bash: "logical and" checks if file exists? [duplicate] - bash

Both about -a and -e options in Bash documentation is said:
-a file
True if file exists.
-e file
True if file exists.
Trying to get what the difference is I ran the following script:
if [ -e ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "-e ";
if [ ! -e ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "! -e";
if [ -a ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "-a";
if [ ! -a ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "! -a";
/Test/Resin_wheleph/Results exists and is a directory. And this is what I get:
! -a
which seems to be a little strange (notice -a and ! -a). But when I use double brackets (e. g. if [[ -e ${resin_dir} ]]) in the similar script it gives reasonable output:
What is a difference between -a and -e options?
Why -a produces a strange result when used inside single brackets?

I researched, and this is quite hairy:
-a is deprecated, thus isn't listed in the manpage for /usr/bin/test anymore, but still in the one for bash. Use -e . For single '[', the bash builtin behaves the same as the test bash builtin, which behaves the same as /usr/bin/[ and /usr/bin/test (the one is a symlink to the other). Note the effect of -a depends on its position: If it's at the start, it means file exists. If it's in the middle of two expressions, it means logical and.
[ ! -a /path ] && echo exists doesn't work, as the bash manual points out that -a is considered a binary operator there, and so the above isn't parsed as a negate -a .. but as a if '!' and '/path' is true (non-empty). Thus, your script always outputs "-a" (which actually tests for files), and "! -a" which actually is a binary and here.
For [[, -a isn't used as a binary and anymore (&& is used there), so its unique purpose is to check for a file there (although being deprecated). So, negation actually does what you expect.

The '-a' option to the test operator has one meaning as a unary operator and another as a binary operator. As a binary operator, it is the 'and' connective (and '-o' is the 'or' connective). As a unary operator, it apparently tests for a file's existence.
The autoconf system advises you to avoid using '-a' because it causes confusion; now I see why. Indeed, in portable shell programming, it is best to combine the conditions with '&&' or '||'.
I think #litb is on the right track. When you have '! -a ${resin_dir}', Bash may be interpreting it as "is the string '!' non-empty and is the string in '${resin_dir}' non-empty, to which the answer is yes. The Korn shell has a different view on this, and the Bourne shell yet another view - so stay away from '-a'.
On Solaris 10:
$ bash -c 'x=""; if [ ! -a "$x" ] ; then echo OK ; else echo Bad; fi'
$ ksh -c 'x=""; if [ ! -a "$x" ] ; then echo OK ; else echo Bad; fi'
$ sh -c 'x=""; if [ ! -a "$x" ] ; then echo OK ; else echo Bad; fi'
sh: test: argument expected

The double bracket [[ exp ]] is a bash builtin. In bash -a and -e are the same, probably for some backwards compatibility.
The single bracket [ exp ] is an alias for the external command "test". In "test", -a is a logical AND. Although [ nothing AND $STRING ] looks like it should be false, test has some syntax quirks, which is why I recommend using the bash builtin [[ exp ]], which tends to be more sane.
bash really does call /bin/[ when you use "[".
$ [ $UNASIGNED_VAR == "bar" ]
bash: [: ==: unary operator expected
the error shows bash called [. An strace also shows "execve("/usr/bin/[", ..."


Bash script that checks for parts of current folderpath

Clean and simple: how do I check with bash for certain parts of the folder I'm currently in?
echo "Current folder is not /home/user/domains/"
User and domain are variable, I don't need to know them for this checkup, just the 3 pre-defined folders in the variable CHECKFOLDER
There's a problem with this approach.
For example in bash the following expression evaluates to true:
[[ /www/user/domains/local/public_html == /www/*/public_html ]]
It is more accurate to use a bash regex:
[[ /www/user/domains/local/public_html =~ ^/www/[^/]+/public_html$ ]]
So your code would become:
if ! [[ $current_folder =~ $check_folder ]]
echo "Current folder is not /home/user/domains/"
BTW, the shebang needs to be a bash, not sh. And it's kind of dangerous to capitalize your variables.
Try this (almost) Shellcheck-clean code:
#! /usr/bin/sh
for phpath in /home/*/domains/*/public_html/; do
if [ "$phpath" -ef . ]; then
if [ -z "$curr_phpath" ]; then
echo "Current folder is not /home/user/domains/" >&2
exit 1
Because of aliasing mechanisms (e.g. symbolic links, bind mounts) it is very difficult in general to determine if two paths reference the same file or directory by comparing them textually. See How to check if two paths are equal in Bash? for more information. This solution uses a more reliable mechanism to determine if the current directory is one of the valid ones.
Since the shebang line references sh instead of bash, the code avoids Bashisms. It's been tested with both bash and dash (probably the most common non-Bash sh).
See Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization for an explanation of why the code does not use ALL_UPPERCASE variable names.
The [ "$phpath" -ef . ] test is true if the .../public_html path being checked is the same directory as the current directory. The -ef operator is not in POSIX so it is not guaranteed to be supported by an sh shell, and Shellcheck (correctly) warns about it. However, it is supported in both bash and dash, and sh is usually one of those (on Linux at least).
You can save a step just by changing to the directory instead of checking.
Check your glob matches only one file first.
Then, cd to check it's a dir.
#! /bin/bash
IFS="$(printf '\n\t')"
files=( $(compgen -G '/home/*/domains/*/public_html') )
if [[ "${#files[#]}" != 1 ]]
printf 'Multiple matches\n' >&2
exit 1
if ! cd "${files[0]}"
printf 'Cannot chdir\n'
exit 1

