When to use type alias and interface in typescript? - typescript1.4

Typescript recently introduce type alias in its 1.4 release.
It seems like interface and type alias both kind of server the same purpose - defining a custom type. I am wondering if there's a standard/best practice on when should we use type alias or interface?

With type you cannot declare an anonymous generic type and alias
With interface you cannot declare a top-level union, like with alias type ElementIdOrElement = string | HTMLElement.
I use types as a local measure to make code spanning few dozen lines more readable.
I use interfaces for everything else, that spans more than one file.


Why does `context.go` define and implement the `Context` interface?

The interfaces portion of Golang CodeReviewComments states:
Go interfaces generally belong in the package that uses values of the interface type, not the package that implements those values. The implementing package should return concrete (usually pointer or struct) types: that way, new methods can be added to implementations without requiring extensive refactoring.
Yet, Go's context.go module both defines the Context interface and implements it for type emptyCtx int and type cancelCtx struct.
Note, the portion listed above says they "generally" belong in the package that uses values of the interface type — so I understand that this is not a strict rule.
However, I am curious as to what the criteria is that makes it OK for them to do this in the context package.
Also, this assumes CodeReviewComments is a canonical resource for Go code reviews and style guide.
Defining implementations of an interface in the same package is actually pretty common, especially when implementing a strategy pattern or chain of responsibility(like context).
Take the net package for example, it defines the Listener interface, but also TCPListener, UDPListener, and UnixListener. In this case it would be illogical to place the functionality in another package.
The io package does a similar thing with the readers and writers.
Another handy pattern is to define a function alias for interfaces which only have 1 function. Like how HandlerFunc implements Handler, allowing users to cast closures as HandlerFunc so they don't have to define their own type, which is much more work.

How to avoid a golang function having different behaviors between calling the embedding and embedded types?

Let's say in a 3rd party library we have an interface and a struct implementing this interface. Let's also assume there is a function that takes ParentInterface as argument, which have different behavior for different types.
type ParentInterface interface {
type ParentStruct struct {
func SomeFunction(p ParentInterface) {
switch x := p.Type {
case ParentStruct:
return 1
return 0
In our code we want to use this interface, but with our augmented behavior, so we embed it in our own struct. The compiler actually allows us to call functions about ParentInterface on my struct directly:
type MyStruct struct {
parentStruct := ParentStruct{...}
myStruct := MyStruct{parentStruct}
parentStruct.SomeMethod() // Compiler OK.
myStruct.SomeMethod() // Compiler OK. Result is same. Great.
SomeFunction(parentStruct) // Compiler OK. Result is 1.
SomeFunction(myStruct.ParentInterface) // Compiler OK. Result is 1.
SomeFunction(myStruct) // Compiler OK. Result is 0. (!)
Isn't the last case a problem? I've encountered this kind of bugs more than once. Because I'm happily use MyStruct as an alias of ParentInterface in my code (which is why I define it in the first place), it's so hard to always remember that we cannot call SomeFunction on MyStruct directly (the compiler says we can!).
So what's the best practice to avoid this kind of mistake? Or it's actually a flaw of the compiler, which is supposed to forbid the use of SomeFunction(myStruct) at all since the result is untrustable anyway?
There is no compiler mistake here and your experienced result is the expected one.
Your SomeFunction() function explicitly states it wants to do different things based on the dynamic type of the passed interface value, and that is exactly what happens.
We introduce interfaces in the first place so we don't have to care about the dynamic type that implements it. The interface gives us guarantees about existing methods, and those are the only things you should rely on, you should only call those methods and not do some type-switch or assertion kung-fu.
Of course this is the ideal world, but you should stick to it as much as possible.
Even if in some cases you can't fit everything into the interface, you can again type assert another interface and not a concrete type out of it if you need additional functionality.
A typical example of this is writing an http.Handler where you get the response writer as an interface: http.ResponseWriter. It's quite minimalistic, but the actual type passed can do a lot more. To access that "more", you may use additional type assertions to obtain that extra interface, such as http.Pusher or http.Flusher.
In Go, there is no inheritance and polymorphism. Go favors composition. When you embed a type into another type (struct), the method set of the embedded type will be part of the embedder type. This means any interfaces the embedded type implemented, the embedder will also implement those. And calling methods of those implemented interfaces will "forward" the call to the embedded type, that is, the receiver of those method calls will be the embedded value. This is unless you "override" those methods by providing your own implementation with the receiver type being the embedder type. But even in this case virtual routing will not happen. Meaning if the embedded type has methods A() and B(), and implementation of A() calls B(), if you provide your own B() on the embedder, calling A() (which is of the embedded type) will not call your B() but that of the embedded type.
This is not something to avoid (you can't avoid it), this is something to know about (something to live with). If you know how this works, you just have to take this into consideration and count with it.
Because I'm happily use MyStruct as an alias of ParentInterface in my code (which is why I define it in the first place)
You shouldn't use embedding to create aliases, that is a misuse of embedding. Embedding a type in your own will not be an alias. Implementations of existing methods that check concrete types will "fail" as you experienced (meaning they will not find a match to their expected concrete type).
Unless you want to "override" some methods or implement certain interfaces this way, you shouldn't use embedding. Just use the original type. Simplest, cleanest. If you need aliases, Go 1.9 introduced the type alias feature whose syntax is:
type NewType = ExistingType
After the above declaration NewType will be identical to ExistingType, they will be completely interchangeable (and thus have identical method sets). But know that this does not add any new "real" feature to the language, anything that is possible with type aliases is doable without them. It is mainly to support easier, gradual code refactoring.

How use constant in type definition in oracle pl/sql?

I need something like this.
I'm creating package and i need have group of constants like G_TIMLIGA and use its in many procedures and functions and i don't want to change all defenitions. Is some way to do this?
I didn't find an explicit interdiction in the documentation (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/composites.htm#CHDEIJHD), but, as I know, you have to use number in type declaration and you can't use previously defined constant. If you need array type with length defined by a constant, try to use another collection types (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/composites.htm#LNPLS005). But in this case you need write some additional code to control size, may be even create your own API for working with this structure.

Get names of structs that implement an interface or inherit a struct

Is it possible to get a slice of strings that represent the names of all types that implement an interface or inherit from a specific struct in a specific package using reflection?
After some research on the reflect package's doc, I don't think it's possible. That's not the way reflection work in go: the interfaces mechanism not beeing declarative (but duck-typed instead), there is no such list of types.
That said, you may have more luck using the ast package to parse your project, get the list of types, and check wheter or not they implement an interface, then write some code to give you the said slice. That would add a step to compilation, but could work like a charm.
AFAIK, you can't do this with reflect, since packages are kinda out of reflect's scope.
You can do this the same way godoc's static analysis works. That is, using code.google.com/p/go.tools/go/types to parse the package's source code and get the type info.
The go oracle can do this. https://godoc.org/code.google.com/p/go.tools/oracle
Here is the relevant section of the user manual.

CAST to package type

Is it possible to CAST to a type within a package? For example:
CAST(v_variable AS Mypackage.type)
I know CAST states the ability to cast to built-in types but I was wondering if this was possible. I'm interested in this approach because I prefer keeping my utilities in one package instead of having a separate TYPE object.
No. CAST() is a SQL function so we can only use it with SQL types. This means we cannot use it with types we have declared in a PL/SQL package.
