_xmlparsefailure thrown by Logstash - elasticsearch

Logstash is throwing _xmlparsefailure error for the below script and log file. Due to this for 1 log statement unwanted multiple events are generated. How can we remove parsing error?
input {
file {
path => "/novus/users/arun/a*"
start_position => "end"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "(^\t)|(</stacktrace>)"
what => previous
filter {
grep {
match => { "message" => "Exception" }
output {
elasticsearch {
host => localhost protocol => "http"
Log file:
<event><date>5444-01-28-01:40:49.940</date><key>Exception</key><machine>ns9066</machine><timestamp>1422430849940</timestamp>><thread>UniqueIdRunnable_Runnable0</thread><product></product><novusid>ns9066.novusqc.1</novusid><application>NORM</application><environment>qc</environment><eventId>#23 Return relationships when MaxRelationships is equals to 10</eventId><requestId>0acd447514b2f7c4b8a3a497f1c</requestId><userid></userid><engineName>ns9066.novusqc.1</engineName><Class>RelationshipResolver.java</Class><Method>RelationshipResolver.getRelationshipGroups() </Method><eventlevel>warning</eventlevel><text>RelationshipGroup. normscalingloadRelationshipGroup. normscalingload</text>?><stacktrace>com.westgroup.novus.cci.CciRecordNotFoundException: RelationshipGroup. normscalingload
at 2019com.westgroup.novus.norm.NormCciAccess_Cached1.retrieveRelationshipGroup(No>rmCciAccess_Cached1.java:68)
at 2019com.westgroup.novus.norm.RelationshipResolver.getRelationshipGroups(Relatio>nshipResolver.java:3012)
at 2019com.westgroup.novus.norm.splitmerge.GetUniqueIdRunnable.performTasks(GetUniqueIdRunnable.java:190)
at 2019com.westgroup.novus.services.splitmerge.BaseRunnable.run(BaseRunnable.java:>107)
at 2019com.westgroup.novus.commonutils.PooledThread.run(PooledThread.java:128)


logstash.conf file error -- no discernable error

Here is the file itself:
input {
file {
path => ["~/Downloads/log20170629.csv"]
start_position=> "beginning"
filter {
csv {
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "sec_data"
I am unsure of the issue. I have double checkd all the curly braces and everything else seems in order?

Read a CSV in Logstash level and filter on basis of the extracted data

I am using Metricbeat to get process-level data and push it to Elastic Search using Logstash.
Now, the aim is to categorize the processes into 2 tags i.e the process running is either a browser or it is something else.
I am able to do that statically using this block of code :
input {
beats {
port => 5044
if [process][name]=="firefox.exe" or [process][name]=="chrome.exe" {
mutate {
add_field => { "process.type" => "browsers" }
convert => {
"process.type" => "string"
else {
mutate {
add_field => { "process.type" => "other" }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
# manage_template => false
index => "metricbeatlogstash"
But when I try to make that if condition dynamic by reading the process list from a CSV, I am not getting any valid results in Kibana, nor a error on my LogStash level.
The CSV config file code is as follows :
input {
beats {
port => 5044
if [process][name] in [processList] {
mutate {
add_field => { "process.type" => "browsers" }
convert => {
"process.type" => "string"
else {
mutate {
add_field => { "process.type" => "other" }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
# manage_template => false
index => "metricbeatlogstash2"
What you are trying to do does not work that way in logstash, the events in a logstash pipeline are independent from each other.
The events received by your beats input have no knowledge about the events received by your csv input, so you can't use fields from different events in a conditional.
To do what you want you can use the translate filter with the following config.
translate {
field => "[process][name]"
destination => "[process][type]"
dictionary_path => "process.csv"
fallback => "others"
refresh_interval => 300
This filter will check the value of the field [process][name] against a dictionary, loaded into memory from the file process.csv, the dictionary is a .csv file with two columns, the first is the name of the browser process and the second is always browser.
If the filter got a match, it will populate the field [process][type] (not process.type) with the value from the second column, in this case, always browser, if there is no match, it will populate the field [process][type] with the value of the fallback config, in this case, others, it will also reload the content of the process.csv file every 300 seconds (5 minutes)

Logstash Array split gives Nilclass for one element array

I am trying to input json data from logs through filebeat-> logstash to elasticsearch but i seem to get NilClass error no matter what i try.
The data sample:
my logstash configuration is:
input {
beats {
port => "5044"
filter {
json {
source => "message"
split {
field => "[student]"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Error: split - Only String and Array types are splittable. field:[student] is of type = NilClass
Please try
split {
field => "student"
and put double quotes as {"name":"chirs","lname":"dave"}