if condition to assign variable for file check with wildcard - shell script [duplicate]

If I want to check for the existence of a single file, I can test for it using test -e filename or [ -e filename ].
Supposing I have a glob and I want to know whether any files exist whose names match the glob. The glob can match 0 files (in which case I need to do nothing), or it can match 1 or more files (in which case I need to do something). How can I test whether a glob has any matches? (I don't care how many matches there are, and it would be best if I could do this with one if statement and no loops (simply because I find that most readable).
(test -e glob* fails if the glob matches more than one file.)
Bash-specific solution:
compgen -G "<glob-pattern>"
Escape the pattern or it'll get pre-expanded into matches.
Exit status is:
1 for no-match,
0 for 'one or more matches'
stdout is a list of files matching the glob.
I think this is the best option in terms of conciseness and minimizing potential side effects.
if compgen -G "/tmp/someFiles*" > /dev/null; then
echo "Some files exist."
The nullglob shell option is indeed a bashism.
To avoid the need for a tedious save and restore of the nullglob state, I'd only set it inside the subshell that expands the glob:
if test -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo glob*)"
echo found
echo not found
For better portability and more flexible globbing, use find:
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'glob*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Explicit -print -quit actions are used for find instead of the default implicit -print action so that find will quit as soon as it finds the first file matching the search criteria. Where lots of files match, this should run much faster than echo glob* or ls glob* and it also avoids the possibility of overstuffing the expanded command line (some shells have a 4K length limit).
If find feels like overkill and the number of files likely to match is small, use stat:
if stat -t glob* >/dev/null 2>&1
echo found
echo not found
I like
exists() {
[ -e "$1" ]
if exists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
This is both readable and efficient (unless there are a huge number of files).
The main drawback is that it's much more subtle than it looks, and I sometimes feel compelled to add a long comment.
If there's a match, "glob*" is expanded by the shell and all the matches are passed to exists(), which checks the first one and ignores the rest.
If there's no match, "glob*" is passed to exists() and found not to exist there either.
Edit: there may be a false positive, see comment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If it is set, then an unmatched glob is swept away entirely --
# replaced with a set of zero words --
# instead of remaining in place as a single word.
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "${#M[*]}" -ge 1 ]; then
echo "${#M[*]} matches."
echo "No such files."
If you have globfail set you can use this crazy (which you really should not)
shopt -s failglob # exit if * does not match
( : * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
q=( * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
test -e has the unfortunate caveat that it considers broken symbolic links to not exist. So you may want to check for those, too.
function globexists {
test -e "$1" -o -L "$1"
if globexists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
I have yet another solution:
if [ "$(echo glob*)" != 'glob*' ]
This works nicely for me. There may be some corner cases I missed.
Based on flabdablet's answer, for me it looks like easiest (not necessarily fastest) is just to use find itself, while leaving glob expansion on shell, like:
find /some/{p,long-p}ath/with/*globs* -quit &> /dev/null && echo "MATCH"
Or in if like:
if find $yourGlob -quit &> /dev/null; then
echo "MATCH"
echo "NOT-FOUND"
To simplify miku's answer somewhat, based on his idea:
if [ -e ${M[0]} ]; then
echo Found
echo Not Found
In Bash, you can glob to an array; if the glob didn't match, your array will contain a single entry that doesn't correspond to an existing file:
if [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
then stat "${scripts[#]}"
Note: if you have nullglob set, scripts will be an empty array, and you should test with [ "${scripts[*]}" ] or with [ "${#scripts[*]}" != 0 ] instead. If you're writing a library that must work with or without nullglob, you'll want
if [ "${scripts[*]}" ] && [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
An advantage of this approach is that you then have the list of files you want to work with, rather than having to repeat the glob operation.
If you want to test if the files exist before iterating over them, you can use this pattern:
for F in glob*; do
if [[ ! -f $F ]]; then break; fi
if the glob does not does not match anything, $F will be the non-expanded glob ('glob*' in this case) and if a file with the same name does not exist, it will skip the rest of the loop.
set nullglob
touch /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2 /tmp/foo3
for FILE in /tmp/foo*
FOUND=$((${FOUND} + 1))
if [ ${FOUND} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "I found ${FOUND} matches"
echo "No matches found"
