Error running JMeter remotely in Amazon EC2 - amazon-ec2

I would like to use one EC2 instance as a controller for 1 or more remote server instances in Amazon. I can start and run the test (on the remote side it runs) but the controller never exits. It fails with:
2015/02/12 17:34:25 ERROR - jmeter.JMeter: Error in NonGUIDriver
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Engine is busy - please try later
at org.apache.jmeter.engine.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl.rconfigure(
If I run the test w/o the -R it works fine.
The same test setup works in SoftLayer so I think it is a firewall issue but I think I have put all the ports into my security group.

JMeter use Java RMI for distributed tests. This protocol is sensible for using different networks or firewalls.
For EC2 I suggest to use:
Amazon VPC for creating own virtual network for Jmeter instances.
Use ssh tunnels between Jmeter machines - this type of conenction is usually more stable and better "debuggable" then RMI


Remote Testing in JMeter with AWS EC2 instance

I try to start remote testing using my computer as Client/Master and EC2 instance as Slave
I achieve all these Points:
Disable Firewall on both Master and Slave.
I have the same version of java and JMeter on both Master and Slave.
I have set all communication to be over port 4000.
My configuration for Master:
My Configuration for Slave [EC2 instance]
Command to start JMeter server on slave [ EC2 instance]:
Command to start JMeter server on Master [ My Computer]:
After Running the test from the master the test started on the slave and finished.
My issue that the Client/Master didn't get any Result or Summary, it stuck and freeze on this line:
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445.
Your and are class A and class C local networks, it means that they are not accessible from anywhere else, only from their respective local networks.
So you won't be able to reach the EC2 instance internal IP from your computer and vice versa.
In order to be able to connect to the EC2 instance you need to:
Use external (public) IP address or DNS hostname
Open the port 4000 in the AWS Security Groups
In order to get results back to your computer from the EC2 machine you need to have static external IP address, you need to reach out to your ISP or network administrator to get this configured and assigned
An example of master/slave configuration with custom ports can be found in the JMeter Distributed Testing with Docker article.
More information: Remote hosts and RMI configuration
If you have only one slave machine it doesn't make sense to invest into master/slave configuration at all, just run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode in the EC2 instance and analyze the results locally.
If you plan to use more than 1 slave - it makes sense to transfer the master to the EC2 as well, this way you will be able to use internal IP addresses

JMeter master slave setup on AWS

I want to setup a 3 node cluster for JMeter on AWS EC2 instances.
I am not able to find any reference. Can anybody guide it
AWS EC2 instances don't differ from any other computers so you can follow instructions from Remote Testing guide.
Just make sure to unblock the following ports in AWS Security Groups
the port you define as server.rmi.localport
the port(s) you define as client.rmi.localport
Remote hosts and RMI configuration
How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter
You may also find JMeter ec2 Script useful
You may refer to this AWS CDK based framework for running Jmeter tests in distributed mode on AWS (FARGATE/ECS using Jmeter Docker containers)

How to set up Distributed Jmeter on AWS with Windows

I am trying to set up my JMeter master/slave set up on AWS EC2 instances using windows. Out of the box integration didn't work (connection refused errors) and after some investigation I got to know that RMI communication only works if the machines are on same subnet (is this true?). I found this great article and I tried to follow it as is on windows (tried running ssh port forward tunneling via cygwin) but not have any luck. So I was hoping if someone already done this with Windows and can share their experience.
Out of the box integration didn't work (connection refused errors) and
after some investigation I got to know that RMI communication only
works if the machines are on same subnet (is this true?)
It is not necessary. Even if the machines are in a different subnet and addressable via the network, RMI should work. Here make sure the Security Groups and NACLs are properly set so that both EC2 instances can communicate with each other via the network.
You can check whether you can ping(For this you need to enable ICMP in your Security Groups and also make sure other needed ports are opened for RMI) from one EC2 instance to another. If the servers can communicate with each other, then you need to troubleshoot internal firewall configuration in windows EC2 instances.
We have used AMI's from the marketplace. It takes care of all configuration and just needs to worry only about testing and the results.
All our endpoints are secured to certain IP-ranges from If you have internal, still you need to setup those security settings.
Hope it helps.

Oracle installation failed on AWS redhat EC2 instance

I'm trying to install oracle on AWS redhat instance. Follow the steps given on this url: And when I run config command as follows
/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
It gives following error.
Database Configuration failed. Look into
/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/config/log for details
When I check the log files it shows following errors.
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available Process ID: 0 Session ID: 0 Serial
number: 0
It seems specific issue on AWS cloud instance.
Is it because of swap memory?
Or is it because of port issue?
I'm using micro instance on it.
How can I get through?
this might be an EC2 security group issue and outbound access to the network on some port being used by the installer (license check, maybe?).
if your EC2 instance is very tightly locked down, you could test if it's a security group issue by adding a new Outbound security group rule to allow all TCP traffic out to anywhere on the internet (
for example, the install might be trying to hit a remote licensing server endpoint via HTTP or HTTPS but your security group doesn't allow that traffic out.
perhaps there's a 'verbose' flag that you can run the installer with that can give you more info about what it's failing on? HTH

How to use run deck service from local browser using up address?

I have installed rundeck in docker using ec2 instance.
When I run the image and start rundeck. It's fine.
Lynx http:localhost:4440
Us able to show rundeck dashboard.
But, how can I access this rundeck from Windows browser?
I tried using address but connection refused.
In order to access this from outside for your setup, you might have to ensure the following things:
Ensure that host server (ec2) is forwarding ports to the docker container. You should have used -p or -ports when launching the container for this.
Test: From your EC2 instance, you should be able to access: http://localhost:4440
Ensure you have a public IP assigned to your EC2. You should be able to see that from your aws ec2 console:
Ensure that your security group(s) for that instance has InBound connections to accept 4440 from your IP or rest of the world.
After this, your http://:4440 should work.
I hope I got your question correct.
Let me know how it goes,
