Make TMUX active whenever I start a new shell session on OSX - macos

I'm trying to start tmux automatically whenever I open a new shell, just note I'm using iTerm on OSX, I've tried putting the following in my .bashrc file:
if [[ ! $TERM =~ screen ]]; then
exec tmux
this doesn't work, though I've tested it on Ubuntu and it works just fine.
Any help appreciated.

with your codes, what happens if you start 10 terminals?
you can check the output of tmux list-sessions to decide if tmux has already started.

Turns out my .bashrc file wasn't loaded properly off the .bash_profile so I just had to move my scripts and settings to .bash_profile


How can I use bash variables in .tmux.conf?

I'm trying to write my own .tmux.config file and have managed to get most of it working (the file is quite simple). The intention is to have a minicom session running on the right side, whilst simultaneously saving the communication into a file. There is one problem. I define a UART_LOGFILE_NAME variable in my .bashrc file and export it, however, tmux still returns invalid environment variable. Is there something I'm missing?
my .tmux.conf file looks somewhat like this:
new-session -s serial -n console
split-window -h -l 30%
send-keys "sudo minicom rasp.serial -C ${UART_LOGFILE_NAME}"
split-window -v -l 10%
I can't find anything relevant in tmux manual entry except for the GLOBAL AND SESSION ENVIRONMENT. Also, sice I'm using the send-keys command I thought that the .bash_profile and therefore .bashrc files have been sourced before the minicom is launched (I have already managed to get the minicom running without logging and all panes have the UART_LOGFILE_NAME variable correctly defined after when I run tmux without logging of minicom session).
Thank you for your help

A Bash script which runs commands in two terminal / ssh sessions

I'm trying to automate setting up and configuring a vagrant process with a bash script.
The thing is, I need to to ssh into my vagrant machine twice, and I want both terminals to be visible on my screen whilst doing this.
The process is like so...
In terminal 1:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh myhost
cd /my/directory/
... do some commands...
Then I want this terminal to persist / stay open, and a new tab to open where another vagrant session starts
cd /my/other/directory
.... do some commands...
I've got the script working for the first vagrant/terminal session and stored in my /bin/ directory, but how do I add the second?
How it looks exactly depends on the terminal emulator, but the basic pattern could be as follows:
First script (
vagrant up
vagrant ssh myhost
cd /my/directory/
xterm -e &
... do some commands...
Second script (
cd /my/other/directory
.... do some commands...
The trick is to open another terminal window from the first script (for xterm its xterm -e).
In case you are interested in a way that works indepedently of the terminal emulator, consider using tmux (terminal multiplexer).
Other general hint: It is generally not recommended to store locally-created scripts under /bin. A more common place would be /usr/local/bin or $HOME/bin (although $HOME/bin might need to be configured separately).

How to close and reopen docker terminal

I am installing nvm inside docker. After I've finished installing it says to run echo ". ~/.nvm/" >> ~/.bash_profile and then close and reopen terminal.
I think the above procedure updates bash profile and let me access from bash with nvm command. But, to do this, I have to close and reopen bash/terminal.
Is there anyway to do this or I've to stop docker container and then run it again?
Maybe this will help with docker, to run scripts in running docker image, you can attach it to bash, reopen the instance with new profile:
docker ps -all #to get container id
docker exec -i -t 38ad5f94df4d /bin/bash
-t container id or container name
~/.bash_profile is sourced only by login instances of bash, presumably thats why they have said you to logout and then login.
If the only change you have made to ~/.bash_profile is adding the . ~/.nvm/, then you can have the same effect as far as the shell is concerned by source-ing the file in the current shell instance:
. ~/.nvm/
This of course covers only the bash's aspect, not docker as a whole.

