Using moskito with Spring Boot - spring-boot

I am trying to use the moskito tool to monitor a spring boot based application. Not having done this before, I am trying to follow the documentation and I've got my pom.xml with these dependencies:
This much does not seem enough; from what I read it should have brought up the webUI at http://localhost:8080/mui but I'm just getting a generic Spring Boot error page with nothing in the console. Has anyone tried to make these two work together?


Opentelemetry logs not printing

I am migrating from open tracing to open telemetry with jaeger.
Earlier the pom had following:
Then I migrated from java 8 spring boot v2.3 to java 17 spring boot v3. So I updated the config as follows:
the properties are mentioned below:
The problem I encounter is that the spans are not logged. I do not see any logs that say span reported, which I usually get before. I haven't connected this to any collector or added any telemetry related configuration. I was following this tutorial () but it says the app should work out of the box.
What kind of configurations am I missing here?
EDIT: The second approach (The open telemetry one) works when spring boot version is 2.5.6 ( but not when 3.0. How can make this work in spring boot 3?

Spring boot 2.7.3 with Spring boot Elastic search 2.5.7

We recently upgraded Spring boot to 2.7.3. We have elastic search in one of our modules and hence worked on the necessary code changes for the same too.
Worked fine on local but we got an error while building in QA with following error
Invalid or missing build flavor [oss];
We realized that with AWS elasticsearch/opensearch (version 7.9.3), this caused an issue as there is a recent change in RestHighLevelClient to have an addition validation which only allows default as build flavor for elastic-search.
So decided to downgrade spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch to just 2.5.7
This led me to go through adding explicit transitive dependency for many artifacts
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
But still when I start up my spring application, it is giving me error because some part of spring-auto-configure is which is of version 2.7.3 could not find necessary class because I have downgraded transitive dependency
So wanted to check if someone else has been in same soup as I am

Why is SBA JMX Bean Management reporting an error?

Spring Boot 2.1.0
Spring Boot Admin 2.1.1
I have everything working with my Spring Boot app reporting to Spring Boot Admin. There is just 1 piece not working and that is JMX Bean Management. From the docs:
To interact with JMX-beans in the admin UI you have to include Jolokia
in your application. As Jolokia is servlet based there is no support
for reactive applications. In case you are using the
spring-boot-admin-starter-client it will be pulled in for you, if not
add Jolokia to your dependencies.
I understand it does not work with Reactive WebFlux but I am using Servlet Based example using Undertow as my servlet container. Configuration in pom.xml:
And as i stated everything is working except 1 thing and that is JMX control. I get the following error and I can't find any reason or logging as to why? Any help would be appreciated!
Start your program with following parameters:
And (if using docker/kubernetes) expose port 1099

Errors caused by not having declared a dependency

Has anyone successfully got Spring Boot, Spring Data Elasticsearch, and Elasticsearch 5.x to work?
I updated my pom to use spring-data-elasticsearch 3.0.0.RELEASE (just released) which has commit notes in Github saying it supports ES 5.
I was getting some errors which were caused by not having declared a dependency on spring-data-common. After adding without a version, I noticed it was being managed by Spring Boot apparently and pulls in 1.13.7.RELEASE
This causes: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/data/mapping/model/Property
I then bumped up spring-data-common to 2.0.0.RELEASE thinking the newest releases of everything should be compatible. That causes an AbstractMethodError exception when the repository is wired.
Can anyone give any tips? Here are the dependencies from my POM
Managed versions from Parent POM:
From POM from the child module where things don't work
<!-- <version>2.0.0.RELEASE</version> -->
Whomever edited the title made an inaccurate description. As originally stated, the issue is a "dependency hell". There wasn't missing dependencies but rather a ton of transitive dependencies that all needed versions to be coordinated in magic nonobvious/undocumented ways. – JvmSd121
I once migrated the spring-data-elasticsearch (with ES 2.x) project to use ES 5.x.
I lost the source but I still have the jar here
You guys put me on the right track. I upgraded as follows:
Spring Core (and related): 5.0.0.RELEASE
Spring Boot: 2.0.0.M4
Spring Cloud: Finchley.M2
With those in place, the managed versions get updated as follows:
spring-data-commons: 2.0.0.RC3 (from release-train KAY-RC3)
spring-data-elasticsearch: 3.0.0.RC3 (from release-train KAY-RC3)
elasticsearch and transport: 5.5.2 (meets my 5.x requirement)
We had managed versions of Jackson in our parent pom for other child modules which caused incompatible versions to be pulled in. I overrode those in our Spring Boot projects to the version ${jackson.version} defined in Spring as follows:
I'm getting another error from my repo which I think is self-inflicted due to my data model. All the classpath errors seem to have gone away. I'll give another update if I find anything further. What a cf!
Thanks for the tips.

Apache CXF and Spring dependencies conflict exception

I want to integrate CXF and Spring for a simple JAX-WS. Below is the maven pom file.
When I run the jetty using maven command. It had some exception like this:
spring java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.core.convert.converter.ConverterRegistry.addConverter(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Lorg/springframework/core/convert/converter/Converter;)V
It seems the problem is CXF and Spring dependencies problems. When I go to the target folders and find out there are two version of Spring with the version I specified and the version CXF depend on. 3.0.7?
If I change the spring version to the lower one and it works.
I just wondering are there any way to solve this if I still want to use the latest version of Spring?
I think I find out the reason. I need also to put spring-core as maven dependency. Because the converter in the exception are in the core dependency.
So when the maven jetty run, there are two version of spring, spring-core is using 3.0.7 which is with CXF, and the other are 3.2.3 which is I specified.
I need to keep consistent with spring version in the project.