using logstash to get data out of elasticsearch to a csv file

I am new to using logstash and am struggling to get data out of elasticsearch using logstash as a csv.
To create some sample data, we can first add a basic csv into elasticsearch... the head of the sample csv can be seen below
$ head uu.csv
I then put that into logstash using the following...
$ cat uu.conf
input {
stdin {}
filter {
csv {
columns => [
if [hh1] == "hh1" {
drop { }
} else {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "message", "host", "#timestamp", "#version" ]
mutate {
convert => { "hh" => "float" }
convert => { "hh1" => "float" }
convert => { "hh3" => "string" }
convert => { "id" => "integer" }
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
elasticsearch {
index => "temp_index"
document_type => "temp_doc"
document_id => "%{id}"
This is put into logstash with the following command....
$ cat uu.csv | logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f uu.conf
Settings: Default filter workers: 16
Logstash startup completed
....................................................................................................Logstash shutdown completed
So far so good, but I would like to get some of the data out in particular the hh and hh3 fields in the temp_index.
I wrote the following to extract the data out of elasticsearch into a csv.
$ cat yy.conf
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "temp_index"
query => "*"
filter {
add_field => {"hh" => "%{hh}"}
add_field => {"hh3" => "%{hh3}"}
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
csv {
fields => ['hh','hh3']
path => '/home/username/yy.csv'
But get the following error when trying to run logstash...
$ logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f yy.conf
The error reported is:
Couldn't find any filter plugin named 'elasticsearch'. Are you sure this is correct? Trying to load the elasticsearch filter plugin resulted in this error: no such file to load -- logstash/filters/elasticsearch
What do I need to change to yy.conf so that a logstash command will extract the data out of elasticsearch and input into a new csv called yy.csv.
changing yy.conf to be the following...
$ cat yy.conf
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "temp_index"
query => "*"
filter {}
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
csv {
fields => ['hh','hh3']
path => '/home/username/yy.csv'
I got the following error...
$ logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f yy.conf
Settings: Default filter workers: 16
Logstash startup completed
A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch hosts=>["localhost:9200"], index=>"temp_index", query=>"*", codec=><LogStash::Codecs::JSON charset=>"UTF-8">, scan=>true, size=>1000, scroll=>"1m", docinfo=>false, docinfo_target=>"#metadata", docinfo_fields=>["_index", "_type", "_id"], ssl=>false>
Error: [400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"Failed to derive xcontent"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"init_scan","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"temp_index","node":"zu3E6F7kQRWnDPY5L9zF-w","reason":{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"Failed to derive xcontent"}}]},"status":400} {:level=>:error}
A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch hosts=>["localhost:9200"], index=>"temp_index", query=>"*", codec=><LogStash::Codecs::JSON charset=>"UTF-8">, scan=>true, size=>1000, scroll=>"1m", docinfo=>false, docinfo_target=>"#metadata", docinfo_fields=>["_index", "_type", "_id"], ssl=>false>
Error: [400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"Failed to derive xcontent"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"init_scan","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"temp_index","node":"zu3E6F7kQRWnDPY5L9zF-w","reason":{"type":"parse_exception","reason":"Failed to derive xcontent"}}]},"status":400} {:level=>:error}
A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
Interestingly...if i change yy.conf to remove elasticsearch{} to look like...
$ cat yy.conf
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "temp_index"
query => "*"
filter {
add_field => {"hh" => "%{hh}"}
add_field => {"hh3" => "%{hh3}"}
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
csv {
fields => ['hh','hh3']
path => '/home/username/yy.csv'
I get the following error...
$ logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f yy.conf
Error: Expected one of #, { at line 10, column 19 (byte 134) after filter {
You may be interested in the '--configtest' flag which you can
use to validate logstash's configuration before you choose
to restart a running system.
Also when changing yy.conf to be something similar to take into account the error message
$ cat yy.conf
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "temp_index"
query => "*"
filter {
add_field {"hh" => "%{hh}"}
add_field {"hh3" => "%{hh3}"}
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
csv {
fields => ['hh','hh3']
path => '/home/username/yy.csv'
I get the following error...
$ logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f yy.conf
The error reported is:
Couldn't find any filter plugin named 'add_field'. Are you sure this is correct? Trying to load the add_field filter plugin resulted in this error: no such file to load -- logstash/filters/add_field
* UPDATE 2 *
Thanks to Val I have made some progress and started to get output. But they don't seem correct. I get the following outputs when running the following commands...
$ cat uu.csv | logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f uu.conf
Settings: Default filter workers: 16
Logstash startup completed
....................................................................................................Logstash shutdown completed
$ logstash-2.1.3/bin/logstash -f yy.conf
Settings: Default filter workers: 16
Logstash startup completed
....................................................................................................Logstash shutdown completed
$ head uu.csv
$ head yy.csv
Any help would be much appreciated...
You don't need that elasticsearch filter, just specify the fields you want in your CSV in the csv output like you did and you should be fine. The fields you need in your CSV are already contained in the event, you simply need to list them in the fields list of the csv output, simply as that.
Concretely, your config file should look like this:
$ cat yy.conf
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "temp_index"
filter {
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
csv {
fields => ['hh','hh3']
path => '/home/username/yy.csv'

Logstash filter section

Could you please advise how to filter a specific words with Logstash 1.5? For example, it's necessary to filter the following words: Critical, Exit, Not connected.
As I remember, in previous versions of Logstash (i.e 1.4 and earlier) it has been possible with grep filter.
Currently my logstash.conf contains:
input {
file {
path => ["C:\ExportQ\export.log"]
type => "Exporter-log"
codec => plain {
charset => "CP1251"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "C:\Progra~1\logstash\sincedb"
filter {
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
zabbix {
zabbix_host => "VS-EXP"
zabbix_key => "log.exp"
zabbix_server_host => ""
zabbix_value => "message"
Many thanks in advance!
Use a conditional and the drop filter to delete matching messages.
filter {
# Simple substring condition
if "boring" in [message] {
drop { }
# Regexp match
if [message] =~ /boring/ {
drop { }