tmux: open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: xterm-256color

I used home-brew to setup tmux on a mac. When trying to run tmux I keep on getting this error
open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: xterm-256color
any suggestions?
Your system doesn't have xterm-256color. You could:
Set TERM to something other than xterm-256color outside tmux (try just plain export TERM=xterm).
See if there is a package containing xterm-256color, perhaps a later version of ncurses or terminfo.
Install it manually from another system with something like:
infocmp -x xterm-256color > out
Then transfer the "out" file to your Mac and try:
tic out
This happened to me during a system upgrade. Unfortunately I did not see a way besides restarting: tmux kill-server and then run tmux.
you can just type export TERM=xterm in console when you see this error, or put export TERM=xterm in the file ~/.bash_profile and source ~/.bash_profile. then you may never get this error again.
This works fine on my debian.
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-color /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color
Maybe the file /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color is corrupted. It may be fixed upon (system/package) upgrade / reinstall.
Meanwhile you can use other terminfo entry. You can get the available options by ls /usr/share/terminfo/x.
I am having the same problem and using xterm-16color meanwhile.
To set terminfo, you can type reset in the terminal, then select the terminfo:
username:~$ cd /usr/share/terminfo/x
username:x$ ls
x10term xnuppc+200x64 xterm-24 xterm+pcfkeys
x1700 xnuppc-200x64-m xterm-256color xterm-pcolor
x1700-lm xnuppc-200x75 xterm+256color xterm-r5
username:x$ reset
reset: unknown terminal type xterm-256color
Terminal type? xterm-16color
=== Edit 2018 Feb 20 ===
You should config the term in many places if you want to make it permanent, for example, .vimrc, .tmux.config, .Xresources, e.t.c.
I still have issue when using terminator -x 'tmux attach -t music; exec bash'
So I'm using a quick hack as below:
cd /usr/share/terminfo/x
sudo mv xterm-256color xterm-256color.bk
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-color /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color
When I removed some sessions/windows this error went away for me. Apparently I had too many TTY's open.
You can kill sessions/windows from outside tmux with these commands:
tmux kill-session -t <session-name>
tmux kill-window -t <session-name>:<window-name>
I am also having the same issue.
export TERM=xterm
tmux kill-server
This helps solve the problem:
In my case Xterm was absent.
(But I had the same error on Ubuntu)

Open gnome terminal programmatically and execute commands after bashrc was executed

I try to build a little script to start my development environment. For that task I try to open a gnome terminal with several tabs where automatically the rails server and autotest is started.
gnome-terminal --tab -e "rails server" --tab --tab
does not work ("error creating the child process").
gnome-terminal --tab -e "bash -c \"rails server\"" --tab --tab`
does not work.
Any suggestions how to solve that problem?
Here is a nice trick we worked out at Superuser
Add a eval "$BASH_POST_RC" to the end of your .bashrc
Set the BASH_POST_RC environment variable for each tab to that command you like to execute, e.g.: gnome-terminal --working-directory="/home/zardoz/projects/my_rails_app" --tab -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"rails server\"; exec bash"' --tab -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"autotest\"; exec bash"'
#Gilles: Thanks for that solution!
Stab in the dark: create shell scripts for each command you want to run in a tab, make them executable, and invoke them by absolute path, e.g. put this in /home/zardoz/bin/railsstart
#! /bin/sh
exec rails server
chmod +x it, and then do
gnome-terminal --tab -e /home/zardoz/bin/railsstart --tab --tab ...
If that doesn't work, the next thing I would try is sticking strace -f -o /tmp/trace.log on the beginning of the command, letting it fail, and then digging through trace.log to find out which system call actually failed and why (there'll be a tremendous amount of junk in there - read from the end backward and look for all-capitalized code phrases starting with E, like "ENOEXEC", "ENOENT", "EPERM", sort of thing.)
EDIT: Here's how you pull in all the .bashrc settings in one of these scripts:
#! /bin/bash
. ~/.bashrc
exec rails server
Caution: you may need to adjust your .bashrc so that it doesn't do certain things that only work in a "real" interactive shell session. Don't worry about this unless you get strange errors before rails starts.
I'm assuming the error arises because PATH is not set at the time gnome-terminal tries to run rails.
Why not use the full path to the rails server, or create a script that sets the PATH variable?
Already replied, but just in case, check out this gem that automates the terminal on KDE, OSX and Gnome desktops.
for ubuntu 16.04
press Ctr+Shift+T
this will open a new tab in the same window. additionally a button for adding more tabs will appear next to the right most tab.
