501.
Image at 294,091, 361,5604.
Image at 300,0336, 81,089.
Image at 15,59055, 72,94052.
Image at 5,322647, 340,7029.
Image at 288,5311, 386,0621.
Image at 291,7613, 69,35573.
Image at 28,50845, 53,13286.
Image at 41,2021, 380,3172.
Image at 290,8796, 368,9564.
Image at 295,8532, 50,71478.
Image at 19,13385, 49,21146.
Image at 25,5118, 385,9343.
Image at 282,4584, 379,8427.
Image at 293,5927, 65,19702.
Image at 4,535416, 60,35075.
Image at 3,364258, 374,4344.
Image at 288,0557, 373,5591.
Image at 299,9102, 59,13971.
Image at 11,33858, 66,10181.
Image at 11,66959, 380,3134.
Image at 297,1836, 378,4615.
Image at 299,9689, 66,74164.
Image at 10,62991, 53,18137.
Image at 5,180252, 377,7065.
Image at 279,9567, 377,9544.
Image at 289,9219, 69,23323.
Image at 6,400314, 68,17795.
Image at 11,33858, 361,2458.
Image at 297,1935, 373,4553.
Image at 299,8854, 68,30142.
Image at 7,086609, 68,13367.
Image at 3,82518, 352,3451.
Image at 287,9208, 373,4846.
Image at 294,6425, 68,3132.
Image at 41,2271, 68,15968.
Image at 5,709488, 356,2161.
Image at 304,9857, 373,593.
Image at 282,4557, 48,97745.
Image at 5,669281, 53,65367.
Image at 27,34265, 382,0123.
Image at 297,1409, 373,494.
Image at 300,0584, 50,23624.
Image at 7,245102, 68,23528.
Image at 8,503922, 380,1963.
Image at 290,1901, 355,9355.
Image at 287,2598, 60,53516.
Image at 5,102356, 68,01541.
Image at 17,00786, 378,9057.
Image at 296,8928, 373,5667.
Image at 299,9655, 68,04535.
(My locale uses a comma as decimal separator.)
So I cannot reproduce your claim
the X/Y coordinator is always 0
Thus, what you observed is either due to some issue of your remaining code or something special about all your test PDFs; probably they simply indeed all have their images positioned at 0,0
Clarifications from comments
Meanwhile the OP has clarified in comments that the images of interest are located in annotation appearance streams, not in the page content stream.
Coordinates therein are in the respective annotation appearance stream coordinate system which is implied by the appearance's bounding box (its BBox entry). This bounding box then optionally is transformed by the appearance matrix (its Matrix entry). The resulting four sided area then is scaled and moved into the annotation's rectangle (its Rect entry). And depending on page rotation and annotation properties, this rectangle may be rotated by a multiple of 90° relative to the page coordinates.
Thus, a general solution transforming those coordinates into the default user space coordinate system of the page requires some math.
Often, though, bitmaps in annotation appearances are filling the bounding box (nearly) completely. Often there is no appearance matrix. And often annotations rotate with the page.
Thus, an often good approximation is to simply use the annotation rectangle. This also is what the OP now uses.

How to achieve high quality cropped images from canvas?

I am desperately searching for a good cropping tool. There are a bunch out there, for example:
The most important thing that I am trying to find is a cropping tool, that crops images without making the cropped image low in resolution. You can hack this by using the canvas tag by resizing the image. This way the image itself stays native, only the representation is smaller.
DarkroomJS was also something near the solution, but, unfortunately, the downloaded demo did not work. I'll try to figure out whats wrong. Does someone know some great alternatives, or how to get the cropped images in...let's say "native" resolution?
Thanks in advance!
You are relying on the cropping tool to provide an interface for the users. the problem is that the image returned is sized to the interface and not the original image. Rather than me sifting through the various API's to see if they provide some way of controlling this behaviour (I assume at least some of them would) and because it is such a simple procedure I will show how to crop the image manually.
To use JCrop as an example
Jcrop provides various events for cropstart, cropmove, cropend... You can add a listener to listen to these events and keep a copy of the current cropping interface state
var currentCrop;
jQuery('#target').on('cropstart cropmove cropend',function(e,s,crop){
currentCrop = crop;
I don't know where you have set the interface size and I am assuming the events return the crop details at the interface scale
var interfaceSize = { //you will have to work this out
w : ?,
h : ?.
Your original image
var myImage = new Image(); // Assume you know how to load
So when the crop button is clicked you can create the new image by scaling the crop details back to the original image size, creating a canvas at the cropped size, drawing the image so that the cropped area is corectly positioned and returning the canvas as is or as a new image.
// image = image to crop
// crop = the current cropping region
// interfaceSize = the size of the full image in the interface
// returns a new cropped image at full res
function myCrop(image,crop,interfaceSize){
var scaleX = image.width / interfaceSize.w; // get x scale
var scaleY = image.height / interfaceSize.h; // get y scale
// get full res crop region. rounding to pixels
var x = Math.round(crop.x * scaleX);
var y = Math.round(crop.y * scaleY);
var w = Math.round(crop.w * scaleX);
var h = Math.round(crop.h * scaleY);
// Assume crop will never pad
// create an drawable image
var croppedImage = document.createElement("canvas");
croppedImage.width = w;
croppedImage.height = h;
var ctx = croppedImage.getContext("2d");
// draw the image offset so the it is correctly cropped
return croppedImage
You then only need to call this function when the crop button is clicked
var croppedImage;
myButtonElement.onclick = function(){
if(currentCrop !== undefined){ // ensure that there is a selected crop
croppedImage = myCrop(myImage,currentCrop,interfaceSize);
You can convert the image to a dataURL for download, and upload via
imageData = croppedImage.toDataURL(mimeType,quality) // quality is optional and only for "image/jpeg" images

Is it possible to save a generated image in Codename One?