set -- glob*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "It matched"
When there isn't a match for glob*, then $1 will contain 'glob*'. The test -f "$1" won't be true because the glob* file doesn't exist.
Why this is better than alternatives
This works with sh and derivates: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands create a sub-shell; they fork a process, and therefore are slower than this solution.
Like this in Bash (test files containing pattern):
shopt -s nullglob
compgen -W *pattern* &>/dev/null
case $? in
0) echo "only one file match" ;;
1) echo "more than one file match" ;;
2) echo "no file match" ;;
It's far better than compgen -G: because we can discriminates more cases and more precisely.
It can work with only one wildcard *.
This abomination seems to work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "`echo *py`" != "" ]; then
echo "Glob matched"
echo "Glob did not match"
It probably requires bash, not sh.
This works because the nullglob option causes the glob to evaluate to an empty string if there are no matches. Thus any non-empty output from the echo command indicates that the glob matched something.
A solution for extended globs (extglob) in Bash:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U <ext-glob-pattern>'
Exit status is 0 if there is at least one match, and non-zero (2) when there is no match. Standard output contains a newline-separated list of matching files (and file names containing spaces they are quoted).
Or, slightly different:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n compgen -G <ext-glob-pattern>'
Differences to the ls-based solution: probably faster (not measured), file names with spaces not quoted in output, exit code 1 when there is no match (not 2 :shrug:).
Example usage:
No match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.foo|*.bar)'; echo "exit status: $?"
/bin/ls: cannot access '#(*.foo|*.bar)': No such file or directory
exit status: 2
At least one match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.ts|*.mp4)'; echo "exit status: $?"
'video1 with spaces.mp4'
exit status: 0
Concepts used:
ls' exit code behavior (adds -U for efficiency, and -1 for output control).
Does not enable extglob in current shell (often not desired).
Makes use of the $ prefix so that the \n is interpreted, so that the extended glob pattern is on a different line than the shopt -s extglob -- otherwise the extended glob pattern would be a syntax error!
Note 1: I worked towards this solution because the compgen -G "<glob-pattern>" approach suggested in other answers does not seem to work smoothly with brace expansion; and yet I needed some more advanced globbing features.
Note 2: lovely resource for the extended glob syntax: extglob
Both nullglob and compgen are useful only on some bash shells.
A (non-recursive) solution that works on most shells is:
set -- ./glob* # or /path/dir/glob*
[ -f "$1" ] || shift # remove the glob if present.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]
then echo "at least one file found"
Assuming you may want to do something with the files if they exist:
mapfile -t exists < <(find "$dirName" -type f -iname '*.zip'); [[ ${#exists} -ne 0 ]] && { echo "Zip files found" ; } || { echo "Zip files not found" ; }
You can then loop through the exists array if you need to do something with the files.
(ls glob* &>/dev/null && echo Files found) || echo No file found
if ls -d $glob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo Found.
echo Not found.
Note that this can be very time cosuming if there are a lot of matches or file access is slow.
ls | grep -q "glob.*"
Not the most efficient solution (if there's a ton of files in the directory it might be slowish), but it's simple, easy to read and also has the advantage that regexes are more powerful than plain Bash glob patterns.
[ `ls glob* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1` ] && echo true

How to check if the output of a command contains a string and then run a command if the string exists

if "darwin" in $MACHTYPE;
echo "whoa it's a mac!"
And the output should be
whoa it's a mac, if darwin is found in the output of $MACHTYPE
Please guide me!
Provided you're using bash, you could use the =~ operator:
if [[ "$MACHTYPE" =~ "darwin" ]];
echo "whoa it's a mac!"
From the bash man page:
An additional binary operator, =~, is available, with the same precedence as == and !=. When it is used, the string to the right of the operator is considered an extended regular expression and matched accordingly (as in regex(3)).
If you don't have a version of bash which supports regular expressions then you can use globbing:
if [[ $MACHTYPE = *darwin* ]]
echo "whoa it's a mac!"
Note that you must use [[, not [.
Other shells like sh might support [[ but that is not guaranteed by the standard.
You could evaluate your command directly, for example:
if uname -a | grep -i "darwin" > /dev/null; then
echo "it is a mac"
In this case, grep will exit 0 if found a value and output will be redirected to /dev/null if try then you can call your command, in this case: echo "it is a mac"
The code below can get the output of your command on the cmd, then check if there has the specific word.
command="command here"
if[ `echo $command | grep -c "\"darwin\""` -gt 0 ]; then
Do anything you want here

