Strange marker in Visual Studio 2012 - user-interface

I tried searching here, in Microsoft's help pages and in Google, but couldn't find what the symbol in the picture means!
The symbol is a bold black line, positioned in the column where the break-point is marked usually.
It's on a generic subroutine (coding in Fortran), nothing special about it...

OK, I got this one figured out:
If one does a search in the entire file (where the search results are shown in a list), this marker appears on the currently selected item from that list, whether the list is shown or not - so if one does search and does not empty the search results, this line will remain near the most recent selection from the list.
Emptying the list cleared the line as well.


Is there a way to properly dump the navigation history in Visual Studio?

Very frequently, I will be looking for a specific section of code where something happens, and will reach there by starting at a function at a high level of abstraction and go lower by successively opening the code of called methods. Eventually I will find what I'm looking for, and I would like to save the path that I took to get there - which is pretty much what the call stack would be if I had put a breakpoint in that code and stopped here at runtime, except that I'm just inspecting the code.
I'm aware the little arrow next to the "Back" arrow lets me somewhat get that in the UI and I can then take a screenshot of what I'm shown, but that's not a fantastic solution. The names of the functions are trimmed (leading to cases where it could match several functions), the line number is seldom shown (only if there was no code at that line), and I would much rather have the text format to begin with so I can copy the function names into a search tool rather than type them from the screenshot later.
So I was wondering: is there a way to dump the navigation history in Visual Studio ?
Where I could for ex. ask for the last 50 cursor positions, and get the file, file path, line number & possibly the code at that line in text format or some more intelligent thing, should the IDE support that.
PS: I found this very similar question Is there extension for viewing navigation history in Visual studio? that's >5 years old and didn't have a satisfying answer, so I'm trying my luck again, hoping things have changed since if there was no solution back then.

What does the round icon inside Xcode's filter fields mean?

Maybe I'm just me that don't grasp the meaning of a simple thing, but I really can not understand the meaning of the round icon that is next to the search field of the panel objects of Interface Builder of Xcode. Someone would know help me?
That is the filter icon for Xcode, used to filter a list that is already showing.
In each filter field that's available you don't have to enter the beginning of the name to get a match. The most powerful of all the filters is the Quick Find feature (shown at the bottom), which doesn't even require the characters to be adjacent, for a match to be successful.
Did you know that you can also filter method names that appear at the top of your Editor?
Tap on the popup button:
Start typing to filter the list. As you can see, the entered characters don't have to be adjacent to produce matched results:
Contrast that to the search icon, visible at the top of the Find navigator panel:
There is also a filter field at the bottom of the Find navigator, to enable filtering through search results. I think it is supposed to resemble a half-filled magnifying glass, but it is missing the handle:
A filter field is also at the bottom of the Project navigator:
And, let's not forget about the filter field at the bottom of each of the library panels (Template library, Code Snippet library, Object library, and Media library). That really comes in handy, especially with all the UI components available on Mac OS:
But if you have a lot of files in your project, then I recommend using Quick Find (Shft-Cmd-O). You can type any letters for what you're looking for, and it digs up results of several types of objects, including file names and method names. It performs a powerful regex-style search that doesn't require the entered characters to be adjacent in the matched results. Notice that there is no filter icon here, because a list is not displayed before you begin filtering:

In Editor: Ctrl+F find box, config to search only on Enter?

In VS2013, I find it irritating that it jumps wildly through the current source file to places matching my incomplete entry, while I am typing - I would prefer if it did nothing at all until I completed my entry and hit Enter (and if it finds nothing, the scroll position in the file will not be changed).
I couldn't find an option under "Tools/Options..." that looks like it helps there.
Is it possible to do this?
No, there is no user setting for that, sadly.
Instead, however, consider using SHIFT CTRL+F (find in files). Not the obvious choice, but I've started to prefer it as it gets rid of the leaping about and it can anyway be useful to see the list of occurrences before losing scroll position (whether or not it finds anything).

What does the scalpel-shaped icon in the gutter in Visual Studio 2008 mean?

What does this icon mean?
It doesn’t seem to have a tooltip, it doesn’t respond on right-click, and it doesn’t seem to want to disappear either.
It shows Find All results. (Possibly other things too!)
Edit to clarify: when you double-click an entry in a Find Results panel, the "scalpel" shows up next to the relevant line of code. Helps you pick it out by eye, I guess, as the cursor may not be very noticeable.
Further edit: this page says To jump to a match, double-click any line in the results list. The source file is displayed in the Code Editor with the insertion point placed where the matched text begins. A symbol appears in the indicator margin of the Editor to mark the line that includes the match, and the status bar displays its full text. - as they don't name it I doubt the symbol is used elsewhere.

Searching in Xcode not finding results (searching my source)

I'm pulling my hair out on this and Google results are skewed since it thinks I want to find out how to code something.
My problem is that when trying to search my code with the String Matching box it finds nothing, even if I enter something that is on the screen below.
Is it Spotlight that is delivering these results? I'm not excluding anything in my Spotlight index so should I just rebuild the index?
At the top of the Xcode search field, you probably want to select:
Find > Text > Containing
rather than any of:
Find > Text > Matching
Find > References > Matching
Find > References > Containing
I did not (knowingly) switch this to "Text Matching" or "References", but there it was set. "Text Containing" is a more useful search type for most searches.
This happens to me after doing this: from editor, select a word, then right-click on it, then choose "Find Selected Symbol in Workspace".
As a consequence, the finder automatically sets itself to:
Find > Reference > Containing
To search for a given text, you have to re-set it to:
Find > Text > Containing
Sometimes this happens to me when the "In Selected Items" is selected in the combobox on the right side of the search string.
If this selected, you only get a search in whatever files are selected in your project window. Change it to "In Project" to search all your source files.
Note that the files need to be inside of your current Xcode project (just opening them from the finder won't add them.) You may also be interested in the "In Open Files" option, which is faster for large projects.
Even with all filters disabled as described in previous answers, Xcode still doesn't always find all occurrences of a string in some of my projects, even though these occurrences are reached just fine when choosing Jump to Definition.
To do a literal full text search (note, this is much slower than the pre-indexed search), you can create a Search Scope that just searches the full project folder, by adding a Folder location in the Scope editor:
I got stuck on this one because I didn't realize that I had to hit RETURN to see the search results, haha. Normally the results changes dynamically as you write, but Xcode 11 apparently doesn't have that feature yet.