My question is related to this previous question. What I want to achieve is to stack images (they have transparency), write a string on top, and save the photomontage / photocollage with full resolution.
protected void beforeMain(Form f) {
Image photoBase = fetchResourceFile().getImage("Voiture_4_3.jpg");
Image watermark = fetchResourceFile().getImage("Watermark.png");
f.setLayout(new LayeredLayout());
final Label drawing = new Label();
// Image mutable dans laquelle on va dessiner (fond blanc)
Image mutableImage = Image.createImage(photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
// Paint all the stuff
paints(mutableImage.getGraphics(), photoBase, watermark, photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
// Save the collage
Image screenshot = Image.createImage(photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
drawing.paintComponent(screenshot.getGraphics(), true);
String imageFile = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getAppHomePath() + "screenshot.png";
try(OutputStream os = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openOutputStream(imageFile)) {
ImageIO.getImageIO().save(screenshot, os, ImageIO.FORMAT_PNG, 1);
} catch(IOException err) {
public void paints(Graphics g, Image background, Image watermark, int width, int height) {
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0);
g.drawImage(watermark, 0, 0);
// Upper left corner
g.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Lower right corner
g.fillRect(width - 10, height - 10, 10, 10);
Font f = Font.createTrueTypeFont("Geometos", "Geometos.ttf").derive(220, Font.STYLE_BOLD);
// Draw a string right below the M from Mercedes on the car windscreen (measured in Gimp)
(int) (848 ),
(int) (610)
This is the saved screenshot I get if I use the Iphone6 skin (the payload image is smaller than the original one and is centered). If I use the Xoom skin this is what I get (the payload image is still smaller than the original image but it has moved to the left).
So to sum it all up : why is the saved screenshot with Xoom skin different from the one I get with Iphone skin ? Is there anyway to directly save the graphics on which I paint in the paints method so that the saved image would have the original dimensions ?
Thanks a lot to anyone that could help me :-)!
You can save an image in Codename one using the ImageIO class. Notice that you can draw a container hierarchy into a mutable image using the paintComponent(Graphics) method.
You can do both approaches with draw image on mutable or via layouts. Personally I always prefer layouts as I like the abstraction but I wouldn't say the mutable image approach is right/wrong.
Notice that if you change/repaint a lot then mutable images are slower (this will not be noticeable for regular code or on the simulator) as they are forced to use the software renderer and can't use the GPU fully.
In the previous question it seems you placed the image with a "FIT" style which naturally drew it smaller than the containing container and then drew the image on top of it manually... This is problematic.
One solution is to draw everything manually but then you will need to do the "fit" aspect of drawing yourself. If you use layouts you should position everything based on the layouts including your drawing/text.

can't get the image to rotate in center in Qt

i am trying to rotate a 89x89 image inside the QLabel Widge.
#include "header.h"
disc::disc(QWidget *Parent) : QWidget(Parent)
orig_pixmap = new QPixmap();
rotate = new QLabel(this);
showDegrees = new QLabel(this);
degrees = 0;
void disc::rotate_disc()
QString string;
if(degrees == 360) degrees = 0;
QTransform rotate_disc;
rotate_disc.translate( (orig_pixmap->width()-rotate->width())/2 , (orig_pixmap->width()-rotate->height())/2);
QPixmap pixmap;
//pixmap = orig_disc->scaled(89,89,Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation);
pixmap = orig_pixmap->transformed(rotate_disc,Qt::SmoothTransformation);
string.append("Degrees: " + QString::number(degrees) + "*");
Even though it rotates. The image's half gets rolled outside the QLabel and hence that side is not visible.How can i make it center rotate at origin(0,0) of the image center.
Here is the file
if you look at it you can see that image is like bouncing to the can i make it rotate inside the black area.
i setup a signal timeout at every 10ms to the rotate_disc() function. I am using this to learn Qt indepth.
Thank You!
I've done it like this...
//Move windows's coordinate system to center.
QTransform transform_centerOfWindow( 1, 0, 0, 1, width()/2, height()/2 );
//Rotate coordinate system.
transform_centerOfWindow.rotate( m_LoadingDisk_degrees );
//Draw image with offset to center of image.
QPainter painter( this );
//Transform coordinate system.
painter.setTransform( transform_centerOfWindow );
//Load image.
//Notice: As coordinate system is set at center of window, we have to center the image also... so the minus offset to come to center of image.
painter.drawPixmap( -loadingDisk.width()/2, -loadingDisk.height()/2, loadingDisk );
I think all you're really missing is the initial translation to do the rotation around the centre of the pixmap.
Move it to the origin, rotate, then move it back. And remember, transformations are applied in reverse order from how you'd expect, given how you specify them in the code.
QTransform rotate_disc;
rotate_disc.translate(orig_pixmap->width()/2.0 , orig_pixmap->height()/2.0);
rotate_disc.translate(-orig_pixmap->width()/2.0 , -orig_pixmap->height()/2.0);
If you are making a loading indicator, animated gif would be much easier. See GIF animation in Qt