Shell scripting - if statement difference

This a question of an exercise:
What is the difference between the two "if" instructions?
rm tmp
echo -n > tmp
for f in $*
if test ! -f $f
echo $f does not exist as a file
rm $f
if [ ! -f $f ]
echo $f has been deleted successfully
ls $f >> tmp
x='cat tmp | grep -c ^.*$'
echo result: $x
The square brackets are a synonym for the test command, instead of if test ! -f $f we can use if [ ! -f $f ]. Note: test is a command which takes expression and test or evaluates.
No difference. test and [ are builtins in most (all?; definitely in dash, bash, yash, ksh, zsh, fish) shells now:
$ type [
[ is a shell builtin
$ type test
test is a shell builtin
There's also executable versions of them:
$ which [
$ which test
Unlike cd, test (or [) doesn't need to be a builtin (at least not for the common options -- some shells' extensions require it to be a builtin), but the fork+exec overhead of an external executable is too much for the little things that test tests.

bash if -a vs -e option

Both about -a and -e options in Bash documentation is said:
-a file
True if file exists.
-e file
True if file exists.
Trying to get what the difference is I ran the following script:
if [ -e ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "-e ";
if [ ! -e ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "! -e";
if [ -a ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "-a";
if [ ! -a ${resin_dir} ] ; then
echo "! -a";
/Test/Resin_wheleph/Results exists and is a directory. And this is what I get:
! -a
which seems to be a little strange (notice -a and ! -a). But when I use double brackets (e. g. if [[ -e ${resin_dir} ]]) in the similar script it gives reasonable output:
What is a difference between -a and -e options?
Why -a produces a strange result when used inside single brackets?
I researched, and this is quite hairy:
-a is deprecated, thus isn't listed in the manpage for /usr/bin/test anymore, but still in the one for bash. Use -e . For single '[', the bash builtin behaves the same as the test bash builtin, which behaves the same as /usr/bin/[ and /usr/bin/test (the one is a symlink to the other). Note the effect of -a depends on its position: If it's at the start, it means file exists. If it's in the middle of two expressions, it means logical and.
[ ! -a /path ] && echo exists doesn't work, as the bash manual points out that -a is considered a binary operator there, and so the above isn't parsed as a negate -a .. but as a if '!' and '/path' is true (non-empty). Thus, your script always outputs "-a" (which actually tests for files), and "! -a" which actually is a binary and here.
For [[, -a isn't used as a binary and anymore (&& is used there), so its unique purpose is to check for a file there (although being deprecated). So, negation actually does what you expect.
The '-a' option to the test operator has one meaning as a unary operator and another as a binary operator. As a binary operator, it is the 'and' connective (and '-o' is the 'or' connective). As a unary operator, it apparently tests for a file's existence.
The autoconf system advises you to avoid using '-a' because it causes confusion; now I see why. Indeed, in portable shell programming, it is best to combine the conditions with '&&' or '||'.
I think #litb is on the right track. When you have '! -a ${resin_dir}', Bash may be interpreting it as "is the string '!' non-empty and is the string in '${resin_dir}' non-empty, to which the answer is yes. The Korn shell has a different view on this, and the Bourne shell yet another view - so stay away from '-a'.
On Solaris 10:
$ bash -c 'x=""; if [ ! -a "$x" ] ; then echo OK ; else echo Bad; fi'
$ ksh -c 'x=""; if [ ! -a "$x" ] ; then echo OK ; else echo Bad; fi'
$ sh -c 'x=""; if [ ! -a "$x" ] ; then echo OK ; else echo Bad; fi'
sh: test: argument expected
The double bracket [[ exp ]] is a bash builtin. In bash -a and -e are the same, probably for some backwards compatibility.
The single bracket [ exp ] is an alias for the external command "test". In "test", -a is a logical AND. Although [ nothing AND $STRING ] looks like it should be false, test has some syntax quirks, which is why I recommend using the bash builtin [[ exp ]], which tends to be more sane.
bash really does call /bin/[ when you use "[".
$ [ $UNASIGNED_VAR == "bar" ]
bash: [: ==: unary operator expected
the error shows bash called [. An strace also shows "execve("/usr/bin/[", ..."
